Inter-galactic space/time map?


You guys have been busy. I hardly know where to start in response. I, too, have been getting impressions of things that were previously not considered. The greatest difficuly lies in converting spiritually defined terms into concrete forms. I have a long-held belief that much of what antiquity has to teach us has been spiritualized away--and that applies even to us, who have been trying to perceive so that we may achieve.

Below is a basic schematic of the overall structure of the temple. As I've mentioned before, I perceive this as parameters only. Actual shapes and function are much more enigmatic. I'm sure the similarity to the structure of a computer chip is not lost on you. In reality, it is the most perfect quantum chip possible.


One of the statements by Elihu Rips particularly stood out to me in Drosnin's book on the Bible Codes. As a mathemetician, he was quite struck by the code itself, but he perceived an even greater purpose for it than that which is being done today by those who are almost desparately trying to co-oberate intimations of future occurances. He fully understood that what they DID know, was only one-dimensional. Also, there was only speculation as to whether there was a possibility of foreseeing events. In the context of what we are now studying, this device (Merkaba) is the obvious choice for the paradigm shift in our understanding as to what the Bible Code really is--an intergalactic time/space coordinate system which can only be utilized by use of the "keys" (its Delorean equivalent would be the dials and guages on the dashboard). The two-dimensional coordinate system in "time" of the Bible Codes--and even the three-dimensional models being created from the Bible Code matrix at, are simply navigational tools to access the "multiverse". Specific frequencies can be determined, one of the most obvious being the ten "words" representing the ten "commandments" inscribed upon stone (crystal) "tablets" (tables of stone) of which the fourth commandment is a definite "rest" or lack of frequency. It has been shown by some study that the whole light of all the others are focussed on the fourth which, in turn, is furthur focussed on the twelve stones of the breastplate. It is also interesting to note that each stone in the breastplate, among many other things, have counterparts in the zodiac; and certain five-letter combinations actually trace the toroidal paths of specific constellations. It really is quite amazing to trace out the constellations and perceive what was once seen as "flat" is indeed "curved".

In a very real sense, we are "reverse engineering" ancient knowledge. Some of that reverse engineering is very difficult to "convert", because we have inherent limitations--both hereditary and learned. One small example of that is the recent "realization" that the two "counter rotating" lights are really counter to each other. The concept of Lucifer of having been one of these "lights" and his being "seduced" by his glorious position in that awesome arrangement, takes on new meaning. Synchronistically, as I was pondering this "new" realization, I was listening to a Moody Blues song on Windows Media and switching the "frequencies" and there it was--two opposing forces orbiting a "pulsating" black hole that was swallowing enormous amounts of "space/matter" and redistributing it from the poles.

Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. My 133 mhz maching finally died. I now have a 1.8 gig and am still tweaking it. Keep those brain cells moving. I'm inspired!

Your analogy of the ten foundations is but another example of "alternative" viewpoints that I hadn't made a connection with. Another layer of meaning to "foundation". In my simplistic eye, I saw twelve rectangular crystalline foundations which were somehow "filtering" mediums--as many of the other crystalline structures within the "buildings" and "walls" were shown to be. I was using the number ten in the metaphoric way, but the actual number is twelve. Twelve in the breastplate, twelve in the foundations, twelve gates of "pearl" or, more appropriately, coral crystal gates or "thresholds".

It was determined back in the 1800's by a very astute (in my opinion) gentleman, Uriah Smith, that all future events--both prophetic and otherwise--would be determined by a single event that, once understood, would bring on the "paradim shift", "latter rain", "parousia", "quantum leap". He went all around this "event" and was able to glean a great deal about it (second hand), but the event itself was beyond his (or anyone's) understanding at the time. However, he was able to draw some conclusions. His first and foremost conclusion was that this was a critical period in "time", and the event--whatever it was--involved a message that would determidly "fix" everything in stone. All the mysteries would disappear. However, they were in a conundrum, wrapped in a cul-de-sac--lacking the tools to make the leap of understanding--even though they were aware of the phenomenon of sacred geometry and the frequency of the spoken word to produce form. In simpler terms, they couldn't take the leap beyond the spiritual application of the "measuring rod" as applied to the temple structure, and the people within. They could understand the application of part of the rod, the people, by measuring their character using the ten commandments--but the mystery lay in the measuring of the temple. He concluded, quite correctly, that the message involving the measuring rod in the development of the structure, is--in fact--the event that will determine the very quick events that follow and change forever the future.

