I've Gone back 2000 YEARS


Temporal Novice
I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

I have time travelled back 2000 years. I was present for the crucifixtion of Jesus Christ. It happened in a dream in 1993, but this was no dream: dreams are fuzzy, this was clear, dreams deal in 2-D, this was 3-D. I saw Him in His final moments on the Cross, and though it was so dark that I could only see when the ligthning was striking, the outline of His body and the way it hung on the Cross couldn't have come from my mind.

I was there. It wasn't like seeing a film of an event, it was being there. My feelings at the time? Glorious. I didn't feel sadness, but rather the immensity of the occasion. I heard Jesus' final words spoken on the Cross. He turned upwards to His Father and said some <font color="blue"> [/COLOR] thing in Hebrew, and then turned down and said something before dying. His voice was strong and full of love.

The reasons for the dream are no doubt purely theological and deal with my own destiney.

However, the mode of operation in this dream is applicable to everyone interested in time travel. They say that to God He sees all time as a whole: past, present and future. He is the Master of Time, and like the laws of nature, he controls them, we don't.

A miracle by definition is when something occurs OUTSIDE the laws of nature. A spontaneous remission of cancer cannot be explained by science. We can say that it is a miracle. Walking on water takes place outside the laws of nature: its a miracle. And for time travel to occur, it also has to be a miracle.

The great thing is that we all have the capability to perform the miracle of time travel. And, decoding my own time travel experiences (I've also gone to the 1970s and into the future in my visions of the night) I would say this is how its done.

1) Removing oneself from the presence of the world and its limitations and placing oneself in the Presence of the LORD GOD with whom those laws don't apply

2) Surrendering to Him as a child does to the authority of a parent. Just as a child goes wherever their parent brings them, this spiritual state of abandonment to God opens oneself up for the action of the miracle.

3)When you have completely let go of the limitations of doubt that the world leaves on us, and when you 'belong' totally to the new reality of the All Powerful Deity, you WALK FORWARD IN CONFIDENCE AND FAITH and the Holy Spirit acts and the miracle occurs.

Jesus' recipe for miracles is: Believe in God, Ask in His Name, Believe that You Have Received and you will.

Now, my time travel has only occured during these 'visions of the night' but I have no doubt that meditating with the above technique of surrender, you could be 'translated' or 'transported' back or forward in time.

Time travel is real, I've experienced it and you don't do it by any time of machine or by science. Machines and science deal with the laws of nature, for time travel to occur you need a miracle. Our spirits transcend the world and its limitations, and via faith you can do anything.

Hope what I've said helps. I hope to get to the point where I time travel awake daily. <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

the only way you did time travel is this?? Astral Projection that how you must have done it...so write back..
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Astral projection is actually the first stage of a body transportation.

How do I know this? Because St Padre Pio, the Italian franciscan who bore the stigmata and died in 1968, used to bi-locate. He had the ability to be in two places at the same time.

He described his ability as first putting his spirit there: going there mentally through deep meditation. Then, through some process we don't understand, he would actually be there physically. He wasn't the first person to have this ability: numerous mystics throughout time have had this same power.

An example of Padre Pio's bi-location was one day at the monastery when he was present for a performance by an orchestra. Suddenly Padre Pio leaned forward and started praying intensley. Then, his entire body started shivvering: he was ice cold. Then he came back out of his prayer. At that exact moment in Alps, a sick person was visted by Padre Pio who healed her.

Now, I believe that in the spirit I was transported back 2000 years. If the same rules apply to time travel as they do to bi-location, then astral projection is the first step to a physical time travel experience.

Therefore, I think the key is this. Meditate placing your spirit actually in the time where you want it to be. Don't just do a 'remove viewing' because you are not placing yourself actually there: you are on the outside looking in.

You have to place your spirit there and with the power of the Holy Spirit, I believe that you will be there. If your meditation is strong enough, then a phsyical bi-location may indeed occur.

