John Titor FAKE


Temporal Novice
ok so this john titor crap was bull[censored] and if you belive it you are as dumb as the loser that was looking for attention that posted it.. he was asked a question about 2012 and he said "In my 2012, I was 14 years old spending most of my time living, running and hiding in the woods and rivers of central Florida. The civil war was in its 7th year and the world war was three years away. Yes, there are unusual events in 2012 but they do not cause the world to end. Unfortunately, I have decided not to discuss events that you or I can do anything about. It is important that they be a surprise. Perhaps you are familiar with the story of the Red Sea and the Egyptians?" ok so if in 2012 if the civil war was in it 7th year that would mean that it started in 2005 and right now it is 2008 ok so ether the news does not think is news worthy to talk about a civil war for the past 3 years or he was bull[censored]

MOD NOTE: Please clean up your language if you wish to hang out here. OK?
ether the news does not think is news worthy to talk about a civil war for the past 3 years or he was bull[censored]
in his timeline/timeworld...LOL

in this timeline, a lot of changes -shifts- and probably what happended in John Timeline has shifted/changed/delayed 4 year this timeline/timeworld /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
ok if he was to travel back in time he would not travel in to a different timeline... time travel and timelines is like a railroad track if you reverse the train it will not switch tracks.. so if he was to travel back in time he would remain in his timeline and we would be in a civil war if it was

I don't think that you'll find even a handful of people that don't agree that the two Titor stories were fiction. There were two, if you weren't aware of it. The first time he publicized it was in two faxes to Art Bell in 1998. The second time he publicized it started in November 2000 here and two months later continued on Art Bell's "Post-2-Post" forum.

The two versions of the story were somewhat different in the details because Y2K didn't turn out to be a disaster. Oh, yeah. He never bothered to mention while posting in 2000-2001 that he sent the faxes to Bell in 1998. One might 'spose that he didn't figure on someone eventually remembering the faxes...but we did. Unfortunately it was after he stopped posting.
Funny thing is, while we were all discussing it in 2001, there were no faxes to Art Bell from 1998. Those faxes didn't materialize until after Titor left, and I'm not using the word "materialize" casually. I started listening to Art in 1998 because he was chiming the "Bell" of doom about Y2K. I was sweating Y2K like everyone else in the computer field because there weren't enough Cobol coders left alive to get the job done in time. Amazingly, Y2K came and went without a peep from the industries that depend on those ancient programs. A year later, mister "I am from 2036" shows up, hints at having prevented a Y2K disaster, mentions he had never heard of Art Bell in his time (which in 2001 was inconceivable based on Art's huge following, but makes perfect sense now) and offers to take our emails back to 1998. Next thing you know, I've got buildings materializing out of thin air and everyone remembering a couple of faxes to Art Bell from 1998, except for me and a few of my alter vu buddies of course.

None of this proves Titor was a time traveler though. He could be the middle-aged California college grad Darby profiled, laughing his way to the bank (with a jar of coins I imagine based on the pathetic book and movie deal). I would stake my life on this though - the timeline is being altered and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. Who, what, where, when and why you ask? If you figure that out, let me know.
I would stake my life on this though - the timeline is being altered and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. Who, what, where, when and why you ask? If you figure that out, let me know.

k. o.

<font color="blue">
Greetings from 2066

It is with mixed feelings that I make this post to your forum. I am a time traveler from the year 2066. My mentor and great friend was the man you knew as John Titor. I have chosen his name as my login only in the hope that it will foster some degree of familiarity to you people of this time.

I have been in your time for many months now, gathering information, and reading your various internet news sites and forums such as this one. I have chosen this site to make my posts for a number of reasons. First, and foremost, because this site seems to be known for its outlandish behavior and strong opinions. Second, this site is quoted extensively in other internet forums and chat sites, which may hopefully give more dissemination to what information I may give.