This is the height to which we are reaching here. It seemed to be at fever pitch even back then in the 1800's, because they were "feeling" the closeness of that event--even then. How much more so it is today. It is within our grasp, and we will rewrite the books.
This is the height to which we are reaching here. It seemed to be at fever pitch even back then in the 1800's, because they were "feeling" the closeness of that event--even then. How much more so it is today. It is within our grasp, and we will rewrite the books.
Indeed! It is not only exciting, but it provides its own motivation when one thinks of what will be possible.

But here is what we (I) need, and perhaps you or OvrLrd might have some suggestions: As a design engineer, I always find I need a model to play with. Now, I can't afford the CATIA software we use for solid modeling at work, and I am not really "up" on software packages that are affordable that will fit the bill. I D/L'ed a couple of freeware programs, and they were severely lacking (duh...that's why they are free!). I need to be able to build a model very similar to OvrLrd's current avatar. Once I have this model, I can then begin to study and model the optical refraction equations within the model, as well as modeling beamsplitters on some of the interior faces married-up with light sources on opposing vertices. Such a model could go a LONG way towards understanding what sort of effects we can create with such "counter-rotating beams of light".

Any suggestions for S/W packages you know of that might fit the bill?
There is not any software that fits the bill.

You have to create a masked marker, place this on a universal platen and run it and see if it corresponds to anything still existing.

>Take all parameters from what you have before you, then takes these grids and pull them onto a software graphics grid, as opposed to where these coordinates are on a starchart.

The next thing you must do, is that in your structure, the breast plate, you must do a series of active motion dynamics, spin angulate, whatever, in order to determine what, if any key entry into your proposed program, can get you the dynamics that you want, if this building is an instruction booklet.

*Something new is, the mapping program, that they are now doing that places planets around distant stars.

You can run these scenarios, but I'm not sure that your going to come up with anything?

These are old coordinate grids, in probability.
There is not any software that fits the bill.
OK, well I am sure you won't mind if I wait for Zerub, OvrLrd, or maybe even Roel to answer this question...? NO offense Dan, but I think they might have some suggestions...especially maybe Roel, since this is his business?


I am currently using 3D Studio Max by Discreet or Autodesk. You can download a 30-day trial but it is almost $600.00 for the program. There is also a solid-block modeling program within Autocad. There is a high learning curve with 3D Studio Max and I am in the midst of it right now. Fortunately, I had the DOS version from back in the 1970's so the learning curve is not so steep, but it is a very sophisticated program. Even laser light can be manipulated as well as several reflected and refracted surfaces. There is also a very nice animation feature, but it is also a very sophisticated learning curve.

Since Autocad is an open architecture, there are many third-party plug-ins that deal with anything from design engineering, character generation, auto-architect, CNC milling, or even USGS 3D mapping. Many people have taken advantage of the open architecture and designed programs according to their own predudices such as monster making, exotic spacecraft, battle robots, etc. There is a plethora of models that can be downloaded from the net.

Of course, as with many software programs, these can be hacked over the net. Cracks and key generators are readily available. It seems that many hackers are angry over the extreme measures taken by these companies to keep their prices very high, so they target these high-end programs with a great deal of success.

I have seen the official version of 3D Studio Max with all of its peripherals, and I believe that the entire package (including yearly subscription) is around 6000 dollars. The documentation is similar to an encyclopedia as to the extent of the books included. If I understand correctly, many current computer-generated movies in existence today are generated by 3D Studio Max.

If you would like to try out a 30 day trial, just go to the Discreet website. Of course, there are other web sites that are a bit more "discreet".
Thanks Zerub,

Funny thing...Creedo said such SW does not exist? Maybe the titles you've given me are vaporware? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Holy cow, both of those packages are pricey! $3750 for the new AutoCAD 2006 package! And it looks like the ~$600 version of 3D Studio Max is the student/faculty educational discount price. Thank goodness as a faculty I can qualify for that, but even 6 Benjamin's ain't cheap.Thanks for the comments about the learning curve. Kind of making me hedge even more on laying out the cash. But I will probably go for it. I'll let you know how I progress on that curve.

Should be interesting to see what comes of the conclave coming up, eh? Take care,
But here is what we (I) need, and perhaps you or OvrLrd might have some suggestions: As a design engineer, I always find I need a model to play with.

If you know of anybody that works for an animation studio, they usually have access to excellent design programs. I used to know somebody that worked for Dreamworks Studios as an animator, but havent kept in touch with them for several years. Perhaps somebody out there knows someone?

