need a little help...

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<<You make complete sense- if I were you. But I'm not. >>

It’s not just to me this would make sense to, but to everyone with common sense that drugs are bad.

Excuse me, but it wasn’t me who came on here telling everyone to not buy into the whole media “just say no” slogan. That was you, your “beliefs.”

<< I honestly respect your ideals and anyone else’s, as long as it does not harm any being.>>

And not that I and perhaps many others don’t share your sentiments on using drugs to take trips, you then said you respect everyone’s ideals as long as it doesn’t do anyone any harm. You sound like a hypocrite to me earthship.

<<We both know that we could go round and round this subject in debate forever. So for this reason I do not care to discuss this subject in this forum any longer. >>

Why’s that, why you backing out of your “beliefs"? Feeling guilty for the drug use you’ve done? Realizing that you didn’t learn what you did clean?

I mean come-on, what are you afraid of now? Since then you have detracted your original post. Why?

All that meditation and trips you've done, didn’t prepare you for the opposition of what you’ve based your life on? The clash of Illusion vs. Reality; You are a stranger to. You've choosen to escape from that world that binded your thoughts, only to find out that you didn't need to go very far to do that.

<<I'm really interested in YOUR views on time travel (as previously stated). Let's keep to the subject. >>

Sure… I’m with you on that, but your forgetting, I am the TimeTravelActivist.

Posting how I do, is my job here (or did you not read my posts on this thread). So welcome, earthship, for a daily dose of reality. I know you may not be accustomed to it, but you may find having a straight mind, more intoxicating then brain death at 30

wow.. is it fun living in a black and white world? If you believe what TTA believes, you're "right". If you disagree even slightly, you're "wrong." What a simplistic view of life. There are 6 billion people other than you on this earth, and the mere fact that you purport to know what is "right" for all 6 billion only shows what kind of person you really are!
Just what exactly are you saying MaryJane?

<<There are 6 billion people other than you on this earth, and the mere fact that you purport to know what is "right" for all 6 billion only shows what kind of person you really are!>>

Yes, there’s billions of us. But one thing is true to everyone no matter what race, color or religion you may be, and that’s common sense.

To many, that is very rare. And only very few understand it, and realize that something must be done over those that would allow something immoral to occur. Actually I think there are: Laws, rules, safety concerns, standards.

Didn’t you vote last month?

That is what my job as an Activist is. Always has been. Always will. You know that.

I don’t claim to know better then the whole world, if that’s what your getting at because I won’t give earthship any credit for his psychedelic drug trips, and telling everyone to try it. By the way, your not puffing the magic dragon your self are you?

My intent, is just to be a critic and let everyone know that there are 2 sides to be looked at. Without people like me, you’d be directionless. You’d be able to cross red lights, sue your neighbors for not trimming their tree, and able to cut in lines at Six Flags. I hate people who do that… 2 hours once just for the Batman ride, that’s ridicules.

"Without people like me, you’d be directionless."

Umm, are you trying to say that without TTA in the world, I would have no idea what is morally or ethically right or wrong?

Bzzzt! Try again!

"By the way, your not puffing the magic dragon your self are you?"

I find it interesting that when I point out how black-and-white your logic is, you fling accusations my way. I guess that's easier than debating about something? Obviously, it is.

But since you've resorted to accusations - for NO reason - YET AGAIN, I'm done with this thread.
Bye! Enjoy your single-mindedness. And, enjoy your last word, since I know you can't resist having the last word.
<<Umm, are you trying to say that without TTA in the world, I would have no idea what is morally or ethically right or wrong?

Bzzzt! Try again!>>

It may help, if you would have kept reading what I said.

But yes, without people like me to stand up against people like you, you would be directionless. Just look at the way your responding to me, what does that say about your character?

<<I find it interesting that when I point out how black-and-white your logic is, you fling accusations my way. I guess that's easier than debating about something? Obviously, it is.>>

That's not an accusation, that's a question. An accusation would have been something more like: "MaryJane is puffing the magic dragon."

See the difference?

I just asked you a question, it's not my fault you couldn't see that it was just that.

<<But since you've resorted to accusations - for NO reason - YET AGAIN, I'm done with this thread. Bye!>>

Well if that's how you truly feel about it

<<Enjoy your single-mindedness.>>

That's funny, I was thinking that I was 2 sided on the subject of Time Travel, even though I'm an Activist. But I guess you know me better then I know my self. And I'm sure you think of your self as 2 sided, right?

