If any of you have really time traveled contact me

he just came out too strong to questions

Honestly and seriously, if you think I came on too strong, then you have obviously not visited any "real science" forums where no-chit physicists deal with crackpot theories all the time! I was using "kid gloves" compared to the way you would be treated by them! Seriously!

i dont have a serious love pf current physic wich need to be rewriten

That right there says a lot (about you). You seem to think physics needs to be re-written? I am sure you think you are "right" but on what grounds? Moreover, isn't it just more possible that you do not understand existing physics, which could be why you think it is flawed? It is not a bad thing to admit you don't understand something.... but it is a bad thing to NOT admit you do not understand it, and then make a blanket statement that "physics needs to be re-written." What you are up against here is a HUGE, GIANT, MASSIVE amount of experimental evidence that confirms that current physics describes our reality to a very high degree of accuracy. Moreso than any competing "woo woo" theories of "free energy" and such.

im not one to back up from a good chalenge

I challenged you to explain an "inner singularity" and it sure does look like you backed-down from that! If you did NOT back down from that challenge, then perhaps you will rise to the occasion and attempt to at least answer my very scientific question about it?

i dont usually do think because they are easy but but because they are hard

John F. Kennedy - 1963 (paraphrased, regarding the goal of sending a man to the moon and returning him safely to earth before 1970)

i answer the question so far but apprentlly no one went on my website to actually read the full story

You have not answered all my questions. Some you ignored (see "inner singularity" above), and others you simply dodged. I could presume why you dodged them being that you do not understand enough physics to answer them... but I would rather have you directly answer me in that way. That way there is no guessing on my part.

btw im 34 years old and married with kids just so youd know

And I am 45 years old and have spent the last 22+ years not only developing highly complex (and intelligent) flight control systems, but also teaching freshman and sophomore aerospace engineering classes. I know an awful lot about physics. This is why I know enough to ask pertinent questions. If you wish to take this as some sort of personal offense, like I said above, then it will be MUCH WORSE if you try to take your story to a REAL physics site.

I have a sarcastic tone because I have seen (and destroyed) MANY more claims such as yours in the years since I have been here. And they all react just like you. Instead of answering the questions (or simply admitting you don't know how to answer them), you make me out to be the "bad guy". That is YOUR choice... and the more you whine, the more I am happy to be your "bad guy"... we call that a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Your choice: Answer the questions and stop being so emotional, or just keep your ad hominem attacks on me and my character (which does nothing to fulfill your goals or prove your claims!)

no you did not came out too strong you just dont know at all you seem to go full judgement before learning about who the people are , anyhow i had a really bad day and this week wont seem to get any better , i know what i have to do and i wont back down from my claim and im glad for you to be what you are what was the last experiment you did build and did you went anywere ,
anyway best of luck im taking a break
Dr z
you seem to go full judgement before learning about who the people are

But this is actually an important point about science: It is not, and should not, be at all based on personality types. Rather, it is based on data...results... and dispassionate, mathematical explanations of the physical phenomenon. In other words, a person can be scientifically correct and be either a giant ahole, or the nicest person in the world...it does not matter. And so, no matter what my personality is, the scientific answers to my scientific questions is what makes for progress, not whether or not I know someone as a person. I know that is not a popular answer, but it is the truth. Science does not have to be "politically correct", only correct.

anyhow i had a really bad day and this week wont seem to get any better

I am sorry to hear that, truly I am. Perhaps one way to look at this little corner of the internet is to not take things too personally. We all bat each other around from time to time (just look at how recall and I go at each other every so often). It doesn't mean I think he is any less of a person, or that I would wish terrible things upon him. We just disagree, and sometimes express that disagreement in "colorful terms". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

what was the last experiment you did build and did you went anywere ,

How about a supersonic aircraft with no vertical tail? We learned a lot on that project.

do you know the secret to anti gravity how come you guys never did that,i just cant figure how someone can build such supersonic ship but cannot build a simple anti gravity ship if i would have my day with sufficient funding i would build an anti gravity within 3 months to get all the part machine here a clue ask stan deyo he has the same secret as i did and i build mine on the sam principle
good luck

anyway think what you want i have nothing to gain hee since the mess is already made
you only have one chance to make a good impression and you [censored] it all for me so forget it , im going back to rest i have a massive headache
Might I ask what your Doctorate degree is in?

do you know the secret to anti gravity how come you guys never did that,i just cant figure how someone can build such supersonic ship but cannot build a simple anti gravity ship

