Message To You All


Chrono Cadet
You all play games about time travel and say this and that about Time Travel.You want to know what is to come?I will tell you!Ask!!! Stop playing games and ask!!!! We have tried to warn you before and all you do is play games! Time is short.You have done nothing to change the future.Ask!! :mad:
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Ask who?

So this isn't a game?

Change what about the future?

Ok, I'm game, I'll play for 1 turn and ask.

What's to come?

To understand what the future holds, you must first understand what is going on now in your timeline.I am talking about what is going on in this country.We have warned you 2 times before.Did you listen? No!! Some of you think this is some kind of game or something.Well let this new revelation began!My name is Wyatt and I was born 11-3-2041.I come from the year 2065.2 of my years ago another one came here on a mission that was a secret one.He took it upon himself doing that mission to warn you all about what was to come.When he returned some things had changed and some things got worse.All in all you guys did not listen.So now group 6 of 10 or Qronos16 which is 3 people to a Qronos unit have been sent to pick up the efforts of the resistance in this time line.We will provide them with ideas that should help fight the bad element that has control over your government.
Right now you are loosing your right and what remains of the United States Of America.If you do not stop it the boarders of the USA will go away and you will be known as the Americas.The middle class of this country will be destroyed and the economy will buckle and fall.Not to mention the race wars that are about to start.I'm sure you think this is all bull.Is it?I could be a nut right?Or I could be telling the truth.Which is it?I will tell you this is the truth.I also will tell you that many of you will die if you do not stand up and fight the NWO.Time is short!
We are in the Southern Plains and we are about to make contact with a key person in the fight.We will not tell this person who we really are but we will give him priceless info that if they move in the right way should overcome the NWO.Why are we now making such a bold move?We have to do this.

So what will happen? I told you.
If he has a Q in his name that isn't touching a U, he's got to be from the future.
- What would be so bad about the United States of Canuxico?
- Are you really pretending that Americans' imaginary loss of rights is the reason the US' economy will implode?
- Why is the 6th of 10 called 16? Is thisa part of the New World Order's facsist-math?
- How tall is Mt. Everest in 2064?
:Dwow what kind of time travel machine do you have?? and why are you here to warn us?? and I would like to know when will this start?? the NWO taking over?? also tell me more about it I need a picture of time travel machine from you so I can escape..

but if you going to warn us there are some doubt of it..I think that what you trying to say that john titor story again...write me a message so write back.. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
And the game just never ends, does it?

Freaking fearmonger. Add "revolutionary" to the list of tactics:
We are in the Southern Plains and we are about to make contact with a key person in the fight.We will not tell this person who we really are but we will give him priceless info that if they move in the right way should overcome the NWO.Why are we now making such a bold move?We have to do this.
Please clarify exactly what organization you mean when you advocate an overthrow of this "NWO". I would like you to be crystal clear who you think this NWO is? Because if you are advocating an uprising against, or overthrow of the government of the USA, you're going to have to answer to some folks about that one. Folks who you might not want to talk to.

First off, I never said anything about overthrowing the government.And I will not answer to anyone in this time.If you don't know what the NWO is, all I can say is go read up on it.As for the rights of Americans! I agree you don't have any rights anyway.I will say this once.You are all going to be marked soon.You want to waste your time thinking anyone who brings this up is a nut, then keep thinking that and watch what happens.LOL you people are really that asleep!!It's amazing.
Friend Qronos16,

You want to warn us about our future, but you can't be specific about what you are talking about? That doesn't go over well. I'm even wondering if the time I dedicate to addressing you is worth it.
First off, I never said anything about overthrowing the government.And I will not answer to anyone in this time.If you don't know what the NWO is, all I can say is go read up on it.
Thanks for, again, not being specific in what you mean. So do you categorically deny that you advocate the overthrow of any part of the US government? It would be nice for you to go on record with this one, specifically. Lots of people would feel at ease if you did.
You are all going to be marked soon.You want to waste your time thinking anyone who brings this up is a nut, then keep thinking that and watch what happens.
Oh I certainly do not think that "anyone who brings this up is a nut". No, no I can think of many other reasons for people to want to perpetrate hoaxes on people. In fact, a much better explanation of such a person being a nut would be that this person has a specific AGENDA for what they want to achieve in their future.

