Jay Walker
Chrono Cadet
Thank you Darby, as always you are the epitome of a gentlemen and a scholar. You make an excellent point about this story not having the legs to really cash in. I don't know if you familiar with Howard Stern. I listened religiously for years, not really for antics but for these little industry gems that he would talk about. Much like Micheal Jackson was a student of music, Howard since he was young became a student of radio and broadcasting. He has been on the air for almost half a century, believe or not. From his college years at BU, to Sirius satellite still going. Why is this important?Jay, outstanding! You're catching on to what the Titor Saga actually is.
As I've said before, if this was real, if Momma Kay Titor was a real person and was actually afraid that the Alphabet Soup federal law enforcement and intelligence community was after her and any secrets she held about her son John Titor...would she hire a Hollywood entertainment industry lawyer who specializes in intellectual property rights and movie deals to protect her from the "infernal revenuers"? Of course not.
Would the actual holder of the intellectual property surrounding the character John Titor engage the services of such a person to form a corporation, The John Titor Foundation, to manage the entertainment and intellectual properties of the corporation? Yes.
The Titor Saga is about The Book, The Syndicated Radio Show, The Play, The Movie, The Coffee Mugs, The Graphical Novel, The T-shirts, etc. It always has been. The problem for the JTF was how do they, in 2001, start a sci-fi meme on the emergent internet BBS system by telling a time travel adventure/nuclear war story and then turn that into a viable chain of commercial products and programs? So far the answer has been, they don't.
The Book was distributed to several people like myself for free. Thereafter it became the equivelent of a coffee table book; no one was interested in paying for a book that rehashed our posts that can be found here for free both then and now. The Play, The Radio Show, The Graphical Novel and The Movie never got off the ground. No one bought the t-shirts of coffee mugs principally because in relative terms no one has heard of John Titor. At least not enough people to make a commercial market. In the end it was a well intended experiment in communication and entertainment that simply failed to catch on sufficient to make it financially feasible to invest in.
One of the tropes Howard would repeat is the way broadcasters, give away crap, like the first caller gets a box of tissues for guessing which school would have a snow day that morning. Or Rush Limbaugh would sell branded tissue boxes with Rush's fat face on it.
Howard prided himself for never selling anyone anything that he thought wasn't up to his standards of the best it could be.
Not all Stories were born equal. The John Titor story is much more facinating than anyone has ever given credit. The way I know why, is when you look at the numbers:
JOHN TITOR: Time traveler, soldier, savior | Can he save us from destruction? 3.8M views 2 years ago
The Time Traveler John Titor: Hoax or Harbinger from the Future? #shorts 1.1M views 1 year ago
JOHN TITOR: Time Travel, Parallel Universes, Deja Vu and Mandela Effects Explained?! 1.4M views 7 years ago
Did This Man Really Time Travel From 2036? • Mystery Files 891K views 4 months ago
so on and so on.
The interest is there. But all of these videos have missed the point all together. The biggest mistake they all make, is they use his "predictions" as a way discrediting him. Why? The way he explains it, they aren't predictions. Predictions imply a paradox. In MWI, those paradoxes go away.
Don't you see, it is the first popular time travel story that defeats all the Hollywood tropes that make no sense. Marty Mcfly begins disappearing along with his whole family? Why? Marty doesn't even belong in that future he returns to in 1985. He went missing the night Doc was shot. What if Marty was on a forum trying to predict the future that he changed? Would he had known that his parents would have been madly in love with each other, or that his brother and sister weren't lazy bums in the future he created? No. But people criticize John for not knowing what he did for us when he changed Y2K. How would he know that no civil war at all would occur? Or that nuclear bombs wouldn't be used in 2015.
All of this stuff people poop on John about can be accounted for.
Look, in my humble opinion, I think you guys are sitting on the greatest time-traveling story no one could figure out how tell.
The numbers guy. They are good numbers even when you're telling the story wrong.
- John
tell me you don't get choked up when you read that?