Parallel Universes, and our counter parts in them.

My computer crashed for a couple of days so I have to catch up with you guys. Activist, yes I have had deja-vu and it's a strange feeling. I was on a train once and we arrived at the same station twice. I was reading and looked up both times and saw the same people getting on and off --again. A change in the Matrix. Another time I walked into a "corner" store for a news paper and left with it. With in a block I realized I did not have it. I walked back looking for it on the ground but no sign of it. I had used the last two quarters I had so I'd have to break a twenty to get another one. I walked back in and said to the man that I managed to loose the paper I just bought in a matter of 2 minutes. He did not know what I was talking about. I opened my wallet and the two quarters were there. He did not remember me being in the store minutes before.
My computer crashed so I'm catching up. Activist, Yes I've had deja-vu. Just now as a matter of fact. I wrote a long answer to your question and hit submit and went back to the page and it was not there so I'm starting all over again. I was on a train that stopped at the same station twice. I was reading and when I looked up both times I saw the same people getting on and off.
Hi Mokrie, your computer must not be the only one acting up. The first time I got on here your second posting was at the top of the page. I hit back to the first page of the post to see if I missed anything and then came back here and there appeared a post above it.
Ive been getting a lot of crashes too. first there appears a message that says my computer performed an illegal action and says it will be shut down. the mouse doesnt even work and i have to just shut it down manually.
but your first post must not have been posted right because why would it do it to my computer also. I bet it happened to everyone that read it.

anyway I am glad i got to read it because it was very interesting.
Mokrie & Pamela,
My computer too has been acting up lately. Just last night I had to restart 3 times till I finally got online. And it's a brand new PC. A 733Mhz with all the latest hardware. So go fig why it's acting up on me

Your deja vu experience is extraordinary Mokrie. I have not had an experience quite like that before. You and everyone here, FBI monitoring our words... Could all that's happening to us NOW be a coincidence? Or on the other hand, it’s do to a result of what we have said in past posts?

Lately I have been searching the Internet for counter surveillance equipment. In addition, I have been having dreams of people spying on me, watching me while I am with people, or alone.

It all seems just to weird how all of this can come together so perfectly. Alternatively, it could just be my paranoia, attempting to find a pattern where none lies?

Who knows? However, as what we have seen, we are not the only ones feeling it.

Something’s Up... So what can we do?

Please reply, I think if we all put our minds together and try and come up with a plan, we might be able to shake a bit a ground. That my be enough to get them out of hiding the truth from us.

So what do you say??? Let me know.

Yours truly,
Javier C.

P.S. Just out of curious, who do you think will be the next President, and what will come out of their term? Remember, both can and will impose their religious views on America when they become president. One will impose a religion that is a cult, which is also a business that will destroy/expose you if you even talk bad about it. While the other will impose a religion that is set on love, sin and forgiveness. We all know what their religions are. It will be up to us to decide which way we will be damned if we do, and damned if we don't.
Sorry, I forgot to put in my user name when I posted the above post. It's mine, so don't be alarmed
. I said those words.

-Javier C.

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 29 July 2000).>
When it comes to the govt crashing computers, I would'nt put anything past them. They knocked me off completely the first time I got my own account with aol. I was hitting random sites by typing in any exotic word I could think of with a dot com after it or dot org etc. A man called aol with my secret password, my charge card number and all other SECRET information and said he was my husband and cancelled the account!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one knows those things but me----I thought. I apparently went where I should'nt go. Two of the sites I hit by accident did not have typing but symbols; some kind of cryptic code. It gave me chills when I called aol and they told me that he had just called earlier that day. Would you believe they thought I "forgot" I had a husband!HAHA These are guys you don't mess with. They have NO sence of humor.
Excuse my ignorance-I don't get it. If the government were really concerned about what is going on, why wouldn't they choose to monitor us, rather than shutting us down? Are we, perhaps, giving ourselves more credit than we deserve? My computer, or my communications link crashes about every other week. Am I to believe the government is involved, especially when this has been going on for at least the last 3 years? Somehow, I have to believe the government has better things to do than monitor our posts. If there is even any government employee visiting this website, I'll bet they do so, only when they need a good laugh.
(Hypothetically speaking)

OK jth40 has no connection with Time Travel, he poses no threat. Let's mark him off the list.

