Present time-travellers - a thread for you!


Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and count to 100. Visualize yourself in a peaceful serene forest by a stream...


You take the internet and yourself far too seriously. I don't think Pamela is hanging on every word of time travelers with googly eyes, etc. I think she's just one of the few of us who understand that this site and, indeed, the entire internet are for entertainment purposes. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You would make a fine social scientist. But testing people will get you no closer to discovering time travel, as it's a physics issue, not a social one. Just enjoy the conversation with other people interested in time travel. Maybe they're time travelers, or maybe they're just bored. Maybe some are both.
Objection! Are you serious? Ever tried to find out how the internet came into existence?
Yes, it's quite entertaining. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Silly little humans trying to be advanced. Now that's funny.
You take the internet and yourself far too seriously. I don't think Pamela is hanging on every word of time travelers with googly eyes, etc. I think she's just one of the few of us who understand that this site and, indeed, the entire internet are for entertainment purposes.

Lol...quite ironic. I can assure you that I have fun on the net in a multitude of different ways.

But really, these people who come here are not saying 'Hey, this is what it MIGHT be like to time travel'. They are saying ' I AM a time traveller '. Quite a difference !

I'm not entirely clear how simply saying ' Oh no you're not ' makes me some dead serious social scientist....LOL !

Of course, I realise that once believers have reached a certain level of gullibility, they think they are sooo 'open minded' when in fact a lot of the time their own methods of debate against sceptics look more like the Spanish Inquisition.

( lol...don't need to be a time traveller to predict the response )
<font color="#000000">Some people like to role play.[/COLOR]
<font color="#888888">You shouldn't take that seriously.[/COLOR]
<font color="#bbbbbb">Asking once is okay, but you drone on about this stuff.[/COLOR]
<font color="#ffffff">My interest is fading...[/COLOR]
Oh come off it !!

The 'time travellers' here are not people 'roleplaying'. They are people trying to persuade others that they are genuine time Titor attempted to do.

They are not even particularly good at it.
Oh come off it !!

The 'time travellers' here are not people 'roleplaying'. They are people trying to persuade others that they are genuine time Titor attempted to do.

They are not even particularly good at it.

You won't be able to conince us to demand some kind of proof from everyone who walks by , and we won't be able to convince you to talk to people without them giving proof they are who they say they are...

So lets just stop arguing
You won't be able to conince us to demand some kind of proof from everyone who walks by , and we won't be able to convince you to talk to people without them giving proof they are who they say they are...

So lets just stop arguing

I can assure you there is no 'argument'. The scientific method is not negotiable.
I can assure you there is no 'argument'. The scientific method is not negotiable.

Uh Yeah, we are argueing. You have a postion that you think is valid, I have a position I think is valid and we are trying to convince the other that thier position is invalid. That's an arguement. Just becuase you're calling your position 'the scientific method', which it barely is if at all, doesn't instanly make it no longer an arguement. My position is that is someone spouts a load of self-evident nonsense that has no supporting evidence.....then I call it ' a load of self-evident nonsense that has no supporting evidence '.

Last I checked 2 + 2 was still equal to 4. No argument.
Poster: Twighlight
Subject: Re: Present time-travellers - a thread for you! My position is that is someone spouts a load of self-evident nonsense that has no supporting evidence.....then I call it ' a load of self-evident nonsense that has no supporting evidence '.

Last I checked 2 + 2 was still equal to 4. No argument.

This is going nowhere so I'm just gonna stop. If it makes you feel better you can think you won... :/
It's not about winning. If that's how you perceive it, then you obviously aren't up for any knowledge or honest discussion.
You then just want people to show you are the more reasonable.
And saying "I'm stopping, just think you've won..." is just one of these suggestive tricks someone who wants to win, uses.
Don't do that. Don't let your ego stand in the way of getting knowledge.
Always prepare to be wrong, and then read up on new information.
Alright, sometimes it ends with two people having differing opinions and neither can convince the other.
But that only then happens if both, after REALLY considering the opposite, still don't see the validity of the other's opinion.