What's your agenda? And in answering this you should assume we DON'T believe you are a TTer, and instead help us understand your agenda as if you were a person who lived in our time (which is really what you are, anyway).
you people are really that asleep!!It's amazing.
Actually, it is people like you who think they can control people with a vision of the future that are amazing. You really must think people are gullible, huh?

Now, with respect to your OP:
You all play games about time travel and say this and that about Time Travel.You want to know what is to come?I will tell you!Ask!!! Stop playing games and ask!!!! We have tried to warn you before and all you do is play games! Time is short.You have done nothing to change the future.Ask!!

Did it ever occur to you that we are smart enough to know that if we do whatever it is you want us to do, that we would actually INCREASE the chances of creating the future that you are here to warn us about? Let me put it another way: If you really DO come from a terrible, horrible future where the US and the entire western culture imploded, then WHY ON EARTH SHOULD WE DO WHAT YOU WANT US TO DO???? I mean really, YOU are from a time we do NOT wish to come to pass. If you are from that time, all you can tell us is what events DID lead up to your future coming to pass. You have ABSOLUTELY NO authority to be able to tell us what we SHOULD do to avoid your future.

So the best advice for people of this time is to NOT listen to you... since you are from a future we never want to have contact with. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Thus, you are shown to be irrelevant, friend Qronos16 (group 6 of 10, so why they are 16 I will also question...thanks to MildSkeptic).

Why not tell us the story of the world that YOU want to come to pass? Then we can decide if we want that.

For the record [currently] i think that you are a bit of a joke, coming here and shooting your mouth off with such vague descriptions on the subject of the NWO. If you WERE a time traveller - i would in fact STILL have this opinion of you (only it would be even more depressing).

If you don't know what the NWO is, all I can say is go read up on it

You'd really recomend people to 'read up on it' and leave it at that. You trust that everyone has the ability to filter through all the crap, and reach/absorb the correct information?!!

I agree you don't have any rights anyway.

Elaborate on this please, I'm not questioning your opinion - but i think you would recieve more favour if you gave more detail in your analysis when you try using dangerous 'shock tactics'...

LOL you people are really that asleep!!It's amazing.

'Asleep', or did you mean ignorant and distracted? Otherwise we might be quite offended - and of course and any INTELLIGENT time traveller would understand how this would not be a productive outcome.

You want to waste your time thinking anyone who brings this up is a nut, then keep thinking that and watch what happens

Yes, a conditioning set about by people such as yourself. Infact, was the person that 'returned' and made some things 'worse', also as ignorant in their approach as you? I'd suspect so...

Well Qrono, In your best opinion - what sort of person is a key player in instigation the downfall of what you consider the 'NWO', what would be their personality(s) and what within which subject matter would they have to be well versed in, in order to succeed. As RMT says - as you don't elaborate on what you think the 'NWO' to be, So by your answer - we will be able to see. As well as being able to find out what you claim to know, and if its of any worth.

Evaluating all your text, i can quite happily come to two conclusions (the only two i can realistically come to);

a.) You are a very poor hoaxer (i favour this senario incidently)
b.) A very dense time traveller (something which would be highly depressing - and also quite unlikely)

If you can't back up your message - why bother to post it in the first place? If you can't answer to us - then disappear...

Kind regards,
What is my agenda? And I think you are all gullible?

