I know what happens in 2012.

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My claim is based on logic deduction from the john titor postings and I referenced some of the posts in post one of this thread. There are more posts that point to the same thing.

I, for one, would love to see your logical deduction. It is a very formal process, as I would think you should be aware. If you lay it out for others it should be able to be factually verified.


Perhaps the most important part of logical induction you should keep in mind when analyzing the Titor hoax is the following:

"Note that just because it derived this way doesn't make it true."

Of course, if all this is just your belief which really cannot be supported by a proper logical deduction, then there is probably little hope for ever convincing you that it is a non-sequitor, even if it actually is. Here is a logical deduction that you may wish to take into consideration:

Non-specific statements can be applied to many specific events. Titor's story contained many non-specific statements. Therefore, Titor's story can be applied to many specific events.

sigh. no intellegent life on this planet or any other, has ever made itself known to mankind therefore there is no intelligent life on this planet or any other. HA! Hows that for a non sequitur!

On what do you base Titor being a hoax? Can you "Prove" the story as false? I don't think so. The math is all there. Spend a few hours at wiki and you'll find it. CERN is determined to do exactly as Titor said it was going to do..maybe not on the same time frame but again see wiki for the math and understand what Titor said about multiple worldlines. The science of it pans out.

Then thiers his memories. America is in a state of civil unrest. We did invade Iraq over Nukes that just wern't there. Bush has passed all sorts of legislation the has driven a wedge into the ill of rights. Hillary is running which qualifies the statement about the president in 2009 being a possible him/her. The poem "a soldiers winter" only appeared after Titor wrote about it first and Larry Cluck had no idea about John Titor and the myspace guy copied it from another GI.

Sure the above memory statments are circumstantial but in context with the scientific evidence it lends crediblity to Titors' honesty. And as we wait to see China host the 2008 olympics I bet the world will be shocked when they cancel it because of US forign policy. I wouldn't be suprised if the place an embargo on America and we soon realize that all bicycle tires are currently made in China. The last two sentences are based on beliefe Should they pass will you attribute Titors further accuracy to "lucky guessing"?

And yea the sad unfortunite truth is in 2012 the asj cloud will come to pass...even though Titor left that unspoken.

I, for one, would love to see your logical deduction.

Here's the logic employed...

Ah, but the strawberries! That's where I had them.

They laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, and with geometric logic, that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox did exist! And I'd have produced that key if they hadn't pulled Caine out of action! I-I-I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officer and...

Naturally, I can only cover these things from memory if I've left anything out, why, just ask me specific questions and I'll be glad to answer them...one-by-one...

(Click, clack, click, clack)

Queeg, Philip F., LTCMDR USN
Darby! How could you?!?! That sarcasim was so fine I won't get it till I'm on my death bed. Is that what you want?!? You want to make an old man miserable on his last days of life by insulting someone so good they won't comprehend the nature of the deflamatory remarks for decades?!?!

Ya big meanie!
Realize that the only so-called 'good' use of time travel is to get to another star or stars that have other planets around them where humans could exist. Now, some people may want to go to the Past or the Future or whatever, but the real reason at least to me, is to make Space Travel more possible. The rest, the rest is deep subconscious emotions perhaps subverting the better mode of thinking. And if Titor is correct, there will not be as many liberals coming up with the version of life that seems to be occuring now on this Planet.

And especially if other lifeforms exist in this Galaxy, humans seem to have a tendency to stick out his/her necks and that may lead to extinction due to being just plain stupid in the end.

I prefer better thinking about what the details are that makes the human species realize that to me some humans just really do not seem to actually be thinking at all in any aspect I would agree with.

Well, that is all I have to say about this time travel anymore. To me there are more important things in life then bringing up the fact that a lot of people feel lonely on this Planet enough to perhaps cause greater turmoil ( or even harm ) to the human species.

And of course it have to be star systems that are far, far, away until which time if other life did exist that both species could learn first to compliment each species instead of destroy each species.
If anyone wants to think about what I mean then it is not:

To Boldly Go Where No Man (or Woman) has Gone Before!

but it is:

Darn we better kind of sneak around this Spacetime before we all really find out the human species is really more capable of being bigger dummies than previously ever thought before.

A lot more humble perhaps.

On what do you base Titor being a hoax? Can you "Prove" the story as false? I don't think so.

For all your allusions to "the science being there" (or is that illusions?), this statement of yours pretty much sums up your lack of knowledge about science. I think you need to spend more time at a site with a little more veridical science than wikipedia, especially in the area of logic and attempting to prove a negative. You might learn something. Start here: Look up "falsifiability" in regards to scientific claims.

