So John Titor was a hoax.

Sorry if I've disturbed your thread. This is how the Titor discussion always ends up, the rational having to justify their disbelief, to the irrational disciples of The Titor. :oops:
Besides, she started it. :sneaky:
You just PROVED my point. If someone disagrees with you, they are labeled irrational. You wanted proof, there ya go.
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I usually dont beleve on smthing or smone until i have some proof !!

But in Titor's case I do not take a side !!!

I only make suggestions !!

I really want to beleve cause I imagine a future where humanity have taken a big step to understanding better the time and space !!!

I think that it is easier to prove that John Titor is a hoax and almost impossible the opposite.

My opinion is that we can never say for sure that Titor was a real time traveler, not here, not in this world.

The two cases are : John Titor is a hoax and John Titor says the truth, but

I think I can simplify those two cases : John Titor is a hoax and we will never find out !!!

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What evidence would convince you that the person actually is a time traveler ? Lets say by accident you got place 10+ years into the future or the past. What evidence could you provide to prove that you are not a hoax or crazy. For the sake of argument lets say that you are not allowed to take anything with you.

I really want to beleve cause I imagine a future where humanity have taken a big step to understanding better the time and space !!!
Wanting to believe is, sadly, the core of the problem. Just like 98% of all arguments online, Titor builds on "truthiness", as Stephen Colbert so nicely put it, the idea that something is true because it feels true, or feels good to believe. There is no hard, factual proof for or against Titor, and there likely never will be. But if any of his predictions or other information is to be taken as proof, he flopped, hard. If it's all just to be seen as a rant, and none of it is predictive (for example, if his actions completely changed everything and the info on his TT machine were just for kicks and giggles), then proof never even enters the conversation. Either he was/is a fraud, or his actions were largely meaningless to the debate on time travel, because none of what he said can be used for anything.

What evidence would convince you that the person actually is a time traveler ? Lets say by accident you got place 10+ years into the future or the past. What evidence could you provide to prove that you are not a hoax or crazy. For the sake of argument lets say that you are not allowed to take anything with you.
You should look around, this is practically 50% of the topics on these forums! The current result seems to be that there is no definite answer to it, because anything and everything can be countered,and those counterings can then be countercountered by the selfproclaimed traveller. In my personal opinion, everybody is jumping the gun on the topic. We know too little about the concept, even the *theoretical* concepts, of time travel to ask any meaningful questions. In fact, I think it would take a time traveller to teach us enough about the deeper concepts of time travel to allow us to even start on making a test. Not to mention a test that would actually mean anything. i mean, what if you proved someone was a time traveller, someone right there in the chair next to you? What then? What would absolute, undeniable proof even mean??

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You just PROVED my point. If someone disagrees with you, they are labeled irrational. You wanted proof, there ya go.
[missing attachment]
Paula, John was clearly a hoax. If he wasn't, then we would have lived through false flag attacks by our own government resulting in missing skyscrapers in NYC, false flag murder of bystanders at public marathon events, illegal search and seizure, warrantless arrest, illegal incarciration, murder by police, general injustice, fascism, and economic failure. Perhaps even wars and rumors of war. Clearly a JADEed Homeland Eradication of Local Militants hoax...

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Paula, John was clearly a hoax. If he wasn't, then we would have lived through false flag attacks by our own government resulting in missing skyscrapers in NYC, false flag murder of bystanders at public marathon events, illegal search and seizure, warrantless arrest, illegal incarciration, murder by police, general injustice, fascism, and economic failure. Perhaps even wars and rumors of war. Clearly a JADEed Homeland Eradication of Local Militants hoax...
I think he was indeed a hoax, but I do tend to think he was a guy in the know about some things, possibly a government worker of some kind. His 'prophecies' could have been him trying to word information he was privy to in such a way that it hints to events that might come, but not necessarily predict them with any accuracy. The clues, mostly.
On another note, I probably should have come up with a better name, because now I feel like I'm stepping on toes.

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Paula, John was clearly a hoax. If he wasn't, then we would have lived through false flag attacks by our own government resulting in missing skyscrapers in NYC, false flag murder of bystanders at public marathon events, illegal search and seizure, warrantless arrest, illegal incarciration, murder by police, general injustice, fascism, and economic failure. Perhaps even wars and rumors of war. Clearly a JADEed Homeland Eradication of Local Militants hoax...
You know, I'm an atheist. Being part of such group and also very interested in the human need for religions, have made me realise a few things. First, people will believe in the most random myths. For the most random reasons as well. Second, there's nothing wrong with that. The importance of a belief can only be measured by that person, so no matter what you say, you will not change someone else's belief by talking/writing to them.
It's the same thing here. People that believe in John Titor have all the right to do so. And they will not give in to any arguments.