<<And, enjoy your last word, since I know you can't resist having the last word. >>

I call it clearing my name. You accused me of something that is obviously not true. What's wrong with setting the record straight?

Yours truly,
well, I said I wouldn't reply, but what you said was well-written and I felt the need to go back on what I said.


"But yes, without people like me to stand up against people like you, you would be directionless. Just look at the way your responding to me, what does that say about your character?"

Well, what do you mean by "stand up against people like me?" What is it that I'm doing that you need to stand up against? Posting on a message board is about the extent of my activities involving time travel. I think you might be making some assumptions about me here.

"That's not an accusation, that's a question. An accusation would have been something more like: "MaryJane is puffing the magic dragon."

You're right, and point taken. I suppose it felt like an accusation, because after reading the way you responded to someone who brought up the fact that they did drugs, it seemed out of place for you to ask me - irrelevant, I guess, unless you were trying to make the point that I was only saying what I was saying because I "puffed the magic dragon" like the other poster.

But as far as this..

"That's funny, I was thinking that I was 2 sided on the subject of Time Travel, even though I'm an Activist."

You aren't two-sided on the subject of Time Travel. If you were, you would admit both the pros and cons - from what I've read, you feel that Time Travel is ONLY a bad thing, and could not possibly be a good thing under any circumstance. That is single-minded, in my humble opinion.

Or am I incorrect in my assessment of your position? Do you admit that you DO see a possible positive or "pro" side to time travel, or do you feel that it is ALL evil and ALL time travel must be stopped?
<<Well, what do you mean by "stand up against people like me?" What is it that I'm doing that you need to stand up against? Posting on a message board is about the extent of my activities involving time travel. I think you might be making some assumptions about me here.>>

Well since you posted just a portion about what I said in your last post, the only assumption I'm making is that you didn't read it all.

If you would have kept reading, you would have learned that what I was saying, is that without people like me, people who sanction things without giving them enough thought, would then be directionless.

I changed the wording a little just for you, incase I made my self to difficult to understand the first time. But that's basically what I meant. Know what I mean now?

<<You aren't two-sided on the subject of Time Travel. If you were, you would admit both the pros and cons - from what I've read, you feel that Time Travel is ONLY a bad thing, and could not possibly be a good thing under any circumstance. That is single-minded, in my humble opinion.>>

Perhaps you haven't read all of my posts. There have been times when I would say that Time Travel could benefit us in many fields. But if you want me to break it down for you, I will give you a percentage of how 2 sided I really am. I'm about 35% Pro and 65% Con Time Travel.

How about you?

Well sorry to cut you short, but I gotta go. If you don't see me post again today, it's probably because I'm going to be busy watching Survivors Series at my friends house
. WWF Forever...

"Well since you posted just a portion about what I said in your last post, the only assumption I'm making is that you didn't read it all.

If you would have kept reading, you would have learned that what I was saying, is that without people like me, people who sanction things without giving them enough thought, would then be directionless. "

I understand. I did read your whole post, I just posted the portion I was responding to.

I do also understand what you're saying about people sanctioning things without giving them enough thought - I just wonder why you think I fall under that category?

"But if you want me to break it down for you, I will give you a percentage of how 2 sided I really am. I'm about 35% Pro and 65% Con Time Travel."

That honestly surprises me. And it shows me that I misunderstood what you've said before about time travel. Thanks for answering and clarifying. That is not single-minded at all, I was definitely under the assumption that you thought all time travel was a bad thing.

"How about you?"

Myself? It's hard to say. I don't think I've ever met a person whom I think would make a morally sound, ethically sound time traveler - maybe just by virtue of the fact that we're all human and therefore susceptible to greed, corruption, envy, jealousy, etc.. it's hard to picture someone having the freedom of going back in time without also picturing them changing the things in their life they didn't like.

I don't like the idea that if John Doe wishes he'd asked out the prom queen in high school, he could hop on a time traveling device and go back to change it. Little ripples affect the entire world, and if we all had the ability to go back and change the "little things" at will, it seems as if the world as we know it would completely unravel!

But, I also think that there are *some* very few people who would have the proper mindset/agenda to time travel - but then I think I'd worry about who was paying/supplying resources for that person, and what *their* agenda was.

