The Death of John Titor.

Let John Titor DIE already!

think that you are capable of EDUCATING EVERYONE in the matters of time travel?
Actually, yes I am capable of educating people on scientific issues...being that I am a qualified teacher in aerospace engineering.
No, that I am not capable of doing. One can only save themselves.
...that makes you the expert that will lead us all to the promise land of enlightenment?
I'm not leading anyone, anywhere... why do you ask? Were you looking for someone to blindly follow to try to become enlightened? If so, I don't think you will find it that way! I just share information on science and spirituality.
Guess you're not going to save us today, Mr. Megalomaniac.
Guess I wasn't even trying, Mr. Childish Namecaller. Did you learn that name from the new Incubus song?
By the way, when you're trying to burn someone for being illiterate, you must spell your whole message correctly or else you will end up making a complete fool of yourself. Apparently is spelled A-P-P-A-R-E-N-T-L-Y, not A-P-P-A-R-A-N-T-L-Y as you put it.
Well, I am glad you can show that I am not perfect. I have lots of other imperfections, if you'd like some more to pick on. Or we can talk about yours...? So you found a spelling error, good. Could you find any semantical or logical errors in the material I have shared on this board? Do you have any comment on that, or something a little deeper than my failed spelling?
Especially since I am so young.
Gee, I never would've guessed! Your style of writing seems oh-so adult! :)
And, even if a make a few grammatical errors occasionally, at least I am able to humbly admit it.
Did I ever claim somewhere to be free from mistakes? If you want a declaration from me of some sorts, then I will gladly admit to mistakes I have made. Please, go find more spelling errors and bring them out for everyone to see. I am not ashamed! ;)
I don't mean to insult you. I only mean to wake you up from your power trip.
And what power trip is that? The fact that I share concepts and interact with people on this board? What about your own power trip? From this post it would seem you are on some sort of pan-internet spelling rampage power trip. Have you got anything else to share...maybe on time travel?Kind Regards,RainmanTime


I have been gone for a short time but I have returned.

May I just say, although it is obvious by now, that Time_Travel_1 is *not* a time traveller and that Titor is not dead.

Thank you for your time.

Re: Let John Titor DIE already!

Well, I can see from your defensive reaction that I hit a sore spot. We all, of course, have flaws and if you would like, I can waste time and post one message for each of my many flaws. However, I take it that the proper course of action would be for us to behave maturely and not make anymore angry replies. I do not wish to make an enemy of you. In my future messages I will talk only of time travel or John Titor. So, if you wish to insult me then that is your choice. I, however, was hoping that perhaps we, as well as the other intelligent members of this board, could help each other figure out the truth about John Titor, and if a civil war actually will begin in 2005. Therefore, I humbly apologize for offending you in any way and hope you will address me in a positive manner.

Re: Let John Titor DIE already!

If the civil war doesn't exist... maybe his talking about it changed the timeline and no civil war or nuclear war will happen because of his talks. If Future_Dude is from the future he says he is in and that John Titor was real, but John titors timeline never happened in our timeline because he talked about it, instead of keeping quiet, then change must have happened.

So by John Titor talking about it publicly future change must have happened.

This is what I think.

Tracy A. L. LeFebvre

Re: Let John Titor DIE already!

This Nuclear Civil war holocaust sounds pretty sweet, Is this a north vs South thing again? or Everybody vs the Left Coast, because who doesn't hate the left coast, stinking liberals.

And seriously if i was a time traveler, I would go to a more fun time like the 1980's who doesn't love the 1980's

Welcome back JTTS! Your earlier posts seem to indicate you are stuck here. I hope your luck has been changing for the better...

Life has taught me not to be so arrogant that I always know enough to believe or not believe someone. I find it more interesting to engage in conversation and see wherever that goes. Since he did not respond to my questions I decided to move on.

Are you a gamer? I've been enjoying this online game, WW2 Online, and am aware of Sturmgrenadiers, an excellent squad that also plays on other online games. The reason I asked is because I noticed that the domain of your email was to their main site.

You've mentioned that you are a traveller and that there's nothing you really can say in addition to what John Titor has said. Has that changed, is there anything to mention? If not, what subjects would you like to talk about if any?