I am aware of the strong feelings that my posts may generate. This is one of the reasons I am slightly fearful of what may happen. I have searched out and found a number of internet sites that contain the previous posts of my friend, John. I have also seen the great diversity in the emotions his words generated. I apologize for any bad feelings I may create, but I am fulfulling a mission and a promise, so I must continue.

To answer the first questions that should arise, the man you knew as John Titor has died in my time just about one year ago. He was nearly 65 years old. At the time of his death, the existing government of our time, and the military, was debating whether or not to resurrect the time travel program, which had been severely curtailed a few years after John´s return from your time period.

It became self-evident to us that time travelers were making too many changes in the timelines they visited, both intentional and unintentional. As part of the theories of multiple universes, called strings theories by you I think, it was thought that although these alternate timelines were separate and distinct, some sort of interactions could occur between them. In essence, the theory began to develop that a change great enough in an adjacent timeline might cause an inadvertant change in other timelines that were not too divergent. I hope I am explaining this well enough for you to understand. Please forgive if I am not.

John had been my friend for many years, as well as my teacher, mentor, and boss. He had spoken many, many times to me about his experiences in this time period, and had developed a genuine fondness for the people he had met here. Part of my mission, and more specifically, my personal promise to John, was to try and help convince the people here to prepare themselves for the periods of trouble that are ahead for you. That is my main reason for posting here.

I plan to be able to continue here for some time, although I believe that it depends mostly on your response to me. I will respond to your questions, but I must insist from the start that I will in no way give any specifics on any future events that I may know of. The reasons for this should become more apparent as our discussions continue.

I have a great many things to do during my visit here. As a result, I will not be able to spend too much time on this forum, but I will post nearly daily. I know from my previous research that asking you to limit your posts to relevant information will be worthless, but I must try and keep down the amount of information that I will have to read before coming across something interesting. This is something that John warned me about. I will try to be very careful in my posts, so as not to "leak" anything that should not be. There are reasons for this which, again, should become apparent as we work together.

Lastly, I want to express the feelings that John Titor gave to me about the people of this time. He found you most interesting, far more so than he had imagined or hoped for. He found you both infuriating and loveable, if you can understand that. He never mentioned any names of specific people to me, and none appear in his reports, but he did try and give me a sense of what you were like, and why he felt it necessary to try and help. He said to me the last time we met before his death, to say to all of you, "Tell them I have always remembered our online spars. Tell them I was glad I made the attempt at contact, that they had made my life more interesting, and more fulfilling than if I had been simply an observer."

With that, I open up our discussions.
end quoted
from here

Funny thing is, while we were all discussing it in 2001, there were no faxes to Art Bell from 1998. Those faxes didn't materialize until after Titor left, and I'm not using the word "materialize" casually.

If you recall, the manner in which the faxes "materialized" wasn't really a mystery. Some of us, Pamela and I being among the "us", later recalled the 1998 Art Bell episode though we hadn't made the connection while Titor was posting. We researched the show archives and discovered the faxes in mid to late 2001. They'd been there all along.

The fax situation is similar to the TTI-Celebration Connection. When Titor first posted here and when Larry Haber formed the John Titor Foundation they didn't figure that anyone would have the ability to make the connection between Celebration and TTI. They apparently assumed that because the IP's didn't appear on the site and that pseudonyms were used there was no physical evidence to link Titor to Celebration. The assumption was false because the connection was on this site buried on a deep back page under Magical Mouse. Once one knew that the JTF was located in Celebration a quick view of the Magical Mouse back page with its link to (Celebration's home page named for its Zip Code) made it fairly clear where the story originated from. With a little more investigation by reading the posts on the 34747 forum one discovered that Raul (MOP) was the web designer, SysAdmin and Mod for the 34747 forum. Raul isn't Titor but neither is it a mere coincidence that Titor decided to post on this site. He had a hot link to this site on the 34747 forum home page.

