I know what happens in 2012.

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Ummmm I don't see what your boggle with the bubble is? Submarines and space shuttles have simaler compressed atmospheres.. I should imagine when the field is active that it does not act like a vacum....
I dont understand why you posted those links or why you are bragging about being able to click search.

The Tsunami eq was near Toba, the eq that happened yesterday was near Toba. It's more active than Yellowstone. Toba is bigger than Yellowstone.

The Mayans didn't know about super volcano's. None erupted when they were around. But what makes you think they were talking about yellowstone and not Toba? Why do you think mayans can predict the future? What other events have they predicted?
In 2012 a caldera will cover the earth in a cloud of ash.

Really, how many cubic meters/sec of ash would have to be released and for how long before that happens? I think you are just trying to scare people.

Titors story can be proven as false two ways. The short way is for the hoaxer to come forward and verify himself with his own hard drive or through Pam or both. The Long way is to wait and see. Ultimatly, if C.E.R.N. fails to produce an artifical singularity or fails to utilize artifical singularites in the creation of a time machine then Titor will be proven false.

Actually, he said civil war starting in 06, never happened. By 2008 the world we were living in would be gone, that's not even close to happening. No Olympics in 06 but there were. The RHIC produced microsingularities even though JT said that would happen at CERN, even though people confronted him and said "that's going to happen at the RHIC during heavy proton experiments, CERN can't do that with their current facilities". So he has been proven false many times over.

Actually, he said civil war starting in 06

Actually, Titor said here that it would start in 2004 and in 2005 on Art Bell's site. By 2008, he said, the civil war would be "obvious" to everyone. The precursors were supposed to be the Weekly Wacky Waco Incidents. They were supposed to be monthly events evolving into weekly events by...well...right now. We haven't had any Waco stand-offs let alone several dozen over the past seven years.

(One big problem that we've had with newer posters concerning the Titor Saga is that they glean their data from places like JohnTitor.com where there are snippets of posts that have been edited in order to make a position look better. Reading the actual posts is the only way to get the real quotes.)

He also said in 2000-2001 that CERN would make the big discovery "in a year or so when the LHC comes online" . Almost seven years is not a "year or so". The LHC still isn't online. It's had an accident, there was a lot of damage. Operational testing of theoretical physics probably won't begin until 2010. Getting a paper out, peer rervewed and published takes a year or more. That takes us to about 2011 before anything concrete is published (and CERN does not have the nasty habit of leaking "exciting" experimental results to the news papers before the results have been checked out, verified, peer reviewed and published ala Ron Mallet).

At this rate, if one assumes everything else in his story is true, the nuclear war will come before LHC is operational.
Actully I misunderstood your post on page two. I thought you were talking about the 94 tsunami being caused by a 7.4. Thats my misunderstanding.

As for yellowstone...I DON'T think the worst action will come from yellowstone. I DO think the Toba area will be where the worst activity happens.

And no I am not trying to scare people per se...I am trying to inform those willing to pay attention..I seriously doubt I am scaring you or darby or any other skeptic.

Darby Have you accept Brainasorians C=em2 test thingee yet?

I don't understand the question. Are you asking me if I accept his nonsense "equation" that, according to him, Michio Kaku will derive from E = mc^2?

Come on. If that's the case then it's not as if Michio Kaku is Albert Einstein, Issac Newton or James Clerk Maxwell, i.e. a dead theoretical physicist. He's alive and well and living in New York.

The better question would be, have you emailed Dr. Kaku and asked him if he "accepts Brainasonian's C=em2 test thingee." It is, after all, supposed to be Dr.Kaku's "theory".

He has a site and his email addy is there.

Hyperspace Forums


Due to the volume of e-mail Dr. Kaku receives every day, he cannot answer every letter, especially those from individuals who have a new "theory of everything". If you would like to learn more about submitting your theory, please read the article "What to Do If You Have a Proposal for the Unified Field Theory?".

Dr. Michio Kaku: [email protected]
No on the time travel claims. Obviously Brainasourian hasn't sent you the Ultra PM that was supposed to bake your brain.

Ah...I get it now. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I responded in two posts over there. Interesting - Cassandra.
So um..ok...You know I feel like cassandra sometimes...so no uber revalation then...I didn't think their would be. But what of that one post you asked me if I read..Something about 2156 hours worth of postings??? What were you talking about there? What was unintelligable..Link?
Something about 2156 hours worth of postings???

Sorry about that. Not 2156 hours of posting; your post made at 2156 hrs. (9:56 pm). It's on the thread where I made the post. I'll go over there and highlight it. I think you'll see what I meant.


Darby I have no clue what your talking about. post a link and I may read it.

In reply to:

PS: Titorite - did you actually read 2156 hrs. post before (or after) posting it? Much of it is almost unintelligible.