And it's all right.

I do understand that this is a place for discussion and inquiring and questioning and all that, but to me, when I'm in any environment where someone will declare their belief in something, like for example PaulaJedi on Titor, it will do no good to either parts to clash and argue and literally fight over it.

It's very important to respect the differences and try to learn from each other. Everyone has something to add to any group.

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I think he was indeed a hoax, but I do tend to think he was a guy in the know about some things, possibly a government worker of some kind. His 'prophecies' could have been him trying to word information he was privy to in such a way that it hints to events that might come, but not necessarily predict them with any accuracy. The clues, mostly.
On another note, I probably should have come up with a better name, because now I feel like I'm stepping on toes.
That is actually the best fracking name I have ever recognized. Damn Decent of you my fine Sir/Madame.

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Wanting to believe is, sadly, the core of the problem. Just like 98% of all arguments online
Wanting to believe is a problem if someone speaks with this in arguments!! Its not bad for the person Itself. Just for his imaginations. I mean I'm still a logical person...

What evidence would convince you that the person actually is a time traveler ? Lets say by accident you got place 10+ years into the future or the past. What evidence could you provide to prove that you are not a hoax or crazy. For the sake of argument lets say that you are not allowed to take anything with you.
The only weapon that someone who time traveled to the past have to convince the ppl, is words. But in science words are not proof. Words are just theories.Tho, as @Henry Stone said in time travel to the past real proof probably cannot exist. If for the time travel in future, you don't have to prove anything. I mean it's the future. They already know it before you.

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The only weapon that someone who time traveled to the past have to convince the ppl, is words. But in science words are not proof. Words are just theories.Tho, as@Henry Stone said in time travel to the past real proof probably cannot exist. If for the time travel in future, you don't have to prove anything. I mean it's the future. They already know it before you.
I think one of the least represented means of trying to prove time travel would be involved in archeology or history. In twenty years time, there's no telling what people will dig up that completely changes the entire field. If such a ground shaking discovery was tied to a single object, than going into the past (where the object will still be in its position) and informing people where to find it should suffice as advanced knowledge of some kind. Like somebody pops up tomorrow in front of the White House, tells people where to find an Egyptian hovercraft, and then waits as they dig it up. I exaggerate, of course, but that's the premise I most dwell on when I think of proof. Using the past to prove time travel.

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Like somebody pops up tomorrow in front of the White House, tells people where to find an Egyptian hovercraft, and then waits as they dig it up. I exaggerate, of course, but that's the premise I most dwell on when I think of proof. Using the past to prove time travel.
Lets say that you where a time traveler and knew where an ancient hovercraft was buried. You would arrive in this time with nothing, so you would have to somehow raise funding to go did up this hovercraft. If you tell people who are going finance you that you know where it is because you are a time travel, they will think you are nuts. So you would have to invent somesort of plausable theory.
If after you dig it up, you then claim that you knew about it because you are a time travel, people will think you are having a mental breakdown, and you will probably get locked up in a nuthouse.

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Wanting to believe is a problem if someone speaks with this in arguments!!
Its not bad for the person Itself. Just for his imaginations. I mean I'm still a logical person...
Oops, I should have stated that this is in no way meant as an insult or criticism against you. My bad, sorry. The problem is that a lot of people, on a lot of topics, want to believe things so badly that anyone looking at them with skepticism becomes "the enemy". That is a problem, because unless we try to rip our own ideas apart to the point of obsession before we stand firm on them, we open ourselves up to ridicule and drag everything else down with us. I, for example, honestly work on time travel (the study of the concept, not actual time travel itself!), but I would never say that to anyone other than A ) people here, or B ) someone I really really trust, because time travel is seen as akin to Bigfoot and ESP, i.e. it is laughed at. And that is because people want so badly to believe in something like Titor that they kill all criticism of the concept and make it look utterly stupid to anyone else. It's like your party being ruined because one person pees on the carpet. It only takes one to ruin it for everyone else.

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The problem is that a lot of people, on a lot of topics, want to believe things so badly that anyone looking at them with skepticism becomes "the enemy".
Also true. Respect is a two way street. This very thread I opened was ignored for the first 2,5 pages, filled with exactly the opposite I proposed we talk about.
I haven't recovered from it to this day.

