Inter-galactic space/time map?

but anyway, its just too late for me to get into all the technical inaccuracies about the rest of the stuff.
I'm hoping zerubabbel shows up to discuss this with you, as he is our resident expert on the breastplate of the high priest. And I believe he has some technical interpretations that make a lot of sense.

...its just too late for me to get into all the technical inaccuracies about the rest of the stuff

I understand your sentiments. There is alot of information to work through when researching the Merkaba. If it was that easy to figure out, Merkaba vehicles would be all over the place( one in everybodys garage? ).

I agree that there is alot of inaccurate information. However, the key is embedded somewhere in the Kabbalah. The diagram I posted looks like it could be used as a schematic for constructing the Merkaba vehicle.

The major componets would be two opposing energy types...and specific frequencies of light and sound. The Hebrew letters in Genisis have been tranfigured into musical notes, and I believe they have numerical values that will provide the proper frequencies for the light and sound.

The diagram contains clues to what these values may be. It was drawn as a cube, but when I looked at it for awhile I realized that if split in half, each side could be made into two tetrahedrons. The line with directional arrows drawn through the diagram could be an indication of flow of energy or the sound waves.

The research you are doing is great. This way we can discard the useless data, refine the more appropriate information, and together construct a working model of a Merkaba.

The more people working on it, the more research will be accomplished. Remember, we only have a little less than 7 years to get one up and running.
Rainman, Ovrlord, Zeru. I by no means am trying to simply say that the merkava has no merit in time travel. I'm just trying to further that complicated possibility by taking truths I have known being raised as a religious jew since I was born. I find that the main difference between jews and christians on the bible is that most Jews study every little aspect and read through the most boring of parts, whereas most christians just take the morals of the stories and live by them. I'm not here to tell you who's right or not, that's just how I see it. I should also add, how I was raised is not necessarily how I live my life today.

That aside, even though it's late in huntington beach (CA) I'm not sleeping so I'm gonna get this out now.

Mostly to ovrlord: Yes, if you were to look in the origonal scriptures of the bible, you'll find just the letters... but how are they to be read? and why are there spaces/elongated letters/ect? I don't know how much you know about the jewish religion, but these are read every weekend (saturday) in synogauge. This is also a part of a Bar Mitzvah when the boy reads the weekly section that happens to be read that week. My section was a double, though shorter than most, Nitzavim/Vayelech. It spoke about how moses created a covenant with god even as he was dying ...pretty powerful stuff... but anyway, this all has to bea read with a ceertain tune. There are certain symbols that corespond to certain tones and changes in pitch, it sounds beautiful when it comes out (and I did a pretty good job when I did it if I say so myself). The tune is non repeating and is almost a language in itself. Head in to a synogauge near you if you wanna check it out, chances are people there will leave you alone. Now this tune, according to the talmud, as well as certain specific prenunciations of certain letters, have changed slightly over the ages, but not much. I don't know if that's what you meant by sound, or if this entire explanation went to waste as you were just speaking of representation... I don't know, I havn't slept in 27 hours so give me a break. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You already know that each hebrew letter corresponds to a number so yeah.

Why only 7 years?

I should note a bit of random trivia, according to the talmud we have a little less than 250 years untill the messiah... or the end of the world (don't worry the messiah will come first, if even by a second). If you do some insanely imporbable math you get it to come sometime within the next 20 years, but I wouldn't count on that. How will it come? according to the talmud there will be a war that has been roughly translated to 'The christian state" which people assume to be the US and "Those of the second believers" which people assume to be an Islamic nation. It says the war will only last seconds and there will be millions of deaths on either side... but the christian state will come out victorious, thus will bring in the age of messiah. Do I believe it? I don't know, I'm just curious what would happen if 250 years come and go with no messiah, what will happen then?

Rainman: I don't doubt it, I don't remember most of the stuff I learnt about it when I was a kid, but that doesn't mean I'm not researching it. As of yet the stuff I dug up about it in the bible itself, Rashi, Tosafos, The Talmud, various other hidden Rishonim and Achronim... I'll put up a fight.

