If any of you have really time traveled contact me


Any success in your endeavour?


Sorry guy I almost missed your post. Yes I have had some success which I did not post because my method of time travel is not yet accepted. Since my method is not accepted anything I post from that method will also not be accepted. I get tired of debating and fighting so it is easier for me to just deal with it by myself. I am improving my rolling checksum counters. I have more than one. I have applications for finding the max and min checksums of the files I am searching for in the future or the past. I set up template files then run my programs to give me what I need to know to run my counters. I wrote an application to check for a email header file off my counters to make sure it is real and I wrote a program to spell check batch files which can also be used to search for words and phrases in batch files too off my counters. So, I am doing pretty well at setting up a system to communicate with myself in the future or the past which is what I am doing is all about. The 4th dimension only allows time travel in one direction but with a computer we can set up a information route with decryption, data mining, and other known parameters to allow time travel in both directions from the 4th dimension with audio, video, text, and any other computer file we want. No one is going to take the wind out of my sails. I wrote a program for checking a Mac code (machine authentication code) for sending myself messages but right now I put that on hold because I am looking at everything I generate when possible. I have a program to verify JPG or BPM files off my checksum counter but I want a program to verify if it is as close to possible to a real world pic or not. I am still looking for a specific method for that. I think I can use a root mean square file and a standard deviation file but I would have to have lots and lots of pics to set that up so I am looking for short cuts. I have a method down on paper for verifying a video or movie by looking at the checksums from one frame of video to another but I have not put that method to computer code yet. And, I have to come up with a method for looking at the audio later. I have an account on a cray computer which I have used a little but I have to finish re-compiling my programs to linx/unix to fully use that account. Also I only have dial up except when I am "War driving" so I really need my own bandwith connection to really use my cray account. What I do is a lot of work and I work on this as much as I can. I spent all weekend on it and plan to spend probably at least two more years working on this. Thanks for asking.
hey maybe we shouldnt give in that easely to RMT

Don't give up because of certain people who flame you sometimes.
You're doing something that could be interesting in the future.
There are other inquiring minds that appreciate your work.
Please, feel free to relate your successes about your TT experiments.


Don't give up because of certain people who flame you sometimes.
You're doing something that could be interesting in the future.
There are other inquiring minds that appreciate your work.
Please, feel free to relate your successes about your TT experiments.


I appreciate that. I was thinking about doing a blitz in the future here with my time travel media but for now I have put that on hold. I want to improve what I am doing first and if I do a blitz here I need to be prepared for the negative stuff I might receive about my media. For right now I am going to hold off on that.
hey rainmantime i want to see your myspace or facebook page , i want to see your face to see if your really who you claim you are
come on im waiting its been like 10 hours ago i ask
come on

Well, I've gone over your story and schematic. I'm convinced you're telling the truth. I happen to know quite a bit about undiscovered physics. I investigate anomalies in my spare time. You have bits and pieces of the puzzle that fills in some of the gaps for me. The phenomena that you described, I believe is an aspect of the Lorentz force that has not been properly researched. You're not the first one to invent a machine that can turn something invisible. But you're the first to come forward and talk about how you did it. I think this knowledge has been suppressed for way too long. I don't entirely agree with you that everything in your schematic is needed. But I will agree with you that an antigravity drive can be developed from it. Only because I'll be putting one together this weekend. I just can't believe that I've overlooked something so simple. Maybe we can collaborate our knowledge and actually come up with a real time machine.
hey rainmantime i want to see your myspace or facebook page , i want to see your face to see if your really who you claim you are
come on im waiting its been like 10 hours ago i ask

Doctor Bubba:

It has been a lot longer than 10 hours since I have asked MANY questions of you, and you have still not answered a single one. WTF makes you so damn pushy to think that you can demand ANYTHING of me? And what, exactly, do you think seeing my face is going to do for you?

Methinks you are OCD, as well as delusional.

Thanks for the advice, rook. I've only been at this for 10 years, so I haven't caught on yet. I'll be sure to "move my butt" on your command.

Anyway, now that my butt is moving, can you enlighten me on where I went wrong with the math involving division of complex numbers in the post that you just responded to?