I would presume that it would be easier to go back in time within one's own life, because your spiritual attachment to your own body would be far stronger, and maybe you can enter back into your body and relive years again. Undo the past. Save a loved one from death. I don't know how it works, but I am convinced that its possible.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Your brain compiled a senario based on everything christianity has preached to you throughout your entire life. That's what dreams are.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

From where you are sitting, I can see your point of view. The crucifixtion of Jesus is depicted in crucifixes everywhere and is a major historical event with immense spiritual and theological significance.

Yet you would be amazed by how few people actually dream about this event.

But as I said, I didn't dream it.

Dreams deal in 2-d, this was 3-D. Dreams are fuzzy: this was crystal clear.

Also, something that I saw confirms that it didn't come out of my brain. I didn't know it at the time, but crucifixtion is all about killing the person through exhaustion. They are hanging on the Cross and have to pull their body weight up in order to breathe. I saw Jesus pull Himself up on the Cross to breathe and this, along with the entire experience, tells me that I actually time travelled back 2000 years and was present for the event.

If it was someone else, I would probably agree with you. But its one of those things that you have to experience yourself in order to understand it. I was there, I saw the Son of God crucified. I heard the Son of God's final words. I saw the Son of God die for us.

It was such an amazing experience, with all the ligtning, the earthquake, and everything that followed, that you knew you had been present for the death of the Messiah. Even the Bible says that those present, who had mocked Christ throughout the crucifixtion, left changed.

"The whole crowd who came together to that sight, seeing what had been done, beat their breasts and returned." (Lk. 23:48)
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS


I think that most of your information here is valid. There are some good pointers in there. I find that your use of the pronoun 'He' as a representation of god might take people further away from the truth you are saying, though. At this level using a persona and gender description such as 'He' usually means you are not decribing a creater 'god' or universal spirit.

This description is usually down to untrue biblical religious conditioning, though.

Also dreams are not in 2-D. this was an error. Most of use actually see in 2-D when we are awake and conscious. When we dream, as we are not using out eyes, we actually begine to see in 3-D. we are in the dream, or we are watching from the outside. sometimes many things at once.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Well I've got news for you: God is a He. His voice is that of a man, a strong fatherly man. And Jesus was God incarnate: He was a man.

And in terms of 'biblical conditioning', I've got news for you too: the Bible is the Word of God. He is as the Bible says He is.

If there is any 'conditioning', its the conditioning of people to think that the Bible belongs with the fairytale section of the library. Because people are taught Bible stories as children, when they grow up, they think its just children's stories. WRONG. Anyone who actually picks up the Bible and reads it from cover to cover will see that it wasn't written as a fable with a moral to the story, but rather as an historical record of events that actually happened.

My supernatural encounters have confirmed this truth. <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

The Christian god is a pompous ass who spend far too much time on one world. But that's not what I'm replying for.
The astral/temporal projection is fairly basic, and in theory you cannot do anything to affect the area you are in. But there are some few, as mentioned above that have gone further and can physicaly be in both places or use the projection to move their physical mass from where it is to where the projection is. It is entirly possible that the event described above could have happened, and also possible that it couldn't.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

The 'Christian God' is the only God: Creator of Heaven and Earth, and He is certainly not 'pompous' as you so blashemously said.

A pompous God wouldn't condescend to become a man born in poverty, to work as a carpenter and then to be crucified to save a fallen humanity from their sins. Rather, Jesus Christ turned on its head the worlds concepts of success. He rejected riches, He rejected the praises of man, He rejected power and He rejected saving Himself from a cruel death.

He became poor so that we might be rich, He became an ordinary worker to glorify the mundane existence of most people on earth, He embraced suffering and death that we might one day be liberated from them and inherit paradise.

A greater God you could not find.

I think its time that you re-think the message of Christianity and its God.

