Problem with Double Digit theory


>>>>my thoughts may be my only free will <<<<

Look out for that one. My latest modling of the psyche hints that our thoughts have little volition in themselves. They are more the results of the environment and emotions pushing the physical brains circutry around. In other words thoughts are real time events that have their thrust and origin in the past and future.

Mind control is a piece of cake. Unless it hapens to be your own, in which case its a fine art.
RE: everybody out of the pool !

It strikes again!

Ok, I'm over on the Jeff Rense site catching up on the news. I click on a story about the up comming time-date palindrone 20:02 20/02/2002. I read " the last time this happened was November 11 in the year 1111".

>>at that very instant my son steps into the room and says "It's 111!"
I said whats 111? "On the kitchen clock. the kitchen clock is reading 1:11. The time was actually 8:39 but as chance would have it a circut breaker malfunction had set that clock alone back to 12 o'clock and it was showing the 1 hour and 11 miniutes that had passed before he chanced to noticed it and tell me about it.

I don't care how smart these time travel guys are there is no way anyone can arrange a coincidence like that. We have to be doing this subconsciously by some kind of mass-histeria psychokenesis. I say its our own subconscious minds sneeking up behind us. hmmmm just now that thought is about to make me harr stand on end. Like i really don,t want anything sneeking up on me from any direction.

This is a classic case of synchronisity. Or suppose the super conscious mind (ie the future version of the subconscious) is dreaming the future and puts these little cutesie "coincidences" in the mix as a way of saying hello.
The future dream-field becomes more and more like reality the closer it aproaches the present. Blink! the future is here and still has some of the Mr Magoo stuff around the edges. The more powerfull your psyche the more synchronisities and coincidences you will encounter.

So in other words the American Revolution was a farce perpitrated by the Brittish banks to make us think we won the war while they won the peace...or is that won a (big) piece of us.....or is that piece of the US. The Capitalist Empire was born, ruled by the Kings of fiat curency. Cool.

Check moms' apple pie and see if it has REAL apples in it. As Martin Sheen said of his movie role murdering bastard cia buddies "jeese-is christ, you just can't trust ANY body anymore! Duh!
RE: everybody out of the pool !

Shadow! That blows my mind!!!

You must have turned white as a ghost?

I had a similar coincidence recently where I had a power failure in my house.

The power must have gone out approximately 7:00am My digital clocks were blinking and set back to 12:00am. When I realized I had no power I looked at the clock and it read 12:12am.

I had a strange phenomenon that simultaneously occured around this power failure as well...But I'm not pertinent to say...

Shadow, when you say its the psyche I have to give that some thought? How does the psyche work? Does our minds just conjure it up from prior knowledge and experiences, or does it come from an unknown invisible sourse in the form of frequency waves? I think it does.

Our Peneal Gland in our brain is a physiologically shaped eyeball. It is hollow and lined with light sensors, similar to our eyes. Its lens is located on the top and is open to the crown. This master gland contains all the information and archetypal memories of our record within. I think it also acts as a radio receiver of these frequencies.


P.S. Did you see the movie the Mothman yet?

Its interesting to note also about President Lincoln,

On Friday April 14th, the Stars and Stripes were hoisted at Fort Sumter, "Four years to the day!" after their lowering had signaled the beginning of the war.

On the evening of April 14th "Good Friday" while watching a play at Ford's Theatre, Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth. He died the next day at exactly 7:22am. (The first assassination of an american president.)

41 days after delivering the second inaugural address (his greates speech!) Lincoln was dead.

His message to the nation was, "with malice toward none, with charity for all."

Note: Look at all the 4's connected with Lincoln(14-41.)
Princess Diana's dates were (13-31) See how the numbers are reversed?

Can you see the connection with President Lincoln and Princess Diana having a link with the Global Elite (because of money as I mentioned obove)

Also take note of Lincolns last words "with charity for all." I dont think the Global Elite liked that! Lincoln passing out their charitable funds to the world.

Also Note: The time of Lincolns death? 7:22 (Its a double digit!)


P.S. I got these dates from NBC news at:
RE: everybody out of the pool !


>>>you must have turned white<<<<
Well, yes and no. I've seen freekier things. As a point of intrest I'll tell you one that did freak me out for a minute or two. I wake up in the middle of the night to take a wiz, glance out the window and notice the local street lights, and think "what an affront to mother nature". " You know that some day the human race will pay dearly for this hubris". At that instant the bathroom light blew out and left me in pitch blackness. For a moment I really believed the END had come right then and there.