The only real mystery that remains, and its relatively irrelevent, is who among the members of the JTF was the actual author. Of course the only person who has been completely identified there is Larry Haber. We don't know Ben Z's real name. Larry is an entertainment industry "suit". Ben Z is an entertainment industry "talent". Larry, though he likes to play games, writes in a rather straight forward manner. Ben Z also likes to play games but he tended to answer questions in a circuitous manner not unlike Titor. Larry writes legal documents for a living. Ben Z writes fiction for a living. Larry is intelligent but he's never given any indication that he's particularly creative in the artistic sense that Titor displayed.

Given the choice between the two my money is on Ben Z.

You don't have to answer this question (obviously) but I've wanted to ask it for foe a long time...

Several years ago when I was actively doing Titor research I did some online research on your name Jim (last name...I won't reveal it in a post) in Florida. I only found two matches in all of Florida. One was in deep south east Florida. The other hit was just south of Orlando located about eight miles from Larry Haber's office in Celebration (if I recall correctly near Clear Lake). Are you the Jim (last name) who lived near Larry's office?
Several years ago when I was actively doing Titor research I did some online research on your name Jim (last name...I won't reveal it in a post) in Florida. I only found two matches in all of Florida. One was in deep south east Florida. The other hit was just south of Orlando located about eight miles from Larry Haber's office in Celebration (if I recall correctly near Clear Lake). Are you the Jim (last name) who lived near Larry's office?

No, I'm not either “Jim Houlahan” you found in your “research” Darby. That isn't even my real name. When TimeTravel_0 picked a pseudonym for Art Bell's forum, it seemed like a good idea to do the same. Guess I was right about that, eh? Otherwise, I might have been stalked at my home and place of business like Larry Haber was - thanks to the cries of a Celebration, Florida conspiracy.

I'm sure what you really want to know is – am I John Titor? The answer is a definitive NO! Is that clear enough for everyone? No, I am not the person who called himself John Titor, nor did I have anything to do with fabricating any part of that story. Anyone who claims or suggests otherwise is lying with malicious intent. I would consider such lies a threat to me and my family, necessitating the involvement of law enforcement. I'm generally an easy going guy, but I have my limits. I also implore anyone on a hunt for time travelers to not go looking up people named Titor or anyone else. Even if there are real time travelers, you'll never find them. Even if you could, they'd just go back in time and make sure you didn't.

We researched the show archives and discovered the faxes in mid to late 2001. They'd been there all along.

“It's been there all along” is what my wife has said to me on numerous occasions where I've confirmed alterations to the timeline. People who are unaware of a change believe those things were always there. I call awareness of the changes an “alter vu”. Sometimes the awareness is preceded by a very powerful sensation similar to a deja vu, followed by a recognition of things being out of place or different. The actual changes could be called “time quakes”, “ripples in time” or something else. I know you're trying to lend credence to your point of view by including Pamela as one who remembered the 1998 faxes to Art Bell. Pamela and I did share some common alter vus but she had some even before Titor left. I had none until after. When I had a major alter vu last June, she didn't. I have no idea why it happens this way, but it does.
Just a reply to anyone who actually wants a response otherwise I want you to think of:

"A quasistellar object."


Papers will be due as soon as you write one on "What a quasistellar object means to you in the Grand Scheme of Design according to what you know about this Universe?"

"Spin Happens"! As to those previous words, I guess; those words must be similiar to that other 4 letter word: "Sh!t Happens!"

Does Obama want me to learn that foreign language -- "Rap?"?

I think some foreign languages should include -- science and math and psychology! Without a defense, there may not be a world depending how much stubborn-ness there is with other heads on this Planet of Humans?

Quasi-stellar Object!
back from Timeline 2
<font color="blue"> Back In 2001 I was waiting in line at burger king, I was talking to a friend of mine about John Titor I said he was fake, I Said I didn´t believe him I went on and on about how anyone could believe him. When a man behind me in line said "You are incorrect" I replied back, "You know about John Titor?" he said "yes .." I asked him "why am I wrong do you actually believe that story" he then reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked to be a business card, on it was a photo ID of the man next to it, said Johnathon Titor. It was dated 2036 and had some kind of logo in the back round of a clock and NASA´s Logo. After that he said "believe me now?" I didn´t know what to say. I asked him if it was photoshoped but he flipped it over and there was a bar code.


