Theory Possibility of Multiple Time Travelers

Well that sucks than.The other you would possibly benefit and you in this worldline would make the mistakes or never know what you were told from the future. Basically this interpretation says there are parallel universes
You see, the problem is no, the "other you" would not benefit from the emails. Let's assume the Titor Saga is true. Where did he obtain the "day-to-day record of the Dow a day in advance"? That would have come from his original world because that's not the world that he sent the emails from. He said that he cannot return to the exact world that he originally came from. So there's no guarantee that the data in the emails would match the Dow data in the worlds that received the emails. Titor himself became confused as he made up the story. It's yet another one of the inconsistencies that I've referred to in other posts over the past quarter of a century.
you will never actually know if (you '98) received or not. The reason being, as John arrives in 1998, is begins a new world-line.
The "new world" begins the instant an air molecule hits my body, the next time a Ca-45 atom spontaneously decays in my bones, the next time a photon hits my body. The next "new world" begins in much, much less than a billionth of a second. This is yet another problem with Titor's Saga. He had absolutely no clue about how quantum mechanics works let alone how the Copenhagen Interpretation vs The Many Worlds Interpretation work, where they are the same and where they are different. He was only aware of the Internet alt-sci/sci-fi version of Many Worlds.
The thing to remember with MWI is the "other worlds" don't exist prior to the event that initiates the splitting. When a new quantum event occurs in those newly created worlds and they split, the "original" world seizes to exist. The alternate worlds exist but only for the less than a billionth of a second until a new quantum event occurs. The idea of the picture of the long parallel lines depicting "parallel worlds" is extremely misleading. The splits do occur but there is nothing left "behind" to return to. This is what is meant in the real Many World Interpretation by the term "universal wave function". There is only one Psi (wave function) that describes the entire universe and all of the possible alternatives. Psi is the "unified superposition of all possible outcomes."

The other thing that is misleading is when you see a split depicted by a "fork in the road" leading to the parallel worlds. The picture of a fork is misleading because it seems to indicate something akin to a physical road that comes to an intersection with one or more other roads. There is no fork. There is no road to trace back. The alternatives do not share the same spacetime. There is no connection between them once the split occurs. That is what is meant by decoherence.
The thing to remember with MWI is the "other worlds" don't exist prior to the event that initiates the splitting. When a new quantum event occurs in those newly created worlds and they split, the "original" world seizes to exist. The alternate worlds exist but only for the less than a billionth of a second until a new quantum event occurs. The idea of the picture of the long parallel lines depicting "parallel worlds" is extremely misleading. The splits do occur but there is nothing left "behind" to return to. This is what is meant in the real Many World Interpretation by the term "universal wave function". There is only one Psi (wave function) that describes the entire universe and all of the possible alternatives. Psi is the "unified superposition of all possible outcomes."

The other thing that is misleading is when you see a split depicted by a "fork in the road" leading to the parallel worlds. The picture of a fork is misleading because it seems to indicate something akin to a physical road that comes to an intersection with one or more other roads. There is no fork. There is no road to trace back. The alternatives do not share the same spacetime. There is no connection between them once the split occurs. That is what is meant by decoherence.
Fantastic. Thank you, I learned a lot just from these posts. Your comments really started getting my noodle cooking. As I was gathering context based on what I was reading above was making these concepts click. I had a thought and would like to get your (DARBY) or anyone's thoughts. My feelings are not an issue, but they certainly could be so, go easy on me lol.

Wave Function Collapse

Like with Schrodinger's cat thought experiment, Once the box is revealed, the state of the cat is known, while the other side of the event instantaneously disappears. Ergo, box opens, cat meows, not dead.

Much like the Qubit in quantum computing, it computes in a superposition, both 1 and 0. Once the Qubit is measured, it will be observed as a 1 or a 0. Similar to the double slit experiment. All of these are repeatable and conclusive.

The Many Worlds' Interpretation and the Copenhagen Interpretation are different. Copenhagen suggests that until a quantum system is measured, it exists in a superposition, once measured it collapses into one of the possible states.