This is the kind of response that causes me to reply as I have. You are already refusing to answer your BS about "inner singularity", but now you wish to lay a new layer of BS on top of that? Grow up, will you? If anti-gravity is so "simple", as you claim, then again I would ask you to lay out the physical precepts such that any engineer, like myself, can understand clearly. Given you refuse to touch the "inner singularity" issue, and now this, I'd say your credibility with anyone on these forums who takes science seriously, is just about zero by now. But you have fun with your little fantasy.

if i would have my day with sufficient funding i would build an anti gravity within 3 months

Another sign of scammers galore! All it takes is MONEY... forget the fact that they could not describe even the most basic of the physical premises behind what they would allegedly use the money for. Dude, do you realize how many people say exactly what you say ("all I need is money"), but say it so much more smoothly than you?

to get all the part machine here a clue ask stan deyo he has the same secret as i did and i build mine on the sam principle

That's a new name for me... is he the latest in the ever-growing list of "anti-gravity scammers"? You really need to be careful, because if you ever do accept money from someone to do this, and you cannot deliver, you could stand trial on fraud charges.

anyway think what you want i have nothing to gain hee since the mess is already made
you only have one chance to make a good impression and you [censored] it all for me so forget it

I could really care less what you think about me, so don't let it keep you awake at night. Suffice it to say, I have done EXACTLY what I am here to do... namely, I have shown you have NOTHING and cannot even begin to explain any of the science behind your claims. Well done... you have walked right into your own debunking. When you can speak in the language of accepted science, then and only then will people (possibly) pay attention to you.

So again, I ask if you will tell us all what your Doctorate degree is in?
whatever! im so not wasting my energy on you , your so stuck on physic and cannot fathom that there might be more out there if you would calm down and stop looking for thing you dont understand and open your mind to new field and theory you would see that they would work ,, join me on messenger i will give you more but be polite i dont stand for insulte
[email protected]
All of a sudden, you are answering NO questions whatsoever. So, I take it that because you did not answer my question about your Doctorate degree, that you actually have none?

your so stuck on physic and cannot fathom that there might be more out there

I am more than willing to "fathom" it. But so far, all you have done is bleat-on about it, but provided absolutely NO details. None. Nada. Zilch. ZERO. Nothing but rhetoric from you, with no substance. This is the clear mark of a scammer who has no clue about real science.

open your mind to new field and theory you would see that they would work

My mind is open...here I am, just waiting for you to pour all your great knowledge into it. But still, you have not even answered my question about how a 2 phase mechanical motor creates an "inner singularity". You have nothing to sell. You are the naked king... and everyone sees you as naked.

join me on messenger i will give you more but be polite i dont stand for insulte

I follow charlatans nowhere. Lest you forget, YOU CAME HERE and you made some claims that I am now asking you to back up. You can't. So now, your new tactic is to "lead me into your own realm". Not gonna work. You came here. Either you start talking science, or you can just leave.

Which brings up another point that speaks to your integrity: Several times now you have claimed that you are "done with me". Yet you cannot stop from replying. This inability to abide by what you say you are going to do should be an indication to anyone who is thinking of giving you money.

Your move, Dooku,

Oops, sorry. I forgot to warn you about the resident troll on this forum. Just don't give him an audience. There are those of us around that are interested in what you have to say. I'm one of them. I suspect wolf is also very interested too. So don't let one narrow minded individual upset you that much. He doesn't have any power if you don't let him.
Sure Einstein...egg him on... you know I will just love it that much more.

Oh. BTW... here is some information on this "Stan Deyo" he has invoked:


<font color="red"> Written by Philip Ross: "I came across Stan Deyo when a friend who is a conservative, Pentecostal Christian, tried to tell me that Einstein’s theories of relativity had been proven wrong. I asked him for the reference and he handed me a book called “The Cosmic Conspiracy.”

I have degrees in engineering, law and arts. I practise as a lawyer, mainly in litigation, and I am well accustomed to rigorous technical analysis, both in civil litigation and in a research project in which I was involved several years ago. My first impression of the book was that nobody would take it seriously. It is poorly written, disjoint, made many extravagant claims on an unsatisfactory evidential basis and published what purported to be a set of equations which “proved” Einstein had made an error. I do not recall the precise details and I have long since thrown the book into the rubbish, but as I recall Deyo made a fairly obvious mistake by trying to equate a Newtonian formula with a relativistic one. As Newtonian mechanics is merely an approximation of relativity in circumstances where relativistic effects are minimal, it is hardly surprising that he found inconsistency.