Oh, and the event described of St Padre Pio's bi-location was not a unique event in his life or in the annals of the lives of the saints. Padre Pio bi-located on numerous occasions, even once being found praying in St. Peter's bascillica Rome, while a clergyman rang his monastery in southern italy to discover he was also there!

It is as extraordinary power and one that I think everyone could do if they had enough faith.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

I think its time that you re-think the message of Christianity and its God.
I think that you should re-think about where you are posting this.

This area is for people who claim to be time travellers.

If you want to preach then do it at church! Find your soapbox and shout it out loud if that is your need.

There are more appropriate places to do it.

Not here surely?
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

"I think that you should re-think about where you are posting this.
This area is for people who claim to be time travellers."

Well, if you read the title of this post "I've Gone Back 2000 Years" then you would realise that yes, I am someone who is claiming to be a time traveller.

And, if you read my post, you will see my theory on time travel: because time is one of the laws of nature, to overcome a law of nature is to perform a miracle, which means that God has to be part of the equation.

Oh, and I will defend my God whenever He is blasphemed, because He is All Powerful and more wonderful than you could ever imagine. He is real, His actions are real and you can read all about it in the Bible.

Which is more than I can say about the TV Show Star Trek: its just that, a tv show dealing with science fiction.

What I experienced is real: I have time traveled. I'm probably the only person on this forum who can say that honestly. So, I believe that my presence and my postings are MORE THAN APPROPRIATE. :D

Go watch another re-run of Stark Trek why don't you: I'll continue to deal in miracles and the supernatural.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Thanks for your vote of support!

In the actual night vision, I was there before Moses, who was standing on a log with a staff in his hand. He was dressed in a seamless blue garment, that went down to his ankels. He was wearing sandals, he had a short beard, and a serious look on his face. His staff curled at the top, like a bishop's staff. It was in his right hand and he was pointing it behind him, as though he was trying to tell me something. Then, at that moment, there was three flashes of lightening in my right eye, I turned to see what it was and there I was, at Calvary, 2000 years ago.

So, in the vision, I was definately TAKEN there. And just now, it reminded me of a part of Scripture. The Apostle Phillip had preached to an Ethiopian about Christ, and then baptized him. The Acts of the Apostles says,

"Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Phillip away, so that he eunach saw him no more...But Phillip was found at Azotus." (Acts 8:39-40)

The same thing used to happen to the Prophet Elijah in the Old Testament: The Spirit descends and just takes the person away.

This is what happened to me.

With God all things are possible, and just has He can instantly take someone from one part of the world and transport them elsewhere in the flash the eye, so too God can take anyone and instantly transport them back in time.

After the night vision, however, I realized something. Several weeks earlier I had a conversation with someone about photographs. 'If you could have a photo of an historical event before the invention of photgraphs, what would you want?' I replied, "I'd like to see the crucifixtion of Christ."

Its amazing, but I think God was listening to that conversation!

Thinking about all of this, the action of the Spirit is essential. StarTrek has been invoked in this dialogue, and for the sake of those who are Trekkies, I will use an example from that genre. In the movie StarTrek Generations, they speak of a 'Nexus' that takes people away and places them in a paradise. The Nexus comes in the form of an 'energy ribbon' that is a 'doorway' to the Nexus, a state which is compared to being 'wrapped in joy, like a blanket'.

Well, I think the Holy Spirit descends and does something similar. It takes you away, and just like the Nexus, never in your life do you feel more content.

Phillip was taken from one place to another by the Spirit, but two people in Scripture were taken away never to be seen again.

Firstly, Enoch. As the book of Genesis says,

"Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him."(Gen.5:24)

St. Paul says of this,

"By faith Enoch was translated so that he did not see death, and was not found because God had translated him, for before his translation he had this testimony: that he pleased God."

St Paul then explains that it was through Faith that Enoch pleased God and through Faith that He was translated,

"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who dilligently seek Him." (Heb.11:5-6)

Enoch dilligently sought God with faith, and God responded: He took Enoch away.

