Inter-galactic space/time map?

Oh, well, here is the real Milky Way Galaxy in Infrared and as shown, you could not find our Star (Sol) anywhere in there, and that is only up to a half of billion stars, or a quarter billion stars.
Ah, that is 500 million or 250 million stars shown, here in a real picture.
(Yes, there are quite a few billion more stars in our Milky Way Galaxy!)

Just pick out one of the Infrared pictures showing our -- Milky Way Galaxy!

or download it!

Hello Folks,

Just a quick note here to relay some information about our friend Zerubbabel. It seems he was hit pretty hard by that trojan horse that was posted in the other thread by our "friend" Harold Richards. His computer will not let him post to TTI right now, and he will be in the process of either fixing it, or getting a new computer up and running. He wanted me to let all involved in this thread know that he will be back, and ready to continue this thread, once he gets his computing house in order.

There are some less-than-helpful folks who frequent this forum. Let it be known that your actions that infringe upon the efforts of some here to share knowledge will be dealt with appropriately. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif

Our friend Harrold is not the only technical savy person to frequent this forum and the wheels of revenge via internet warfare are in motion /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
I'm curious to see if we hear from him any time soon. a.k.a, I wonder how long it's going to take him to recofig his pc /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

Ray' I had downloaded and used that removal tool.

Nothing happened, my system is fine????

Ray, you'll think Im a bit odd for saying this, but I feel for those who hack the death penalty should be invoked.
Can you tell us who he is?

FYI: I got this pm from him:

No comment on this "------" character. He seems like quite an "anomaly" around here.

I think he is referring to And he said that link was intended for me.


Coincidences, Eh? LOL, son, you really have been quite a thorn in my side lately, so to speak. That link was mainly directed at you.

I'd like to know who he is.
I'm back!

As bad as the virus was on my computer, it was really a comedy of errors that prevented me from coming back on line. The Gd.exe virus was insidious but manageabe, but I accidently hit my mouse while isolating the virus and removed all the infected files (over 700 files). As a result, not a single executable file worked and every single program I had on my computer was lost. I had to reformat my drive only to find my windows disk scratched and inoperable. It took me a while to find another copy of win98se to reinstall on my ancient 133 Megahertz with a 3 gig harddrive.

The final error that had me going around in circles was inadvertently changing my date/time clock to the year 2016. As a result, every certificate and cookie was showing as having expired and would not allow me into any site. Curiously, TTI would let me into my personal home page, but I could not post or even contact the administrators to track down the problem. Eventually, I noticed the date change and now all is well--although I am still burdened with this ancient machine. I've been researching the Athlon AMD 3000 and 64-bit processing, and it seems to be the best bang for the buck. Since the new transister-free chips won't be available for another decade or so (due to the retooling of the industry), the Athlon seems to be cheapest, yet comparative (relatively speaking) to the Pentium 4.

In any case, I have several ideas I'd like to explore and will be throwing out the "foundation" of the device I'd like to see constructed (at least virtually). In the meantime, take a look at this link:

It helps to visualize the structure of our universe, and this is a very good representation of what our universe might actually look like if we were able to "see" dark energy and matter. I'm a bit reluctant to pick on links now, but we can't let terrorists determine how this forum is set up. Few other forums will allow live links because they are quite aware of the risks. It's a little more "work" to cut and paste addresses, but TTI may have to consider going this route if we start being attacked by childish hackers. I must admit I was a bit surprised to see how long it took to delete the offending link. I considered posting a thread to alert the administrators of the embedded virus, but I crashed before I could do it.

Anyhow, I'm glad to be back and taking a step-by-step process of building the Merkaba. I know the parameters, but expertise in aerodynamics and construction methods would certainly help determine the "shape" of the vehicle. By the way, the parameters I am aware of do not limit the vehicle to just one. In fact, there is evidence that a "mass transit" could be constructed to include up to 144,00 "chambers". Could this be another Noah's ark? I have considered that the "legends" may be precursers to a mass exodus of this planet--should a disaster of biblical proportions approach us. Taking into consideration all the earth changes going on, the increase of cosmic ray activity, increasing incidences of fireballs, etc; it is not out of the realm of possiblility that we may be facing extinction events. So, this may be more than just about time/space travel. It may be about survival as a species.