I did find it odd that anyone would take this nonsense seriously and I wondered about his background. Not particularly surprising was the dearth of detail about his background and qualifications in the book. There was reference to involvement in secret projects, but no detail, and of course such claims are easily made but impossible to prove or disprove. Most significantly there were no records of qualifications from any recognised university or research institute and nothing I saw that suggested that he was qualified in any field.

I knew nothing of his supposed status as an “expert” on earthquake prediction until I stumbled across this website but I think he can safely be regarded as a charlatan. If there were a correlation between ocean surface temperature and earthquake incidence one might imagine that the records of recent earthquakes in coastal areas such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Kobe (Japan), Indonesia and in other countries (including my own country, New Zealand) could be correlated. I am not aware that anyone has established a statistically significant link and I cannot see any scientific justification for supposing that one exists." [/COLOR]

You kiddies have fun... But leave the real science to those who can explain it such that other professionals can reproduce it readily.


Am I missing something here or are we, on this thread, posting to and lamenting the lack of response from the person who started this thread, Quantum Leaper? A person who hasn't posted in four years, only posted four times - all over the course of about 24 hours and whose second post was:


Reged: 04/05/05
Posts: 4

Why are we listening to these nuts on here?
04/05/05 06:15 PM ( Edit Reply

To the forumn,

These nuts on here claim to have traveled in tim? I say they are delusional, but if they could provide some kind of concrete, physical evidence then I would believe it

Just out of curiosity, did anyone actually expect him to respond or did we not read the date on the first post on the thread? Just curious.

True . But after taking the squareroot of the result in the denominator it becomes imaginary for all v^2 &gt; c^2. For the force to be real the mass in the numerator has to also be imaginary.

We have no idea what the meaning of imaginary mass is.
all this talk is giving me an headache , stop talking and start working if you think you got better idea than mine then move your butt from the seat and doing something about it ,,me at least im trying my best LOL
in any case dont you guys think this topic went off course ,,way of course , the guy is searching for a solution and all he got to see was some insginifiant pickering , come on do your best to answer his call i know im trying
yo Quantum leaper as soon as i got a solid solution i'll let you know this i swear
all this talk is giving me an headache , stop talking and start working if you think you got better idea than mine then move your butt from the seat and doing something about it ,,me at least im trying my best LOL
in any case dont you guys think this topic went off course ,,way of course , the guy is searching for a solution and all he got to see was some insginifiant pickering , come on do your best to answer his call i know im trying
yo Quantum leaper as soon as i got a solid solution i'll let you know this i swear

are you typing with your feet?

Oops, sorry. I forgot to warn you about the resident troll on this forum. Just don't give him an audience. There are those of us around that are interested in what you have to say. I'm one of them. I suspect wolf is also very interested too. So don't let one narrow minded individual upset you that much. He doesn't have any power if you don't let him.


I second that motion. Some people will try to take the wind right out of your sails. Don,t let them to it. In my day here I had a lot of constructive feed back that I found very useful. But, sometimes it goes beyond constructive to destructive. You just have to know what the difference when that is and not let it get to you.
no i dont check my spelling when i type and i told everyone before my grammar suck

Im the doctor, not you!

Give him heck dude. If they are not complaining about your science they complain about your grammer and spelling. It is hard to win around here. I usually use a spell checker but when I don,t sometimes I get told about it.

When new people come here they are like fresh meat. You go through your little spill with everyone then they leave you along. Oh by the way welcome to the time travel institute. This is a fictional forum. Nothing here is ment to be real even though there is some talk about science here. If you post anything too technical most people here would scratch their heads and not understand it. The staff here (Unpaid) if you don,t already know is one engineer (RMT) and one head doctor (Darby) with an interest in science and one moderator who does not talk much. RMT as far as I know is a moderator in another topic here. When in there be careful he won,t hesitate to ban you. See you around.
old time traveler does dies....they never get the new time machine from you..
your program don't work at all so I guess that you should fix the program. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
RMT as far as I know is a moderator in another topic here. When in there be careful he won,t hesitate to ban you.

Utter bull dung. Please back up this statement with evidence of "all those people" I have not "hesitated" to ban. On the contrary, I do not ban ANYONE without conferring with Raul.

Please correct your untrue, and emotionally-based, statement. Thanks.
Re: If any of you have really time traveled contac

I second that motion. Some people will try to take the wind right out of your sails.

dont forget though, rmt is one of the smartest people on the forum. he got you to reform your experiment quite extensively.

he is usually brutally honest and that can sometimes be a good or bad thing. i never use a spell checker, and i usually type fine. when i first came here, it was a different story.

i have found that you can argue alot here, or learn alot.

either way, i agree with rmt. in my opinion, the doc has no proof, therefore should not be believed. simple as that.