But what did agrivate me on last nights 111 incident is my kid (not being good at telling time) really did think it was 1:11 and was expressing his amazment at how it got to be so late so soon. I didn't know what he was talking about I kept asking him "a hundred and eleven WHAT?" in a true "who's on first " skit.

The "psyche" is an all inclusive term for all parts of (the) mind. It is an amazing fact that the entire world revolves around the human mind, always has and always will, and yet the study of it (psychology) is the one subject that almost nobody knows anything about. The science of psychology is extremely advanced......but nobody cares. Psychology is what THEY use against us. Good victems really should be kept ignorant don't you agree? Ok, enough politics.

As pertains to our subject and your question, understand that the psyche does not stay "at home". Your mind is every where and every when, but the only place you see it directly is in a tiney portion of your physical brain.
Since every ones psyche is every where your mind is everywhere entangled with everybody elses. They call that the collective unconscious.
This includes the psyche of your pets and of the freekin aliens. They all delight in messing with your portion of the collective unconscious because thats where they are too. If you are suggestable and controllable, well hey why not have some fun with ya? And don't think for a minute they ain't.
Double digits, triple digits – I'm not sure this is the relevant question. And why the assumption that this phenomenon is neccesarily related to time travellers? Ok, this is the time traveller web site, but are you simply settling for an easy explanation?

My experiences have led me to consider the possibility of time travel but I've certainly never seen or experienced anything that ruled out any other possibilities nor did it absolutely establish time travel as the only possibility. In fact, I feel like my personal understanding has evolved beyond the time travel aspect (although I always thought there was a great story idea in there somewhere.)

I'm not saying that this isn't the answer, I'm saying don't get bogged down just because you've found a group of people who have had similar experiences and simply assume that whatever conclusion they've reached must somehow have relevance to your personal journey. It's a copout, and it will never lead you to the truth, whatever that is.
RE: everybody out of the pool !

Wow you guys are really freakin me out even worst then them

there aliens. I can't believe this. The coincidences for me have

been extrodinary to say the least. I can't even begin to tell

you all of them I have had. I also had it in my mind that you

Shadow were younge. I mean to younge to have a child. The numbers

have been constant with me for the last few days and I am

getting to much passing through my brain it is becoming very

tiring. Please Cat tell us what you said was pertinent. What

could it hurt.Also did you guys notice that leather neck has not

been on I wonder what is happening with him. We must all have

something in common or we wouldn't be on this site and seeing

these numbers. If it is our subconcious mind that is doing this

it is doing it for a reason. The trick is to find out why. Is

yourself trying to tell you something. My brain is very tired

I've been at the University of Ga. with my daughter all day on a

field trip and gotta get some sleep. talk tomorrow.


I dont know how long you have been reading this forum?
And therefore I dont know where to start explaining?

The double digits is a form of communication that Time Travelers/Aliens/Ghosts in different dimentions (invisible to our sight)use to communicate with us. When we see the double digits its their way of saying hello! They are the watchers! (hense the name...)

A thought pops into my mind, I look at the clock it reads a double digit like 2:22 or 1:33. The phone rings, I look at the digital clock it reads a double digit. My door bell rings, I walk through my livingroom to answer the door and happen to look at the digital clock as I am passing and it reads 5:55pm. I continually wake up at 3:33am in the morning for the past year for no apparent reason.

I've tried changing the clocks so that no one clock would read the same as the other, 18 minuts appart. I looked at one clock and it would read 2:24pm and on the other clock it would read 2:42pm.

But make no mistake in me telling you that these number are good because ultimety what they are is measures of rampid control over humanity! Our goverment is the main culprit in changing the course of history and shaping our nation. They (the Global Elite/Illuminati/Brotherhood/Freemasons use the "numbers" in the same similiar esoteric ways.

I think that time is relative and they can some how manipulate and modulate frequencies that are invisible like radio waves.
I'm not just talking about invisible entities but actual human flesh that can physically dematerialize and move into a different dementional time zone through the use of vibrational frequency modulation (VFM).

Keep reading the posts and let us know what your thinking?

RE: everybody out of the pool !