Ah, you did get it. Thank you for cleaning it up. Know it makes sense.
Titors story can be proven as false two ways. The short way is for the hoaxer to come forward and verify himself with his own hard drive or through Pam or both.

You are confusing the distinction between the story itself, and who told the story. What you are suggesting would not necessarily falsify the story. It would merely let you ascertain who told the story. And the very fact of the way the story was setup with "only Pamela" knowing Titor's "special song" is one form of unfalsifiability built into the story.

The Long way is to wait and see. Ultimatly, if C.E.R.N. fails to produce an artifical singularity or fails to utilize artifical singularites in the creation of a time machine then Titor will be proven false.

If this is your criteria for falsification (which is really not falsifying, given the other loopholes), this has already been done. You see, you wish to ignore the fact of the timing that Titor used for when CERN would create microsingularities. His own statements of that timeline already show he was wrong. If he was in this timeline, he could have done a little homework to figure out that even while he was posting it was well-known that the LHC at CERN would not be completed and online any time before 2007. But that is not the only place where the Titor story itself has already been tripped up. The next "official Olympics" did, actually, occur. There was no massive civil disobedience surrounding the last presidential election. There has been no civil war in 2004 or 2005. And no weekly Waco-like events. How many more missed predictions do you need (or wish to ignore)?

Honestly, I think you need to spend some time studying falsifiability, because you are clearly not understanding the scientific definition or its application. I'd bet Darby would even validate what I am saying with regard to Titor's story not being falsifiable. There is a loophole for anything, with the grandaddy of them all being "timeline divergence" (which he never defined).

What are you gonna do when america doesn't attend the 2008 olympics? Are you gonna say it was another lucky guess?

And as if all the above were not enough, then we have "true believers" like you who insist upon modifying Titor's predictions, which it seems you attempt to do right here. Could you please show me anywhere Titor said that the USA will not attend the 2008 Olympics? Hell, even show me where Titor said "2008 Olympics". He didn't. His precise words that referenced the end of the Olympics were as follows: "there were no official Olympics after 2004." So for a person such as yourself, who seems to wish to point to mathematics and science (which you cannot quote nor explain), you seem awfully loosy goosy with Titor's precise words. In fact, I would even suspect that you are trying to re-interpret his words to give them more leeway. But that just won't work.

You need much more attention to detail if you expect reasonable people to believe what you are putting out there on this forum.
Wow, the happenings of 2012 have been known for thousands of years....at anyrate, time travel is impossible.

Just think about it

in simple terms:
You are a poor man. You realize that you could have invested in something and made millions, so you go back in time and invest. This causes you to be rich, which means in the "future" you dont need to go back in time to make yourself get rich in the first place, which would be impossible, and therefore you would rip a hole in the fabric of space and time and end existence.
Indazona, I consider you an unreasonable person. So I do not expect you to believe what I am saying. You disreguard things like freespeech zones and the Patriot act. You only believe the physics that support your world view.

In fact I would say you are wasteing your time responding to me. You might be better entertained at www.randi.org
Matt, You are not familer with the Titor story. There is no such thing as paradox. Basicly the multiple worlds theory is correct. You can never travel back into your own timeline nor can you return to your exact timeline once you have left the original. HOWEVER you can travel along timeslines that so closely resemble your original that the differences hardly matter.

As for 2012...Right now I think only me and a few select others I know of are aware of the 2012 event..And we all reached the same conclusion by going over Titors posts and trying to figure out what the 2012 event was..He said something would happen but that he choose not to speak of something that nobody could do anything about...not to mention he would never talk about something that would allow us to avoid death by probablility... We the lucky ones were just smart enough to figure it out. And who knows maybe thats exactly what titor thought was the right thing to do...leave just enough information to save the smart and let the rest remain on thier paths to destruction.
im still kinda under the impression that time travels impossible. the reason being is that every single tt claim has now been proven a hoax, even titor.

im sure that you could reach an alternate dimension (supposing there are any alternate dimensions) through a black hole or something like that. and then, you wouldnt go to any time in the past or future, itd still be present even in the other dimension.

if time travel were possible, you could revert time all the way to the big bang, alter the big bang, and alter the entire universe.

on another note, magic is the art of illusion and deception. i could very easily make a story, make videos and physical evidence, and have everyone on earth believe i was a time traveler. but that still wouldnt make me a time traveler, now would it? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

the universe has no modifier to reverse of fast forward time like a vcr. 'nuff said.
I cant believe some of these people.

Hellooooooooooooooooooo Titor was a fake!! He was nothing more than promotion for some lameass movie
Everything he came out with was B.S.!!!
But with some of you even if he said Bugs Bunny was real you'd believe him.
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