Message To You All

For the most part, I will leave you in the capable hands of OllyB. And Olly is correct that this thread should have been posted on the TT Claims board. Shame on you Qronos16... but now I bet you will claim the NWO made you do it! the people we came here to contact
So could you please just spare us the stories, make your contacts, and then move off to PM or something else where we don't have to listen to your political rants disguised (poorly) as a TT claim?
2 give more info then Scott and the others did.
I'm not going to ask who Scott is, and I ask that you please not answer this unasked question. Would it trouble you terribly to know that the majority of us here don't WANT your information? We consider people from "your time" self-centered, and generally "polluted" by the times you have lived through.

We have a nickname for you people: Goobacks. The term was coined by the folks who, in our time, are pop-culture icons Matt Stone and Trey Parker. In our day they were humble producers of a fine bit of satirical cartoon comedy. But I am sure by your time they are the leaders of the resistance movement against dumbthought.

So why not Gooback from where you came from? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
For the most part, I will leave you in the capable hands of OllyB. And Olly is correct that this thread should have been posted on the TT Claims board. Shame on you Qronos16... but now I bet you will claim the NWO made you do it! ? the people we came here to contact
So could you please just spare us the stories, make your contacts, and then move off to PM or something else where we don't have to listen to your political rants disguised (poorly) as a TT claim?

2 give more info then Scott and the others did.
I'm not going to ask who Scott is, and I ask that you please not answer this unasked question. Would it trouble you terribly to know that the majority of us here don't WANT your information? We consider people from "your time" self-centered, and generally "polluted" by the times you have lived through.

We have a nickname for you people: Goobacks. The term was coined by the folks who, in our time, are pop-culture icons Matt Stone and Trey Parker. In our day they were humble producers of a fine bit of satirical cartoon comedy. But I am sure by your time they are the leaders of the resistance movement against dumbthought.

So why not Gooback from where you came from? ?


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LOL, here we go again, another hum dinging time traveller claiming the usual gloom and doom!!

And of course Javier is the first respondent to this thread asking all the reversal questions back to himself. I’m curious, why cant a time traveller come along that foretells of prosperous things to come?

Will it ever stop? Looks like I got my job cut out for me.

Several more of your IP address are also CLOAKERS!!
Qronos, I recommend going to this guy you plan to make contact with ASAP, because you're obviously NOT making very effective contact with us. LOL, though I'm sure if we 'printed out flyers' saying: "A stranger from the future told me in an anonymous internet forum that the collapse of the Communist Bloc was a bad thing! BE WARNED! WE WILL ALL SOON BE MARKED! Possibly next month, when all will be revealed!" we'd be taken VERY seriously. Also, have spaces after punctuation been outlawed by the Supreme Executive Despot in your timeline, or are they just in short supply without freedom loving awake people to farm them?
Rianman, take my hand and together, we will be stronger than the emperor.Together, we can overthrow him!

That's a dollars and thirty cents is your change.Your food is at the next window.

Oh'__ where was I?

Yes Qronis, together we can go into the future!
Howdy Qrono,

seeing as you directed the link to me; here is my (hypothetical) analysis...

Yes, this guy is potentially a "major player" in creating the 'possible' future that you have 'claimed' to have come from. If you want to generate (what you might want to describe as) a temporal looped event stream to a 'civil' War (or worse), then you are right on the money.

If however you wan to acquire certain results (without the death toll) you would need to go down another avenue and be more patient. I currently do not believe you have the foresight and intelligence to do this though(hense why i dont believe you).

However - yes i bleieve that such a "major player" could be choosen to bring about a war.

The cynical part of me would say; If you really were what you claim (i dont believe it though) i would view you as a madman with a lit match, standing over a sea of petrol. As a time traveller - all credibility woul be lost.

For all our sakes - we should secretly be hoping that you get hit by a bus, before you make it to that mans house to delude his mind, rather then thanking you for directing us into VERY dangerous territory.