"When something goes wrong, I'm the first to admit it,
The first to admit it,
The last one to know.
When something goes right,
Its apt to confuse me,
It's apt to confuse me,
It's such an unusual sight..."

Paul Simon :oops:
Supposing that the Tree of Life is a blue print for a Merkaba, I have been trying to figure a way of translating the format of the Tree into scientific terminology or definitions. If it was written in an encoded format, infused with religious idealology as a mask, what can be seperated and what would the components be relative to a scientific translation.

We know we are dealing with numerals and geometry. The numbers refering to Frequency, Co-ordinates in space, ???

The geometry referring to the shape of the components required to construct the Merkaba.

In pondering upon the Tree, I translated the Sephiroth into its hebrew form and numerical value...

1. Kether = KThR = 20 + 400 + 200 = 620
2. Chokmah = ChKMH = 8 + 20 + 40 + 5 = 73
3. Binah = BINH = 2 + 10 + 50 + 5 = 67 or if the N is (f) then N = 700 thus BINH = 717
4. Chesed = ChSD = 8 + 60 + 4 = 72
5. Geburah = GBVRH = 3 + 2 + 6 + 200 + 5 = 216
6. Tipareth = ThPARTh = 400 + 80 + 1 + 200 + 400 = 1081
7. Netzach = NTzCH = 700 + 90 + 8 = 798
8. Hod = HVD = 5 + 6 + 4 = 15
9. Yesod = ISVD = 10 + 60 + 6 + 4 = 80
10. Malkuth = MLKVTh = 40 + 30 + 20 + 6 + 400 = 496

Then compared to the definition of each of the Sephira, how would we relate this to modern scientific terms? Or how can we corelate the numerical values of each Sephira?

"""The First Sephira. The Number One. The Monad of Pythagoras. In this number are the other nine hidden. It is indivisible, it is also incapable of multiplication; divide 1 by itself and it still remains 1. Multiply 1 by itself and it is still 1 and unchanged. This number of unity has a twofold nature, and thus forms the link between the negative and positive. In its unchangeable one-ness it is scarcely a number; but in its property of capability of addition it may be called the first number of a numerical series.

The Zero, 0 , is incapable of even addition, just as also is negative existence.

How, then, if 1 can neither be multiplied nor divided, is another 1 to be obtained to add to it; in other words how is the number 2 to be found? By reflection of itself! for though 0 is incapable of definition, 1 is definable. And the effect of a definition is to form a duplicate or image of the thing defined. Thus, we obtain a duad composed of 1 and its reflection. Now we also have the commencement of a vibration established. The number 1 vibrates alternately from changelessness to definition, and back to changelessness again. Thus it has been called the Father of all things.""" ---The Kaballah Unveiled, S.L. MacGregor Mathers

Now, how can this be translated to modern terms? or deciphered as to exactly what is occuring from a scientific standpoint and a Merkaba?

"""The number 2, or the Duad. The name of the second Sephira is ChKMD, Chokmah, Wisdom, a masculine active potency , reflected from Kether. This Sephira is the active and evident Father, to whom the Mother is united, who is the number 3. This second Sephira is represented by the Divine Names, IH, Yah, and IHVH; and among the angelic hosts by AVPNIM, Auphanium, the Wheels ( Ezek i.). The secound Sephira is is also called AB, Ab, the Father."""

The Third Sephira, or Triad, is a feminine passive potency, called BINH, Binah, the Understanding, who is co-equal with Chokmah. For Chokmah, the number 2 is like two straight lines which never enclose a space, and therefore it is powerless till the number 3 forms the triangle. Thus this Sephira completes and makes evident the supernal Trinity ( Space, Time, Mass?) It is also called AMA, Mother, and AIMA, the great productive Mother, who is eternally conjoined with AB, the Father.

I just wanted to touch on the first Three Spehiroth. This post would become quite lengthy if I touched upon all 10. I am hoping that this brings forth some inspiration from the other kabbalists posting within this thread.