Oh I also remember that he mentioned the tree houses he lived in, and I said if they lived in treehouses to protect themselves from their enemies, and he said no, just that there was a lot of flooding that had not yet happened.

-Page 18- :oops:
I'm sure what you really want to know is – am I John Titor? The answer is a definitive NO!

No. I was wondering if you had ever gone to Celebration to talk to Larry had you been the person who lived next door to Celebration.

There is no Celebration "conspiracy theory". Ben Z is the one who said that the story, at least the portion that included Mom Titor, was created in the VISI Corp/Front St. Productions studios. The Book, the fake extra manual pages inserted into the version of The Book that could be purchased through the JTF directly and The Radio Program, according to his story, were created in the studios on Front St. The Book wasn't written by Mom Titor and the Colorado Attorney - it was written by the Book crew in Celebration.
I was wondering if you had ever gone to Celebration to talk to Larry had you been the person who lived next door to Celebration.

I had nothing to do with that. The entire spectacle sickened me. You have a brilliant mind Darby but, like most brilliant minds, you lack a bit of common sense. There are desperate people that come here looking for a way to fix their broken lives through time travel. As ridiculous as it sounds, they are out there. What if someone had been killed over that? And for what? To point and say, “I told you it was a hoax!”? Good God!
If you recall, the manner in which the faxes "materialized" wasn't really a mystery. Some of us, Pamela and I being among the "us", later recalled the 1998 Art Bell episode though we hadn't made the connection while Titor was posting. We researched the show archives and discovered the faxes in mid to late 2001. They'd been there all along.

<font color="blue"> Darby,
I didn't "later recall" anything. I don't remember them being there on Arts site before John left. They seemed to me like they just appeared. I wondered why no one made the connection that was familiar with Art Bell. I didn't even know about Art Bell in 1998.I didn't even go online until 1999 Because I didnt have a computer.

It was weird to me though that Qflux had posted an "altered" version on another web site. It also surprised me when Oliver Williams said Qflux writes to him all the time and that she is female. I just dont know which fax was accurate. Qflux's fax could have been altered to show John knew about 911.Or Art Bell changed the original. Which ever one was altered it was done professionally. I listened to both faxes and still have them somewhere. [/COLOR]

The only real mystery that remains, and its relatively irrelevent, is who among the members of the JTF was the actual author. Of course the only person who has been completely identified there is Larry Haber. We don't know Ben Z's real name. Larry is an entertainment industry "suit". Ben Z is an entertainment industry "talent". Larry, though he likes to play games, writes in a rather straight forward manner. Ben Z also likes to play games but he tended to answer questions in a circuitous manner not unlike Titor. Larry writes legal documents for a living. Ben Z writes fiction for a living. Larry is intelligent but he's never given any indication that he's particularly creative in the artistic sense that Titor displayed.
Given the choice between the two my money is on Ben Z.

<font color="blue"> I talked to Ben Z several times and he didnt sound like John wrote. I believe he was someone just hired by Larry.
Also he did admit that the book and the extra manual pages were fake. The question is why they went to Oliver Williams site to get the info? I also noticed something very weird is that the music on Olivers audios sounds similiar to me to the JT radio programs music. No accusations here I just thought it was rather weird. [/COLOR]

Several years ago when I was actively doing Titor research I did some online research on your name Jim (last name...I won't reveal it in a post) in Florida. I only found two matches in all of Florida. One was in deep south east Florida. The other hit was just south of Orlando located about eight miles from Larry Haber's office in Celebration (if I recall correctly near Clear Lake). Are you the Jim (last name) who lived near Larry's office?