I read an interesting and in-depth article about how the U.S. economy and the dollar are tied into oil prices, the "petrodollar" economy. It's been the way things have been done for quite a while, but now there are challenges to it that could plunge the U.S. into a major recession if the world were to move away from this standard. It did mention that Iraq was intentionally trying to undermine this standard and move to the Euro, suggesting why there was such a split between the U.S. and France/Germany/Russia when it came to the invasion. I lost the link to that article, but I read another one today that is sort of related to it, at Rising oil prices and a weak dollar could shatter the global economy

Does this have anything to do with the suggested future events?


I guess I should come clean. Yes I am TimeTravel_0. I was hoping to put this mystery to rest and stop all this madness you people have gone through to try to prove or disprove my existence. My real name is Samson Rodriguez. It all started as an elaborate hoax that me and my friends thought up. I am only in college and would like to apoligize to all of you who have defended me as a real person. My "time machine" was nothing more then a few junk items we found in a trash dump where we found all our supplies for the hoax. Again I apoligize for all the work you have put into this and thank you again.

Signing off one last time,

John Titor

I guess I should come clean. Yes I am TimeTravel_0. I was hoping to put this mystery to rest and stop all this madness you people have gone through to try to prove or disprove my existence. My real name is Samson Rodriguez. It all started as an elaborate hoax that me and my friends thought up. I am only in college and would like to apoligize to all of you who have defended me as a real person. My "time machine" was nothing more then a few junk items we found in a trash dump where we found all our supplies for the hoax. Again I apoligize for all the work you have put into this and thank you again.

Signing off one last time,

John Titor

Not so fast Time Traveler O and Time Traveler 1, there are a few issues that you've got to explain.

One, what is the hand held remote, which is pictured at the end of the coiled telephone-like wire, leading into the said G.E. time displament unit.

We should be able to locate this piece of merchandise, if we look for it on the web or via catalogs?

Two, in the both said Steven and Ardon Krep disclosures, it was said that hand held units were now used for time travel.

Was there coercion between the said Krep plot and the Steven plot?

Also where on Earth did said Steven know about Maxwellian after waves.

Finding anyone who would know how to graphically construct a Maxwellian afterwave, would be like walking into any movie theater and automatically finding the richest person in the world.

On the Steven jump film, the cost to have made this would be thirty thousand alone, unless by a freak chance he got it right on the first try.

This is where time and space are split by frequency and the time space manifold dilates, so there is lessening of the bonds that hold time and space togeaherert as stringed space.

So there is a mons, or a swelling after this event.

This was done professionally and it would have taken at least a major motion picture studio, to simulate the Steven jump, concerning the afterwave effect?

Yes' since you say its over, we would like a few explanations of what I've asked here, please?

Look out, John Titor!

Once Creedo, JD, gets you on the witness stand, your life, as you will have known it in 2036, may be all over! :D

Right Said Fred!


I'm not like you Rainman et al, a scared afraid of my own paranoia cabalist, who can't stand to let anyone outside of their thumb, have opinions.

This is a free area and subject to lots of free thinking ideas and conjecture.

I'm not placing anyone on the stand here, it's just if this is finally exposed as a hoax, then I or anyone should have the right to ask how this charade was pulled off.

Who am I to judge anyone, with the faults that I have.

At least, I'm humble enough to admit self imperfection, unlike some people I know.

And no, I've never harassed anyone's household, via phone call hang-ups when they have sick people in it.

Anyone who would do that, has to be really, really, sick.

Awwwww, Creedo... are you pouting and taking my double entendre humor too personally?

Dude...if you haven't figured it out by now, I have fun with words. You're a fun character that provides many opportunities for said fun. You pitch fastball stikes to me in this verbal game of baseball we are playing....and I do what any hitter would do when he sees such sweet pitches... swing for the fence!

Did you even GET the perfect usage of future perfect tense in the sentence I put the :D next to?

your life [JT], as you will have known it in 2036, may be all over!
It's a joke, son! A joke only someone who really knows their english would catch, and find amusing. In the immortal words of one of my heros and idols, Foghorn Leghorn: "Iiiiiiiiiiiii'm a FUNNIN with ya, son!....are ya with me?"

