Friend Qronos16,
You want to warn us about our future, but you can't be specific about what you are talking about? That doesn't go over well. I'm even wondering if the time I dedicate to addressing you is worth it.
First off, I never said anything about overthrowing the government.And I will not answer to anyone in this time.If you don't know what the NWO is, all I can say is go read up on it.
Thanks for, again, not being specific in what you mean. So do you categorically deny that you advocate the overthrow of any part of the US government? It would be nice for you to go on record with this one, specifically. Lots of people would feel at ease if you did.
You are all going to be marked soon.You want to waste your time thinking anyone who brings this up is a nut, then keep thinking that and watch what happens.
Oh I certainly do not think that "anyone who brings this up is a nut". No, no I can think of many other reasons for people to want to perpetrate hoaxes on people. In fact, a much better explanation of such a person being a nut would be that this person has a specific AGENDA for what they want to achieve in their future.
What's your agenda? And in answering this you should assume we DON'T believe you are a TTer, and instead help us understand your agenda as if you were a person who lived in our time (which is really what you are, anyway).
you people are really that asleep!!It's amazing.
Actually, it is people like you who think they can control people with a vision of the future that are amazing. You really must think people are gullible, huh?
Now, with respect to your OP:
You all play games about time travel and say this and that about Time Travel.You want to know what is to come?I will tell you!Ask!!! Stop playing games and ask!!!! We have tried to warn you before and all you do is play games! Time is short.You have done nothing to change the future.Ask!!
Did it ever occur to you that we are smart enough to know that if we do whatever it is you want us to do, that we would actually INCREASE the chances of creating the future that you are here to warn us about? Let me put it another way: If you really DO come from a terrible, horrible future where the US and the entire western culture imploded, then WHY ON EARTH SHOULD WE DO WHAT YOU WANT US TO DO???? I mean really, YOU are from a time we do NOT wish to come to pass. If you are from that time, all you can tell us is what events DID lead up to your future coming to pass. You have ABSOLUTELY NO authority to be able to tell us what we SHOULD do to avoid your future.
So the best advice for people of this time is to NOT listen to you... since you are from a future we never want to have contact with. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thus, you are shown to be irrelevant, friend Qronos16 (group 6 of 10, so why they are 16 I will also question...thanks to MildSkeptic).
Why not tell us the story of the world that YOU want to come to pass? Then we can decide if we want that.