A similar thing happened to Elijah. He was the Prophet of the LORD, a man who could bring fire down from heaven, raise the dead, cause droughts, part rivers like Moses, and yet, he had 'had enough'. The Lord listened to Him, and as the Second Book of Kings says, Chapter 2 verse 11:

"As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind."

I think with God's servants, when they really want something, God can't refuse. A lot of God's servants ask Him for death, and He brings it. Pope John Paul I was like that: he 'begged' God thousands of times during his short pontificate for Him to take him away, and he did. On September 28, 1978, just 33 days after being elected pope and only hours after praying, 'Lord may I accept the death by which you will strike me down,' he was found dead in his bed.

Now some would say, 'Hey, you just loose the will to live and you die', but millions of depressed people don't have the will to live and they keep living! And how do you explain John Paul's prediction that the 'next pope will be the foreigner' and then said it was the Cardinal from Poland, who did go on to become John Paul II?

I'm convinced that time travel happens every day. There are probably tens of thousands of people out there who have time travelled because they couldn't take their lives. They begged God to wake them up several years earlier, and whammo, they wake up several years earlier. That way they change their destinies, get to save someone's life or just spend more time with someone they loved and lost.

Just as Jesus used to warn people to 'Keep it secret' after He performed the miracle, I'm guessing that their sense of grattitude to God means that they do keep it secret. And besides, who would believe them?

So, just as the Holy Spirit took me back 2000 years, I think that if we 'begged' like John Paul I with a faith that God 'is a rewarder of those who dilligently seek Him', then yes, time travel can and will happen.

As I said, its not about science fiction, its about faith and miracles.
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

Well I've got news for you: God is a He. His voice is that of a man, a strong fatherly man. And Jesus was God incarnate: He was a man.

And in terms of 'biblical conditioning', I've got news for you too: the Bible is the Word of God. He is as the Bible says He is.

No, now you've totally lost me here. This is why i have a problem with the biblical claims of what god is. Are you trying to tell me that the driving force behind the entire universe is a man. Do you really think that an non physical entity that creates everything (including gender design) and and supports everything in physical existance, is a particular gender? Frankly that sort of short sighted opinion that is spoon fed straight from the bible disturbs me.

If god is a male, then 'he' is not the last link in the chain - therefore there must be a higher consciousness that made 'him' a 'male'.

I'd never rest my wisdomic evolution on a book that has been messed around with so much its riddled with mis and half truths as the example you show here.

But hey, we each choose our own way...

"If you can, believe: ALL THINGS [including time travel] are possible to him who believes."(

Yes - here is a truth in the bible. So fortunately theres at least some things we'd agree on.

Kind regards,
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS


Its simpler than you think. God is far above our understanding, but sometimes the truth is right before us.

All of Creation reflects in one way or another God. The similarity in creatures: having eyes, ears, nose, mouth, face etc point to a common pattern. Mankind is the crown of creation, and we most reflect God, in whose image man and woman was created.

God is a Person, and as such, like us he has certain attributes. He has emotions like us: love, anger, sorrow, joy, peace etc. He has a will that He exercises. He has power. And, like all people, He does have a gender: He is a Father.

Thats not to say that woman is any less than man: both were created in the image and likeness of God. God raised womanhood to the highest level when He choose to be born of a Woman, Mary, and He blessed her in every way imaginable.

So, lets not get hung up on gender: God is a Person, and He and the Scripture should be accepted as is. For even the Name of God revealed to Moses means, "I Am He Who Is."
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

As an example of why i never take the bible at face value;

When much of the bible was written it was written and rewritten manys times over based on mis-opinions and observations.

God is a father (totally in a metaphoric way). This was choosen because many of these writings were done by men. At the time (as is the case now) people lack the forsight to read between the lines. So its taken at face value. If women were responsible for making copies of the bible in those days, god may have more commonly been considered a 'mother'. Alas in those days men were in power not women.

