Theory Possibility of Multiple Time Travelers


Temporal Novice
This is how I feel about John Titor. My idea may seem a little crazy to you. My first thought was that John Titor did not come from 2036 alone, maybe he came with someone else? Or maybe time travelers came from 2036 or another parallel universe after John Titor left.
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Welcome to the site!

It's and interesting theory. I assume it would be good to send more than 2 person on a mission to the past. Movies have us used to solo missions. James Bond, Jason Bourne.

In real life, I don't think solo missions to save the world are that common. Team work is paramount.

Hypothetically, I wonder if they would have all traveled together in the same vehicle. I doubt more than 1 person would fit in the Corvette though... That kind of settles it.

You also point out a another interesting idea. If they didn't travel together, can we be sure they all come from the same timeline? Would they be able to ensure they're from the same timeline?

Never thought of this before.
I would enforce an agency wide "Eden" protocol in the event that a C204 malfunction strands our team of young coeds in the distant past, or a dimension where humans don't exist yet. I would be sure to pack a full emergency kit in the trunk including a life raft, seeds, water filtration, armament, and tools.

I imagine that scenario may be our very origin.
Welcome to the site!

It's and interesting theory. I assume it would be good to send more than 2 person on a mission to the past. Movies have us used to solo missions. James Bond, Jason Bourne.

In real life, I don't think solo missions to save the world are that common. Team work is paramount.

Hypothetically, I wonder if they would have all traveled together in the same vehicle. I doubt more than 1 person would fit in the Corvette though... That kind of settles it.

You also point out a another interesting idea. If they didn't travel together, can we be sure they all come from the same timeline? Would they be able to ensure they're from the same timeline?

Never thought of this before.
yes i have more theory about john titor. If John Titor did not come alone, could that man or woman still be in our world?

and I have a few more theories to tell. My first theory is that when John Titor was in our world, he said that he was with his family, that is, if John Titor left our world, then his family was the last to see him. Where is his family?
Another interesting idea. I can't remember, but didn't Titor say he was born in 1999? I wonder if he met himself in his family.

We have to assume his family is still around. I wonder if they are aware of us, here.
Another interesting idea. I can't remember, but didn't Titor say he was born in 1999? I wonder if he met himself in his family.

We have to assume his family is still around. I wonder if they are aware of us, here.
I wonder if aliens watch ancient aliens & laugh?

"Hey, check this out!"


  • History-Channel-The-Ancient-Aliens-Guy.webp
    13.5 KB · Views: 1
Başka bir ilginç fikir. Hatırlayamıyorum ama Titor 1999'da doğduğunu söylenmiş miydi? Acaba aile içinde insanlarla tanışmış mı?

Ailesinin hala hayatta olduğunu varsaymalıyız. Acaba burada bizi tanıyoruz
When I researched John Titor, it said that John Titor was 18 years old in 2036, and I thought so later. If Jon Titor was 18 years old in 2036, then Titor in our world is 6 years old. Could this be a theory?

There is one more strange thing I saw in John Titor. In fact, it may seem normal to others, but if you remember, John Titor shared something on March 12th before he left. It says that after 30 days I'm going back to my time, and at the end it says something. "Keep Peace 2001" don't you think it's weird? So I think it's a password.
Oh yeah, the March 12th thing. I vaguely remember it, but I'll have to research it, to find back what it was about.

Do you remember?
When I researched John Titor, it said that John Titor was 18 years old in 2036, and I thought so later. If Jon Titor was 18 years old in 2036, then Titor in our world is 6 years old. Could this be a theory?
John was born in 1998. He is currently 26, and will be 38 in 2036.
Another interesting idea. I can't remember, but didn't Titor say he was born in 1999? I wonder if he met himself in his family.