I'm just not sure I could post sites that have references to this stuff, as some of it is long forgotten and rarely seen. Though not hard to find in hard text, its near impossible to find online.

Though there's a good saying in the talmud, "Those who believe nothing are fools, Those who believe everything are even bigger fools" The talmud and kaballah stick things in there that you would think is true, but is not, only those with the mind to understand (I do not claim to be anywhere NEAR that level) it would know the difference (among other things)... so you never really know.

Side Note: Ovrlord, you'll get a kick out of this. I couldn't find a webpage with it so I'll just write it out...
Yeah, it did, explicitly... I don't have the book in front of me so some of it might be a little off.
In short (and in hebrew), where it explains how the sons of haman were hung. there are certain letters that are big and one (or two?) that are small. What would this represent? When you do the math (i'll display it for anyone who asks... though its annoying) it shows the year (hebrew year) of the nuremberg trials. The same amount of nazi soldiers died as did the sons of haman... but what about the one that commited suicide? He was a known crossdresser, which would make the difference for haman's daughter. upong going to the gallows (and this is documented) on of the soldiers went balistic and near the end shouted PURIMFEST (the jewish holiday is known as Purim). I know this is not nearly as striking without visual representation, but its pretty incredible that the bible could predict that something like that . The chances of that happening randomly was somewhere around 15,000,000:1 when they did it if I remember correctly. when I get home on the 10th I'll try to scan my notes on it, its all in hebrew so even then it would be a little bit of a problem... on an even weirder note, in the entire scroll of ester, there is not one mention of god. there are many different explanations of this, but i'm sure you've got your own.

Ok guys, sorry for the crazy ranting, I'm unbelievably tired and i'm riding out to the colorado river for the weekend so I won't even be able to get back to your questions untill late sunday or monday. have a good night all.
Mostly to ovrlord: Yes, if you were to look in the origonal scriptures of the bible, you'll find just the letters... but how are they to be read? and why are there spaces/elongated letters/ect? I don't know how much you know about the jewish religion, but these are read every weekend (saturday) in synogauge

Exactly my point. Translation is very difficult and can easily be abused by those who wish to do to so. Many teachings went underground and were passed down verbally, with the persecution those who openly admitted any knowledge of these things in a manner different than those in power. When read in the synogauge, I would imagine it is for religious purposes. I dont suppose there is a meeting afterward to search for possible scientific meaning encoded into the passages. And I dont believe that you cover such texts as the following;


One thing to keep in mind, is how much can be discussed in these forums. Years of study and research are difficult to convey in a short space. The amount of time spent in ritual and meditation that resulted in concepts that are very hard to put into words also hinder relaying information obtained by these methods.

Are they the exact Truth? Possibly or NOT! However, thus continues the quest for supporting information of any concepts so conceived( perceived? ). And as you pointed out, the shape and format of the Hebrew letters effect the translation. The accidental neglect of one slight detail can change the entire context.

One does have to be viligant when researching these texts. I am suprised that you question the value of the Merkaba for Time Travel. The Kaballah certainly contains very important information regarding the origins of all creation. This is important to know in order to progress with any method of possible time travel.

When you understand that there is only One and Zero, then it makes sense that the rest of existence is an interaction between these two forces. All of creation being reflections of the One. This is where the definition of terminology comes into play. What is meant by reflection ? What dynamics are involved? etc, etc., etc,...

The texts of the Kabbalah clearly state that Creation was due to vibrations...what would these vibrations be? Sound vibrations? Light Vibrations? Energy vibrations?

JN 1:1 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God .

Taken literally, what Word is being described? As one brought up in the Jewish Faith, you know that the Hebrew word that was utilized for translation has different meanings. Do you believe it means an actual Word...or something else?

In time we realize that everything is connected by common bonds..or have common "components". It is a fact that different frequencies of sound and light will cause a reaction to various objects or even states of consciousness. When striking a tuning fork, all tuning forks of the same frequency will vibrate as well, even though they are a distance away from the original tuning fork that was struck. This is small and simple demonstration of the effect of vibration. So isnt it feasible that 'vibration' would have an effect on Time?

