Experts from the Creedo Rainman interview:
Bob the host touches his nose again on the show.
Bob; You two should have known better than to have a physics book fight in that alley that they pulled you two out of.....?
Creedo;He started it and I wanted to.......Rainman>Yes you sure did drive home the idea, with The Handbook Of Physics by McGraw Hill!!
Bob touches his nose once more and ask>They Creedo, you think that a Baluchatherium ranch, on the outskirts of most cities would not be a disatvangagous move?
Rainman>He's crazy' the Baluchatherium died out long ago.Why in God's name would someone be so stupid as to raise a tertiary animal, that eats almost a bail of hay a day and is as big as most elephants?
Creedo>Look Raaaaaaaay!?Clone test have proven not only can they be haltered once you get the ladder close enough to them, but ridden as well.
Rainman>Yes and they can also walkthrough the sides of Stop and Go food marts, with their size and mass.
Nobody in their right mind is going to be raising an animal that looks like a horse on super-steroids!?
Creedo>You're still mad at me for switching your home computer to your corvette computer, via an etheric link, so it says it loves you,.....arn't you Ray?
The host Bob touches his nose once again.
Bob>Well Credo, do you think that Rainman will still give you that surplus 747 SP, to convert to hydrogen, after you two fighting like this?
Creedo>Aaaaaaayyyy' I'm sick of this sh*t, I'm leaving the stage and going back to the U.S.!
Bob>You can't do that Creedo, you've signed a contract and you have to sit here in misery, till this intereview is over?
Creedo, Barbara Walters, pit-bull with lip stick on??
Bob>No, I'll touch my nose as everyone in Canada knows that's why they watch me, as I touch my nose a lot!
Rainman>Well that Hughes 500D should be here anytime now and when they blow a hole in the roof of the studio, they can shoot down a line and I'm out of here.
Barbara W>Ray, can we talk about your hostility at an early age?
Rainman checks pockets for a leather chew and he feels that Barbara needs one.
Bob touches his nose again and ask Roel, what he feels, Roel>Well, ahhhh....?