Shadow and Clara,

Shadow, you hit it on the nose with psycology! Criminology is my major! I went to many years of college for it. Worked at the Medical Examiners for a short time. Did my travels abroad! And now I'm a domestic engineer and work an 8-5 no brainer job!

When it comes to these double crossing too timing phsycological misfits (time travelers) and their endeavors on mankind, I think I have a clue what humanity is up against!

Its just plain wrong! That they invade our privacy like this and monitor everything that we do! Genetically manipulating and altering our evolutionary rate! And changing the course of history and worldly events!

Shadow what is it with your house? First the circuit breaker going out and now the street lights when your taking a wiz! "There goes the neighborhood!!!" Is anyone else on your block effected by this power outage problem?

I used to work at a hospital several years ago. There was construction going on adding to the structure of the building. One day I happend to be in the ladys room and the power and lights went out! Sqwuating doesnt help when you cant see the toilet! But theres no way even with lysol I'm going to touch a toilet in a hospital! It was pitch black for about 10 seconds before the emergency lights came on! Thank G-D I was pissed litterally! Than I heard over the intercom "CODE 4" to labor and delivery! Talk about all hell breaking loose!

Clara, you wanted to know what was pertinent? Hmmm how shall I say this? Somebody that has OBE came to visit at the time of the power failure!


P.S. Clara Leather neck probably had to many brewski's and the toilet seat keep hitting him in the back of the head! Naaa he's probably found a post tramatic syndrome site!
RE: everybody out of the pool !


Are you saying that obe are temporal lobe manipulation.

Tell us what happened with this person.

Have you ever had an Obe?

Are Obe's an illusion? Is something just trying to make us think we are out of our bodies when actually it is just the manifestation of the brain being manipulated from an unseen force.

Maybe the invention of the soul is done with machines. You know

they are developing technology now where they can insert in your

brain a camera that could record everyting that you do and say

In your entire life. Then when you die they remove the camera

and insert it in another body and attach it to the brain and it

becomes your memory. all done with technology. Could this be

what we think our soul is . Just some alien invention created to

give us multi lives and expeiences. So at one point in

time we didn't have a soul just life, before this was invented.

It would then be natural not to have a soul. So the tunnel that

everyone sees is just the chip being inserted in the computer

where it is stored which would seem like death. then reinserted

in a new body that would appear to be birth. Could this not

account for all the previous lives people think they have

lived. Well in actually they have, but only in there chip. Maybe

that is why everybody is so screwed up. They can't really figure

out who they are. what if this is real and the technolog was

stopped. What then? Maybe this is the battle for the soul .

Some want it stopped because it is malfunctioning and didn't

work like planned and some are saying no we must continue and

perfect this technology. Would this not be a form of evolution

based on technology. It would likely carry a name such as

technology induced evolution or technology manipulated evolution.

Well how do you like that food for thought. Oh yea! when a cycle

has been complete they just destroy all the chips that are

malfuntioning and continue with the ones that aren't. that very

well could be your passage in the bible about the harvest. The

harvest is not souls but computer chips. clever aren't they.

so the battle here would be for our natural soul evolution not

our alien technology based soul evolution. The battle would

accure between genetics and the soul. Do genes make us what we

are or do we let the chip make us what we are. Maybe there is a

battle between those that want to give us their genetics in

order to evolve us and those who prefer the chip method.

thinking about this I would prefer to have the genetics rather

then the chip. The genetics would propell me further without

much stress. I would just need to assimilate new knowledge that

had already been gotten through anothers experience say some

higher form of intelligence. They would basicaly being giving me

a gift so to speak. the chip method would require me to have

every experience and much pain in order to learn. I would rather

the less painful route as most people would. If neither method

was used how long would it have taken us to evolve enough in

order to invent the computer. Would it have taken so long that

the sun would have burnt out before we got there. Maybe Bills

Gates was only smart enough because he received genetic

implants from some higher intelligence . yOu must admit without

him we would not be having this conversation.

I appreciate the explanation, CAT. My original post was in no way attempting to negate any of your theories. I say "your" theories, but we both know that there is nothing new about the ideas you're espousing. I'm simply saying that it is very easy to get bogged down, to think that we have found "the answer", simply because we find a community of people who share similar experiences with synchronicity or have arrived at a conclusion similar to what our own experiences have led us to believe at that moment in our life.