I certainly agree god is beyond our current material brain. However one thing is for certain, the physical universe is a manifestation of god and like the old taoists once said, to observe nature is to observe the workings of god. One thing that is easy to ascertain - is that god is total balance between all things. the universe is balanced it needs nothing but itself to sustain itself. everything in it is balanced, specifically here - man is balanced by womam. Woman is balanced by Man. God being a man himself, is one half of a coin. Its not balance. God would be the coin itself rather then just one side of it. do you understand what i am getting out? To understand it you have to look within you - not a book. A book is easy - some one says thousands of years ago in a backwards society that god is a man/hes a father, blah blah blah and you take it a face value not understadning at all what implications its having.

god (creation - as i prefer) must be both to attain complete balance. Or as some of the buddhists might have said - god is niether. This here, is balance. It fits in line with nature (which is a manifestation of god) - rather then going against it. As the bible does.

The reason why they learnt this stuff is because the observed it and based it on intuative reflection. You only get it when you did it for yourself. not read about it.

the bible is horribly outdated.

Another example; catholics are a biblical religion. many of their priests practice abstinence for the sake of abstinence. then what happens - you are totally unbalanced and the engery of this action turns sour - you get harsh emotional activity and of course, famously, sexual abuse. Which is the result (in this case) of imbalance. The extent of this imbalance is only just coming to light.

Example; the shoalin monks also (many of them) practice abstinence. To get circulate negative built up energy from this, they pracitice Qi-gong and focus this energy in postive ways. This is continuous balance.

I'd say their understand of god was far better then a priest of 60-80 years.

kind regards,
Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS


Question: have you ever read the Bible? I mean as an adult, have you ever sat down and read the Bible, straight text, and made a judgment for yourself? I think if you did you might be surprised by what you found.

The ‘Mis-opinions and observations’ that you might discover if you read the Bible, would be your own.

Let me try and debunk just a few that you’ve mentioned here:

“When much of the bible was written it was written and rewritten manys times over….”

I don’t know where you got this idea. Its not like there are lots of different versions floating around. And if you study Jewish history, you’d find that they were very careful to preserve the original text: they would copy it down letter by letter, and if they made one mistake, they’d have to throw away the whole scroll!

”God is a father (totally in a metaphoric way). This was choosen because many of these writings were done by men. At the time (as is the case now) people lack the forsight to read between the lines. So its taken at face value. If women were responsible for making copies of the bible in those days, god may have more commonly been considered a 'mother'. Alas in those days men were in power not women.”

-This view of history is also wrong. The ancient world primarily worshiped female deities. Even in Israel itself, the people turned away from God from time to time and worshipped Asherah, who was a Canaanite fertility or mother goddess At one stage they had an idol pole of her set up inside the Temple of the Lord! 2 Kgs 23:6). So, there was no cultural reason why God would be a man. Quite the contrary, it went against the culture at the time.

”Woman is balanced by Man. God being a man himself, is one half of a coin. Its not balance. God would be the coin itself rather then just one side of it. do you understand what i am getting out?”

Yes, I do. But God is perfection in Himself: He doesn’t need to balance Himself with anything.

“god (creation - as i prefer)”

How can God be creation at the same time? Creation is the work of God. To have creation you have to have a Creator. That’s like if I made a table and said, ‘I’m the table’: you’d think I was crazy.

”the bible is horribly outdated. “

The Bible is not ‘outdated’, because it talks of two things that don’t change: God and human nature. God doesn’t change, and mankind is still beset by the same challenges and problems that faced it thousands of years ago: morality, life and death, fears, hopes etc. That doesn’t change, and the Bible is therefore a real manual for life, a compass to guide us by.

”Another example; catholics are a biblical religion. many of their priests practice abstinence for the sake of abstinence. then what happens - you are totally unbalanced and the engery of this action turns sour - you get harsh emotional activity and of course, famously, sexual abuse. Which is the result (in this case) of imbalance. The extent of this imbalance is only just coming to light.

