I would stake my life on this though - the timeline is being altered and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. Who, what, where, when and why you ask? If you figure that out, let me know.
k. o.
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Greetings from 2066
It is with mixed feelings that I make this post to your forum. I am a time traveler from the year 2066. My mentor and great friend was the man you knew as John Titor. I have chosen his name as my login only in the hope that it will foster some degree of familiarity to you people of this time.
I have been in your time for many months now, gathering information, and reading your various internet news sites and forums such as this one. I have chosen this site to make my posts for a number of reasons. First, and foremost, because this site seems to be known for its outlandish behavior and strong opinions. Second, this site is quoted extensively in other internet forums and chat sites, which may hopefully give more dissemination to what information I may give.
I am aware of the strong feelings that my posts may generate. This is one of the reasons I am slightly fearful of what may happen. I have searched out and found a number of internet sites that contain the previous posts of my friend, John. I have also seen the great diversity in the emotions his words generated. I apologize for any bad feelings I may create, but I am fulfulling a mission and a promise, so I must continue.
To answer the first questions that should arise, the man you knew as John Titor has died in my time just about one year ago. He was nearly 65 years old. At the time of his death, the existing government of our time, and the military, was debating whether or not to resurrect the time travel program, which had been severely curtailed a few years after John´s return from your time period.
It became self-evident to us that time travelers were making too many changes in the timelines they visited, both intentional and unintentional. As part of the theories of multiple universes, called strings theories by you I think, it was thought that although these alternate timelines were separate and distinct, some sort of interactions could occur between them. In essence, the theory began to develop that a change great enough in an adjacent timeline might cause an inadvertant change in other timelines that were not too divergent. I hope I am explaining this well enough for you to understand. Please forgive if I am not.
John had been my friend for many years, as well as my teacher, mentor, and boss. He had spoken many, many times to me about his experiences in this time period, and had developed a genuine fondness for the people he had met here. Part of my mission, and more specifically, my personal promise to John, was to try and help convince the people here to prepare themselves for the periods of trouble that are ahead for you. That is my main reason for posting here.
I plan to be able to continue here for some time, although I believe that it depends mostly on your response to me. I will respond to your questions, but I must insist from the start that I will in no way give any specifics on any future events that I may know of. The reasons for this should become more apparent as our discussions continue.
I have a great many things to do during my visit here. As a result, I will not be able to spend too much time on this forum, but I will post nearly daily. I know from my previous research that asking you to limit your posts to relevant information will be worthless, but I must try and keep down the amount of information that I will have to read before coming across something interesting. This is something that John warned me about. I will try to be very careful in my posts, so as not to "leak" anything that should not be. There are reasons for this which, again, should become apparent as we work together.
Lastly, I want to express the feelings that John Titor gave to me about the people of this time. He found you most interesting, far more so than he had imagined or hoped for. He found you both infuriating and loveable, if you can understand that. He never mentioned any names of specific people to me, and none appear in his reports, but he did try and give me a sense of what you were like, and why he felt it necessary to try and help. He said to me the last time we met before his death, to say to all of you, "Tell them I have always remembered our online spars. Tell them I was glad I made the attempt at contact, that they had made my life more interesting, and more fulfilling than if I had been simply an observer."
With that, I open up our discussions.
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