We have to assume his family is still around. I wonder if they are aware of us, here.
He never actually said where in Florida he was born. He did say it was in 1998. He said his military unit was out of Tampa, FL. And yes, according to his story he not only met "his family" and and his new born doppleganger in 1998, he lived with them for two years. He said he was posting from their home. The scare quotes around "his family" are to indicate that the people he lived with, according to his own story, were not his parents and the baby was not his younger self. You recall that he made an offer to let members send emails to themselves in 1998 and 2036. He was very clear in stating that they would not receive the emails. Rather, their dopplegangers in some other universe would receive them. He also clearly stated that the world he came from was not this world. That everything he aid about "the war", etc. was about the world he came from and not this world.
Posted by John Titor on 03-10-2001 07:26 PM "I am from 2036" (Post-2-Post BBS):

"Therefore, I not only offer you the chance to leave a message to yourself in 2036 but I offer you the chance to leave yourself a message in 1998. I will take any compiled messages and email addressees you provide and send them on the net when I get to 1998.

Granted, this will not affect you on your world line now but you make take some comfort that another “you” on another world line has the advantage of knowing something you wish you knew three years ago. Based on the earlier questions I’ve seen, I’ve decided a day-to-day record of the Dow a day in advance should convince you that the messages are real in 1998." [Bold Italic added for emphasis by Darby]
So about those DOW closing bell records.....
It's been 26 years since 1998 and not a single person has ever posted that they received such an email in 1998. But there's more to this part of Titor's Saga than immediately meets the eye even though we discussed it two decades ago.

Posted by John Titor on 02-15-2001 05:06 PM, "I am from 2036" (Post-2-Post BBS):

The following are personal rules I try to keep (unless of course they conflict with my secret agenda). I look forward to discussing any discrepancies you may find.


(1). I will not disclose any information that will cause someone to personally gain by its knowledge.
(2). I will not disclose any detailed information that would allow someone to avoid death by probability.
(3). I will not disclose any information that may compromise any future actions by individual people or threaten their family and well-being. [Bold italic added by Darby for emphasis]
When Titor/TTO first starting posting he said that he didn't care if we believed him and preferred that we didn't believe him. On 15-FEB-2001 the made the above post of his three rules of ethics for time travelers. Rule No. 1 was he would not disclose any information by which someone could personally gain by that knowledge.

Yet three weeks later on 10-MAR-2001, in an attempt to convince people to believe him, he promised to violate Rule No. 1 by giving those who opted into his email gag the daily DOW a day in advance for 1998. If one knew the opening and closing DOW every day for a year a day in advance they could make a boatload of money. So much for his ethical rules and so much for his flippant retort that he didn't care if we believed his story. It ultimately appeared that he desperately wanted to be believed.

TItor/TTO had a problem that was noticed by people, including Yareisa, who had private chatroom conversations with him. He liked to drink his wine just a bit too much. He'd get intoxicated and make mistakes. For example, and I've always just assumed that being intoxicated caused him to make these mistakes, on more than one occasion for forgot to mask his true IP address when he logged onto this site. That error was caught by Raul (MOP) who was able to identify him as a member on TTI long before there was a John Titor. As I've said before, the TOS agreement forbade Raul's disclosure of that member's identity. The IRC log with Yareisa and "G degrees" was not the only time he appeared on that European BBS. Yareisa never disclosed to me the URL of the site. But she did tell me that Titor appeared to be intoxicated on some visits and that he "creeped [her] out" which is why it took me several years to get her to reply to my emails; she didn't want to have any contact with anyone associated with him. Just to be perfectly clear: Yareisa told me that his creeping her out had nothing to do with his assertion of being a time traveler. It was more visceral than that. Without going into details let's just say it had to do with him being a "Joey" and her being a "Sheila".

