Answering what I can....I will be returning home in another hour or so...of course here no time will pass but while I'm there I've got reports to write and have to get some much needed sleep but I will look up as much as I can while I am there.
cpguy - I will look up the name in the History files when I return home...unless Guy Douglas made a serious impact on History or Literature it is unlikely he will show up. For instance, the name Gene Rodenberry shows up(not necessarily for his literary work--he is viewed more as a visionary), but names like Lucas and Spielberg are meaningless in my time.
Trollface - Not meaning to be rude, but why is California called California, Florida called Florida--- same reason with Shanduble---it's what it was named. In my time there are 90 states that are part of the U.S.
Keeb - I will tell you what I know, and look up more for you. I have an internal "Biometric" device that monitors all of my vital stastics, as well as positively identifying myself. I also have a detachable device, it communicates all of this Bio date back to the central SFU computer bank, so it knows exactly when and where I am at all times. Unless I detach it of course. All the "travel" is handled by the SFU Computers. I get a tingling sensation, followed by a combined sense of weightlessness, and sort of an acceleration. Not typical acceleration I G-forces and such bet yet still a sense of being rapidly moved. Everything blurs for a second, then the process reverses itself and I'm there. I can tell you that time is viewed as merely another dimension. Fourth and fifth dimensions are time.