Conversely, MWI suggests the outcomes of quantum events branch out every possible outcome, but these possibilities are parallel to one another and don't interact.


Let's consider MWI for a moment. This implies that every possible outcome occurs simultaneously after a quantum event that never intersects (although "never" when considering "all" is a bit of a contradiction). The phrase EVERY POSSIBLE OUTCOME implies an infinite number of outcomes, would inherently insist to speculate that this quantum event is not the first time it has happened. As a matter of fact, we would have to assume this event has taken place infinitely within an endless cyclical loop. Branching all possibilities of outcomes in an endless time loop. Like a cosmic filament being a single strand of wire in massive gerbil wheel.

Like Groundhogs Day. Only to scale for digestibility. This scene I posted could be a cosmic observer's POV....

For poops and giggles, the best scene in

Groundhog's Day

My point is...

That I still don't see why John, aside from not being a theoretical physicist, couldn't have been a state of superposition before the measurement, or after the measurement in either interpretation. In other words, the time in which Qubits are in superposition could be a state of timelessness, like the perspective of a photon. Gravitational power is a funny thing.

They say that if you were riding the event horizon of one super masssive black hole, as it appraoched another, as their event horizons converged you might end up back at where you started. Getting caught in an endless process of being torn to bits, endlessly.

Buah hahahaha!! 😈
The thing to remember with MWI is the "other worlds" don't exist prior to the event that initiates the splitting. When a new quantum event occurs in those newly created worlds and they split, the "original" world seizes to exist. The alternate worlds exist but only for the less than a billionth of a second until a new quantum event occurs. The idea of the picture of the long parallel lines depicting "parallel worlds" is extremely misleading. The splits do occur but there is nothing left "behind" to return to. This is what is meant in the real Many World Interpretation by the term "universal wave function". There is only one Psi (wave function) that describes the entire universe and all of the possible alternatives. Psi is the "unified superposition of all possible outcomes."

The other thing that is misleading is when you see a split depicted by a "fork in the road" leading to the parallel worlds. The picture of a fork is misleading because it seems to indicate something akin to a physical road that comes to an intersection with one or more other roads. There is no fork. There is no road to trace back. The alternatives do not share the same spacetime. There is no connection between them once the split occurs. That is what is meant by decoherence.

The bigger question is, who or what is measuring or observing to cause the collapse of the wave function?
Doh! How about "the "original" world ceases to exist"?

From a certain point of view one can say the other world...ends?

He had absolutely no clue about how quantum mechanics works let alone how the Copenhagen Interpretation vs The Many Worlds Interpretation work, where they are the same and where they are different. He was only aware of the Internet alt-sci/sci-fi version of Many Worlds.
This is an excellent point. I think this is key, though John was not chosen for his knowledge of quantum physics, nor did he claim to be. He didn't claim to have invented time travel or claim to be the inventor of the question mark; he was chosen solely on the happenstance of nepotism by proxy. He was related to someone that would allow him access to the IBM. For all intents and purposes, John was an intelligent soldier that by coincidence became a candidate as one of the first generation of temporal drivers. His posts were frequent enough, and for as many days and months to expose his strength, patience, and vulnerabilities. As well as his short-comings, and his relationships with people from what I have heard, was proof he was fallible. He spoke matter-of-factly but had personal philosophies he was open to discuss. At the very least you can tell he took his job seriously and studied hard. Obviously, he didn't have an entire lifetime of academics or general Tomfoolery, but he was passionate. He was passionate about his religion, his family, and the general wellbeing of American society. Also, something about his knee-jerk reactions gave me the impression that he had been through something that people were not understanding and still can't relate to. Personally, I would be curious to hear a phycologist create a profile based on his posts.