That's assuming the government was watching and monitoring us would do

Any questions?

-Javier C.
Yeah, just one, what list? Your need for importance astounds me. Just exactly what is it that you have done that the government needs to monitor you-oops, I almost blew it-that must be a secret.
Like you don't know
. Come on, just look around. There alot of people here with personal expriences with Time Travel.

Ever hear of the MIB? It is said if you talk about UFO's, that you get a visit from one of these MIB's. They didn't exactly do anything, just witness something.

So that makes them a threat if they talk about it.

Am I making any sense to you?

Now you do the rest of the addition, what's 2+2 equal now

-Javier C.
It is said, by who? At any rate, I believe another government agency, like the USAF would usually be the first to investigate. Personally, I am all for an investigation of some sort into a UFO incident. I only feel that it is in the best interest of national security to do so. Am I, therefore, pro-government? My answer is, only to a limted extent. I still feel, and I could very well be wrong, that the good ol' gov probably has better things to do than chase every little thread on a website, or even every other. I enjoy hearing from you, tta. As strange as that might sound, this website, in my opinion, is much more interesting by your input. Whether I agree with your opinions or not, should be of little matter.
Hey thanks alot. I never got a compliment from someone who's actually for government secrecy before
. Usually I get them from people who agree with me. But it's interesting that you think that my views are interesting, and fresh

Let's see what else I will say later
. Hehe.

-Javier C.
they DO monitor people. but when you get to the place where you may be revealing secrets
or will be affecting National Security with what you say. then you will be shut down.
This only makes sense. If somebody has experiences or information that is still classified and they are blabbing this to the world what would YOU do with them?
Countries will protect their country.
Since I've ducked in and out of this board from time to time over the last two years, I've had the pleasure of seeing many topics related to Time Travel debated here with interested.

I'll admit, it used to be a bit more open and informative, but it seems lately it has come to be a board dominated by a few (who aren't even the moderators) who expect others to play by their rules. namely, NOT QUESTION what they have to say. To wit:

TTA (Javier C.) in your last post to me you stated:

"Don't tell me your going to be someone in this message board who thinks he knows all the answers by replying to everyone on a post,"...

(not sure how THAT means someone thinks they "know it all")


" by one going down the list, attempting to debunk their logic and beliefs ?"

(which comes across to me as elitist, and afraid of being held accountable for what they say)

followed by this.....

"We already had 1 other person like that here. Do you see him around anymore?"

to which I say I can see why. I don't know who you are talking about but it is obviously someone who got tired of your childish rantings and constant attempts to correct someone else's "political mcorrectness" in the spirit of maintaining some sort of immature superiority on your part. Seems all is OK with you as long as the contributors adhere to some sort of definition you have of what others are supposed to be. Or conform to. Truth is, I feel a little sorry for you.

You are right in one aspect tho....

I'm ducking back out too.

I'll return in a few months to see if the level of excahnge has reached the maturity it USED to have instead of the constant ego petting of uninformed children it seems to be engrossed in now.

Have a nice day.

P. S. To Dimenzionz:

You USED to have a good board. What happened???!!!
Well now that the arrogant Lee is off for a few months. It's okay now to be our selves’ -Hooray

I'm sorry Lee, but not all of us can have the maturity and superiority complex mind you have.

In addition, I'm sorry you feel sorry for me
. But that's ok, cause I'm happy with the way I am. There's nothing wrong with me. I smile all the time...

Do you?

From the way you sounded in that last posts you sound like a dull passionless individual.
So I should ask you, “What happened to you?”

Get a grip Lee... No need to be so perfect.

And about the politically incorrectness. I was only answering your question to elaborate. Sorry that you think when someone answers your questions, that there making a big deal about it

Or do you just say that, when their opinion clashes with your own.

You presume everyone here as being immature and being childish.

It's better being like that, then being someone like you. And I think alot of people will back me up on that one
. And that’s the truth.

Have a nice vacation. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on

-Javier C.
Yeah---my theory is that this entire site died like the IN spot that the jet set hits for awhile and then leaves. There are no more threads then this one. What is wrong here?
there are too many subjects and the users are spread out. with less topics, there would be more people to each topic.