By studying the Tree of Life and the Texts within the Kabbalah, it becomes clear that if specific vibrations are used, and they, in essence, could effect the very fiber of creation itself.

Also, as pointed out previously, many scientists of that era, had to place their discoveries into specific formats to prevent being labled as heretics and then killed. Galileo is a great example of that. If he had written his discoveries into a religous format and encoded the information as biblical or such, he probably wouldnt have been persecuted.

The following generations would then have to decipher exactly what he placed into his texts.

There are certain symbols that corespond to certain tones and changes in pitch, it sounds beautiful when it comes out

I am certain you are aware that those Rabbis who know the true name of God and how to correctly verbalize it, will not do so. In texts they skip it. The reason being that the correct invocation would have a ripple effect on all of creation.

This is the very principle of The Merkaba. By useing specific frequencies of light and sound, manipulated in a specific way, will create a vortex seperate from Time and Space. Once this is achieved then one would "theoretically" be able to transecnd Time and possibly even shift into different moments in Time.

As far 7 years left...this is known in the esoteric disciplines as a very important year ( 2012 ) of change. Certain astrological alignments will be taking place that are supposed to result in drastic events on Earth for those unprepared. It is said that it is a time of ascension for those who have readied themselves for spiritual advancement. This is supported by many ancient belief systems, as understood by some. Of course there are skeptics, as every concept or idea has such, no matter what they may be.

If you cruise through the Meru Foundation website, you may find it to be very enlightening. and with your background, you will probably see and understand more than I have so far. I was raised as a Russian Orthodox, thus my grasp of the Hebrew language is a struggle.'ll get a kick out of this...

Yes, I do. The interesting thing about what I have experienced is when specific ideals presented in certain passages of texts, or when somebody says something, a light goes off, and a revelation occurs. Since meditating upon the Tree of life and learning as much as possible about my place within the Tree ( and related subjects ), these revelations seem to increase tenfold. In the esoteric disciplines the very first principle to be infused into ones system is that of Awareness .

There is not enough space in this forum to explain exactly what Awareness I speak of. I am the first to admit I dont believe " everything " I read. However, there can be portions that will fit into my understanding. I became a member of several Occult Fraternities to learn certain things...and learn I did. I also learned that some things are best left alone, ( and thats why I left them as well ), but even those things provided knowledge I felt was necessary to complete missing components of what I seek.

I am not requesting you believe everything I state, but to use my experiences to perhaps strengthen your understanding. Either by accepting the concepts that fit into your understanding, and discarding those that dont. Your journey in Life is different than mine, and perhaps you are meant to learn something completely different than me. At least by writing them into these posts, we can take a look at each others understanding, and decide to keep or discard bits and pieces of the puzzle.

Time will tell as to the abilities of our Merkaba. I think it will work, but we have a long way to go. The concepts seem sound and are definitely supported by more than just anceint texts.

Enjoy the River. It is one of my favorite places. Used to live in Bullhead City in the early 80's. Eh....those were the days...
Wow, too much to reply to, heh. Well first, the river was amazing, out there in Blythe with some family friends.

I should point out to start that while I do have my doubts in kabalah and time travel I'm not saying it isn't possible. Like the bible codes, you can only see the past simply because you wouldn't know what to look for in them untill you know what you're looking for. Once time travel is understood I don't doubt referencess will pop up all over the bible in places you'd never think to look, but to say that you can understand (even though that is not really what you're saying) kaballah in reference to time travel, even in the smallest amount, is playing with fire. That's where I stand on the topic, though I'll help as much as I can.