Either way, I think considering the conditions that qualified him for that particular mission (being related to someone strategic) and being able to press a couple of buttons. I am grateful that it was him because he at least carried with him a message of warning and that he chose to stop here and share with us. According to him, he didn't have to do.
This is an excellent point. I think this is key, though John was not chosen for his knowledge of quantum physics, nor did he claim to be. He didn't claim to have invented time travel or claim to be the inventor of the question mark; he was chosen solely on the happenstance of nepotism by proxy. He was related to someone that would allow him access to the IBM. For all intents and purposes, John was an intelligent soldier that by coincidence became a candidate as one of the first generation of temporal drivers. His posts were frequent enough, and for as many days and months to expose his strength, patience, and vulnerabilities. As well as his short-comings, and his relationships with people from what I have heard, was proof he was fallible. He spoke matter-of-factly but had personal philosophies he was open to discuss. At the very least you can tell he took his job seriously and studied hard. Obviously, he didn't have an entire lifetime of academics or general Tomfoolery, but he was passionate. He was passionate about his religion, his family, and the general wellbeing of American society. Also, something about his knee-jerk reactions gave me the impression that he had been through something that people were not understanding and still can't relate to. Personally, I would be curious to hear a phycologist create a profile based on his posts.

Either way, I think considering the conditions that qualified him for that particular mission (being related to someone strategic) and being able to press a couple of buttons. I am grateful that it was him because he at least carried with him a message of warning and that he chose to stop here and share with us. According to him, he didn't have to do.
Are you suggesting that John was suffering from PTSD?
Are you suggesting that John was suffering from PTSD?
He said he was part a "Shotgun" infantry. I looked that up and couldn't find any units described in that way. I can only speculate based on uses of a shotgun in war. For instance, in WW1, the shotgun was called a trench gun due to its effectiveness in close-quarter combat. The U.S. Delta Force cut down a pump action and used a slug directly to door locks and they called it their "master key." So, for there to be a purpose for a closer quarter combat unit issued shotguns, I imagine it got pretty messy. I won't pretend to have the credentials that could diagnose anyone, but that sounds like something that would give anyone nightmares. Btw, even John made that up out of the blue, that sounds like something I would watch in a futuristic action movie. Even "Alien" didn't think of a shotgun infantry, and that would have worked in that movie.
The way I look at it, is either John was a brilliant screenwriter that never sold a single script, or he was exactly what he said he was. Considering the crap Hollywood pays millions (scratch that) 10's of millions (wait) sometimes 100s of millions to produce, time traveler seems more likely.
"As far as war goes, I have a feeling you are quite capable of starting one all by yourself.
I am hard pressed to accept any criticism on my outlook on that subject.
Growing up might have been a vastly different experience for me than it was for most of you.
Personal responsibility, determination, honor, friendship, and self-reliance are not just words
we try to live up to or fantasize about."
- John Titor (November 21st, 2000)
He said he was part a "Shotgun" infantry. I looked that up and couldn't find any units described in that way. I can only speculate based on uses of a shotgun in war. For instance, in WW1, the shotgun was called a trench gun due to its effectiveness in close-quarter combat. The U.S. Delta Force cut down a pump action and used a slug directly to door locks and they called it their "master key." So, for there to be a purpose for a closer quarter combat unit issued shotguns, I imagine it got pretty messy. I won't pretend to have the credentials that could diagnose anyone, but that sounds like something that would give anyone nightmares. Btw, even John made that up out of the blue, that sounds like something I would watch in a futuristic action movie. Even "Alien" didn't think of a shotgun infantry, and that would have worked in that movie.
The way I look at it, is either John was a brilliant screenwriter that never sold a single script, or he was exactly what he said he was. Considering the crap Hollywood pays millions (scratch that) 10's of millions (wait) sometimes 100s of millions to produce, time traveler seems more likely.

We can't imagine the things that we don't know.

Section 493.6115 also gives the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services authority to approve other types of firearms for use by Class “G” license holders. Rule 5N-1.131, Florida Administrative Code, lists the approved firearms that may be carried by Class “G” licensees who are employed by licensed private investigative and security agencies, and establishes the conditions under which these firearms are allowed:

A 12-gauge pump-action shotgun or a semi-automatic rifle can be used as a secondary weapon, to carry or to remain in a vehicle, when the agency is engaged in:
Fulfillment of contractual obligations to guard United States, state or local government facilities where the government contract specifically requires use of these weapons.
Fulfillment of contractual obligations to guard critical infrastructure facilities as defined in Section 493.631, F.S., where the contract specifically requires use of these weapons.
A 12-gauge pump-action shotgun can be used as a secondary weapon, where the shotgun remains in a vehicle for use only if needed, when the agency is engaged in:
Armored car services or agencies that replenish automated teller machines.
Courier services involving the transport of large amounts of currency and/or valuables.
Guarding and/or transporting prisoners.
Close protection bodyguard services.
Automatic or select-fire firearms are authorized for use when the licensed security or private investigative agency provides services directly to the United States government, and the government contract specifically requires use of these weapons.