Key words: Kabbalah - Tree of Life - Merkabah - Star of David - Sacred Geometry = SG = StarGate = Wheel of Karma - Wheels Wihtin Wheels - Alchemy Wheel which spirals cosciousenss back to source - Hub - spirals - twins - twins - encoded DNA

The merkaba are two star tetrahedrons - polarities - duality - male/female.

The Male Tetrahedron = Electrical Energy
The Female Tetrahedron = Magnetic Energy


Would all Ten Sephiroth be included to form the Tetrahedron's ? or are some left out of the equations in the attempt to create a workable blue-print from what data we have regarding The Tree of Life and The Kabballah?

Any revelations come to light Z or R ?
Have to add this on in reference to the above post. I used the "The Nine Chambers" in figuring the values of the Sephiroth. I could be way off, since there are many ways to figure what each letter may actually have as a value.

So if either Z or R can find a more accurate method of valuation of the Sephiroth, please do so.

That part of the Sephira you discussed, I would superimpose upon substance and action surrounding the mercy seat. The hidden, the invisible one--the Shekinah, covered by the other two aspects represented by the covering angels. The middle part of the triad, of course, would be represented in the "holy place", of lesser light but still too brilliant to behold. The third part of the triad is found in the inner court with its brass utensils, representing the impure nature of that which is seeking to approach the golden glory of that which is found in the "Most Holy". Notwithstanding all the "spiritual" connotations, it is the physical that we are now interested in. Thus, when we "measure" the temple structure, we are (in effect) quantifiying the Tree of Life. The unit of measure, of course, is the cubit. Ezekiel Chap 40 onwards does this in a painstaking way, and by following the pattern, we can glean from it the "rosetta stone" of the TOL. Why the cubit? Because of its uniquely personal nature. Although, "standardized" at 18 inches, in reality it is uniquely personal in that the the measure of a cubit is the length of forearm from the elbow to the tip of your middle finger--plus the span of your hand. This is, of course, different for every person, and this is where the beauty lies--for the structure of Merkaba is unique to each individual.

For the purpose of simplicity, we can simply use integers to construct the parameters. When we get to the fine tuning, it must be more aerodynamically sound, not to mention its need to be "temporallydynamically" sound.

It must be understood that the entire temple structure is "stand alone". In other words, it is not "fastened" in any manner. It "sits" upon ten foundations of crystal, and the location of the crystal "vertices" give it the appearance of a "sea of glass". If you can picture in your mind having three steps down in front of you, a flat spanse, and then three steps up. Each of the steps, corresponds to the "galleries of chambers" that surround the entire temple structure. It is interesting to note that the "chambers" also have counterparts in the "chambers of the sky". The ten Sephiroph with its corresponding 5-letter numerical "maps" point us in the direction of the Shekinah glory and power. MnZpK is the key. The word itself is a mystery in antiquity, but in its mystery, all the other "maps" are given definition.

We should perhaps set up a common site where we can post "drawings" or concepts that are difficult to define or formulate, or even pictures of things that may give us something to visualize as it takes form.

I give you fair warning. The steps we take may be opposed in ways we do not now know. I am not just talking about what happens on this forum in the form of disruption, debate, spam, etc., I am also talking about "spirits", "forces", and other negative "events" that will mysteriously interpose, sometimes even our thoughts. No search for truth is without opposition. The future awaits...
We should perhaps set up a common site where we can post "drawings" or concepts that are difficult to define or formulate, or even pictures of things that may give us something to visualize as it takes form.

I give you fair warning. The steps we take may be opposed in ways we do not now know. I am not just talking about what happens on this forum in the form of disruption, debate, spam, etc., I am also talking about "spirits", "forces", and other negative "events" that will mysteriously interpose, sometimes even our thoughts. No search for truth is without opposition. The future awaits.

The idea of setting up a site to do as you suggest is a good one. I used Tripod to set-up a website for free. However, I dont know if it would be an appropriate type of site to easily post contributions.

As far as "spirits" , "forces", and other negative "events" that may try to impede any progress on The Merkaba, I feel that I can deal with them as necessary. So I don't have any fears with regards to moving ahead with this project.
Re: My Thoughts - Part II

So what would happen if we decided to build a large (large enough to hold two people, standing up) Merkaba structure? And then what would happen if we enclosed the inner chamber of the interleaved pyramids in mirrors. And what if we included powerful, digitally-controlled, light generating sources at each of the apexes of the inner Merkaba chamber. And what if we experimented with control systems that would regulate how light energy is beamed into this chamber, and the feedback constants for how the light energy is manipulated as it reflects around this inner chamber?

