2 Why did you choose not to respond to Cosmo statement about Titors IP being traced to Celebration High School?I personally had never heard it mentioned out of MOP, or anybody else.
As I recall, MOP deleted all roads that might have revealed JT's IP information to anyone. He also deleted JT's registration data that could have been seen by administrators /moderators. So, no, I don't believe it was common knowledge that JT's IP led to Celebration High School.
As I recall, Cosmo spilled the beans and admitted the IP lead after taking ownership of the site.
Hi everyone,
When Titor was posting, TTI was running on an old version of Ultimate Bulletin Board:
Somewhere along the line, those original threads got corrupted/lost. Whether that was caused by the software acting up or Mop's server just eating itself, I can't say. Remember that Titor's first thread broke after it hit 11 pages and that the server itself seemed to have consistent issues (especially near the end of Mop's ownership).
I do know that Mop didn't purposely delete any of that information. As you've seen with TTI/Curious Cosmos over the years, converting and updating sometimes causes data loss or corruption. That's just how it goes with personal websites sometimes, and we're talking about very early forum software. Back then, most free/afforable forum scripts were pretty rickety.
By the time I came around, all that remained of the original threads were:
1: Darby's own copies he'd saved to his personal Dropbox
2: An export Mop gave me of the corrupted content (basically just a text file with a lot of encoded character garbage that needed cleaning up)
3: Archive.org's copy of the site
I used all three of those as references to reconstruct Titor's threads. However, IP addresses weren't part of the archived content because viewing that was a function of the original software pulling that info from the database on the fly. There was never a way to recover any of that, even before we moved to the xenForo software in 2012 or when I took over in late 2014.
While I was messing with that stuff and getting everything migrated to my own server, I asked Mop about the IP address out of curiosity. He told me that at the time, he'd looked it up and it ended up tracing back to Celebration High School. He didn't have the original IP address and didn't share the method he used to look the IP up. He only had that one bit of information to share.