He was passionate about his religion, his family, and the general well being of American society.
This was posted by Pamela Moore not TT0. She claimed that it was from a private chat she had ongoing with TimeTravel_0:

"IP: Logged
Member posted 07 November 2000 21:23 "Time Travel Paradoxes"

timetravel_0: Wow...that's a big question. There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective) The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won."

"IP: Logged
unregistered posted 26 January 2001 13:32 "Time Travel Paradoxes"

However, in their attempt to create an economic form of government, the political and military leaders at the time decided to hold one last Constitutional Congress in order to present a psychological cohesion from the old system. During this Congress, the leaders discovered and decided that coming up with a new and better form of government was nearly impossible. The original Constitution itself was not the problem it was the ignorance of the people that lived under it."

"Posted by John Titor on 02-08-2001 09:40 AM
"I am from 2036"

Also, please be aware that from my viewpoint, Russia attacked my enemy who was in the U.S. cities."

"Posted by John Titor on 02-26-2001 03:39 PM
"I am from 2036"

Nuclear war will be very effective at destroying an enemy’s economy and the people's will to fight. "

These posts by TT0/Titor represent his "general well being of American society"? The United States of America was his enemy and after his ally Russia nuked America into the stone age "his side" won? The Constitution wasn't the problem. It was the stupid cows known as the American People where were the problem? Russia didn't attack the American People with nukes? They, instead performed surgical nuclear strikes that didn't evaporate people, only "the gov'mit"? "Russia attacked my enemy who was in the US cities"? The American People weren't his enemies, it was "the gov'mit" but nuking the government destroyed The People's will to fight? That's how you define Titor's care for "general well being of American society"? Yikes!

Seriously, I have to ask: have you actually read all of the threads (and they are all available on this site) to come to that conclusion or have you read posts here and elsewhere from people (who likewise haven't read the posts) who wax lyrical about The Love of Titor whose ally is Russia?
Last edited:
Seriously, I have to ask: have you actually read all of the threads (and they are all available on this site) to come to that conclusion or have you read posts here and elsewhere from people (who likewise haven't read the posts) who wax lyrical about The Love of Titor whose ally is Russia?
Let me rephrase that: Few people have read all the posts. I have, obviously as I also lived them. I saw very little in the way of love and or care for the American People in his posts. He was clear in stating that he hated "us" which (and I don't believe he thought it through) included his grandparents, aunts and uncles. He gave his own parents a pass even though they were part of the US population living in "the cities". They lived in the "burbs" not the country.
This was posted by Pamela Moore not TT0. She claimed that it was from a private chat she had ongoing with TimeTravel_0:

"IP: Logged
Member posted 07 November 2000 21:23 "Time Travel Paradoxes"

timetravel_0: Wow...that's a big question. There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective) The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won."

"IP: Logged
unregistered posted 26 January 2001 13:32 "Time Travel Paradoxes"

However, in their attempt to create an economic form of government, the political and military leaders at the time decided to hold one last Constitutional Congress in order to present a psychological cohesion from the old system. During this Congress, the leaders discovered and decided that coming up with a new and better form of government was nearly impossible. The original Constitution itself was not the problem it was the ignorance of the people that lived under it."

"Posted by John Titor on 02-08-2001 09:40 AM
"I am from 2036"

Also, please be aware that from my viewpoint, Russia attacked my enemy who was in the U.S. cities."