Kind regards,
Ok OllyB,

Let's try this once more.I can't delude him.Unlike you, he already know's what is taking place. We have information that will help him even more. We have contacted him and we will meet with him next week.We can not make anything worse by giving him this info. It can only get better. Olly how can he start what happened? This all started in 1963 when an element of the government killed JFK.Who was a part of what happened 1963? Daddy Bush.Who is in charge now?Bush JR. Who is even more powerful then Bush JR? Dick Chaney. Let me ask you this Olly? Have you seen any footage of a 757 hitting the Pentagon? Over 80 camera's around that building on 9-11-2001, and the only footage is of a grainy puff of smoke? Come on Olly! Who told NORAD to stand down that day? Dick Chaney. All this I have said about 911 is true. Documentation of Dick Chaney telling NORAD to stand down that day is easy to find.Let me ask you this? What are the odds of a simulation of plains flying into the world trade center taking place at the same time real plains fly into the world trade center? It is known that building 7 was blown up to conceal the high tech equipment that was in that building to home the plains in on the targets. Even in 2065 no building in history has ever fallen down because of a fire. Even if it did, it would not fall straight down like a controlled demolition. Why did all that happen? To take your rights away in America.To start a police state.What has happened in the USA since 9-11-01?Hitler himself would love the Patriot Act 1, & 2 even better. The Bill that Bush Jr wants to pass is the first major step since the Patriot Acts of pushing forward the plains of the globalist of bringing down the economy of the USA. By making Illegal Aliens legal, or amnesty.If this bill passes all the way, after a short time another bill will be passed to chip the Mexicans, to keep them under control. Then the kids will be chipped to "keep them safe". Then not to long after that laws will be passed for all Americans to get chipped. By the way America will not be the only place doing this.Your credit will have to be in good standing for you to get a job. Sorry I made a mistake, Jobs will require you to have a chip to get into work or clock in.Then not to long after that laws will be passed. Mexico is already doing the chip thing now. Yes it sounds like a bad movie.But it's your future!And I must say things get worse then what I have told you.
ok ur last post just made it brilliantly clear.
u (like me) are one of the conspiracy nutterz. however, i dont go around makin guff up about being from the future of these alleged events. the stuff you are talking about sounds very much like the things me and my mates sit round and talk about after a big green bifter.
Let me ask you this Olly? Have you seen any footage of a 757 hitting the Pentagon? Over 80 camera's around that building on 9-11-2001, and the only footage is of a grainy puff of smoke?
i found it strange they never released any other footage of this crash, but what about the HUNDREDS of people driving down the road alongside the pentagon at the time? was it a massive hologram? where ALL these people paid off to say they saw a plane? are they all part of the conspiracy?

you sound like you have just gone onto the newamericancetury website, taken a lot of their stuff very literally, and made it into a story about "the future". that website is very scary in terms of the remarks it makes about the world, the fact its even called NEWAMERICANCENTURY is a bit scary, but ther are scarier things out there. like this for example; when it comes to people like you, hitler had the right idea, he was just an under achiever. (that might piss a few people off, but hey, i stole it from bill hicks.. so sue me)

go back to your hole qronos.
Yep. It is quite clear that you buy-into someone else's propaganda without ever bothering to research things yourself. Just one example:
It is known that building 7 was blown up to conceal the high tech equipment that was in that building to home the plains in on the targets.
Not only is this not "known" (as in proven with real evidence), but the simple fact is that ALL commerical airliners have sufficient navigation capability and accuracy to hit ANY building in the world without external "homing" equipment. If you understood anything about GPS, Inertial Navigation Systems, and Flight Management Systems installed on commercial jets, you would know that this is a croc.

But you go on believing what you want. It doesn't make it any more true than your claim you are from the future. It will only further warp your mind with unverfied information.

LOL you are so funny!! LOL!!! They never release any footage LOL. Yes they did norn just in the last couple of weeks. The conspiracy is that a 757 flew 2ft about the ground and crashed into the pentagon and left no trace of a 757 ever crashing.Newamericancetury website? What's that? And what are you doing on the site? As for me going back to a whole. LOL you don't even know what is going on in your own time!! Sounds like you need to get out of that whole yourself.
You guys I tell ya,