<font color="blue">This is really wrong that everyone is being investigated. I am glad he was smart enough not to use his real last name.
I really think Jim just had weird experiences because of it. But we were also contacted by a person who claimed to be a time traveler and that he was investigating John and that the results from the investigation caused all of the ripples.
questions were answered in quite some detail. [/COLOR]

“It's been there all along” is what my wife has said to me on numerous occasions where I've confirmed alterations to the timeline. People who are unaware of a change believe those things were always there. I call awareness of the changes an “alter vu”. Sometimes the awareness is preceded by a very powerful sensation similar to a deja vu, followed by a recognition of things being out of place or different. The actual changes could be called “time quakes”, “ripples in time” or something else. I know you're trying to lend credence to your point of view by including Pamela as one who remembered the 1998 faxes to Art Bell. Pamela and I did share some common alter vus but she had some even before Titor left. I had none until after. When I had a major alter vu last June, she didn't. I have no idea why it happens this way, but it does.

<font color="blue"> Yes, I had some weird things happen when John was here. Also I had that dream starting in April 1998.
But the strongest was after he left. Nothing has happened for years now for me. (Thank God)
I think Jim and I have been pretty open and honest with everyone..maybe too much so. [/COLOR]
No such thing as too honest pam. In fact people like you and jim are the refreshing light that uplifts this place from is dank cynisism. I am not sure what I believe about this thing anymore... but I have decided to leave my mind open, like you and like jim.

Cause at the end of the day I still don't believe any of us know the complete truth, despite what others might say to the contrary.
This is really wrong that everyone is being investigated. I am glad he was smart enough not to use his real last name.

For you to follow through on being entirely honest with the group and with Jim, as you stated at the end of your post, you might want to reveal to them that you were one of the people doing the research. One of your stated motivations to become a Moderator on Anomalies was to have the abiliy to see member's IP's in order to assist you with your personal research. When you came to places where you didn't have the knowledge or background to do the online research you asked me on several occassions to assist by doing it. And those situations did include doing online background on some specific people that you thought might be Titor or somehow associated with the Titor Saga. Off the Titor Saga it also involved doing the same regarding Dr. David Anderson.
For you to follow through on being entirely honest with the group and with Jim, as you stated at the end of your post, you might want to reveal to them that you were one of the people doing the research. One of your stated motivations to become a Moderator on Anomalies was to have the abiliy to see member's IP's in order to assist you with your personal research. When you came to places where you didn't have the knowledge or background to do the online research you asked me on several occassions to assist by doing it. And those situations did include doing online background on some specific people that you thought might be Titor or somehow associated with the Titor Saga. Off the Titor Saga it also involved doing the same regarding Dr. David Anderson.

My how you do twist things Darb. One of the reasons I quit as a moderator was the interrogation I got from the other mods including YOU to try to make me reveal Titor's info when I refused I got treated pretty badly. You kept pumping me for info that I didn't want to give so I pointed you to
several other people like Thomas Dehn so you could go investigate him. I never did any professional investigation. You are the one who has a background in this not me.

Just because I was a mod you said I was part of the investigation team. I never wanted to be part of your team. I wanted to find out who John was because you had convinced me he was a fraud and fake and used me and you were there as my friend to "help me"(clever strategy on your part back then) so yes, I told you I wanted to be a mod just so I could check the ID numbers to see if he was still posting. However, I was not willing to depart with confidential info he had given me. Although you and Rick did try pretty hard I stood my ground. People have to merely go back and read the posts to see what went on.

Jim was my friend are you trying to make him think (and others reading) that I somehow helped you investigate him by how you posted that? Nice try.

I truly believe you still want to find out who Titor is I wouldn't be surprised if you had investigated the whole board including me, where I live, work etc. You have havn't you?
It seems to have become an obsession with you. There was no reason to investigate Jim.
What the heck did he do? What made him stand out to you? Because you found out he lived in Florida??
Investigating Jim was just wrong and sorry to say you are going to have to live with that yourself.
and anyone else you investigated on this board in your obsession to find out who posted as John.
From what I have read most people don't even care anymore.

