One way to spot hoaxes


Temporal Novice
Greetings all. I know this may not be the best place to make this initial post, but I know where this thread will rapidly turn, so I believe here is just as good a place as any.

First a brief introduction... My name is Sam. I was born in 2211TL12. My current year is 2243TL12. TL12 is TimeLine 12. Which will bring me to the point of my post.

I haven't done a lot of browsing through this forum yet, but I did notice some of the people making reference to all these parallel universes. There is some truth to that but not in the way it is currently believed. The whole idea about time splitting every time an important decision is made is an untruth as will be discovered in your future. The splits in time have been caused as a result of time travel missions. This is the answer to the paradox I have read about what would happen if you traveled back in time and killed your grandfather. You would cause another TimeLine to be "born" splitting off at that point. You would still be alive on your "home" timeline however on the new one that you caused you would never be born.

Before the questions begin let me say that I am not much of a historian. Not of my home TimeLine and certainly not of others. The current TimeLine in which I am currently present and making this post is TL4. I will however answer as many questions as I can in what time I have free to browse the internet. What type of missions you may ask am I referring to. Anything that can be altered to make the future better on a TimeLine. A couple of examples that will be most meaningful to you on this TimeLine are the assasinations of Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy.

My current mission is somewhat Recon. Certain events are being reviewed for a possible Time Split. I can't say much more about this other than to say that this split would not be caused by any kind of assasination. This one will actually be much easier.
Welcome Sam! I hope your stay here will be pleasant.

Let's start with something easy. Who will win this year's US presidential election? Who will win the 2008 election?

Thank you!
Well, I have to be careful what I say about near future events for your TimeLine, so I don't inadvertantly cause an accidental time split. (Too as I said History was my worst subject, especially when you consider the fact that in my TL it is 2243 and that there were 44 seperate TLs when I took my college history....51 TLs in the year 2243). However, I do know these two answers as they are part of the time frame I am reviewing, plus the amount of exposure to this information will be relatively low on a global scale.

The election of this year will in many ways resemble the election of 2000. The results will be disputed. However, this time things will appear that they are going to turn against Bush. In the end Bush ends up with the presidency again. And as it turns out he did actually win. There are several arrests made when the extent of the scandal is uncovered....I don't remember any of the names. I do remember that the scandal didn't come from the top.

The election of 2008 brings even more controversy. Well not necessarily the election itself. It is won by Colin Powell. Although he wins by an overwhelming margin, there is violence and protest throughout many of the states in the present South. He turns out to be one of the great leaders. He was President in 2008 in my TL as well, and is a name that I actually remembered from my history classes.
Compare and contrast:

The whole idea about time splitting every time an important decision is made is an untruth as will be discovered in your future. The splits in time have been caused as a result of time travel missions.

Well, I have to be careful what I say about near future events for your TimeLine, so I don't inadvertantly cause an accidental time split.
Sam, thank you for your answers. Could you elaborate on one?

There are several arrests made when the extent of the scandal is uncovered....I don't remember any of the names. I do remember that the scandal didn't come from the top.

Do you remember the nature of the scandal? Did it have to do with electronic voting machines or the "chads" on voting cards? And, does the decision on who is ultimately President decided by the Supreme Court?
Keeb...I have no idea about cannabis in this TL. In my TL it is legal but is primarily used in home remedies (yes home remedies still least where(or when) I come from).

Troll...yes that's exactly what I said. If I were to say right now that George Bush starts WWIII and America is eradicated, somebody might actually go kill the guy to stop it then you have an event that is important enough to cause a time split that was never ordered by the SFU. sorry I am not familiar with the name Guy Douglas but I will look him up. nothing like that there are people in key places that actually alter the vote miscounted votes....out and out fact the only way that it is uncovered is when someone comes forward with the truth...I don't have the names, the names are unimportant to me.
this Guy Douglas? "Copyright and Peer-To-Peer Music File Sharing: The Napster Case and the Argument Against Legislative Reform (104k) (Refereed Articles, March 2004), Guy Douglas BA (Hons), LLB (Hons), PhD, Abstract | Text version (87k) " elaborate a little further....when I was talking about important decisions not splitting time I was referring to things I have read such as.....If you went to the airport to fly on vacation and while waiting to board the plane you had a sudden feeling that the plane might be hijacked if you get on it and you will perish.....whichever decision you make doesn't cause a split...if you get on, then you get on...if you don't then you don' don't cause a split where in one reality you got on the plane and in another you didn't.

