need a little help...

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<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 24-Sep-01 AT 06:49PM (EDT)</font>

Very funny...

But with all humor set aside, you must also come to realize that without me and others who wish justice among the evil doers of this world, the world will become a torturous hell. Where innocents are convicted, and people are cheated out of their fair share.

And with out us, to supply the moral direction to lead out of it. You, and the rest of your kind are free to run the show, as unfairly and as corrupt as you want.

But just don't forget, that such an unethical fanatical endeavor, will bring us all down.

I hope you can sleep well at night.

Javier C.<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">
I know. -That's why I'm here

Things are going to change...<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"For what was, for what is, and for what will be. I will fight for it's preservation."
Hi! Enforcer of Time!!!

What does moral have to do with Time Travel?????
We all are dreamers, just that. We don`t want to hurt anybody with our experience.
If you are responsable enough to face your life and all the its events, you will be so to travel in time.
Don`t be so moralist, please.
Is not just for fun, or having "new experiences", but the opportunity of being in other ages, the opportunity of running away from this society full of narrow minded people as you.
I respect your opinion about the matter but don`t jugde us so easily.

Than you,
Miss Caswell
<<I respect your opinion about the matter but don`t jugde us so easily.>>

Obviously your new here... I can understand why your thoughts on the subject are very immature. And don't know what's gone on here.

So let me ask you; How long have you given Time Travel thought for?

<<Don`t be so moralist, please.>>

Until you reach the level of maturity as others have, of understanding a threat greater then you or my self, you will not think of others as narrow minded. But just knowing better, then those that accuse us of being to strict. Well sorry, but being laid back, you know where that got us.

So, before you begin dictating to everyone about how great Time Travel will be, why not listen to others opinions on it, spend a few months having a dialogue with people. Not just 4 days, and decide that's that, everyone who doesn't see it my way is narrow minded.

And another thing, morals have everything to do with it. Saying it doesn't, shows how much you know about this science, and what it will bring.

Javier C.
Yes, I`m new here, and so?

I just jumped here cause i felt couriosity for the subjet. I think I have the right, haven`t I?
I didn`t want to upset anybody with my opinion.

I think you`ve been a little bit aggressive, and it wasn`t necesary. Now, who is the inmature round here?

It would be very interesting to have a nice chat with you about all this matters, don`t miss the chance to do it.
I respect you more than you think,

Miss Caswell
<<Yes, I`m new here, and so?>>

Relax, I was just saying, because it was common knowledge to everyone why I spoke like that.

I thought I introduced my self to you, and told you how I was...? Oh well, maybe you didn't catch that part.

<<I think you`ve been a little bit aggressive, and it wasn`t necesary.>>

That's the TimeTravelActivist, what can I say? His moral compass is strong.

<<Now, who is the inmature round here?>>

You are... Just look at you, your attacking me, saying I'm assuming you have no right, being all paranoid. Excuse me, but I am fighting for everyones rights, maybe you didn't catch that too.

<<It would be very interesting to have a nice chat with you about all this matters, don`t miss the chance to do it. I respect you more than you think.>>

Same here, to bad you don't understand that morals have everything to do with Time Travel, and you think me saying so, is unnecessary.

Javier C.
Ok, ok, you win.

I`m a little bit ignorant with this subject.

To be honest I must tell you that I came here cause I`m making a
film in february about this matter. I wanted all the information I could request. Perhaps I was too naive.

Well, all I was asking for was some information about a temptative of encounter with men of the future made in 1982.

Maybe I asked in the wrong place.

Thanks for your attention. It`s a pleasure to know such an interesting person like you.

Miss Caswell
Miss Caswell,

I'm wondering, do you need any talent for your film? Hint-hint
. I been in a few plays in High School, and I can do imitations.

I do a pretty good Rock

"Do you like Struddle?"

Anyway's, I'm glad you think I'm interesting. I been kicked out of 2 BBS's already because they think I spoil their fantasy with all my Anti-Time Travel rhetoric.

Perhaps you should stick around here for a while, maybe you'll get what you originally set out to achieve from others on the subject.

If there's any thing I can help you with, let me know.

Javier C.
Thanks for the offer!!!!

I`ll keep on going with my investigation.

Now I see that you don`t believe at all in all this mess about time machines, etc. I`m sorry but I want to believe in it.

Anyway, if you have ever heard about the encounter I told you (1982), please, let me know.

And...another question, ¿Where are you from? Your name is a spanish one but you don`t seem to be from Spain. Your english is great!!!

Thank very much, Javier. I think I`ve found a new friend in this crazy world.

Miss Caswell
Hey Miss Caswell

Actually I do believe strongly in Time Travel. It's a long and complicated story, and I'm sure no body wants me to go into it here -again...

But if you'd like, you can check out my website, it contains some information about my experiences with TimeTravel & (ers). There are also a few pictures of me on there, if you want to see what I look like.

Unfortunately, I know knowing about 1982, I was only 2 years old then

How about you, you remember something? Or just heard about it? My advise to you if your going to be around this BBS asking for information about Time Travelers, is be critical of what others say. One can find them selves very easily spinned in the words of another, and believe them blindly.

I know for a fact (and you can ask others about this) in this one case were alot of people were convinced that someone actually came from the future. The story was convincing to them I suppose, and where they have taken their fanaticism now, is to create boards dedicated to the study of his gospel (meaning everything he said). It's a sad mess... It reminds me of Heaven's Gate.

Oh well...