On that note...
Exactly my point. Translation is very difficult and can easily be abused by those who wish to do to so. Many teachings went underground and were passed down verbally, with the persecution those who openly admitted any knowledge of these things in a manner different than those in power. When read in the synogauge, I would imagine it is for religious purposes. I dont suppose there is a meeting afterward to search for possible scientific meaning encoded into the passages. And I dont believe that you cover such texts as the following;

Absoloutly, though it is sad that as every generation went on these things became lost or hidden. At this day in age, there isn't anyone left who can fully understand Kabllah in the way it was meant to be understood. Not that you can't derive information from it, but you can't get the full divine providence that it was intended for. That age has passed. For example, astronomy is very real and you can tell the future from it... though there are probably about 3 people on the planet who know how to do it properly, and 2 of them are in hiding (there is one person in Israel who DOES know the hidden power of astronomy that is known, though by the law of the bible, you're forbidden to listen)(NOTE: You're forbidden to listen cause you're not allowed to know the future). No, they don't go over all the scientific probabilities in the bible, but they do scrutinize it in almost every concievable way... just not at that time. I am good friends with a Rabbi Slifkin in Israel (his website is and he is the foremost jewish authority on animals in the bible. The guy is a genious, just on something as insignificant as animals, the complexities are unimaginable. But back on topic, yeah, I can definitely find you too many people who are definetly a much better authority on engineering of any type in the bible, if you'd like I can put you in touch with them as well. I don't know if I posted my opinions before, the main difference I have always felt between the christians and jews on the bible is that the christians take the stories and morals and kind of put the boring details to the side, while the jws spend their time going over every little bit and taking it for what it is, a manual of everything in this world. Just my personal view of it from my own experiences, you can agree or not.

As far as teh quote you posted, I'm assuming 'ZHR' means that it is from the 'Zohar' which is kaballah and for many reasons is harder to understand than regular kaballah books, it's really heavy stuff. I couldn't understand most of the quote though I mannaged to get out 'Addah Rabbah Kedisha' which is a part of a prayer (many jewish prayers are kaballah). I'm not gonna get into that now because most of you wouldn't understand it and I have so much more email to cover. I can't say I'm any authority on the Zohar at all, but I do know the passage you are referring to.

One thing to keep in mind, is how much can be discussed in these forums. Years of study and research are difficult to convey in a short space. The amount of time spent in ritual and meditation that resulted in concepts that are very hard to put into words also hinder relaying information obtained by these methods.

Are they the exact Truth? Possibly or NOT! However, thus continues the quest for supporting information of any concepts so conceived( perceived? ). And as you pointed out, the shape and format of the Hebrew letters effect the translation. The accidental neglect of one slight detail can change the entire context.

One does have to be viligant when researching these texts. I am suprised that you question the value of the Merkaba for Time Travel. The Kaballah certainly contains very important information regarding the origins of all creation. This is important to know in order to progress with any method of possible time travel.
Of course, any sort of intelectual discussion would be more fastpaced and a lot easier to word, thus more understandable in person. alas, these forums are the only way of conveying this information at the present time, I think we've all adapted. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Of course every little thing that one might be considered insignificant, is of course, significant. As with any language you lose a lot in the translation. I'm sorry, my head is swimming with all sorts of ideas right now, it's hard to get the ones I want out in a coherent fashion and I have already voiced my opinions at the beggining of this post as to my position on kaballah and time travel.

When you understand that there is only One and Zero, then it makes sense that the rest of existence is an interaction between these two forces. All of creation being reflections of the One. This is where the definition of terminology comes into play. What is meant by reflection ? What dynamics are involved? etc, etc., etc,...

The texts of the Kabbalah clearly state that Creation was due to vibrations...what would these vibrations be? Sound vibrations? Light Vibrations? Energy vibrations?

JN 1:1 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God .

Taken literally, what Word is being described? As one brought up in the Jewish Faith, you know that the Hebrew word that was utilized for translation has different meanings. Do you believe it means an actual Word...or something else?