Everything you said in your response has the possibility of being true. What you need to consider, however, is that it is even more likely that the answer has yet to be found. We all know there is something going on here. The goal is to truly figure out what it is, not to find some sort of pseudo-satifaction out of your incorrect belief that you already have all the answers. Believe me. You don't.

In the search for the ultimate truth, let's not be distracted by a group of old men in funny hats riding around on go-carts.

I assume when you discuss the VFM theory, you got most of your information from things you've read considering Project Rainbow. So let me ask you something. Were all of that conjecture to turn out to be complete bullshit, what would you be left with? A recurring pattern of numbers on digital clocks (which, by the way, is far from a unique occurence)? I recommend that you read Thus Spake Zarathustra. Unless it's a truth you've found on your own, then that truth which you venerate will eventually crumble and it may very well fall and crush your head.

RE: everybody out of the pool !


I cant go into great detail about this OBE person. However I could tell you that when this person is asleep strange things around the house have happend. Like the refrigerator door opening by itself and I heard a scruffling noise inside. I also saw a door handle move up and down and just recently I witnessed a sparkling blue and white energy field in the shape of a shoe on my kitchen floor.

I know its there and its real however, I would like to keep and open mind and remain sceptical and vere away from talking about this at the present moment. Untill I can better understand and analyse whats actually taking place.

Did you see on the news the new child safty device? It looks like a Beeper/watch and is worn like a watch on a kids wrist. Its actually a GPS Satalite searching Device that can find your child anywhere in the world in less then 3 minutes! If lost or kidnapped.

It also has a safty feature that if a stranger or unauthorized person attempt to take if off a childs rist a beeping noise goes off alerting people to call 911. The news said this product should be out on the market in the comming year and its cost will be around $400.00 dollars. Which is a small investment for a more worthy cause!

This is good technology!!! But I have also heard of something called the Black Angel, which is a computer chip that is inserted under the skin and is linked to the GPS Satalite. Its mainly used as a monitoring device for the elderly that have altimers disease. All in all its still branding us with the mark of the beast!

I came accross another interesting number analagy regarding the Sphinx of Egypt that has the mark of the beast. (666)

The head of the Sphinx measures 19 feet from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin. The face is 20 feet wide and 91 feet in circumference. The upper portion of the paws exstend forward 56 feet. The body is 172 feet long (total body length is 242 feet) and the height to the top of the head is 66 feet.

Add these numbers together, 242 + 56 + 172 + 91 + 19 + 20 + 66 = 666

Shadow, I read up on that "Rense" guy you mentioned in one of your posts concerning the pharadrone. He has some interesting stuff! Well nothing seemed to happen yesterday (that we know of?) but its interesting to note that on February 20th 1962 John Glenn was the first and oldest (77years old) astronaut to "orbit the earth."

Also on February 20th 1792 the U.S. postal service was created!

There was that train crash that burned many. We should do a number analogy on it to see if the number of people that died corrolates to the date or any other pertinent numbers that coincide with each other.

If we were to look for proof of time travelers, I think a good place to start hunting them down would be to find pictures of disasters around the world from all different time eras and see if we can find any people that look alike. Take for example the Titanic's old pictures of people that were taken on the ship and compair them to people that were near or around the world trade center on September 11th. We might find ourselfs some Time Travelers comming to witness the horrific events. Shadow, you might be good in investigating this field! However, I'm going to look around and see what I can come up with. Also open to anyone elses input.

Clara, I dont believe we have that technology to implant computer chips into our brain to access others knowledge, that would be total nirvana! Find me some proof on this, like a web site or a book or an artical. If its true I need to brush up on my tijitsu so I can kick some Illuminati @ss!

I could stay on this computer all day if I had the chance but I must get some productive work done!


Thanks for the reality check!

With all this synchronicity going on its hard to be rational! I am a very sceptical and analytical person. I've never stoped questioning.

I've been looking for an answer for 11 years now to something
I have bore witness to. Through the years I have silently and patiently watched the pieces of the puzzle come together. Being held back from confiding in anyone (except for someone very dear and special to me!) Watching someone dematerialize before your eyes at the worst most possible time in your life can admit anyone to the psycho ward! But I have to maintain my posure and go on living and knowing that another force is in control of my destiny. At the time I witness this, I could not even conceive of such a thing but the knowlege that I have aquired has reveiled to me a conspiracy. That perhaps the people on this site with knowledge of what I speak about could be the only "antibody" that saves humanity!