Rainman I do not buy into anyone's else's propaganda,these are the facts.It's apparent you have not done any research yourself. If you had, you would know that a building would not fall down from a fire.But lets just say it did fall from a fire, why would the building fall since building 7 only had 3 reported small fires in the building? Why would the building fall straight down on it self like a controlled demolition? Here is something for you, call Alex Jones and ask him how he knew that the world trade center was going to be attacked 2 days before it happened. He has proof he knew and said it on the air 2 days before it happened on his show. How would he know this and the US gov claims they did not know? Hitler said it best, "The bigger the lie the more people will believe it". Sometimes if you hide something in plain site people will never see it.One more thing. I will tell you something about Art Bell from a book that I read that's not been written yet. Before the year 2000 Art and his wife took $80,000 and some gold and buried it in the ground at his home. Art thought that Y2K would be a problem. After his wife died this year and right before he moved to his new home in the Philippines he went out to get the money that him and his wife buried, it was gone. It would seem that Ramona had took the money and done only God knows what with it. Art was sad about that. Now why do I tell you this? It would seem to you this is meaningless. I tell you this because 1 the book has not been written yet.2 only 2 other people know about this right now in this time. Art Bell and the person who will write the book. Now I will not tell you the name of the book. But keep what I have told you here, for you will see that this is true. As for all the things I have told you all about 911, It's all true people. As bad as it all is, it's all true. If the bill passes they will chip the Mexicans and then the kids, and then all of you. You have been warned!
At the time of 911 I did question the temperatures generted by burning Hi-octane.

The simple facts of temperatures:

~1535ºC (2795ºF) - melting point of iron
~1510ºC (2750ºF) - melting point of typical structural steel
~825ºC (1517ºF) - maximum temperature of hydrocarbon fires burning in the atmosphere without pressurization or pre-heating (premixed fuel and air - blue flame)
Diffuse flames burn far cooler.
Oxygen-starved diffuse flames are cooler yet.

The fires in the towers were diffuse -- well below 800ºC.
Their dark smoke showed they were oxygen-starved -- particularly in the South Tower.

So they steel DID NOT melt unless somehow an incredible pressure was exerted ATMOSPHERICALLY on the two tower of the WTC.

However, steel does not need to melt to weaken, yet even if the jet fuel burned at its max tempertaure, which it did not, the steel would still be 50% relative strength. enough still to support the builing, as civil engineers will tell you 33% of the steels strength yield was sufficient to support the at half strength the steel is stills trong enough not collapse.

What about distortion, steel would have distorted signnificantly across the 'lit', buring levels of the WTC towers, with a notable difference between the side the plane struck and the side the plane did not strike. I believe the steel did not buckle, support from concrete, which was still solid, and the conduction of heat through the steel would have prevented it from doing so. Also HAD it buckled it would be observeable from the outside prior to the collpase, and it would not have collapsed at free fall in a uniform vertical DEMOLITION, it would have collapsed such that the top of the tower would have leant away from the impact side. possible sparing the bottom half of the towers as well.

However, in the rubble there was found melted steel, this could NOT have been caused by the jet fuel, and suggests maybe some other side reaction, themite or a eutectic reaction.

A eutectic reaction requires some form of sulphur pollutant, at which the temperatures would have bee sufficient to form iron sulphide. The eutectic principle sates that at sufficient temperature a component of lloy will become molten reguardless of the melting point of transition metal used. So the Iron sulphide would have become molten, in so doing, it would have further corroded through the steel lattice permeating iron and sulphur futher into the steels supports, and perpetuating the process further, as to tower collapse.

However I do not know if New York has sufficient Sulphur Oxide levels in its local atmosphere for this to occur with atmospheric source, and acid rain can be ruled out as it wasnt raining. other sources insdie the building are more possible if this is the methid by which the steel was found to be molten and slagged in appearance.

Metallugical analysis has not been revealled for the molten/melted steel/metal. So no one can now this completely, whther the molten appearance was Iron sulhide slag, which would ahve been red in colour or if the molten metal was Steel itself.

The thermite reaction could have supplied the molten steel would have been required to have been artificially prepared, with Aluminium Oxide and a heat source greater than the hot jet fuel. So themrite reaction did not occur by the jet fuel heating the steel.

Also the sprinkler apparently malfunctioned.


I do find the collapse hard to believe but there are many possiblities to investigate as to the nature of the 'melted metal', and it should be said that if that melted metal were not present I would firmly conclude that the towers hard been artificially DESTROYED!