And yes, we saw and discussed his little caveat about his secret agenda vis-a-vis his rules. Within the context of his story a secret agenda made no sense at all. He said he stopped here for a personal vacation and that this was not his world. Nothing he did here would affect his world in any way - it is an entirely different universe. The consistency of his story was disintegrating. He was forgetting little details from earlier posts. Thus he refigured his departure date with his Wiggle VGL and decided to exit early. This was especially so once physicist Dave Trott started asking him questions. Alcohol tends to do that to a story.
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Hello again everyone. I have been investigating the John Titor case for a long time. Many people may not believe in Tabiki. More than 20 years have passed since this incident. But I have faith that JT is still living somewhere. I'm researching this incident, but then I say "is there something missing in this incident? I mean, there are some obscure flaws. Some people think maybe he's dead. But I believe him, and I want to mention this last thing. As far as I've researched, John Titor said about 2015. Wars , he said things like the decrease in the number of people. What if he said it for the year 2025, when we are here?
I am kind of new at the forum, but I have been interested since 2017 when I first heard of it. This is my take in case it may be relatable or help.

I don't think of John's appearance as an incident. I would describe it as a happening. Not for the predictions, or for the story of being a time traveler. If he was telling the truth has no interest to me. Similar to the J.F.K assassination. If you could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Oswald pulled the trigger as the Warren Commision states, then what? Even if you could prove it while everyone involved was still alive, how could knowing Oswald shot Kennedy un-assassinate our president? It won't reveal the culprits working behind the scenes that had vested interest in his death. It won't stop LBJ from escalating the war in Vietnam. It is just a rabbit hole when you try to prove Oswald pulled the trigger, instead were people involved that got away with it.
So, my point is, looking at this JT_0 as someone predicting future events would be useless based on the story that was presented to us. He said that the larger the divergence would get further away you get from it. If he stopped Y2K from occurring for example, the divergence would be significant.
The reason I say it was a happening was because of the things he predicted that a divergence would not effect, like the internet nodes he discussed leading to a non-centralized internet mediums becoming more popular than the alphabet broadcasting giants. No one at that time was thinking that was going to be a thing. There are many examples like that, but more importantly, he was speaking about modern society in a way not alot of people would share his sentiments.

I think that the subtext of his posts spoke volumes and that alone to me reveals at least, that he didn't quite belong. He struck me as someone who was a person trying to reach out in a philosophical and meaningful way, that was unique in the same way a person that recently escaped from North Korea might sound preachy about how much people in the west take for granted. I think his point of view was genuine, and for me was quite telling.

Anyways, I enjoy discussing this topic.

- J.
Of course, everyone here has a different perspective on this event. I started researching JT in 2021. I read everything he wrote sentence by sentence and my perspective is in what John told us. But I want to know if this event is real or fake.
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Of course, everyone here has a different perspective on this event. I started researching JT in 2021. I read everything he wrote sentence by sentence and my perspective is in what John told us. But I want to know if this event is real or fake.
It was John's own words, "I already know you won't pay any attention or believe me, because we already been through it on this world-line."

I don't think he was trying to prove it to be true for only the purpose of believing him. I think he wanted people to believe him, so that people might adhere to his warning signs in his message. For instance, and I quote,

"I watch every day what you are doing as a society. While you sit by and watch your constitution being torn away from you, you willfully eat poisoned food, buy manufactured products no one needs, and turn an uncaring eye from millions of people dying and suffering all around you.... "Perhaps you should be less concerned about me, and more concerned about that."

All of that is still happening, more so than when he wrote that. Now, the poisoned food is expensive, the constitution has never been worse misused and misinterpreted, and homeless rates have sky-rocketed, and they are getting worse.

Did a civil war break out, not really, but the country is more polarized now than when he posted that. No nuclear war either. But that is still an imminent, and forever looming threat. In other words, the things that he was actually warning us about has only worsened since that post.

Everything he said about our society was not subjective finger wagging. It is all objectively true.

It isn't predictions you want to gain from a time traveler. It is wisdom.
It's been 26 years since 1998 and not a single person has ever posted that they received such an email in 1998. But there's more to this part of Titor's Saga than immediately meets the eye even though we discussed it two decades ago.

When Titor/TTO first starting posting he said that he didn't care if we believed him and preferred that we didn't believe him. On 15-FEB-2001 the made the above post of his three rules of ethics for time travelers. Rule No. 1 was he would not disclose any information by which someone could personally gain by that knowledge.