Yes, I have to admit this double digit number analogy is quit bizzare and uncommon to those who don't take notice in it. I would altimetly like to find the answers to this phenomenon. I would be willing to listen to any information that you can find or thoughts that you may have on it. I am always open for suggestion.

My number for things of significance in my life is the number 9 that why I'm the CAT...

P.S. Thats for the referal of the book by Spake Zarathustra. I'll check it out.
RE: everybody out of the pool !

Geeze clara where do you GET this drivle?

Gates didn't invent the computer.

Its easy to guess who is all the time "inserting genetic material" but who, pray tell ever got cought inserting computer chips in millions of brains?

Screw evolution, who is going to WAIT for it?

Please, take the 'science' book you have been reading and drop it in the trash. For humanities sake.

Maybe the aliens have already given you a brain implant that designed to block out actual facts.
Ok your godess-ness-ness. Why don't we hear your explaination?

I'd especially like to here about the "beyond time travel" part.
RE: just when you thought it was safe...


Sometimes I think you really arn't TTA. But I'm getting pretty good at 'doublethink' (the art of holding two mutually contrdictory thoughts in mind at the same time). This is good practice for the temporal sluth as it allows one to keep track of several parallel worlds at once and a must in dealing with people who actually have split (and/or multiple) personalities.

Saying of the moment: One mans' paranoid-phobia is another mans' good sense. (translation; "Why in hell >shouldn't< men be afraid of women?") You talk about conspiracies. Jeeze.

Hey did you hear about the Tennessee DMV employees who were selling driver licences to terrorists (and anybody else that wanted to pony up some cash). Gee wiz the ring leader didn't even make it to trial. Seems that her car caught on fire while she was driving it down the interstate. She died instantly from inhaling raw fire. "How dae do dat?????" I once new a guy that drove a car ten miles while its interior burned, he escaped with mere dizzyness and a bad cough.

You just can't trust anybody anymore. I hear that they are going to make an official "national snuff a biologist week". Have a mice day pal.

It doesn't pay to be an Enron VP either. Of the hundreds of people who were into the till up to their arm pits and the hundreds more who knew about it, why is it that exactly ONE, no more no less, saw fit to kill himself.....out back in his car where nobody could see it? Folks the 911 incident has upped the ante. Grand larceny is now petty theft. Murder is "removal of hostiles", fair is they let you live this time, etc. They'll have to invent new words to describe whats comming down these days.

Are you depressed yet? I hope so. Misery loves company.
RE: can only guess at___

Hey cool my political intrigue musings posted at 007 (00
RE: can only guess at___

and who is slipping the friggen funny faces into my work??????????
I'm not!!!
RE: everybody out of the pool !

ok he didn't invent the computer but would you have one without

him or someone getting it to the public. You think this is

drizle. No actualy the chip or camera in the brain ( well

behind the eye I beleive) it was on SIGHTINGS the tv show that

comes on the SCi fi channel. It can record ever thing that

happens to a person. Haven't you read in alien abduction

were some people have remembered having something inserted in

their eye. The was a lady and her two sons who were abducted in

Australia. Years later this women was in a car accident and had

to go through a MRI. The MRI showed that something was imbeded

in her brain. The doctors couln't figure out how it had got

there . She had no cuts on her head or any previous surgerys.

They could not of course cut her head open to find out what it

was so she just had to learn to live with it.

I sometimes recieve info while I'm sleeping and wake up with

the most bizarre thoughts. last nite was one of those nites. this

morning the message was about the portals I told you about.

Remember the man I said was the professor that told me you guys

were right about time travelers. Well it seems the portals are

people. They are entering through people. When he said portal I

just figured it was some kind of place on the earth but it isn't.

the portal is through the tops of peoples heads. I had a pychic

tell me one time that in my astrology chart I had an open door.

I haven't for the longest time been able to understand that.

Well now I do. I just have to know now who to let in and who to

lock out. That could be very difficult to figure out. But in the

last few years I have had a lot of practice. If this is true who

entered Osama bin Ladens portal.You guys have see terminator

right. Well if bad time travelers are here maybe good time

travelers are right on their heels trying to stop them from

whatever they are coming here to do. the professor did say they

were entering through Isreal and Palistine.