Gee, after reading what i just wrote, it almost sounds like I'm 100% con and 0% pro time travel, doesn't it? LOL. I guess if I had to put a number on it I'd say it's about 95% con and 5% pro time travel. There may be some redeeming value to time travel, but until you find an infallible human, there are a lot of scary circumstances.

I hope that answers your questions without being too long-winded. Enjoy the wrestling
I like magnets, too.

I will explain the following equation rough draft when I have more time...

(m^4v^4t^4+4m^3?mv^3?vt^3?t+6m^2?m^2v^2?v^2t^2?t^2+4m?m^3v?v^3t?t^3+?m^4?v^4?t^4)(Ms^4+2m^3Msr+6Ms^2?Msr^2+4m?Msr^3+Msr^4)/X^2v^2->c^16 Integral 0->360deg mv^2+mvMnVn+MnVn?Mn?Vn=360Degrees

I will explain later.

Best Regards,

Edwin G. Schasteen
TAP-TEN Research Foundation International
627 H. St. Ste. A279
San Diego, CA. 91910
(858) 860-6400 Ext.9578
For the above post,

m=kenetic mass
t=time rate
?=delta symbol means "change in".
Ms=static mass.
Msr=static mass radius.
Mn=negative static mass...negative rest mass(that exists beyond the center point of the mass in negative space.)
Vn=negative velocity
X=linear motion vector of a perfectly spherical mass body Colinear with the X axis coordinates.
c=light speed constant
Integral 360=all actions occuring insinc and semmetrically to the full revolution of a circle(size and radius of circle does not matter).

If one rotates a circle clock wise 90 degrees the intersection of radius line with the X tangent of the
Sorry about that I got cut off the computer.

If one rotates a circle clock wise 90 degrees the intersection of radius line with the X tangent of the circle accelerates to an infinite velocity as the circle approaches 90 degrees rotation. The D=rt equation tells us that if a mass were to accelerate to an infinite velocity that the mass would travel an infinite distance in an infinitely short period of time(even though that mass would be traveling back in time..see relativity.)

Now if the circle rotates 360 degrees the intersection of the circle with the Tangent X reaches 4 infinite lengths. The acceleration is straight but at four infinite lengths a straight line arrives back at the original point of origin...even though the path never curves. The motion of a mass accelerating to such a distance with relativity taken into consideration, is described in the above mathematical statement.

Best Regards,

Edwin G. Schasteen
Nothing, nothing will happen. You will have spent time and money on something that will interfere with your cordless phone. It is done , time travel , but not anything like you have imagined. A question is what are you attempting to do? What makes you feel that you are responsible enough?, Why do you believe anyone that has this ability would allow you to interrupt their world? To simplify things, think of your world as a collective consciousness. Others can hear your thoughts. It is not an accident that you are reading this ,merely an incident. The world you live in moves back and forth, in time. Influences are caused by things as simple as delaying you in a checkout line or interrupting your conversations. You have a need for extrordinary power, but in order to have power you must first have grace, wisdom ,and the great skill of causing no malice. There are time travelers around you, but you may never know them for plentiful reasons. Think about cause and effects. You did not discover gravity either, but it is still an interesting, beautiful world although a work in progress be happy, and enjoy what you have. Leave the repairs to the repairmen watch for the next wink we are out there.
In the above three posts I submitted my rough draft for an equation to describe the concept conversion of circular sequence into linear propogation along the x path. It needs a little work, but I will post the revisions to this forum as I progress.


Edwin G. Schasteen
TAP-TEN Research Foundation International
627 H. St. Ste. A279
San Diego, CA. 91910
(858) 860-6400 Ext.9578
>I am going to try to do it, I'm gonna try and make I time machine(none of that fake stuff those other people are putting out). I wouldnt mind some SERIOUS help from people. Email me at <[email protected]> and we can talk about this. I have been interested in this for a long time now and I want to try it very soon. Any idea's or info(that a high school guy can understand please)that you can provide would be really helpful, thanks.

Hi, Patrick:
Been sitting here enjoying the posts over at the "Time Travel Institute" (Great Stuff...!!!), &
thought I'd share with you my own thoughts regarding "Time Navigation"
Mike Regan



This guy "DOES" believe that "Navigation Through Time" is not only possible but a reality waiting to be discovered. Notice that I hesitate to use the term "Time Travel"... Because I feel that "All Events", past, present & future exist simultanious. The "Future" portion, however is debatable because if it existed, surely we would have experienced evidence of high magnitude somewhere through-out both recorded American & World History as we know it.