The math is all there.

There was absolutely no math in Titor's Tale. This he conveniently skirted with the "hey, I am not a physicist" line whenever he got cornered.

Spend a few hours at wiki and you'll find it.

One hallmark of a crackpot is when they claim "the science is out there and backs what I am saying" but when pressed for them to explain that science all they can do is say "go research it, it is out there, you will see." If you are so certain the science backs Titor, then you should be able to explain it, right? And you should be able to prove it is true, right? I mean, seeing as how it does not logically follow to try and prove a negative!

Hillary is running which qualifies the statement about the president in 2009 being a possible him/her.

I guess you don't understand just how silly this is! You seem to find it amazing that Titor "predicted" that the next president COULD be a him or a her. As if there was some other choice? That is called hedging his bet. BTW, Hillary had the gleam of wanting to be Prez in her eyes when she first talked about Bill's sexual transgressions before even Bill got the job.

And as we wait to see China host the 2008 olympics I bet the world will be shocked when they cancel it because of US forign policy.

I'll make you a deal. I will meet you back here, on this site, on the very day of the 2008 Olympics opening ceremonies. Deal? I will be here...will you? This even ignores the fact that the "next Olympics" as far as Titor's timeline already occurred in Turino, Italy.
The super volcano on the other side of the world, Toba, is bigger than Yellowstone, and the region is much more seismically active. The big Tsunami came from that area, there was just an EQ reported on CNN from that area JUST now.

If someone throws enough guesses to the wind, one of them is bout to be right... in due time.

But this is shameful work. You're researching the blatantly obvious and claiming it to be true in the name of time travel. This is not how time travel works, nor is it how one would go about predicting future events. For a good set of values to base prediction on, you need consistancy - a method that is shown to have worked before as a basis. And, on insignificant facts that seem far off and unlikely are more so impressive.

I grant you (since we're on the causeway of volcanoes), in one dream, I was under the impression (dreams are, at best, confusing with lots of varying detail, and at worse, vague and relatively uninformative) that a volcano erupted in Austrailia. What is so odd is that I thought Austrailia didn't have any Volcanoes...

But, surprise, they do. Right down the right hand side, which sits fairly close to a Tetonic Plate.

If you're looking for a Disaster, Austrailia is where you should be focusing. It might not even be Austrailia, although I'm fairly sure that Volcano was in the desert and I was trying to (in the dream) alert the Austrailian authorities that it would happen.

Your argument is quite good (even if based on the assumption everything Titor says is true), but isn't very convincing when you take Titor with the small line at the bottom of his webpage...

The Time Travel Institute, although entirely fictional, still respects your privacy.

Good for you! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I think that Titorite also made the literary connection.

Here's to the real author of the Caine Mutiny!

Greenwald, Barney, 1st Lt. USMC, USN JAG Corps (detached duty)
Forgive me if I attack you Timenot_0 but you got alot of listining to your own self help advice to do in my opinion

Realize that the only so-called 'good' use of time travel is to get to another star or stars that have other planets around them where humans could exist. Now, some people may want to go to the Past or the Future or whatever, but the real reason at least to me, is to make Space Travel more possible. The rest, the rest is deep subconscious emotions perhaps subverting the better mode of thinking. And if Titor is correct, there will not be as many liberals coming up with the version of life that seems to be occuring now on this Planet.

How can you purpose to know what the "best" use of time travel is when you can not accept an even defenition of reality? You do not have the conception the most modern and informed physicist have about the structure of space and time there fore your assumption about the "best" uses of time travel is based on a lack of understanding the make up of space and time ie; reality.

Whats more your broad statement about liberals shows a faulty understanding of politics that has been sucessufully socialy enginered into you. The truely politicaly aware mind knows that the individuals is more than a single political behavior. From reactionary to radical, every individual has a varity of political behaviors in reguards to various issues. The fact that you lump a group into the psudo-conflict of liberal vrs conservitive attests to your basic lack of polictical understanding.

And especially if other lifeforms exist in this Galaxy, humans seem to have a tendency to stick out his/her necks and that may lead to extinction due to being just plain stupid in the end.

I prefer better thinking about what the details are that makes the human species realize that to me some humans just really do not seem to actually be thinking at all in any aspect I would agree with.

Did you ever consider that if a superior technologicaly advanced species wanted us dead a geneticaly targeted disease would wipe out the humans so that the victors could have this planet?
Mankinds efforts to reach out to E.T. intelligence is only as good as our honesty to ourselves. Many governments have been less than friendly to thier own citizens why should the staus quo change for any other situation? The problem is with people. Again individuals. Look at yourself. You prefer to thnk about the details of why some people don't think at all or at least to "Any aspect you can agree with" I superior intellect reaizes that no two people think exactly alike and that a differnce of thought is not the same as a dispute between thoughts.