I will ask my step-daughter, since she is currently attending a computer technical school. Perhaps she may provide us with some connections.



Variables with no or different meaning than used to.
4 balanced levels of Threes. I C!

All variables and/or symbols have meaning,

Once Relative Standards are agreed-upon by all Beings.

This is an addition to the post with the schematic of Stonehenge. Did anyone notice that the North and South Markers of Stonehenge are off from the diagrams indicator of North?

This causes me to wonder if the diagram indicates true north, while the markers are an indication of magnetic north. This leads me to believe that the creators of Stonehenge did have knowledge of the magnetic fields of the Earth and this sacred site is some sort of map to others places around the globe.

Perhaps it even was set up in a way to power up a Merkaba when the position of certain celestial elements were in specific alignments.

If there ever is success with time travel, it would be interesting to visit sites such as Stonehenge and see exactly what went on there in it's days of original use.

Think I'll pose a question to some of our real time travellers to see what they have to say....yeah, thats the ticket.
Gentlemen (and other readers!) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I could have resurrected my old Massive SpaceTime thread for this one, but as the information I have found pertains to our goal, I figured it would be just as well treated herein. The following quote comes from the web page that follows the quote:

"The theory proposed here does for mass what Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity did for time; mass also becomes a coordinate on an equal footing with space and time."

The author, one Pharis Williams, has done an outstanding job (IMHO) of not only capturing the essence of what I call the Theory of Massive SpaceTime, but he has also done something which I have felt necessary in order to show its relevance: He has tied it to classical thermodynamics! This is huge (to me), and I will be pursuing contact with this gentleman for further discussions.

However, if you go back to my "discussions" with one trollface in the "God?" thread, you might remember how I was trying to get him to see (admit) that energy and information are related, and that the connection between Shannon's information entropy and classical thermodynamic entropy is NOT a mistake, nor a coincidence. I do believe Mr. Williams' "Dynamic Theory" is going to prove to be a major key to our Merkaba work. I encourage all to read Chapter 1 (at least).

We certainly do live in interesting times!

Notation only:Because of mass density as it relates to stringed mass , within time periods, if you use laser light, which is over tensored, so that the time mass exclusionary principle is invoked, your Merkaba vehicle, must always compensate for C within mass, as a known spiked tensor.

If you don't do this, then those certain realms, by visitors realms, will always stay non-keys accessed for visitor's rights?
What exactly are we trying to accomplish with the construction of a Merkaba? The following link will clarify our goals. The theory shared by some of us is that it may be possible to create a Merkaba in a physical form that actually will operate as the one described in meditation.


What implications does the principles of the Merkaba have regarding time travel? If it is possible to succeed with interdimensional travel it seems that time travel would be the next goal of operation for the Merkaba.
we are time traveling, the earth in its self is the time capsole. with the gravity of earth seperating us from space we create time. a 24hour day a 365 day year. if you go into space and travel at light speed for one day and come back to earth a full year would have gone by. yet you would be only one day older so for all you startreck fans if you left on the enterprise. the earth you would come back to after traveling at light speed for ten years would be 3650 years older.but you say the moon effects are gravity, there for effecting 24 hour 365 day a year time. it does, a matter a fact it creates in essence or reality triple 6 or 6 to the power of three = 216 whitch is the diamiter of the moon runs on time of earth and space trough its gravitational effect solar\lunar tugging it deforms the perect sphere of earth time creating a slight wobble. effects of wich you can see in the magnetic poles coming out of alinement. this will corect it self every 5125 years by fliping over the poles ie. the great 2012 end date, when the earth will stop and begin spinnig the other way to corect its wobble.i guess you could seee this as the end of time or just the begining of a new one. so scientificly our time does only last 5125 years till it stars over agin there for there is no rell time, time is only what your personal reality precives as the meserment of change
After first hearing of the merkava from ovrlord I did some research.

First, the breastplate of the Cohen Gadol "Head Priest" was nothing more than a representation. I'm sure you've heard of the 12 stones being a representation of the 12 tribes. If you really bother to read the more boring parts of the bible you can't miss it.

The only thing that the letters on the breastplate were used for other than representation, if someone were to approach the Kohen Gadol with a question, the letters that made up the answer would light up... pretty cool looking. The only thing is that it would be just the letters and it would be up to the Kohen's divine insight to unscramble the message. There's a story where the Kohen got drunk and messed up a message... long story short, he was killed.

but anyway, its just too late for me to get into all the technical inaccuracies about the rest of the stuff.