Yet three weeks later on 10-MAR-2001, in an attempt to convince people to believe him, he promised to violate Rule No. 1 by giving those who opted into his email gag the daily DOW a day in advance for 1998. If one knew the opening and closing DOW every day for a year a day in advance they could make a boatload of money. So much for his ethical rules and so much for his flippant retort that he didn't care if we believed his story. It ultimately appeared that he desperately wanted to be believed.

TItor/TTO had a problem that was noticed by people, including Yareisa, who had private chatroom conversations with him. He liked to drink his wine just a bit too much. He'd get intoxicated and make mistakes. For example, and I've always just assumed that being intoxicated caused him to make these mistakes, on more than one occasion for forgot to mask his true IP address when he logged onto this site. That error was caught by Raul (MOP) who was able to identify him as a member on TTI long before there was a John Titor. As I've said before, the TOS agreement forbade Raul's disclosure of that member's identity. The IRC log with Yareisa and "G degrees" was not the only time he appeared on that European BBS. Yareisa never disclosed to me the URL of the site. But she did tell me that Titor appeared to be intoxicated on some visits and that he "creeped [her] out" which is why it took me several years to get her to reply to my emails; she didn't want to have any contact with anyone associated with him. Just to be perfectly clear: Yareisa told me that his creeping her out had nothing to do with his assertion of being a time traveler. It was more visceral than that. Without going into details let's just say it had to do with him being a "Joey" and her being a "Sheila".

And yes, we saw and discussed his little caveat about his secret agenda vis-a-vis his rules. Within the context of his story a secret agenda made no sense at all. He said he stopped here for a personal vacation and that this was not his world. Nothing he did here would affect his world in any way - it is an entirely different universe. The consistency of his story was disintegrating. He was forgetting little details from earlier posts. Thus he refigured his departure date with his Wiggle VGL and decided to exit early. This was especially so once physicist Dave Trott started asking him questions. Alcohol tends to do that to a story.
I am gonna give it the ol' college try, my educated cowboy friend. I will attempt to convince you [Darby] that John was the bonified genuine article, just for shoots and giggles that ensue with any devil's advocate.

1. DOW a day (in advance).
Going by John's narrative, if you gave him a letter to give to you two years prior, you will never actually know if (you '98) received or not. The reason being, as John arrives in 1998, is begins a new world-line. A line you will have no knowledge of. Expecting to hear back from a (you) two years ago would not be possible without access to your own time machine. (Possibly not even then)

2. Tipsy Titor - Who here never being drunkenly creepy cast the first stone? Anyone? Didn't think so.

3. Butterfingers - Who doesn't make mistakes (period).

4. Did John break rule #1 - This one is a tough one. He is guilty by his own admission, this is true. This is not a coerced confession. He said he was breaking it.

However, like any fancy trial lawyer, I would beg the question... why?

Why would he break his own rules. Let alone his # 1 rule.

The question why would he... Instead, the question should be what would he have gained by people believing him. Did he have a flower shop that could use the publicity? Was he selling scented candles that would smell great on any world-line (anytime)?

The answer to those questions is no, and nothing.

No he wasn't selling anyone anything, and never did. (that I know) If he had he could have made a small fortune on 20 + years of intrigue alone. Never did.

So, nothing is what he was selling people and nothing is what he had to gain.

I know he had already said that himself, but when it comes to people, they are usually full of it. Not this time though. This time someone was finally not going to try to sell you something when they absolutely could have.

Also, by giving stock tips would only break his own rule on another world-line (see ref.1) So, breaking would have no effect on his own line, or this one. No harm, no foul.

in a sea of endless worlds and endless variants, that would account for the world-line that exists where John finds an exception to break his #1 rule.

Your honor, the people rest.

(Standing O) 💥🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️🏌️‍♀️🥂🍻🥳

U ! S ! A !

U ! S ! A !
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