Well, that is all I have to say about this time travel anymore. To me there are more important things in life then bringing up the fact that a lot of people feel lonely on this Planet enough to perhaps cause greater turmoil ( or even harm ) to the human species.

And of course it have to be star systems that are far, far, away until which time if other life did exist that both species could learn first to compliment each species instead of destroy each species.

We have our own intelligent specis to get along with first here on earth. Namely dolphins, elephants, and chimpanzes...The chimps are the least intelligent. But should we bridge the barrier between dolphans and elephants we truely will have "known" company of another species on this planet then maybe we can focus on getting ourselves into the stars...

In the mean time why not stick to the subject at hand rather than muse about space travel,humanity,aliens, and our place in the mix. The topic being me letting others know what the 2012 event is according to what I have been able to deduce from the Titor story. IF you don't believe Titors stroy your not going to be able to have a good exchange of ideas with me about this subject seeing as how its WHAT THE SUBJECT IS ABOUT!
Indazona, I did indeed mean allusion:

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
al·lu·sion / Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[uh-loo-zhuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication: an allusion to Shakespeare.

You still offer no proof of Titors Hoax... You simply refuse to accpet it and therefore even though you lack evidence of a hoax, to you it remains a hoax. This is not a matter of proveing a negative. Titor himself never even cared to "prove" his story. In fact he encouraged people to disbelieve him. Despite this the evidence does mount in his favor of being honest. He was just a guy. Did good things did bad things But a monumental thing like prepatraiting an elaborate hoax over the course of 98 through 2001 seems unrealistic in the scope of his online persona or the average attention span of any modern american.

In reply to:

The math is all there.


There was absolutely no math in Titor's Tale. This he conveniently skirted with the "hey, I am not a physicist" line whenever he got cornered.

There is math in all things. Titors' story has more emphasis in math then the average day to day tasks that make up our lives. The whole story is about a freaking time traveler for petes sake. If you can't see math in that your no deep thinker; let alone a quantum physicist.

One hallmark of a crackpot is when they claim "the science is out there and backs what I am saying" but when pressed for them to explain that science all they can do is say "go research it, it is out there, you will see." If you are so certain the science backs Titor, then you should be able to explain it, right? And you should be able to prove it is true, right? I mean, seeing as how it does not logically follow to try and prove a negative!

The hallmark of someone who has lost interest in debating a point is someone who resorts to name calling. You have nothing more to offer except insults to boost your own perception of your personal self worth by dehumanizing me personaly.

I believe the story FLAT. So if there is any burden of proof it is on you proveing to me Titors a fake. It can be done if you can show the evidence. I am not a man too proud to admit that he can be wrong. But to date the majority of the things I see as evidence of hoax has proven to be lies or hoaxes in and of themselves. So my opinion is already slightly biased by the strange phenomina that only seems to surface around this subject where by people go to great legths in dishonesty attempts to prove something they believe to be as dishonest.

I'll make you a deal. I will meet you back here, on this site, on the very day of the 2008 Olympics opening ceremonies. Deal? I will be here...will you? This even ignores the fact that the "next Olympics" as far as Titor's timeline already occurred in Turino, Italy.

Theres more of that economic talk that often confused Titor..Sure lets make a deal. Nothing is exchangeing hands the agreement itself is kinda flimsy as only one of us expects a 2008 olympics leaveing me to wonder if we should meet elsewhere if I am right....BUT lets not mix hairs. Yea sure. Great deal I accept. I will meet you here in 2008. Whatever. I don't really plan to stop corresponding on this board anyways.

Oh brother!

Hang in there old pal. If you want to post a rambling post (or not) go ahead. I'm not specifically criticizing Titorite, but after his being a member for all of a month I don't think that he altogether understands the site yet. He never had the pleasure of reading another old friend's posts - Al C. If he wants rambling, long, often OT posts he should have tried on one of Al's posts for size.

And Al's posts were just as valuable as any other long time member's posts.

PS: Titorite - did you actually read 2156 hrs. post before (or after) posting it? Much of it is almost unintelligible.
Bogz you gotta realize. Google and Wikipedia are my two best cyber friends.

