Problem with Double Digit theory

RE: everybody out of the pool !

Clara, You cant be believing everything you watch and see on Sightings or the SCI FI channel on TV. Sometimes you cant even believe what you see with your "own" pysical eyes! The mind and site can play many tricks on us! Take everthing that you read about and see on TV with a grain of salt...This woman with the chip implant in her brain, they could never actually remove it to know what it actually was?

I new an opthmologist (eye doctor) that showed me a graph printout of a strange bizzare pigmentation in somebodys eye that revealed a mathematically perfect Christian Cross in the white part of this patients eye! How did that get there and how was it formed, nobody knows? It could have been a natural accurance.

Shadow, talking about conspiracies and how did dae do dat? This morning after reading the new paper I had the biggest conspiracy thought ever! I'M PROBABLY SPEEKING OUT OF MY BUTT! but its something to think about!

The day before a good friend of mine commented to me that our goverment passed a law that its ok to lie on public television and on the news because others countries feed off our propaganda and knowledge and use it against us.
Like on September 11th President Bush was supposed to have been flown to some secret bunker in hiding for his safty, but in all actuality he was flown into Milwaukee Wisconsin. The news lied to protect our president and throw the terrorist off his trail!

The dealth of Daniel Pearl! They say he's dead! The Pakistans killed him! And that they have a video of them killing him.
They said that they caught the captors which ultimately led to the arrest of the apparent mastermind of the kidnapping, a British educated militant named Ahmad Omar Saeed Sheikh!

Well maybe they didnt really kill Daniel Pearl, Maybe they staged it to look like they killed him (prior to them actually killing him!) just to play a trick on the media to show us they mean busness! Maybe after the arrest of the Pakistani militant they also rescued Daniel Pearl but have put him under a govermental witness pertection plan to protect him and give him a new identity and life. Meanwhile the Pakistans released the staged video of them killing him just to get the last word in this war of propaganda!

We'll never know! Its all one big conspiracy! Well hopefully Daniel Pearl isnt really dead! Or Elvis either!!!

RE: everybody out of the pool !


Nice 11:55 double # post you got there.

So in other words they had to "harbor Pearl" to fight war propaganda, as opposed to bombing Pearl (Harbor) to make war propaganda. I'd rather go for the simple explaination. They don't have a lot to do over there so they beat up on Americans for sport.
Yeah, sure, let me just tell you all the answers, Shadow.

It's funny, isn't it? People like yourself always looking for the easy out. Search it out, man. Don't be so fucking lazy and closeminded and perhaps one day you'll come up with your very own "explaination", whatever the fuck that means...


I went to the library today to check out that book on Thus Spake Zarathustra.

Hmmmm very interesting, I found several books by him. He is a great philosopher!

Mainly his books are about the pursuit of wisdom and a search for a general understanding of values and reality by speculation rather than observational means. An analysis of concepts expressing fundamental beliefs, ethics, aesthitics, metaphysics, epistemology and practical core logic. Philosophical concepts expressing attitudes of individuals or groups of people executing judgement with calmness of temper through philosophical thinking.

G-D I loved philosphy in college!!! GREAT STUFF!!!

Well thanks for the referal I will apply it to this double digit theory.

P.S. Take it easy on Shadow Ol Boy! You must over look his freudian slip of the tongue talk! Hes a big Teddy Bear and philosopher at heart!

Dear SunGod

>>>>people like yourself looking for the easy way out<<<<

I beg your forgiveness oh great one...

I am ashamed to ask you to throw a pittence of knowlege at my feet. How foolish of me to think your highness would stoop to regurgitate even the slighest spittle of his great wisdom in my general direction.

Please spare me the humilliation of your most glorious presence and allow me to crall off and have lettered person read to me from the sacred scrolls, that I may some day worthy myself of existance.

(feww that was a close one! I bet if he told us any more he'd have to kill us)
RE: everybody out of the pool !


I'm not saying its true! Infact is most likely a realistic assumption that he's really dead! "unfortunetly!"

My experience with those people over there, is that they feed of off propoganda! "its their only true power!"

He could (Daniel Pearl) by some miracle could be sitting in a holding tank for them to use him for futher bargaining to regain their men that are being held in American Jails.

And like I said the pakistanis staged the video (in advance) to make it look like they really killed him! When infact he could possible still be alive and they are using him for furthur randsome!

Who knows maybe it was really "our country" (in last measure to save Daniel Pearl life) said that they received a video of Daniel Pearls death to the public (a means of using the media for power.) so that the Parkistanis would not have any furthur need for him to be dead.

"We" the general public will never know?

A co worker that I work with told me that during desert storm our militaryactually caught Sodom Husein on the front line! But released him because they had orders that they could not kill a leader of another country. I found that hard to believe!!! but he swore up and down and was dead set on it and stuck to his story!