You asked me where I'm from. I'm from So.Cal. My name is Spanish, never been to Spain though, but I have origins from there. I'm 25% of each of the following: Chinese, French, Spanish & Indian.

Being mixed has it's advantages, for example: I have a high immune system, have a rare blood type, and other things of enormous importance, hehe

Thanks for the compliment, your English is great too. I just try. It was only taught to me in Jr. High.

Back then, in So.Cal, they had you in classes with all the other Spanish speakers, and you didn't really get a chance to develop the language until late in Elementary.

But thanks again, for asking. No one hardly asks me any questions around here. I don't expect them to, but it's nice

A sane friend in
an insane world,
Javier C.S.
I believe the same thing. I have recentlly come up ith the idea for a machine, that I am a bit curious about. It consists of a metal cage that is magnified by a -90mhz charge. Picture a cage like ball. Cut the ball in half, and hang the half cage on top of a rotating magnetic bar, which in the middle is an electric engine from one of my remote controlled cars. the bar itself has a +90mhz charge and is spining at 20 revelations per second. the beam is coming in contact with all the edges of the -90mhz charged half circular cage. Now make a magnetic room in the center of the half cage connected to a magnetic door and halway leading to the outer part of the cage. In side the room you have you north south east and west.
I am not quite sure what this will do if I turn it on, that is why I am asking for suggestions first.

make a miniature particle accelerator and have the partices smash into each other this will give you zero time at the point of impact and some extra energy you can store in a battery.
also you will need to control this with a good electromagnetic field (circular)with the particle stream variable so you can control the rate at which you travel and the temporal lag which unfortunately can't be completely taken care of (in other words you could end up being part of the equipment you intend on traveling in. test first with an animal so you will live to earn credit for being the first to do it. good luck
also look for the time travel handbook and read it (TWICE)
before attempting this .your friend in time LAC..................................
What is this? You trying to hustle people into taking your psychedelic Time Travel trip advice… Just what this world needs, more brain dead humans ready to sanction something they don’t understand. I.e. Time Travel.

Drugs are illegal, I don’t need the media to tell me that. It’s common sense.

I’ve been surrounded by drug users all around Southern California for a good part of my life. I’ve seen the damage drugs can do, and the families that are left in pain when their son overdosed and decided to commit suicide.

Everybody can tell you their horror story with drugs. But using them to just achieve a higher state of mind, is not just dangerous and stupid, but comes with irreversible consequences that can affect you for years, even after your clean.

I am proud to say that I have never done drugs, nor smoked, nor drank (except for that one X-Mas party where my drink was spiked). And have experienced trips, naturally. I have a couple of techniques that I have discovered along my Martial Arts training. I wish I could say what I can do. But doing so, may put my self in danger.

I can say this, that if people had their principles straight, and were aware of the need to save this planet and it’s people, you’d be surprised how much more you’d know.

But no, a lot of people are just lazy, fat, out of shape, accept everything, and expect there to always be a short-cut for things. Impatient how we’ve become, everything must be over night or else we are not content. Slow it down, and bring it together. It is the only way you will be able to interpret yours trips correctly, and reach for the stars and live to tell about it.

Speaking of slowing down, I gotta go get my 15 hours of sleep. It’s not just good for you, but it’s a good way to gain knowledge from your dreams
. And let me tell you, I been looking forward to this all week.

Greetings TTA -

I am neither a hustler, nor fat and lazy. However, in the spirit of time travel (as this discussion is about), I feel that time machines are a crude method of time travel.

I do not care to proselytize my interest in psycho-active compounds to anyone, and I definitely do not wish to "hustle" anyone into taking "drugs". But TTA, how can you put down my beliefs if you have never tried a psycho-active substance. At least I can say that I have tried some martial art techniques (aikido & tai chi) and am actively involved with Vipassana meditation (definitely NOT a short cut method to altered states of consciousness).

Okay, with my rant aside, I would be happy to hear your view point on time travel.

Also in So. Cal.
<<But TTA, how can you put down my beliefs if you have never tried a psycho-active substance.>>

These aren’t beliefs, these are bad habits of yours. You are damaging your self with your own beliefs and don’t even know it. You may be setting your self up to be another Jim Morrison, yes, but morally destitute. And only by cheating…

How easy it could have been for me to take some mushrooms and gone through what I worked so hard for to achieve. A different state of mind.

I have experienced trips like you speak of, all without any mind altering substances. I am the TimeTravelActivist. I am against any form of cheating, in achieving knowledge, past or future. Only in the moment may we be allowed to put our actions to the test. You however, are choosing to alter the rules of the game.

<<At least I can say that I have tried some martial art techniques (aikido & tai chi) and am actively involved with Vipassana meditation (definitely NOT a short cut method to altered states of consciousness).>>

Was this after you done drugs?

You should have tried to reach this state on your own, clean and able. Without the assistance of drugs prior. Sorry, but it doesn’t count anymore.

Think of it this way, who will be more credible as a consultant in financial affairs; a self-made millionaire, or a person who just won the lottery? Who’s wisdom in money will you take? Both have it? But only one of them has actually worked hard to get it.

Make sense?


You make complete sense- if I were you. But I'm not.

I honestly respect your ideals and anyone elses, as long as it does not harm any being. We both know that we could go round and round this subject in debate forever. So for this reason I do not care to discuss this subject in this forum any longer.

I'm really interested in YOUR views on time travel (as previously stated). Let's keep to the subject.