In time we realize that everything is connected by common bonds..or have common "components". It is a fact that different frequencies of sound and light will cause a reaction to various objects or even states of consciousness. When striking a tuning fork, all tuning forks of the same frequency will vibrate as well, even though they are a distance away from the original tuning fork that was struck. This is small and simple demonstration of the effect of vibration. So isnt it feasible that 'vibration' would have an effect on Time?
I havn't studied the whole vibration issue yet, but I'll let you know when I do. Recently I've been thinking on a seperate line, perhaps God is time itself? To explain in full I would need a seperate post which I'll make when I've thought it out further. According to some when it says 'The Word of God' it referrs to God creating everything with his own name. Not necessarily saying it, but using it in some way unknown to us (though he might have said it). As I will note later God's true name was lost with the second temple and will be known again "when the messiah comes." IT could definetly be a allusion to something greater, as things are rarely what they seem, but that's for you to find out.

There are two main theories in God's role in our life. One says that he set everything on its course then left us alone, the other says that he is with us in every day and is constantly around us. The first is emulated with astrology, it says in kabbalah/talmud that the stars and planets were put in mostion, then god left them in their own course, they dictate our lives, but prayer and gods will can change your 'fate' as prayer is the most powerful force in this world, and God would intervene on your behalf to change the wwill of the stars. Perhaps the first idea in Gods role is the vibration theory, that God threw a stone into the pond of time and we're still going on the aftereffects or ripples of that stone. That is pretty much the only idea I could come up with on that topic, I really don't know what to think though. I doubt that is the case though because the bible, kaballah, and the talmud all state that god is in our every day lives and that everything on earth 'talks' to god. For instance, in the case of the falling of the walls of Jericho, it says that they got time to stand still. How? In the commentary it says they told the sun to stop praising god, and therefore it just stopped moving. Perhaps God created that vibration and is still around playing with the ripples. Something to think about.

By studying the Tree of Life and the Texts within the Kabbalah, it becomes clear that if specific vibrations are used, and they, in essence, could effect the very fiber of creation itself.

Also, as pointed out previously, many scientists of that era, had to place their discoveries into specific formats to prevent being labled as heretics and then killed. Galileo is a great example of that. If he had written his discoveries into a religous format and encoded the information as biblical or such, he probably wouldnt have been persecuted.

The following generations would then have to decipher exactly what he placed into his texts.
The only thing I learned while studying about The Tree of Life all I found is taht it could possibly be a grape vine (it wasn't really a tree). Please, I'd love to hear what you've found out about it.

If you knew the history of rabbinic politics you'd know that pretty often there's a rabbi that comes along and is considered crazy only to, generations later, be hailed as a genious. I mentioned the Zoo Rabbi (Rabbi Slifkin) before, he is one of those people to be blacklisted by the rabbinic community of today.You can read about the entire controversy on his website. To make it short, I don't think there are that many rabbis who would keep stuff secret in fear of being a heretic. People get shunned all the time for this kind of stuff, I'm sure there are some, but probably not many who hid what they thought they knew. Many people who clearly wrote out their opinions, left much to be discussed, as their works are really something you can sink your teeth into. One of the more famous ones would be the Rambam's Guide to the Perplexed. Even spelled out in english you can still find so much to think about.

I am certain you are aware that those Rabbis who know the true name of God and how to correctly verbalize it, will not do so. In texts they skip it. The reason being that the correct invocation would have a ripple effect on all of creation.

This is the very principle of The Merkaba. By useing specific frequencies of light and sound, manipulated in a specific way, will create a vortex seperate from Time and Space. Once this is achieved then one would "theoretically" be able to transecnd Time and possibly even shift into different moments in Time.

As far 7 years left...this is known in the esoteric disciplines as a very important year ( 2012 ) of change. Certain astrological alignments will be taking place that are supposed to result in drastic events on Earth for those unprepared. It is said that it is a time of ascension for those who have readied themselves for spiritual advancement. This is supported by many ancient belief systems, as understood by some. Of course there are skeptics, as every concept or idea has such, no matter what they may be.