<font color="red"> google search term : sumatra tsunami quake 9.0 [/COLOR]
CNN.com - Asia quake death toll tops 13000 - Dec 27, 2004Thousands have drowned and thousands are missing after a tsunami strikes India. ... kilometers (1000 miles) from the epicenter of the 9.0 magnitude quake, ...
www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/asiapcf/12/26/asia.quake/index.html - 61k - Cached - Similar pages

CNN.com - Quake, tsunamis kill more than 26000 - Dec 28, 2004The magnitude 9.0 quake struck about 7 a.m. Sunday (0000 GMT Saturday) and was centered ... Sumatra island at a depth of about 6.2 miles (10 kilometers). ...
www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/asiapcf/12/27/asia.quake/index.html - 58k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.cnn.com ]

NOAA News Online (Story 2357)... 9.0) had occurred off the west coast of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia. ... NOAA animation of Indonesia tsunami (alternate view QuickTime movie, AVI). ...
www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2004/s2357.htm - 17k - Cached - Similar pages
But this is shameful work. You're researching the blatantly obvious and claiming it to be true in the name of time travel. This is not how time travel works,

One the objective mind accepts the blantanly obvious.Two your expertise in time travel kinda disquailifies you as an authority on how time travel works just as it does me...BUT I am going to beileve the work of stephen hawking who believes natraul timeworldline travel areas exist in the univerese therefore it is concievible that mankind can duplicate what is found in nature.

nor is it how one would go about predicting future events. For a good set of values to base prediction on, you need consistancy - a method that is shown to have worked before as a basis. And, on insignificant facts that seem far off and unlikely are more so impressive.

Well if insiginfigant fact should be impressive you should truly be in awe of "a soldiers winter" I know I am. That is one hell of an insigifigant fact!

Your argument is quite good (even if based on the assumption everything Titor says is true), but isn't very convincing when you take Titor with the small line at the bottom of his webpage...

In reply to:

The Time Travel Institute, although entirely fictional, still respects your privacy

Titor posted at more places than here. He even faxed art bell two faxes in 1998...Those faxes are very interesting and very different from the rest of his posting..In fact the two styles of writeing the two personas are different.

Should investigate that.
Darby I have no clue what your talking about. post a link and I may read it.
PS: Titorite - did you actually read 2156 hrs. post before (or after) posting it? Much of it is almost unintelligible.
You still offer no proof of Titors Hoax... You simply refuse to accpet it and therefore even though you lack evidence of a hoax, to you it remains a hoax. This is not a matter of proveing a negative.

You are wrong. Yes it is. You still don't understand that Titor's story is technically unfalsifiable (that is a scientific term, look it up on wikipedia).

Titor himself never even cared to "prove" his story.

I wonder why? But he went further than that. He ensured his story could not be falsified. That means he story cannot be proven false, which means it is nothing more than a story and can never be true. I don't expect you to understand, but at least try, huh?

There is math in all things. Titors' story has more emphasis in math then the average day to day tasks that make up our lives. The whole story is about a freaking time traveler for petes sake. If you can't see math in that your no deep thinker; let alone a quantum physicist.

How poetic. Show me the explicit math. You're right, I am not a quantum physicist, but I am a civil engineer. I understand math. Since you continue to argue without understanding Titor's story is unfalsifiable you also qualify as neither a deep thinker, nor a quantum physicist. But you certainly think you are a deep thinker.

So if there is any burden of proof it is on you proveing to me Titors a fake. It can be done if you can show the evidence.

Again, you are flat-out wrong, and the posts on this site stand as testament to you being wrong. You see, plenty of people have offered evidence, but the very fact that some other yahoo then addresses that evidence and employs the classic unfalsifiable part of Titor's story "yeah, but he told us not all timelines are the same, so maybe this is different from what he told us in our timeline" means the story can never be falsified. You go on believing all you want, but it does not make you correct. Fact, Jack.

You have already missed out on great opportunities to make $ in the stock markets, as I assume since you believe Titor you have stayed away from them. Or are you still daytrading?
In 2012 a caldera will cover the earth in a cloud of ash.

Titors story can be proven as false two ways. The short way is for the hoaxer to come forward and verify himself with his own hard drive or through Pam or both. The Long way is to wait and see. Ultimatly, if C.E.R.N. fails to produce an artifical singularity or fails to utilize artifical singularites in the creation of a time machine then Titor will be proven false.

What are you gonna do when america doesn't attend the 2008 olympics? Are you gonna say it was another lucky guess?
"Titors story can be proven as false two ways."

well, depends on your perception of it. i perceive that i falsified him in this thread.


so i perceive that it can be falsified in three or more ways.

i know your a fan of titors, i am too. but surely you can see that somethings not right with the whole thing. and yes, plenty of things ARE right, i know. but its the things that are wrong that im focusing on at this moment.
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