If you've learned anything about quantum mechanics then you should have spotted the "silly" physics in his description of the gadget. Do you recall how he described the thing, word for word not a paraphrase, and what it meant? Post it and give it a try.
He actually did state the mass of his twin black holes to a very good approximation. Do you recall what that mass was? Based on your knowledge of quantum physics what does that black hole mass imply versus his silly physics assertions?
Do you recall his description of how he spun up his twin black holes using electrons? Based on your knowledge of quantum mechanics what does firing the second and subsequent electrons into the twin black holes imply?
Do you recall the silly physics in the Fat Finger Cigar Man photo of the bent laser inside the truck and what that implies?
Have fun answering these questions. Hopefully it will give you some direction about Titor's "physics".
1. A gravity distortion time displacement unit.
a. Gravity distortion is a valid concept tied to Einstein's theory of General Relativity, where mass and energy warp spacetime.
b. Time Displacement relates to time or shifts in temporal positioning.
Considering General Electric named the unit, I would say it was a bit silly.
I won't argue your conclusions scientifically, but I think that some things people forgot John said. For instance, he said this:
"First, I am not a physicist. "Time travel" is only a tool that allowed me to my job in 1975. Most airline pilots are not aerospace engineers."
So, if a bumpkin like me ran into a physicist on my mission that demanded an explanation, I am pretty sure whatever I was taught in a year's time, would not satisfy a scientist's curiosity. I am almost certain I couldn't even explain how stairs are built if my mission was on the second floor, let alone a time machine. BTW, that was the amount of training he said he had. One year.
I also found a quote about the size of the singularity. I could have sworn he said something about being the size of an electron. But at that size, it sure as hell wouldn't be mobile. Except, there are two things. One, the size of an electron can't be measured, it is known to be effectively point-like with no measurable dimensions. However, some observers limit the size to be less than 10−22 m. Quantum Mechanics describes its behavior and not the size, but by its wave function.
Oh, and the quote from John
"For those asking how come a microsingularity doesn't swallow the earth or want to know details about the size, stability, mass, temperature and resulting Hawking Radiation from such a thing, those are details I must keep to myself."
As for the third question, I am just going by what my chatbot can dig up. So, what I have to say about that would be irrelevant, due to ignorance. However, from what I can tell, the implications of injecting a second electron into an event horizon could have several effects, but all seem to be mostly speculative. If you could shine a light on that, I find it incredibly interesting.
As for the fat fingered cigar chomping laser bender. I never really understood that image. If I were to take a crack at what the photo implies, I would say that the person is demonstrating gravitational lensing. I am guessing that what makes it silly, is that if there was an object with enough mass to bend light, it wouldn't be possible to throw two of those objects in the back of pick-up truck, or an old muscle car he said he traveled to '75. Or whenever.
These are great points.
This is exactly why I love this story. What you're saying maybe completely accurate, and I am in no position to tell you that you are wrong about these revelations. (to me)
I have heard time travel stories before, and I know you guys have heard some whoppers. The thing that sets them apart is that it takes a physicist to figure out why he is fake. It takes sociologist to dispute his political implications. It would take a theoretical physicist to accurately depict John's story. (According to patent paperwork, Disney did just that.) A theologian to discuss his views on God and death. A Biologist to even be aware of the rat experiment done in the 80s that he brought, and so much more. Nothing comes close.
So, I ask you. With all of that being said. What does all of it imply?