If you cruise through the Meru Foundation website, you may find it to be very enlightening. and with your background, you will probably see and understand more than I have so far. I was raised as a Russian Orthodox, thus my grasp of the Hebrew language is a struggle.
Ah, here we go, the true name of God. I can go through so much, but I'll try to keep it short. There are too many names of God, the most used one today is what Jehovah's Witnesses call... well... Jehovah. This is waaaay off. I can't really write it out in an acceptable way, even though I may not be that religiousanymore, I consider myself to be somewhat spiritual and wouldn't want to desecrate the name of God. Simply put, there are many known names and many unknown. The 'True Name' was a 72 letter name that has since been lost. No rabbi today know it and they only change they pronounciation of it while just saying it in reference. Where as in a blessing or the reading of the torah scroll it is entirely permissible to read aloud the name of god, though we only use one today because we are not on a level to mention some of the higher names. There are two seperate words in the bible to name God, one means with compassion and one means without compassion or just to mention him as a passing, even though every single word in the bible has meaning down to each very letter. You can spend years trying to figure out how God would do something "with compassion" while killing of hundreds of people. There are those who say that Jesus himself snuck into the holy temple and stole this name. Wrote it down on a piece of paper and was able to fly by sticking it in his ankle or able to heal by sticking it in his wrist. Jesus was on a very high level, most people don't realize this (well that sounds stupid, hah). Jesus was a true apikores (heretic) it says in the talmud that to be a heretic, you must first know and understand EVERYTHING (not specified whether or not kaballah is a part of this, though it is probably not) before you can be a heretic by not listening to it. Jesus was a true apikores, therefore he was probably on a level high enough so as not to be killed instantly. What most people don't understand is that many people considered evil in the bible are still on a level so much higher than our own that we couldn't even imagine it. I won't puti n my personal take on jesus or the start of christianity, I don't think he was a bad person, just a smart guy in the wrong place at the wrong time.

OK, I think that was off topic enough... 7 years left? never heard of that, I'll talk to some people I know and get back to you on the jewish take. I still struggle with hebrew and get all too much help. It's what I spent 6 months in israel doing, just going through the bible, commentaries, ect. learning how to read and much more importantly learning how to understand it.

As for the rest of it, I learn from anyone, anywhere, at any time. As far as my beliefs? when it comes to somethign as uncertain as tiem travel I'm never sure what I really believe, my own thoughts shift back and forth between a tremendous of possibilities. This forum helps those thoughts along. I hope I have helped you as you have definetly opened my eyes to certain things. As you said, it's all one big puzzle. After much distraction, I'm finally finished with this post. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I agree there is alot of information that could be brought in that would take up alot of space. It is ok to have doubts about the Kabbalah, this is so one can ascertain what seems to be true and that which is not.

It is a complex series and could take several lifetimes to even begin to understand as a whole. There are specifc areas that do apply to Time Travel. Or so I think anyway.

The Zohar and some of its companion texts attempt to define the attributes of God. Of course, we admit this is impossible since one can not define the infinite with mere words. However, we try to at least put it into terms to be able to progress.

I would suggest working your way through the God? Thread, since many of our previous points are contained within the numerous posts. Many posts will not be applicable, but then, many are, I leave that for you to determine.

As far as the Bible, I would suggest scanning through the paper written by L. Ray Smith.
As far as The Qaballah, there are many good sites. Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn has an archive that has excellent works to read.
As far as what IS being extracted from the original Hebrew texts, The Meru Foudation has wealth of information.

The English Titles of the texts relative to the Zohar are...
1. Book of Concealed Mystery
2. Greater Holy Assembly
3. Lesser Holy Assembly
4. House of Elohim
5. Book of the Revolutions of Souls
6. Book of Emanations
7. Book of Purifying Fire

These are very heavy with regards to God and all of existence. Within these texts the fabric of creation can be found, as the modern scientists keep discovering. The "Dark Mass" of recent discovery was already part of these it wasnt really as recent as made out to be. It is because they are considered as "religious" writings, they usually are tossed to the way side.

This seems to be the idea you have accepted of as well. They are far more than religious rantings or setting rules of any particular theology. As one probes deeper into the concepts, so many connections can be made, it is beyond chance. The yin/yang symbol is one of the main principles within The Qabalah.