I personally think you are just board because there are not too many posts and you need something to do. You forget that I remember you admitted you try to stir things up on purpose online just to get conversations going. You twist things around and post things that make it look one way when it was actually another or make it seem like it was something it wasn't. Its all in your careful wording.
I am actually tired of correcting you. You say I did this or did that (for example remembering the faxes on Arts board in 1998 when I didnt even have a computer then). There are several other things you have said that were wrong and I have just let them go. John titor was seven or eight years ago for me. Its been YEARS. I don't care about it as much as you do anymore.

Let's read how you started out here again:
For you to follow through on being entirely honest with the group and with Jim,as you stated at the end of your post, you might want to reveal to them that you were one of the people doing the research.

See how you worded that Darb? Was that wording to cause Jim not to trust me anymore? To make him think that "I" somehow investigated him with you? Nice try Darb. But I have had years of practice on how you operate.

And you wonder why there are very few posts on anomalies time travel forum.

I am not going to play your game Darb. Go find someone else to entertain you.
Just a reply to anyone. I was just reading a few pages again from Dr. Michio Kaku's book "Parallel Universes". The heading of the few pages (I did not read all of it) was "Mini-black holes" and what it would mean to create those if that were possible by smashing together protons at the high energies of the LHC when it comes on-line. What size they would probably be, and what they might prove about parallel universes actually existing.

Just a reply to anyone. I was just reading a few pages again from Dr. Michio Kaku's book "Parallel Universes". The heading of the few pages (I did not read all of it) was "Mini-black holes" and what it would mean to create those if that were possible by smashing together protons at the high energies of the LHC when it comes on-line. What size they would probably be, and what they might prove about parallel universes actually existing.

The most important thing was a stable mini black hole to avoid the Hawking radiation
Remmember its only given off when an unstable singularity evaporates.


Re:One of the Original Titor Eight was:John

See how you worded that Darb? Was that wording to cause Jim not to trust me anymore? To make him think that "I" somehow investigated him with you? Nice try Darb. But I have had years of practice on how you operate.

you right Pam!

blast from the past:


Having been one of the eight of us that use to correspond with John Titor when he posted in the old Art Bell Forum on the Coast to Coast website. And one of the eight of us that recieved a 'special gift' from John. I can tell you this.

He did very much talk about 9/11 and warned us of it. No not the event itself but John told us he choose to come to 2000 for a very good reason. It 2000-2001 was going to be a "KEY" event as to why the second civil war would break out. 2000-2001 was a KEY moment in Human History and John wanted to see the world as it was BEFORE this key event happened.

John's hobbie was History, he was a historian and he wanted to document and see the state of the United States before this Key Event because much of the knowledge of that time was lost in his timeline. He also told us that George W Bush would win the election and that election would end up in the courts. Following that election the start of "Police State" of the Federal government. John also told us the pretext for the police state would be the EXCUSE of TERRORISM.

Also John told us that CERN Labs would discover in their NEW supercolliders the ablity for TIME TRAVEL. Do Goggle CERN's new supercollider and pay close ATTENSION to the claims that the new Super Collider may infact unlock the secrets of TIME TRAVEL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif John pointed this new Collider as his PROOF for his claim. And its HERE Right on TIME as HE PREDICTED..

Damn you should have taken stock in CERN. We all did!

John's time line is a bit off then how history is unfolding yet John told us there was 4-8% divergence between how he remembered his history commpared to our time line. This is explained according to John in that the Time Travaler does not come back in time in his/her exact timeline. But Jumps into a quauntum parallel universe. (our current time line compared to his.)

The next think coming down the pike in the next few years will be a conflict over Taiwan between the United States and China. This conflict will result in a limited nuclear warhead exchange between (2010-2014) the US East and West coasts will be hit HARD.

Also keep an eye out with the 2008 election. We the United States will become a TOTAL Police State with the 2008 election and its President (no I'm not going to tell you who it will be.) Just say who ever it will be will turn out to be Americans version of Hitler and Homeland Security the Gustopo. The "Civil War 2" will start very very very soon and will rage Hot until the surprise attack by China in 2014.

If you haven't prepared for rough days. DO IT NOW!

That is all..

One of the Original Titor Eight.

end quoted
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