Mokrie & Pamela,
My computer too has been acting up lately. Just last night I had to restart 3 times till I finally got online. And it's a brand new PC. A 733Mhz with all the latest hardware. So go fig why it's acting up on me
Your deja vu experience is extraordinary Mokrie. I have not had an experience quite like that before. You and everyone here, FBI monitoring our words... Could all that's happening to us NOW be a coincidence? Or on the other hand, it’s do to a result of what we have said in past posts?
Lately I have been searching the Internet for counter surveillance equipment. In addition, I have been having dreams of people spying on me, watching me while I am with people, or alone.
It all seems just to weird how all of this can come together so perfectly. Alternatively, it could just be my paranoia, attempting to find a pattern where none lies?
Who knows? However, as what we have seen, we are not the only ones feeling it.
Something’s Up... So what can we do?
Please reply, I think if we all put our minds together and try and come up with a plan, we might be able to shake a bit a ground. That my be enough to get them out of hiding the truth from us.
So what do you say??? Let me know.
Yours truly,
Javier C.
P.S. Just out of curious, who do you think will be the next President, and what will come out of their term? Remember, both can and will impose their religious views on America when they become president. One will impose a religion that is a cult, which is also a business that will destroy/expose you if you even talk bad about it. While the other will impose a religion that is set on love, sin and forgiveness. We all know what their religions are. It will be up to us to decide which way we will be damned if we do, and damned if we don't.