At least, I'm humble enough to admit self imperfection, unlike some people I know.
Who me? Believe me, I admit to more faults than some people claim that I have. Too much use of sarcasm in my writing....GUILTY AS CHARGED, yer honor! I dunno if this is a fault, but do you know I possess a learning disability in certain, specific areas? Let's seeeeee...what other imperfections of me are you interested in hearing about? I probably drink too much red wine and beer. I'd be a better person if I cut out the beer altogether. Hmm, that was interesting. Anything else you'd like to know, Creedo? :)

And no, I've never harassed anyone's household, via phone call hang-ups when they have sick people in it.Anyone who would do that, has to be really, really, sick.
I agree. And if by mentioning this you are insinuating it was me, I'd encourage you to fully investigate me. If you think I would jeapordize my career to harass you, or anyone, you laughingly miscalculating who you think I am. Creedo, it is easy for you to find plenty of info on me online, so if you want to point the cops at me, go ahead. The record will show I have never made a call to any phone number you may possess.Post away to your heart's content! I am in no way trying to limit you. But I am just as free to make sarcastic remarks for some of the wild things you post. I mean no harm, but like I say, when you are pitching such hittable material, it's hard not to swing the bat. ;)
Kind Regards,


You can't, either let it go, or say what you want in two or three sentences.

By you, it all has to be an endless diatribe.

The reason is, that your insecure; period.

The topic was, if this is an admission, then the admitter should be able to tell a few things, not attacking Creedo?

By the way, it's all over the web about the cabalist and the heavy hand.

What could they possably want here?There is no objective.

I guess I should come clean. Yes I am TimeTravel_0. I was hoping to put this mystery to rest and stop all this madness you people have gone through to try to prove or disprove my existence. My real name is Samson Rodriguez. It all started as an elaborate hoax that me and my friends thought up. I am only in college and would like to apoligize to all of you who have defended me as a real person. My "time machine" was nothing more then a few junk items we found in a trash dump where we found all our supplies for the hoax. Again I apoligize for all the work you have put into this and thank you again.Signing off one last time,

John Titor
There are one or two problems with your confession. Titor used the callsign 'timetravel_0' and not 'TimeTravel_0'.
'My "time machine" was nothing more then a few junk items we found in a trash dump where we found all our supplies for the hoax.'

All your supplies? What else apart from the box was there?

Can you provide any Jpegs of the original scans?

Any pictures of the either the two cars?

Can you contact Pamela and proove your claims to her?

Can you provide us with a picture of your shotgun and car in the same shot?

These are things that should be easy for the real hoaxer to do.


One suspicious thing about this is that if you click on TimeTravel_0's profile, it says he only has one post and he registered on 3/21/2004. Is it possible that the original TimeTravel_0 had his account deleted, and then someone re-registered under that name? Would that be possible with this UBB software?

There are one or two problems with your confession. Titor used the callsign 'timetravel_0' and not 'TimeTravel_0'.
Actually, on this board he did use TimeTravel_0...look at this old thread from 2001, for example. But like I said above, maybe his account could have been deleted and then someone re-registered under that name, I don't know if it's possible to do that on this board. If any admins/moderators are reading this, do you know the answer? If not, would it be possible to delete my account so I could try re-registering with the same name and see what happens?

According to JamesAnthony on this Time Travel Forum thread:

In 2001(where the example thread is really from) the TTI allowed the use of the space character (" ") in usernames. I know because I used to have a space in my username there. The system went through an overhaul, and this function was removed. All names with " " were replaced with the underscore, but John's account was also removed. Someone just has to choose the username again.
(replying to the post about the wrongly spelt username)

Yeah, I messed up on that one.

But I do know that a few weeks ago, the profile gave a message saying 'this user is no longer in our datbase'.


Yeah, I messed up on that one.But I do know that a few weeks ago, the profile gave a message saying 'this user is no longer in our datbase'.
You mean you messed up on the thing about his username being "timetravel_0", but not the thing about the underscores and his account being deleted, right? (edit: never mind, you answered this above in your edit)
Anyway, like I said, if the administrators see this thread, please delete my account so I can try re-registering under the same username. Actually, does anyone know how I can get in touch with them directly?