"Posted by John Titor on 02-26-2001 03:39 PM
"I am from 2036"

Nuclear war will be very effective at destroying an enemy’s economy and the people's will to fight. "

These posts by TT0/Titor represent his "general well being of American society"? The United States of America was his enemy and after his ally Russia nuked America into the stone age "his side" won? The Constitution wasn't the problem. It was the stupid cows known as the American People where were the problem? Russia didn't attack the American People with nukes? They, instead performed surgical nuclear strikes that didn't evaporate people, only "the gov'mit"? "Russia attacked my enemy who was in the US cities"? The American People weren't his enemies, it was "the gov'mit" but nuking the government destroyed The People's will to fight? That's how you define Titor's care for "general well being of American society"? Yikes!

Seriously, I have to ask: have you actually read all of the threads (and they are all available on this site) to come to that conclusion or have you read posts here and elsewhere from people (who likewise haven't read the posts) who wax lyrical about The Love of Titor whose ally is Russia?
I am glad you brought this up. I know you don't know me too well, and I am sure throughout the years you had to endure post after post of arrogant newcomers thinking they understand what you understand. With this post I hope to convey to you and others that I am not one of those people. When I post something, I have thought it through.
I won't begin to assume that I know more or as much as you. I know I do not.
That being said, I certainly don't think you are correct about this.

"The enemy of my enemy is also my friend." - Ancient Proverb

There were 3 events that John spoke about that happened in our time.

1. Waco
2. Ruby Ridge
3. Ellian Gonzalez

These 3 events he used as an example to describe the type of events in the beginning of his civil war.

"The civil war in the United States will start in 2004. I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse."
Think about what these 3 events have in common. It is the federal government dividing itself from the people, and in two out of the 3 events, people (children) were murdered by the feds.

In other words what do you think the American Federal Empire is? AFE. Empire? Were we ever an empire? Yes, but never openly imperialists. We have intervened in every of 180 or so countries on this planet. We have military bases everywhere, we have incited numerous coups, and not always for the best. Libya still hasn't rebuilt itself after we murdered Kadafi. Love him or hate him, he gave both men and woman access to an education, homes, food, and medical care.

My point is, the civil war was not fought by geographic locations like in the 1860s, instead it was a rebellion against the federal government that was murdering its own people.

He was on the side of the people against the feds. Russia nuked the Empire (AFE), and "The People" won the war.

So, yeah.

I stand by what I said about John.

What about you. What do you stand for?
Ecco cosa penso di John Titor. La mia idea potrebbe sembrarti un po' folle. Il mio primo pensiero è stato che John Titor non è arrivato dal 2036 da solo, forse è arrivato con qualcun altro? O forse i viaggiatori del tempo sono arrivati dal 2036 o da un altro universo parallelo dopo che John Titor se n'è andato.
io credo che esistano più viaggiatori del tempo
Ecco cosa penso di John Titor. La mia idea potrebbe sembrarti un po' folle. Il mio primo pensiero è stato che John Titor non è arrivato dal 2036 da solo, forse è arrivato con qualcun altro? O forse i viaggiatori del tempo sono arrivati dal 2036 o da un altro universo parallelo dopo che John Titor se n'è andato.
lo credo anche io, esistono tanti viaggiatori del tempo
I am glad you brought this up. I know you don't know me too well, and I am sure throughout the years you had to endure post after post of arrogant newcomers thinking they understand what you understand. With this post I hope to convey to you and others that I am not one of those people. When I post something, I have thought it through.
I won't begin to assume that I know more or as much as you. I know I do not.
That being said, I certainly don't think you are correct about this.

"The enemy of my enemy is also my friend." - Ancient Proverb

There were 3 events that John spoke about that happened in our time.

1. Waco
2. Ruby Ridge
3. Ellian Gonzalez

These 3 events he used as an example to describe the type of events in the beginning of his civil war.

"The civil war in the United States will start in 2004. I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse."
Think about what these 3 events have in common. It is the federal government dividing itself from the people, and in two out of the 3 events, people (children) were murdered by the feds.

In other words what do you think the American Federal Empire is? AFE. Empire? Were we ever an empire? Yes, but never openly imperialists. We have intervened in every of 180 or so countries on this planet. We have military bases everywhere, we have incited numerous coups, and not always for the best. Libya still hasn't rebuilt itself after we murdered Kadafi. Love him or hate him, he gave both men and woman access to an education, homes, food, and medical care.