My agenda is to the people we came here to contact.2 give more info then Scott and the others did.As for the John story.I'm not John nor do I claim to know John.His agenda was to let you all know that Time travel is possible.His agenda was to show you the tec side of things.Scott gave you the details of what is to come, and after he came home and saw that not much had changed, he fought for 2 years for another mission to this time.Is it possible for more harm then good to be done? Yes.Some of you are so close, many of you have seen what is really going on and have taken action. Do I think you are all gullible? No.I'm not trying to paint anything for you.
The new bill that just passed is one big step in the direction of the NEW WORLD ORDER.If it passes all the way, the middle class people of this nation will be destroyed.But that's not the bad part.The globalist will then have a reason to chip the illegals.Then laws will be passed to chip kids.Then adults.You see what this will cause to happen? I'm not trying to get you to believe anything! You can believe what you want.The facts are what I just told you.As for what you all think of me? You can think what you want.In the next few weeks you will get the answers you want.I will be talking to you all soon.Oh by the way:The New World Order is

The collapse of the Communism bloc and end of the cold war brought about a call for a "New World Order". Most vocal was US president George Bush. Opponents saw it as a one-world govt headed by US or transnationals, oppressing the public through military means and a restriction on individual freedoms like movement or speech.
I often dont post but what the hell.

I just dont get what qronos16 is babblin about.
I mean ok i think we all understand that our boarders are not secure and eventually it may lead to worse problems but seriously, what can we do about it?

You come here with a crazy message (thoe not so far fetched) like we dont know anything of what going on BUT...

Do you know what we can do about it?

Must i leave my home and my family to sit out in the desert great miles away with an illegal weapon and stand post making sure no one sneaks in?

What will happen to my family, home, job and life if i just halt everything and like a nutcase just go out and fight the government?

You tell us what we can do and how we can do it without hurting anyone.

You could say something like maybe talk to your community leaders or find some resources that will provide you with ideas, info or tools to end poverty.

The way i see it most of us are to busy surviving enough to care.
Will i worry about where will i get the money to pay for my next meal and rent or will i worry about how crappy the world is getting?

Tell us how to do it now. Your yelling GO and Do Now! but go where and do what?
Thats what kills me about most of these TTers. Nice and dandy info but ok so what then?

Way i see it the only time people would do anything is when they lose everything because they have nuthing more to lose.
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Yes you are right, talk to your local leaders, and also tell everyone you can about what is going on.The more people know the better.That's what you can do.Print out flyers and get the word out that way.Anything to get the word out.In the next month you will get better details of what is soon to happen.Bye for now.
I see you answering a lot of your own questions, yet selectively few of the ones we have asked....

Read my last post and try again. You also never stated what you thought the NWO was, and what subject matter someone would need to be versed in, in order to rise against them.

To all of us here - telling us what is 'yet to happen' is irrelevent.

Careful who you call gullible - to most of us, your tone has already shown up that you are a hoax.
Listen OllyB, I did tell you what the NWO was and part of what they are doing.As for you thinking Im a hoax,I don't care what you think of me.I told you why we are here, and that's that.
Listen OllyB, I did tell you what the NWO was and part of what they are doing.As for you thinking Im a hoax,I don't care what you think of me.I told you why we are here, and that's that.

Listen Qrono,

Actually you told some lame, rather vague story about the 'one world government' and then described it as the NWO. You said something about chipping people and the slimming down of peoples rights (here we go again - thats another claimant to add to the ever expanding collection).

So, I ask AGAIN - read my first post and have another go. You are NOT answering the more difficult questions that are given to you (no surprise there...)

As RMT says (and an important statement) You come from a negative future, you are going to get in contact with someone that plays an 'important role' in creating that future - thus you are creating and solidifying loop that leads straight to that outcome.

Why, it would be more in our best interests to hunt you down and send you back - than sit here like obedient students to your 'pearls of wisdom'.

Qrono, i think what you fail to see here - is how blatantly you are making yourself look like a totally unintelligent individual, with little to no foresight at all. Which obviously, to some of us here, is not a mindset we would readily credit to people that traverse across time.

I think its time to lay this thread to rest - or at least to move it to the Time Travel Claims section where it can RIP with the others.

kind regards,
First post here, but I've been following some of these discussions for a while, and I must say:

Well said Ollyb!

As has been mentioned (several times) in the pages of this forum, the chances of any "sincere" time traveller posting on a forum frequented by us (so-far) "wanna-be's" are, as we say, Buckleys and none. Basically, no chance at all.

Claims it is!