Greetings all. I know this may not be the best place to make this initial post, but I know where this thread will rapidly turn, so I believe here is just as good a place as any.
First a brief introduction... My name is Sam. I was born in 2211TL12. My current year is 2243TL12. TL12 is TimeLine 12. Which will bring me to the point of my post.
I haven't done a lot of browsing through this forum yet, but I did notice some of the people making reference to all these parallel universes. There is some truth to that but not in the way it is currently believed. The whole idea about time splitting every time an important decision is made is an untruth as will be discovered in your future. The splits in time have been caused as a result of time travel missions. This is the answer to the paradox I have read about what would happen if you traveled back in time and killed your grandfather. You would cause another TimeLine to be "born" splitting off at that point. You would still be alive on your "home" timeline however on the new one that you caused you would never be born.
Before the questions begin let me say that I am not much of a historian. Not of my home TimeLine and certainly not of others. The current TimeLine in which I am currently present and making this post is TL4. I will however answer as many questions as I can in what time I have free to browse the internet. What type of missions you may ask am I referring to. Anything that can be altered to make the future better on a TimeLine. A couple of examples that will be most meaningful to you on this TimeLine are the assasinations of Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy.
My current mission is somewhat Recon. Certain events are being reviewed for a possible Time Split. I can't say much more about this other than to say that this split would not be caused by any kind of assasination. This one will actually be much easier.
First a brief introduction... My name is Sam. I was born in 2211TL12. My current year is 2243TL12. TL12 is TimeLine 12. Which will bring me to the point of my post.
I haven't done a lot of browsing through this forum yet, but I did notice some of the people making reference to all these parallel universes. There is some truth to that but not in the way it is currently believed. The whole idea about time splitting every time an important decision is made is an untruth as will be discovered in your future. The splits in time have been caused as a result of time travel missions. This is the answer to the paradox I have read about what would happen if you traveled back in time and killed your grandfather. You would cause another TimeLine to be "born" splitting off at that point. You would still be alive on your "home" timeline however on the new one that you caused you would never be born.
Before the questions begin let me say that I am not much of a historian. Not of my home TimeLine and certainly not of others. The current TimeLine in which I am currently present and making this post is TL4. I will however answer as many questions as I can in what time I have free to browse the internet. What type of missions you may ask am I referring to. Anything that can be altered to make the future better on a TimeLine. A couple of examples that will be most meaningful to you on this TimeLine are the assasinations of Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy.
My current mission is somewhat Recon. Certain events are being reviewed for a possible Time Split. I can't say much more about this other than to say that this split would not be caused by any kind of assasination. This one will actually be much easier.