Super Moderator
Let John Titor DIE already!
Actually, yes I am capable of educating people on scientific issues...being that I am a qualified teacher in aerospace engineering.think that you are capable of EDUCATING EVERYONE in the matters of time travel?
No, that I am not capable of doing. One can only save themselves.Of SAVING US?
I'm not leading anyone, anywhere... why do you ask? Were you looking for someone to blindly follow to try to become enlightened? If so, I don't think you will find it that way! I just share information on science and spirituality....that makes you the expert that will lead us all to the promise land of enlightenment?
Guess I wasn't even trying, Mr. Childish Namecaller. Did you learn that name from the new Incubus song?Guess you're not going to save us today, Mr. Megalomaniac.
Well, I am glad you can show that I am not perfect. I have lots of other imperfections, if you'd like some more to pick on. Or we can talk about yours...? So you found a spelling error, good. Could you find any semantical or logical errors in the material I have shared on this board? Do you have any comment on that, or something a little deeper than my failed spelling?By the way, when you're trying to burn someone for being illiterate, you must spell your whole message correctly or else you will end up making a complete fool of yourself. Apparently is spelled A-P-P-A-R-E-N-T-L-Y, not A-P-P-A-R-A-N-T-L-Y as you put it.
Gee, I never would've guessed! Your style of writing seems oh-so adult!Especially since I am so young.

Did I ever claim somewhere to be free from mistakes? If you want a declaration from me of some sorts, then I will gladly admit to mistakes I have made. Please, go find more spelling errors and bring them out for everyone to see. I am not ashamed!And, even if a make a few grammatical errors occasionally, at least I am able to humbly admit it.

And what power trip is that? The fact that I share concepts and interact with people on this board? What about your own power trip? From this post it would seem you are on some sort of pan-internet spelling rampage power trip. Have you got anything else to share...maybe on time travel?Kind Regards,RainmanTimeI don't mean to insult you. I only mean to wake you up from your power trip.