Actually, the Bible never said that priests had to be celibate. Jesus was celibate, and mentioned those who would choose that way for the ‘Kingdom of God’, but it was never mandated.

That aside, you are right about sexual imbalance. St. Paul said that only those who could live that lifestyle should accept it, as he did. If they couldn’t control lust, they had to marry.

However, sometimes marriage wouldn’t even help. Sexual abuse is a problem dealing with lust. A little known fact is that most sexual abuse occurs by married men within the family. So, its not really linked to a celibate lifestyle at all. It’s a sickness that’s in society, and if people adopted true Biblical teaching, it would be eradicated.

In conclusion, READ THE BIBLE! Its an exciting read, and well worth turning to in order to gain perspective and guidance. In my case, it opened me up to the world of the supernatural, and as a consequence, I time traveled 2000 years! See what I mean about excitement!?

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Re: I\'ve Gone back 2000 YEARS

No your thinking is to linear.

I said the bible is full of half truths I have read a hell of a lot of the bible - trust me. I've also been meaning to sit down and go through it again purely for threads such as this so i can remember more specific examples to better contribute. Regardless;

To be full of half truths (thats not to say i believe everything is half truth) - you need to be based in truth, however - minor technicalities are distorted and the whole picture breaks down.

I'd expect people that only ascertain their information from the bible to be linear in thought. This is to do with the manner of which (the bible) makes you proccess information from it.

Here is an example of linear thinking that the bible can often stimlutate (hense the details distorting the overal picture);

How can God be creation at the same time? Creation is the work of God. To have creation you have to have a Creator. That&amp;#8217;s like if I made a table and said, &amp;#8216;I&amp;#8217;m the table&amp;#8217;: you&amp;#8217;d think I was crazy.

No, on the contrary - i'd think you are finally starting to suss out how the universe works. However you dont think this is valid. And the reason is, that living in the 3 dimensions and your consciousness being subject to linear time - everthing has to be sequential and linear for you in order to be valid.

The process of creation is never begining and ending to our minds. Everything is a product of creation (its more a description of a presence of expression - which at its heart, is all "life". Not the 'verb' of a 'subject', which is a more linear gramatical mindest). We cannot hope to have the capacity to understand it in these current 3-D bodies.

You are a fragment of creation, your 'creator', is also a fragment of creation and it goes on and on endlessly. There is no way to decribe it in words, as the essense and scale of creation/life is far beyond this, Or even realising it in our current bodies.

the reason why the bible is outdated; Is because compared to people thousands of years ago - many of us are at a higher understanding then the bible can express. Due to it being that linear...People start to question the bible in ways that it no longer can explain itself. So people move on in order to try and get a better understanding from elsewhere. Usually this comes from themselves. Hence why biblical religions are starting to lose people to more philosophical systems like taoism and buddhism, which stimulate this to a greater extent.

I prefer the eastern ways of looking at male and female especially Taoism - its far more accelerated (but a lot more hard work) then any of the biblical religions; Gender is the outward manifestation (expression) of two seperate energy systems. Both combine to great a whole. Hence the yin and yang principle. This can apply to all aspects of the viewable universe. There is male in female and female in male. In order for the whole to exist both yin and yang must be present (no matter how minute). The best place to observe this is on the hidden clues of the physical body of both man and women (they are there to see - you just have to be looking).

If 'god' is a 'man' and is not in any part originally 'female'. He might want to take a look at some of us and realise that he's made a few very major errors in principle when creating us in 'his' 'image'...

I think that this discussion is a bit pointless really though. Theres no way either of us can hope to change the others mindset. Which would be wrng anyway.

I still think the bible is valid in many ways some of its stories and lessons are very effective if viewed with more foresight..... I just dont think its as efficient and as profund as other works and contains too many clouded truths.

Kindest regards,