My point is, the civil war was not fought by geographic locations like in the 1860s, instead it was a rebellion against the federal government that was murdering its own people.

He was on the side of the people against the feds. Russia nuked the Empire (AFE), and "The People" won the war.

So, yeah.

I stand by what I said about John.

What about you. What do you stand for?
I recently heard a European refer to the Ukrainian military as the AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine). Is a united European military known as the AFE?
Let me rephrase that: Few people have read all the posts. I have, obviously as I also lived them. I saw very little in the way of love and or care for the American People in his posts. He was clear in stating that he hated "us" which (and I don't believe he thought it through) included his grandparents, aunts and uncles. He gave his own parents a pass even though they were part of the US population living in "the cities". They lived in the "burbs" not the country.

Hi Darby, yeah this is very troubling, especially when you compare it with what is happening now. Ultimately, the old posts refer to a coalition of the old parts of America and five presidents, that simultaneously govern in a council much like the supreme Court, and individually rotate in elections held yearly each for a four year term. Apparently, some sort of unification occured by all the survivors of the conflict, regardless of a particular idiology.

Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective) The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won."

Most Democrat votes occur in cities, where people have access to better education. But, the Titor posting in 2000 lived in Florida in 2037. In 2000, Florida was blue. Over the next 25 years it flipped red. Today, Republicans in Florida side with trump and actually do see blue cities as the enemy. It used to be not long ago, this kind of distinction was never made. New York was never seen as a threat to Tampa. Instead, it was seen as a source of revenue from tourists by people like Disney.

And, the AFE? Why call it an EMPIRE? Like England used to call itself the British EMPIRE. But, it changed the name to the British Commonwealth in modern times, taking a less aggressive stance. So, I have to wonder what Trump will call the monstrocity he could create if he invades Canada, Greenland, and Mexico. The Trump EMPIRE? He already calls his chain of business disasters an empire.

So, it sounds like major cities get hit, along with Canadian land with mineral, wheat (to feed livestock), water, and timbre resources. Leaving behind rural American countryside. From a current Floridian perspective, that would match the 2000 titor's description to Pamela.

His uncle lived in Rochester. But, NY-21 sees itself more as being countryside than the burbs, when compared to other major cities around it like Toronto, NYC, Detroit, Buffalo, Windsor, Hamilton, Oshawa, etc. It's probably because the low population density in NY-21 doesn't drop low enough to be a true rural area. But, they still call that "country" compared to everything else.

The dynamics of the current 2025 situation are complex. Palestinians tried to obtain time travel technology to go back and stop their land from being transferred to the UN. When that didn't work, they tried to restore the USSR to get an ally as powerful as America was to Israel. They financed Putin to help him rise. Putin tried to groom Trump to control the WH. But, Trump kept blowing Putin's money (twice).

On a seperate tangent, Musk was trying to obtain Russian rocket know-how for space X. He tried to buy three ICBMs from Putin. Putin counteroffered asking Musk to finance Trump and keep an eye on him not to misspend it. If he succeeded, he "might" consider giving musk the ICBMs.

Musk thinks humanity is dead and it needs his help. So, he has a utopian vision of spreading out across the solar system and into the galaxy. But, by financing Trump, he also found a backdoor into the presidency which he never thought he'd have. Now, he thinks it would be just easier to "reterraform earth" than mars. This has changed the timeline from what the 2000 tutor experienced.

In the new one, there is a power imbalance between the Trump/Putin alliance and China. China will panic and attack, first disable the states, then take out Putin. On top of this, Musk unleashes his own AI robotic army on anyone he thinks stands in the way of his vision.

This is the timeline the 2024/2025 titor has experienced, and why some of the stuff he talks about and his disposition has changed.

You can't deny a lot of what musk, trump, Vance, and Putin are doing is enraging most of America and causing concern around the world. Whoever, whatever, or even which version he is, the goal is correct. Musk, Trump, Vance, and Putin need to be stopped. We've already arrested a lot of the cabal that caused this.