My own feelings with regard to time-navigation concern a search through nature for whatever clue/clues exist. Whether it be a wheel inspired by a rolling stone, a steam engine inspired by a hot spring/tea kettle or a helicopter inspired by a polly-wog floating downward, it seems to me that little, if anything, conceived, invented, constructed & utilized by "Mankind" was not done so without a major boost (Inspiration) from nature.

My own inspiration concerning the reality of navigation through the existing "Infinite Parrallel Universes" covering every second of every day from "Time's" infinite beginning to it's never-ending continuation of events, many of which we create ourselves, is the "Motion Picture Camera". Though I remain confused as to how these universes can be sighted, navigated and/or visited, I feel that one day, much the same as an editor does as he snips out a single frame from a reel of film, some physicist, somewhere, someplace, will be able to extract an individual from a single time element of our "Past" and re-insert that individual within the time element of the here & now...our "Present"

And just as those who remain un-aware, as they watch a "Motion Picture", of the absence of that single frame (Making up 1/30th of a second of film...), the absence of that individual being extracted from a mere split second element of the existing "Past", too, would neither be noticed nor create any disturbance within the "Time Frame"...Simply because the frame (An individual "Parrallel Universe") has been completely removed and placed else-where... A bit of confusion, surely, for the individual in question, but nothing has been disturbed... And we can all bid farewell to the dreaded word, "Paradox".....

Where, though is the connection within nature to a device called a "Motion Picture Camera"...? It's immediate ancestor, of course, is still photography. A single frame camera capable of capturing & preserving an image existing within a time frame of 1/30th of a second.

Navigating around Thomas Edison and Matthew Brady and further within "Past" parallell universes, we find Rembrandt, van Gogh, McNeil, Monet, Picasso, da Vinci, O'Keefe, Whistler and a stubborn 20th Century fellow named Norman Rockwell (Lets be fair, though, the same goes with Georgia O'Keefe)... All sitting before their tri-pods & struggling to "Capture" a bit of "Time" and en-caging it onto a bit of canvas. A lot of paint and a lot of brushes, but the whole process still an ancestor of the motion picture camera.

Where does this all lead...? After a brief "Hi-Dee-Ho" to Norm, Vinny, Claude and all the gang and, of course, compliments to them for the fine work, we continue our navigation until we find ourselves within a pre-recorded, or Pre-Historic, existing "Past" element of the infinite number of "Parrallel Universes".

Within a cave, dimly lit by a small fire, we see a man, probably long-bearded, a bit crusty & in major need of a bath. In his hand is a small piece of skin that he dips into blood taken from the same animal of which he acquired the skin (Ancestors of paints & brushes, but I think that's another story...) He, too, struggles to "Capture" a bit of time but, rather than with canvas, he has trapped this "Parrallel Universe" onto the stone walls of his dwelling. And he knows that these images of "Time" have been forever en-snared.....because when he was a boy, he watch his dad or mom do this very same thing, and the images of which they trapped, whether they be of human, animal or weapon, can still be viewed (To ensure
himself that none have escaped...) any time he desires.....

Definitely, this fellow recorded crude images of "Time"... recorded, and in his mind, "Captured", with the crude devices of both the skin & the blood of his family's evening meal. Machines, however crude which represent "Time Navigation" devices, the "Foremost" ancestor of of the "Motion Picture Camera".

Again, what is "Nature's" connection of all this to the "Motion Picture Camera" ...? As the rolling stone was toward mankind's invention of the wheel. What events in "Nature" would "Inspire" this man, a guy who most of us might regard as a non-intellectual whose entire daily regimen would include nothing, more or less, than
functions necessary to survive (Eat, Poop, Fart, Belch & Pro-Create) ...???
What, one may ask....!?!?!?
Would "Nature's" provision of "INSPIRATION" be toward this lonely little man
& his lonely quest to take time out from a long day of dodging dinosaurs and hoping
to track down a Saber Tooth Tiger to crack over the head... take time out of his busy schedule to slop pictures
all over the Dining Room wall with the blood of his evening meal...???

Be damned if I know.....!!! If anyone figures it out, please drop me a n E-mail, wll ya'.....