Hey reactor , forget the other let me know what you have in mind , we at timenomore are open to any new idea and yours seem promessing , please get in touch on my messenger
cheers Dr Z
[email protected]

Thanks guy. I work some very long hours so it would be on a weekend. To be more specific about what I do I use the teleportation principle. Science can take something and get its information then transmit that information someplace else to reconstruct it. Well I use template files and math to get a range of checksums (file fingerprints) that information from the future that I want will be in. Now I know the checksum range. I don,t know the exact checksum but I know what range it will be in of the information from the future that I want. Then I reconstruct each and every weak checksum using a method similiar to rsync then I data mine my files to find the specific information that I want to teleport information across space and time and across the 4th diminsion to myself. It is the teleportation principle that science uses except with a reactor twist.

Also, you can put a verification method with this but there is so much alternate reality I am not sure how well verification will work. I have not fully tested verification yet but I will later.
Hi Eintstein , yes i would love to collaborate with you to share some input to see if what i know could help you and what you know could help out ,as for anyone else please join me on my yahoo messenger so we chat live it would faster than waiting for a reply
[email protected]
sincerly DR Z
hey Rainmantime
you just showed me how old your really are
your nothing close to what you claim
probably just some student that is very wise at asking questions but hasnt a clue who your dealing with
when i find out your name i'll ask some of my buddy anywere in the world to find you (not a threat just to investigate)
you know MTV can make you popular and remain so for many year
just check the ROB and BIG show in march 2007
Hey Rainmantime
from this point on im ignoring, you it will be more fun for me and...

because arguing on the internet is so so pointless
from this point on im ignoring, you

Promises, promises. I can only hope you follow through this time. My name is not difficult to find, if you knew what you were doing. But I guess we know the answer to that.

Re: If any of you have really time traveled contac

Thank you, ruthless. I appreciate your input. Let's see if/when he is willing to admit when he is wrong.

Dude i havent done anything wrong so why should he , ive been more than cooperative and respectufll of people opinion , i just had a funny way to answer some people and i havent had time to check Rainmantime profile and website , apprently he's into spirituallyity i wish i would have seen this before so this guy is a duality in itself , as much as he is into science hes into sprituality stuff as well and probably the most baddest of them all the kabal in wich i consider to be freemassoninc at its rute and be the basis of all that is evil the kaballah magic ritual and sprituality side of thing are misleading and against god
i could go on and on but out of respect im gonna shut this right here
im no catholic or christian , so i'll let you decide
maybe i dont know jack about physic but i know what i did and what i achieve and i didnt came here to creat trouble someone else did that for me so far ive been more than honest about who i am and im not hidding behind a computer screen my face is right there for al to see and my video are on youtube and google search it up
so if someone have anything to blame me for is to have set foot here in the first place i was looking to learn more and be corrected into what i did in my experience to see were did i went wrong and why something happen ( im freaking clueless about this seriously ) what ever happen i was not prepare for that
so you'll be the judge who's to blame for corrupting this forum
even hre there a conspiracy thread and you should check rainmantime to see if hes a freemasson
me personally i hate freemasson with all my heart they think we are lower being and need to think of us as so , they use magic ritual to control the world and creat there new world order
so think up who's to blame it not me
im no debunker im an experimenter and detective
on this i wont post anymore unti you guys made your mind on whats going on here and why after almost 9 year since john titor came ( is goal was to push people to creat a time travel machine and after all this time why are we still without one all this talk and nothing
me , im doing my best
cheers and good bye
my messenger is always on
[email protected]
aren't you capable of banning doctorz?

We don't ban people for hoaxing, or for being jerks, or for not answering questions. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Compared to the other forum I participate in, the rules here are pretty lax. You basically have to be engaging in some pretty hefty anti-social or subversive activities to be banned. Hence, compare the banning of "origin" with the non-banning of HDRKID.

Doctorz has nothing to worry about... but that doesn't mean he is not to be chastised for not answering my questions.

i havent had time to check Rainmantime profile and website , apprently he's into spirituallyity i wish i would have seen this before so this guy is a duality in itself

Now you are being hypocritical: Before you were chastising me for "not knowing who you are dealing with" before I insulted you. Well, I assure you, that what you or others commonly think about "spirituality" is NOT how I view the whole situation. And being a spiritual person does not mean I am prohibited from asking people tough questions or chastising them if they don't answer. Ask Olly!

and probably the most baddest of them all the kabal in wich i consider to be freemassoninc at its rute and be the basis of all that is evil the kaballah magic ritual and sprituality side of thing are misleading and against god

Not the God I know.
FYI: I grew up Catholic, and have since renounced that nonsense. My understanding of God comes about through His laws of nature. When there is defacto congruency between science and spirituality, then you will know when you are discovering "God's Will". The crap that the vast majority of "popular religions" sell people these days is just that...crap...and intended to control you, not help you join with the Creator.
