Actually, no...that's not a 'gotcha'. Unfortunately you and Darby seem to be on the same the wrong book!
Well, I will take comfort that Einstein and the other great physicists of today are in the same book. And what books are you in? Comic books?
Sure sounds that way from the construct of your story.
Once again, I never stated that I was a "scientist at MIT"
You keep ducking, ducking, ducking. Are you going to start to quack soon? (Actually, you already ARE a quack!). :D You don't need to have been a "scientist at MIT" to understand Minkowskian spacetime. So why do you continue to be distracted by the "MIT" thing, and continue to ignore discussing something that is a well-known part of Special Relativity? Answer: You are a hoax. (Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... hence, we shall now call you Ducky!)
why would I devulge any type of information regarding the time travel technology which I have already explained is restricted?
Because the general understanding of 4-D Minkowskian spacetime is most definitely NOT restricted, and any technology to "time travel" (Question: Shouldn't that really be SPACEtime travel?) would have to include a discussion of the relevant (proven) physics. Whether you came from MIT or not, to be a "co-director" of DARPA one would certainly expect you to have a VERY SOLID handle on physics... especially as it relates to any technology co-developed by DARPA! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
You of all people with your "arguments" (although inaccurate) about security and government guidelines should know better!
So would you then mind telling us all exactly when the Theory of Special Relativity and/or the physics of Minkowskian spacetime were classified by the US Government? Had to be sometime after now (2008) because they sure aren't classified now!
There are so many errors you committed in constructing your story, that they are all now showing like so much Swiss cheese (hi HDRKid!). First, you were too ignorant to adopt the Many Worlds Interpretation and so your whole "your timeline is my timeline" schtick kind of fell apart. It will REALLY fall apart when/if Obama wins the election. Second, your story puts you as a "co-director" of DARPA. Hence, you cannot really claim to be ignorant of the physics, as Titor did, by claiming to have a degree in history (or was that Liberal Studies?). You are painted into quite a corner now, aren't you Lyndzee girl? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Let's just take a look at the credentials of the current DARPA director (Dr. Anthony J. Tether), shall we?
My favorite part of his bio:
Prior to entering government service, he served as Executive Vice President of Systems Control Inc. from 1969 to 1978, where he applied estimation and control theory to military and commercial problems with particular concentration on development and specification of algorithms to perform real-time resource allocation and control.
Wow! A controls guy...just like me! :oops: Do you think a guy like this (indeed, ANY DARPA director) would not have at least a solid scientific understanding of Relativity? And yet you clearly show quite a bit of ignorance on this topic. So who did you sleep with to get the DARPA co-directorship job? LOL