Quantum Scribe
you are a liar and a plagiarizer.
You're claiming that he's plagarised you? That would mean that your story is fictional...
you are a liar and a plagiarizer.
RainmanTime-nothing happens when you film time travel. my children wanted a film of me time travelling but all they could film was me leaving so you can do that.
I know about chrono radiation detectorts and what they do because:
1. I have one with the instructions on the back
2. My time guard is with me tat says I am correct.
3. I have level 3 clearance to know about all time travel technology.
creedo299-only people with great expertise can rig them and engineers test all the equipment out before the mission goes ahead incase it is faulty.
Rhudey-how can you have chronradiation detectors when time travel hasn't even been invented.
Sarah-I am just a normal person in my time. nobody in the government would want to kill me
Rhudey-lets just say your telling the truth. why would people make something that is useless at the moment?
why would people buy it if they didn't know what it did?
why would the company make it if no one was going to buy it?
Oh man, this is one of the biggest laughs EVER!chronoradiation detector instructions.
1. Order device to start
2. The device will start giving out anti chronoradiation automaticaly on level 5.
3. When chronoradiation is found the device will start bleeping.
4. look on screen for how far away the chronoradiation is
5. WARNING: When in close proximity to chronoradiation the anti chronoradiation will make the chronoradiation neutral in 1 week
6. If you do not want neutral chronoradiation then turn the detector down to level 1 so you can still detect it but not make it neutral