Are we looking for the reflections of the light to create the spinning motion as described of the Merkaba?

What frequencies are necessary to create the desired effect?

Possible to post a basic schematic of your structure?
... MnZpK...

"""There are also traditional teachings that the five final letters -- that is, the five final forms of five of the regular letters (which are used at the end of words) -- hold the " secret of redemption ".

The five final letters are shadows of the final part of the generation of the "fruit tree yielding fruit whose seed is in itself," the self-embedded fruit and self-embedded fruit tree, mentioned in Genesis 1:11."""

Very interesting point you have brought up Zerubbabel. It seems beyond mere coincidence that as we forge our way towards a workable Merkaba that these letters(values?) enter into our discussions. And interesting that mention of it is in the Old Testament [ Genesis ( Could be counted as a 1 ) 1:11. ]

MNZPK / 11:11

You see anything odd about that relationship within the context of our discussion?

This image sure looks very similar to Rays posting regarding The shape of The Universe. Things just seem to be connecting all over the place regarding The Tree ( Kabballah ) and Time/Dimensional Travelling.

The more research done on it, the more exciting discoveries pop-up.
The Envelope of Spinning Light

Hello again OvrLrd & Zerub! Great progress here, and I agree with OvrLrd, it is amazing how things are connecting as we discuss this. We're onto something, no doubt about it!
Are we looking for the reflections of the light to create the spinning motion as described of the Merkaba?
Yes, exactly. I do not think we have to mechanically spin the Merkaba vehicle at all. It can be stationary. The counter-rotating beams of light create the spinning effect by reflecting around the interior walls of the Merkaba's interior chamber.

There is a direct parallel with existing high technology that I have spoken of before: The most accurate inertial, dynamic sensing device used for aircraft stabilization and control is the Ring Laser Gyro. The common design uses a triangular configuration (!) of mirrors to reflect an injected beam of light around the mirrors continuously. The laser light is split by a beam splitter to make part of the beam reflect in one direction (clockwise) and the other part of the beam reflect in the opposite direction (counter-clockwise). Literally, a ring laser gyro is already a device that utilizes counter rotating beams of light! The Merkaba just represents a technology extension and enhancement from the ring laser gyro. Two things form the foundation of this technology extension:

1) Expand from the planar ring laser gyro, to a 3-D solid shape of the Merkaba.
2) Advance from simply SENSING time-based dynamics (which is what a ring laser gyro does) to actually being able to CONTROL time-based dynamics inside the Merkaba chamber.

What frequencies are necessary to create the desired effect?
It depends on the specific desired effect we think we need to create. However, in general, the counter-rotating beams of light will have to be a composite (or superposition) of multiple visible light frequencies, as well as frequencies both above and below the visible spectrum. This would be what we would experiment to understand once we build the experimental vehicle and can control the light beams around the inner chamber.

Possible to post a basic schematic of your structure?
I don't have any 3-D drawing packages here at home, and I can't use my work resources for this. But it is something we need to sketch out. Perhaps this would be a good agenda item for our trip to the Kabbalah Gardens next weekend? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif The energy at that place responds well to spiritual questions like these!

Notwithstanding all the "spiritual" connotations, it is the physical that we are now interested in.
As always, your contributions and descriptions are right on the money. You will be a major part of the visionary process as we move forward, for it is clear you have excellent insight on the relationships of what the ancient texts are describing in a very real, physical sense. You will be our primary design cross-checker, an important function in the engineering development world that I live in! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Although, "standardized" at 18 inches, in reality it is uniquely personal in that the the measure of a cubit is the length of forearm from the elbow to the tip of your middle finger--plus the span of your hand. This is, of course, different for every person, and this is where the beauty lies--for the structure of Merkaba is unique to each individual.
Another important point, I think. While the basic plans of the physical Merkaba can be specified, it must be a scaleable unit. I believe the size of the inner chamber must be an appropriate ratio to the size of the occupant within, and as you point out, this is exactly what the concept of the cubit does... It provides the scale factor for Merkaba design.