RainmanTime and myself have absolutely no doubts about the Merkaba being able to be used, but the compilation of exactly what to utilize in its construction is what we are working for.

This is where we are looking for help. Exactly what frequencies are needed to make the thing work? How can we construct two tetrahedrons of opposing forces in a manner that there is a place for the actual craft to fit inside the tetrahedrons?

You mentioned that you know how to transcribe the Hebrew Letters into notes...this would be very useful. Also what letters would tell us what frequencies of light are required?

Well, it is extremely late, so I will stop here. Read through the God? Thread. This would be a great place to see where we came from regarding the Merkaba and what principles we are standing on.
I will read up on everything later today to get a better understanding on all of this, but for now let me explain what I do know.

This is where we are looking for help. Exactly what frequencies are needed to make the thing work? How can we construct two tetrahedrons of opposing forces in a manner that there is a place for the actual craft to fit inside the tetrahedrons?

You mentioned that you know how to transcribe the Hebrew Letters into notes...this would be very useful.
On the first question: I think you're assuming I know too much, which sadly, I don't. I will ask one of my mentors about this, but I doubt that even they will have an answer for me. It is odd though, that the age where we can't siply understand it, is the age that we have the knowledge to want to understand it...

Second question: No, if you pick up any 'Artscroll Chumash' (Artscroll english-hebrew bible) you will notice on the hebrew side that there is not just letters, there are shapes around the letters that almost look like scribbles. These are what dictate the sound, each one having a unique difference though sometimes two or more symbols will combine while next to each other to make a unified but slightly different sound. On the actual torah scroll these symbols are not present which means that whoever is doing the reading must memorize them. The names of these symbols eludes me for the moment, I'm sure it'll pop up later while I'm doing something else. So the letters themselves arn't notes, but there are a compeltely different set of 'letters' that are notes for them. I should also point out that in the torah scroll there are simply letters, the symbols that are for 'eh, ah, oh, ooh, ect.' are not present, this too much be memorized. Though in Israel today, you won't find many of those around, people have grown to live without them and can figure out how to pronounce the word without them.

Also what letters would tell us what frequencies of light are required?
What do you mean by that? I don't fully understand the question.
Hello IS and OvrLrd:
What do you mean by that? I don't fully understand the question.
After recently reading some material on the Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) I think I can explain what OvrLrd is getting at, and maybe even establish a direction of inquiry that might lead to the answer we need:

One of the principles of geometry and its connection to the Hebrew letters that Stan Tenen at Meru has put forth is that a 3-dimensional spiral (Golden Mean Spiral?) can be situated in the center of a tetrahedron. Furthermore, by placing your eye (the observation point) at a certain location outside the tetrahedron, and rotating the tetrahedron to different angles, your view of the spiral inside the tetrahedron (what Stan calls "The Light in the Meeting Tent") you will actually see the stylized shapes of the Hebrew letters. The following animated GIF shows this concept:

The connection with our Merkaba project is that we believe specific frequencies of light will need to be used within the interior of the Merkaba, and reflected around the occupants, in order to create the counter-rotating "shell" of light that will act to separate the occupants from our ordinary universe of Massive SpaceTime. And so tying the Hebrew letters to the specific frequencies we will need is one task in our list of things to do before we can construct a working Merkaba.

And here, friend OvrLrd, is where I think lies the clue to be able to help us answer your original question in this matter. How about this: The locations outside the tetrahedrons of the Merkaba that match with the Hebrew letters will be the directions from which that letter's specific frequency of light must originate, in order to create the required composite effect of: All frequencies of light described by all the Hebrew letters around the tetrahedron... TIMES TWO, of course, because there are two, opposing tetrahedrons in the Merkaba configuration. And each of these tetrahedrons represents a single, 3-D spiral "light" inside the "meeting tent".

And interestingly enough... this configuration DIRECTLY corresponds with the Inward & Outward Spiral interactions that I have been discussing in the other threads!

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke on it for awhile! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I think this might be a promising direction for continued analysis...whaddya think?