Something like the scientific method, though, is not something you can really debate about.
Did you ever read up on scientific method? If so you wouldn't say it's an argument.
Please, try not to let your ego get in the way of accquiring knowledge.
First stop:
I can see you not only have intelligence but wisdom as well.

If one wants to use this method that a time traveler will have to submit to their test
before they talk to them. Then they should stick to that. The test giver does no more talking
to the proclaiming time traveler at ALL unless they submit to their test. Then both people can have their ways.
The test is asked to be taken once by the test giver. If the time traveler submits fine.
But if they do not submit then the test giver will no longer talk to this person (as they
said they wouldn't) instead of harrassing them to the point where they leave.
Then the other people can continue to ask their questions and get answers.
Then everyone will be happy. Nobody then will be forcing anyone else to submit to their own
standards or beliefs concerning the matter. Everyone will then be respecting each others positions. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
If one wants to use this method that a time traveler will have to submit to their test
before they talk to them. Then they should stick to that. The test giver does no more talking
to the proclaiming time traveler at ALL unless they submit to their test. Then both people can have their ways.
The test is asked to be taken once by the test giver. If the time traveler submits fine.
But if they do not submit then the test giver will no longer talk to this person (as they
said they wouldn't) instead of harrassing them to the point where they leave.
Then the other people can continue to ask their questions and get answers.
Then everyone will be happy. Nobody then will be forcing anyone else to submit to their own
standards or beliefs concerning the matter. Everyone will then be respecting each others positions.

Ah..this is such a load of nonsense !

Look, if a person comes here and loudly proclaims " I AM a time traveller ", then who the **** are you to dictate under what terms and conditions anyone else may insist " No you are not ! ".

What you are demanding is that we simply accept the claims, with no questioning and no expectation of any evidence. That, to me, is just carte blanche for anyone to just come here and make whatever claims they in the knowledge that nobody is allowed to insist on proof.

LOL ! You talk about 'respecting positions'....yet it seems to me that the one position you go out of your way NOT to respect is the scientific one.

I consider it perfectly reasonable, if someone has the audacity to insist that they ARE a time equally as well insist that they give evidence of it.

As for all this BS about time travellers being run off, genuine time travellers would not be so easily run off......only the fakes.
Frankly I find it absolutely laughable and COMICAL that some research team of hundreds spends billions taking 20 years to create the all new, singing and dancing, multi timeline enhanced, super dooper, Time Machine Mark 1......their illustrious time traveller hops in.....

...and the time traveller gets " the point where they leave", and runs back home sobbing his eyes out and calling for the project to be scrapped......simply because some person in a forum in 2009 said 'Hey, hows about taking a simple little test ?'
some research team of hundreds spends billions taking 20 years to create the all new, singing and dancing, multi timeline enhanced, super dooper, Time Machine Mark 1......t

That type of operation is not only going to NOT advertise themselves, but one suspects might even consider eliminating any fool that stumbled onto their secret.Why should they have any respect for any of us primitives?
That type of operation is not only going to NOT advertise themselves, but one suspects might even consider eliminating any fool that stumbled onto their secret.Why should they have any respect for any of us primitives?

I'm not sure I buy that "we're not worthy" line of reasoning. If the past is just a load of semi-civilised apes...then why even bother visiting it ? Also, given past history, I doubt we are suddenly going to become hyper civilised beings any time soon. So the idea that time machines will be sent by Dr Who type time lords to whom we are mere ants......well, unless time travel is not discovered for another 100,000 years and we really DO advance in that time spiritually, then the guy stepping out of the time machine will be no different to you or I.

Also, I doubt any such mission would be 'top secret'. After all, the real danger is not US discovering it.....but the taxpayers of the day wanting to know what trillions are being spent on and it's not that easy to hide even black budget projects. There would undoubtedly be calls, in the timeline of the time travel machine, for an ethics committee to look into what the travellers are doing in the past.