need a little help...

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I am going to try to do it, I'm gonna try and make I time machine(none of that fake stuff those other people are putting out). I wouldnt mind some SERIOUS help from people. Email me at <> and we can talk about this. I have been interested in this for a long time now and I want to try it very soon. Any idea's or info(that a high school guy can understand please)that you can provide would be really helpful, thanks.
I aint wishing for this, I am telling you right here right now...some day I will travel in time.
did any of the supposed time travellers predict the destruction of world trade center on this day aug. 11th ?
Time travel will be possible if it isn't already. The WTC(holy shit, was going to school when I found out bout it)destruction would be history for them so how could they predict it would happen?
i remember few months back that some people "claiming to be from the future" said that something big was gonna happen, cant remember the date or what cause i wasnt paying very close attention, i think it was maybe something like assasination of bush or something like that, this thing in nyc isn't too far away
"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart
by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb"
"The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"
- Nostradamus 1654

Does anyone think that Nostradamus was talking about yesterdays events? Does anyone see the astonoshing similarities in this prophecy by Nostradamus and yesterdays events. Could Two brothers be the twin towers? Could the thunder be the sound of the building collapse? Could the big city burning be New York? Could the third great war be WWIII? Who is the Great leader? Hopefully not the United States? Is the fortress our way of life...freedom...pursuit of happiness.. the American way of life?

What is the city of God?

Or is the City of god Jerusalem? Is the two brothers refering to a past date where Isreal and her distant relatives became enemies?

"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart
by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb"
"The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"
- Nostradamus 1654

Too bad he never said that right ass master? Stop spreading misinformation about what happened. It's pathetic that you try to use the deaths of thousands of people to get attention for yourself.

Go here.
RE: Nostradamus


Thankyou for the information. I do appologize if I was out of line in this questioning, but I assure you that I was in no way trying to gain any attention. My Sgt sent this quote to me by e-mail and it was the conversation of my entire shop this morning. I was merely relaying the bits of my fellow Marines conversation this morning in an attempt to see what everyone else thinks about this. However, now that you pointed out that this is--not a quote-- from Nostradamus, I will be able to relay this information to my fellow Marines. Once again, thankyou for the clarification.

The Marine.
Patrick, so you reallyreallywannaTT?
well you might try these websites...

*Enter The "STAR CHAMBER "
Experimental Time Travel Website ...IS TIME TRAVEL POSSIBLE? Is it possible to construct a machine capable of travelling into the past?. The development of a totally new form of teleportation, called the Star Chamber, will attempt to put this theory to the test !! *(TAP-TEN Member/Associate)

*Interview with Dr. David Anderson@Frankfurt, Germany
Dr. Anderson is the Founder & Director of the "Time Travel Research Center"

*The Time Travel Research Center
Explore the Possibilitiesâ„¢ on the exciting new frontier of time travel with the Time Travel Research Center and Association, dedicated exclusively to advancing the study and development of time control and time travel capabilities.

*NOVA Online Time Travel
Welcome to the companion Web site to the NOVA program "Time Travel," scheduled for rebroadcast on September 4, 2001. In the program, leading physicists delve into the mystery of whether time travel is possible, and if so, how one might go about building a time machine.

*Steven Gibbs
Website of Steven Gibbs & The HDR (Hyper-Dimensional Resonator)

*Time Technical proposals for time control research program. (Modern theories about nature of Space and Time.)
There are many known theories and no needs to comment all of them. I submitted here some data that is correlating with my own understanding. This data let me develop practical ideas and offer some time rate control experiments. *(TAP-TEN Associate)

TAP-TEN Research

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."
Of course I want to Travel in Time, but I really dont think that kind of technology is going to be released into the public anytime, so I wanna try and create it myself.
Well, at last i find someone that REALLY thinks is posssible to travel in time. I believe in you. Although I don`t know how will you make your time machine, GOOD LUCK!!!!

Miss Casswell
To: Miss Caswell, and to the rest of this thread.

With all due respect, don’t you think you may be believing in someone blindly just because he said so…?

I can understand that, because you both have like minds, the best thing to do is unite for a cause that is of great interest (or a fantasy) to you both.

But the real question that I think needs to be asked, is why?

Why do you all have so much ambition to TimeTravel?

Usually those that are eager to jump into the bandwagon to try new things, are the ones who end up screwing it up for the rest of us. Traditions are lost, morals declined, and acceptance of evil is tolerated.

I’m talking about TimeTravel still, and of the attitudes that have been present in some in these BBS’s for awhile.

To think that some people have intentions of going back in time and have the audacity to manipulate things in their favor, and have no consideration of the lives they have changed is unimaginable. But true and real, of those that welcome TimeTravel, and wish to, them selves.

And if I am wrong, I welcome anyone to please have a dialogue with me on this, so that both sides can be discussed.

All I am saying, is that we need to strive to be decent human beings, not opportunists. Ask your self, how moral of a person are you, on a scale from 1 to 10?

How pure are your intentions from 1 – 10?

Would you be willing to step on people’s backs to advance your self, and situation, 1 – 10?

How do you, who wish to TimeTravel, measure up in your Ethics and interactions with people?

Answer that, and you prove not just to my self, that you either are a fanatic to have TimeTravel become a reality just for the sake of your fantasies, or that you truly are an individual with principles and ethics, who wish to see this biased world to strive to have some common sense and morals.

I hope this helps in answering many future questions of the type of people who are in favor of TimeTravel, and of those that aren’t. Any furthers questions on what I just said, are welcomed.

Javier C.
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"For what was, for what is, and for what will be. I will fight for it's preservation."
I couldn't disagree with you more. If we had the ability to time travel than there is no such thing as morality. If we did feel bad about something, we could just go back and fix it.

I see it as a grand opportunity to experiment with what ifs? I think it would be great to be able to see what the world was like if we had let Hitler win WWII or if we had just bombed Viet Nam into the stone age.

>>Ask your self, how moral of a person are you, on a scale from 1 to 10<<

Who cares, no one could catch me in time anyway.

>>How pure are your intentions from 1 – 10<<

Again, what does it matter. There's plenty of money for everyone.

>>Would you be willing to step on people’s backs to advance your self, and situation, 1 – 10<<

Only if they got in my way.

>>How do you, who wish to TimeTravel, measure up in your Ethics and interactions with people<<

Im sure that for every evil thing you think I do, there is another me doing something nice.

I can't wait to time travel!!!!
Well, look at this way TTA. When time travel comes you don't have to worry about what anyone else is doing.

I'm sure you can find a nice deserted time period yourself where no one will bother you and you can pet bunnies and pick flowers all day long.