MnZpK is the key. The word itself is a mystery in antiquity, but in its mystery, all the other "maps" are given definition.
Excellent. I am following you in a general sense, and I am confident the specifics will make themselves available as they are needed. More on this in response to some of OvrLrd's posts.

This is fun!
"""There are also traditional teachings that the five final letters -- that is, the five final forms of five of the regular letters (which are used at the end of words) -- hold the " secret of redemption ".

The five final letters are shadows of the final part of the generation of the "fruit tree yielding fruit whose seed is in itself," the self-embedded fruit and self-embedded fruit tree, mentioned in Genesis 1:11."""

Very interesting point you have brought up Zerubbabel. It seems beyond mere coincidence that as we forge our way towards a workable Merkaba that these letters(values?) enter into our discussions. And interesting that mention of it is in the Old Testament [ Genesis ( Could be counted as a 1 ) 1:11. ]

Hmmmmm is an understatement, OvrLrd! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif As you know, I am of the strong belief that Genesis 1 is a scientific treatise on topology, dimension, and the structure of our universe. And the 32 verses of Genesis are obviously mapped to the Tree Of Life. But now you and Zerub are making some major connections to these five letters and the concepts of self-embedding structures (another one of my favorites topics... fractal self-similarity). On top of that, I have always felt that the 5 Platonic solids have a direct relationship to manifestations of forms via frequency modulation. And now you have helped me draw the connection between these 5 final letters and the Platonic solids! Interestingly enough, I had just replied to Roel in my poll thread on the structure of the universe and in my reply discussed the Platonic solids. Things sure are coming together! :D

All of this, and then when I read your latest post, my jaw just dropped open in amazement. Will discuss that more in my reply to that post.
This image sure looks very similar to Rays posting regarding The shape of The Universe. Things just seem to be connecting all over the place regarding The Tree ( Kabballah ) and Time/Dimensional Travelling.
You aren't kidding, OvrLrd! Good find on that diagram. Stan Tenen has a lot of excellent drawings that explain the geometric foundations of Genesis. He also has another torus he calls the "3,10 Torus Knot":


Many things have come to mind as a result of meditating on the things we have discussed here and the connections made to pieces of the puzzle. Here is what came to mind, see if you gentlemen can help me interpret it more fully and maybe validate some of it:

I believe that the toroid structure described by MNZPK and the 3,10 Torus Knot will be the form of the field that is created within the Merkaba inner chamber when the counter-rotating beams of light are operating around the Merkaba's occupant. The "evelope of light" that is created within the Merkaba is the outer shell of the torus, but it also creates the axial effect of the intertwined helical structure in the center of the torus. Conversely, the body of the occupant of the Merkaba is also a torodial energy structure: The axis of the human body represents the internal axis of the occupant's body, and the occupant gives-off a spiritual field that is the outer shell of the torus of the human form.

By programming and running the Merkaba "envelope of light" around the occupant, you would actually be creating an interferometric field that is a mixture of the Merkaba induced field and the natural field of the occupant. Do you see what I am getting at? This field interaction of torodial energy structures would be THE specific technology associated with a "Star Trek" like transporter that would allow the occupant to travel freely through all of Massive SpaceTime.


Another potential connection came to mind as I sat here pondering your post while I was preparing lecture notes for my upcoming class on aerospace propulsion systems. It related to the Merkaba and this statement of yours:
It must be understood that the entire temple structure is "stand alone". In other words, it is not "fastened" in any manner. It "sits" upon ten foundations of crystal, and the location of the crystal "vertices" give it the appearance of a "sea of glass".
How about this for another possible distribution of the ten foundations across the structure of the Merkaba and its occupant:

4 Vertices of the upward-pointing Tetrahedron.
4 Vertices of the downward-pointing (polar opposite) Tetrahedron.
2 Vertices represented as the two poles that form the central axis of the field generated inside the Merkaba's chamber.

I find this to be a geometrically-workable configuration that describes not only the Merkaba structure, but the field it creates around its occupant. What do you think?