Time isn't that fragile. TL0 the original unaltered TimeLine still continues to exist. All of the splits were caused by members of the SFU on orders of the SFU. I won't claim that all decisions were perfect. As I sad TL0 continues to exist. In certain other TLs Earth bound humans have ceased to exist. Those particular TLs are said to be dead. At least to us.
I saw his name on here and did a little further research. I don't know the names of all the "travelers" of the SFU. I can tell you this though. There is no civil war in America in 2005 in this TL. There will be a bit of unrest over this next election but all will be settled once the evidence comes out. Secondly, we don't travel in time machines. So either he isn't real or he was having "fun". Either way I have filed a report and will do further research here. If he is one of ours you can bet he won't be back after telling things that could cause potential problems.
And the world-conspiracy-theorist-famous-question - When does the current pope die, and who will be his successor?

(not knowing history, history is lost... a little too convient for my tastes BTW...)
2006 Lubomyr Husar - yes there is controversy here too.

As far as not knowing all of the history. Like I said, I am from 2243. There are 51 TLs. All of these run 250 years beyond 2243(yes, this is exact) thats 2493 years worth of events counting from Christ. 127,143 years of history not counting the time before Christ's birth. Now, not all of the 51 TLs have been around the full time. At some point two in particular will come together so from that point back all the history is the same for those 2 TLs so 127,000 is an overestimate of the AD "history". And, imagine this. Supposing the SFU decided to create a split here in 2004. In the blink of an eye there is 239 more years of history that I would have to learn, plus the 250 years of future that lies beyond 2243. So do the math and tell me if you could remember minute details of that many years worth of history. I never said the history is not known, but I certainly do not know all of it.
I have to correct an earlier mistake I made. It seems I had TL6 confused with this one. Bush does win this election narrowly, but no controversy. Powell does win 2008. TL6 almost parallels TL4 because the time split between TL4 and TL6 was only a few years back.
Powell does win 2008

Do you know Powell's Vice-Presidential running mate? Also, who is the Democrat nominee running against him?

You probably know about 9/11/2001. Does the US have another terrorist attack within it's borders again?

Sam, where did you grow up? Are you from the US? Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your experiences growing up?
Your first few questions I will answer after returning home so I don't give anymore misplaced responses. I did grow up in the U.S. but not a place that will be directly familiar to you. By looking at your maps, th place I grew up would be near the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The city is still called Rio, however it is in the U.S. state of Shanduble. The U.S. goes continental. To the north by merger, to the south by a mixture of mergers and takeovers. My life growing up seemed average to me at the time. Nothing really spectacular. Personal flight vehicles are common place. Not flying cars exactly, more like miniature jets. Despite this, the car is still widely used and often preferred....nostalgia still I suppose. I played a lot of computer games. My favorite being a VR version of Unreal Tournament (yes....its still hanging around that far in the future and is even played competitively...sorta the future football I suppose. There is no global government, however for the most part all the important worldly decisions are made by the SFU, Society For Utopia.
this Guy Douglas? "Copyright and Peer-To-Peer Music File Sharing: The Napster Case and the Argument Against Legislative Reform (104k) (Refereed Articles, March 2004), Guy Douglas BA (Hons), LLB (Hons), PhD, Abstract | Text version (87k) "

No, I believe the Guy Douglas I am talking about is a writer and was just wondering if you knew anything about him or could look him up at all to see if you knew him in your time or if he was in your timeline.Or if anyone you know knows of the writer. That is if you are from another tiem or timeline.

Just let me know.