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Also true. Respect is a two way street. This very thread I opened was ignored for the first 2,5 pages, filled with exactly the opposite I proposed we talk about.
I haven't recovered from it to this day.
Well, we do need thick skin, too. Like, kevlar armor thick. So getting bashed in a thread or having it derail comes with the territory, I guess. Buck up, we'll get this sucker rolling! And if not, I run a hugs-by-mail-order business on the side, and we just got a shipment of hugs back from the factory ?

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Well, we do need thick skin, too. Like, kevlar armor thick. So getting bashed in a thread or having it derail comes with the territory, I guess. Buck up, we'll get this sucker rolling! And if not, I run a hugs-by-mail-order business on the side, and we just got a shipment of hugs back from the factory ?
Well, thank you! I'm now officially over this chapter of my life. :LOL:

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To get back on track, I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, Larry got into a legal conflict over the rights to a lot of things. He saw the value of holding onto the story and the rights for it, but could not get all, or was maybe threatened with being outed if he did take it all. And now the parties involved have been disagreeing for all that time what to use the publicity for. If it is a hiaz, as I thoroughy believe, it seems someone should have profited more grandly from it. Or maybe they just lost their nerves.

I wonder what it would take for someone to grab the throne of Titor again and run with it, for fun and/or profit. People seem more skeptical about returners claiming to be Titor, than of the original story itself.

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Also true. Respect is a two way street. This very thread I opened was ignored for the first 2,5 pages, filled with exactly the opposite I proposed we talk about.
You've been around for awhile now, not only here but in the world also. Nearly every informal conversation I have been in, (that's what we do here, just in written form, not verbally) has wandered about; returned to the subject; then wandered off again and a new conversation begins. Don't be disappointed that occurred in this thread.

The premise of Titor being more than a single entity has been discussed here before. I think everyone can agree, TimeTravel_0 and Titor were/are a real entity. Someone "did" post. Was it a collaboration among two or three or even more, is a valid question but, no more likely to be discovered than, Titor's validity as a real TT'er or fake story. If the story is fake, as most believe it is, "who" becomes irrelevant and "why", since there has been no real attempt by anyone to capitalize on it, is also.

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Lets say that you where a time traveler and knew where an ancient hovercraft was buried. You would arrive in this time with nothing, so you would have to somehow raise funding to go did up this hovercraft. If you tell people who are going finance you that you know where it is because you are a time travel, they will think you are nuts. So you would have to invent somesort of plausable theory.
If after you dig it up, you then claim that you knew about it because you are a time travel, people will think you are having a mental breakdown, and you will probably get locked up in a nuthouse.
Well, that whole premise is a bit flawed and complicated, so I have a simpler one. Imagine a super volcano erupts in 2020, and kills 10,000 people. You want to prevent this from happening. In the future, this is well documented fact, easily found online (or whatever the internet is at that point.) You go back in time to a point where you have adequate time to prevent the deaths, say six months in advance of the eruption.
You find a leading vulcanologist, or a geologist, or even a disaster relief official. You present your case saying the volcano is going to erupt, and we need to evacuate the area, and move any installations of importance. If he scoffs, you present facts (that you brought with you from the future. Just because they aren't known yet doesn't make them untrue) to support yourself. You give him the exact date of the eruption, and at the very least try to convince him of a better-safe-than-sorry approach.

If he's still reluctant, you pull the time traveler card out of the hat. Any physical evidence you can provide, any historical evidence, anything at all.

If he calls you a crackpot and you get locked up, well, the volcano is still going to erupt anyways. Eruptions are thousands of years in the making, and I assume that no human can cause or stop one. When you're vindicated with blood and fire, you'll look less crazy. You can either stop intervening or attempt to go back and try again until you get it.

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You've been around for awhile now, not only here but in the world also. Nearly every informal conversation I have been in, (that's what we do here, just in written form, not verbally) has wandered about; returned to the subject; then wandered off again and a new conversation begins. Don't be disappointed that occurred in this thread.
Yes, you're right. It's just that I'm very sensitive. I've actually noticed I've been more in touch with my sensitive side after we found out my wife is pregnant. It's been 6,5 months already! My hormones are acting crazy. So, nothing personal. :LOL:

If the story is fake, as most believe it is, "who" becomes irrelevant and "why", since there has been no real attempt by anyone to capitalize on it,
This is one of the reasons that explains, to me, why this story is still around after over a decade. ? Whoever he is, he vanished.

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I can see that adds to the mystery but, if the Titor story was contrived by several people, perhaps wannabe writers, developing that conclusion to their story is reasonable to see. Several Hollywood movies use that theme, the protagonist "disappears" at the end... leaving the end open to speculation by viewers; K-Pax, Powder, among others.
