Twighlight just explained the difference between SOME evidence and 100% proof.
Then he went on and said the TT claimant just would have to give SOME evidence to at least be considered to be more than a hoaxer.
He didn't say (as you immediately did after him): Proof or no proof.
It might be true you can't get Proof (100% certainty) via the internet.
But you can get some evidence (less than, but near 100% certainty to raise interest) which at least differentiates you from fake claimants, because THEY can't even take the simplest of tests.
Real claimants can, though.
Actually..all I'm doing is applying the same scientific method to time travellers that has long since been applied for those claiming to be psychic.
1) You devise a minimum 'entry level'. Some criteria that seperates those you will test, from those not worth consideration. This rules out maybe 90% of claimants. Need not be a test ( though with time travellers I'd say it should be ).
2) You devise a basic test that has a pass mark with 'significant' odds against chance. Zenner cards were a favourite with psychics..with easily calculable odds ( though the size of the sample matters too). Test the claimant several times....to rule out any claim that they were 'just having a bad day'. This will eliminate a further 90% or so of those remaining. This is also the level at which serious testing of time travellers would start.
3) Only now, is your remaining sample of people ready for the full scientific testing. Everything so far has just been a process of narrowing down to a small sample of people who can at least demonstrate significant odds..and repeatability. You now run a quite specific ( statistically isolated ) test with a clear beginning and pre-defined end. And you publish the results, whether good or bad.
It's worth pointing out that a significant number of psychics WANT to be tested. All this business about people being 'put off' by serious testing is NONSENSE. A number of universities have run serious psychic tests on the net....and got some quite significant results.
Indeed, the science of testing psychic claimants is pretty well advanced. The main area of contention is not the testing..where almost everyone agrees that individual statistically significant results have been obtained....but the claim by some that you cannot 'isolate' a set of test results from the sum total of all tests ever taken. Personally I think the statistical evidence is...hmm....'compelling' is the word ( no...not 'proof').
The situation with time travellers is akin to that of psychics prior to the 50s...before any of the tests were devised. And going even further back....the psychics and spiritualists of the early 1900s ( many of whom were self evident fakes ) were aghast at the notion of being 'tested'....mainly because there was so much quackery at the time. But it is amazing how, once the tests were established, the fakes tended to die out...and just ordinary people, housewives, car mechanics, etc....who felt they had psychic abilities....came forward and WANTED to be tested.
I have no doubt we will see the same with time travel. Perhaps we are seeing it now. The end of the quackery era...and time for any real time travellers to stand up and be counted.