Quantum Scribe
Any success in your endeavour?
Sorry guy I almost missed your post. Yes I have had some success which I did not post because my method of time travel is not yet accepted. Since my method is not accepted anything I post from that method will also not be accepted. I get tired of debating and fighting so it is easier for me to just deal with it by myself. I am improving my rolling checksum counters. I have more than one. I have applications for finding the max and min checksums of the files I am searching for in the future or the past. I set up template files then run my programs to give me what I need to know to run my counters. I wrote an application to check for a email header file off my counters to make sure it is real and I wrote a program to spell check batch files which can also be used to search for words and phrases in batch files too off my counters. So, I am doing pretty well at setting up a system to communicate with myself in the future or the past which is what I am doing is all about. The 4th dimension only allows time travel in one direction but with a computer we can set up a information route with decryption, data mining, and other known parameters to allow time travel in both directions from the 4th dimension with audio, video, text, and any other computer file we want. No one is going to take the wind out of my sails. I wrote a program for checking a Mac code (machine authentication code) for sending myself messages but right now I put that on hold because I am looking at everything I generate when possible. I have a program to verify JPG or BPM files off my checksum counter but I want a program to verify if it is as close to possible to a real world pic or not. I am still looking for a specific method for that. I think I can use a root mean square file and a standard deviation file but I would have to have lots and lots of pics to set that up so I am looking for short cuts. I have a method down on paper for verifying a video or movie by looking at the checksums from one frame of video to another but I have not put that method to computer code yet. And, I have to come up with a method for looking at the audio later. I have an account on a cray computer which I have used a little but I have to finish re-compiling my programs to linx/unix to fully use that account. Also I only have dial up except when I am "War driving" so I really need my own bandwith connection to really use my cray account. What I do is a lot of work and I work on this as much as I can. I spent all weekend on it and plan to spend probably at least two more years working on this. Thanks for asking.