One way to spot hoaxes

Answering what I can....I will be returning home in another hour or so...of course here no time will pass but while I'm there I've got reports to write and have to get some much needed sleep but I will look up as much as I can while I am there.

cpguy - I will look up the name in the History files when I return home...unless Guy Douglas made a serious impact on History or Literature it is unlikely he will show up. For instance, the name Gene Rodenberry shows up(not necessarily for his literary work--he is viewed more as a visionary), but names like Lucas and Spielberg are meaningless in my time.

Trollface - Not meaning to be rude, but why is California called California, Florida called Florida--- same reason with Shanduble---it's what it was named. In my time there are 90 states that are part of the U.S.

Keeb - I will tell you what I know, and look up more for you. I have an internal "Biometric" device that monitors all of my vital stastics, as well as positively identifying myself. I also have a detachable device, it communicates all of this Bio date back to the central SFU computer bank, so it knows exactly when and where I am at all times. Unless I detach it of course. All the "travel" is handled by the SFU Computers. I get a tingling sensation, followed by a combined sense of weightlessness, and sort of an acceleration. Not typical acceleration I G-forces and such bet yet still a sense of being rapidly moved. Everything blurs for a second, then the process reverses itself and I'm there. I can tell you that time is viewed as merely another dimension. Fourth and fifth dimensions are time.
unless Guy Douglas made a serious impact on History or Literature it is unlikely he will show up.

I just want to see if he made a serious impact on literature, but he probably wouldn't make a serious impact on History.

Thanks for looking him up.
Ace 940

Two questions.

Two your knowledge was their a place known as Pacifica, which was an island, in the future?

Two, because of the said some divergences in time, did famous people either die reported ahead of their times, then come back to life, or died and then reappeared, but nobody surrounding this news seemed to have noticed?
Not meaning to be rude, but why is California called California[...]

It's not rude at all.

California was settled by Spanish missionaries in the late 1700s, who named it "California" after the name of an Amazonian island in the 16thC Spanish book Las Sergas de Esplandián written by Garcia Ordóñez de Montalvo.

[...]Florida called Florida[...]

"Florida" is a Spanish word meaning "flowery". There is dispute about whether it was named for the flowers there by Ponce de Leon, the Spanish explorer, or whether he named it for the Spanish term for Easter - "Pascua de Florida" (Flowery Feast), as he "discovered" it at this time of year. Similar to Easter Island.

Words generally have etymologies, and "Shanduble" sounds made-up, particularly as I can't find anything at all like it in any language that it could even be a corruption of. I doubt that the etymology of the word is lost in your time, and I doubt that someone would name a state after a word that was just plucked out of the air. In fact, I find it hard to believe that it wouldn't have it's roots in the Portugese language.
sosueme Powell's running mate is Karl Rove. Democratic nominee is Edward Kennedy. As far as terrorists attacks in the U.S. borders--I view the acts in the Southern U.S. as being terroristic after Powell wins the 2008 election, but they are not nearly on the scale of the 2001 attack. The next major "attacks" start in 2057. Regimes from central and South America founded and ran with drug-money start attacks on ports and borders which have finally been shut of to them. This is what leads the rapid U.S. takeover of this region.
creedo - I ran a search on Pacifica and got too many results to give you a specific answer until I get more time. I didnt really understand question #2.
Troll- I said I'm not much of a historian. Shanduble is a Tsohomas(No you've never heard of them) word that means The Heart(not so much in a sense of the "organ")

Now tell me where "Texas" came from because I couldn't find it.
cp I found many references to the name Guy Douglas over the next 40 years or so on your TL. One of them was an author. Any particular discipline of writing that this guy is supposed to follow? I didnt have time to dig farther.
Democratic nominee is Edward Kennedy

Hmmm...not saying I don't believe you, but Kennedy does not have a very good reputation, is older and in not in good health. I would be surprised if he could withstand another run for Presidency.
Stranger things have happened though.

Do you know when the terrorist Osama Bin Laden is caught/killed? Is there ever an end to the War on Terrorism?
cp I found many references to the name Guy Douglas over the next 40 years or so on your TL. One of them was an author. Any particular discipline of writing that this guy is supposed to follow? I didnt have time to dig farther.

Yeah that author was the one I was looking at for you to see. He is supposed to follow writing short stories of mainly science fiction and I was wondering what you could tell me about him. I think he is also going to have an autobiography. So you might be able to check there.

Ace - you write and express yourself very well....and your words, sentence structures and spelling are the same as we use in this present time. Has language undergone no changes?
Shanduble is a Tsohomas(No you've never heard of them)[...]

You're right, I haven't. Who are they?

[...]word that means The Heart(not so much in a sense of the "organ")

So why was it named after that?

Now tell me where "Texas" came from because I couldn't find it.

"Texas" was a word in the Indian Caddoan language meaning "friend". In particular the Hasinai tribe used it to also mean "allies", with regards to groups of people. The Spanish explorers (yes, the Spanish again) erroniously applied the word to the people and the land where they lived. The state's motto is still "friendship", and is derived from the same source.
No English hasn't changed drastically(proper English anyway) in my TL. In some of the TLs that were split off before the Settlers landed in North America the "New" English developed drastically different I haven't investigated the source of these differences though.
All else I can tell you about them is you will know who they are in 7 more years. I could tell you exactly who and where they are now but you can probably guess where that could possibly lead.

I thought Texas would get you. I looked for that here and couldn't find an answer. You, my friend, are a true word historian.

The, friendship....the friendly state.
Ace let's me tell u something .. u r way to nervous and to fast to be from an other time, I don't see any wisdom in the way u talk . If I am wrong let's me know by something amazing (beside powell is a great leader) if not , pls do not waste our *time

no hard feeling
temporel-lol. look at the title of the thread. he is saying it is a hoax, you just choose not to see it.

*goes into asking mode*

ace-lets just say you were a time traveller. why would you have been born in TL12. surely if you were the ones time splitting you would be in TL1?