I know what happens in 2012.

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Re: Right here



Yes. It's quite possible.

Not all impacts involve the transfer of all or even most of the velocity from one object to another. A light standard which is attached to the ground and which has long "arms" at the top does not react to an impact at all like a billiard ball. Real collissions are complex. Just how much energy is transferred depends on a host of factors, not the least of which is how the contact occurred - angle of attack, whether the object was anchored to the ground, its shape, elongation of the object, whether it was a flush, glancing or grazing blow, was the energy absorbed as linear impulse or angular momentum (set to spinning) or a combination of both, etc.

I've done my fair share of investigating accidents. There's nothing inconsistent in the photo - nothing at all. The damage is consistent with the circumstances and the physical evidence present in the photo.
Your Tooting your own horn Rainman taking time to gloat and insult rather then just debate the subject. Your no longer acting gentelman but as an adolesent.

If your going to limit yourself to oly addressing airplane accident related question WTC7 still counts because two planes crashed in that area. This whole subject has become about debunking 911 CT. Well then don't stop short continue to "reveal my nakedness". After you get around to talking about the penta-lawn (if you get around to it) why not disscuss the WTC7 and show everyone why that was logical and my understand of it flawed?...But if you are willing please be civil. Let the manners of John Titor be your guide to internet interaction.

Also I release from any promises. You don't have to doing anything your tired of or uncomfortable doing for my sake.
Re: Right here

Darby I have agreed to disagree about the taxi cab photo with RMT....weather or not he chooses to accept that agreement. And I hereby extend that agreement to disagree to you aswell. I see inconsistenceies but you do not and thats ok.

Let us not dwell on a *detail* we will not see eye to eye about at the expense of the bigger picture.

And just for a moment I'm gonna lower my standards for a touch just to say I was right about the car not haveing any dents.

I never went looking for the enlarged photo till after RMT made his assertation that nobody could know if the car was dented or not. Being an investigator like he "claims" he SHOULD OF known all he had to do was follow the lines of the car to deduce weather or not it was dented, Strait lines=no dents. If he wasn't quick enough to see that and he really does investigate plane crashes...Its a sobering thought to put it politly. No, I suspect his profession is true and that he was quick enough but that he just wanted to take the easy way out in our debate...because to assume the prior is a scary scary thought.
Re: Right here

titorite, cmon man, be reasonable. do you realize what your arguing about now? why does it take a professional stuntman to crash into the pentagon? a 2 second fire to vaporize (water) grass? a light pole hitting a car? yeah, gigantic conspiracy there...

seriously, i think your an ok guy and have never had a problem with you, but are these the reasons you believe theres a conspiracy? if so, theres really not alot of evidence of foul play. its innocent until proven guilty in these lands. and if i were on a jury, and you were the prosecutor, and rmt was the lawyer of the defendant, i wouldve voted not guilty, not because i dont believe there was a conspiracy, but because there were no facts to prove it, and plenty of facts proving no foul play. simple as that.
A New point

We have ample visual and media evedence a horrible attrocity occurred that day. Most of us saw it play out on TV. Theres no doubts about it at all. There has also been a tremendous amount of effort made to control the flow of what we do know. The american public only knows stuff that has been declassified - or what can be found on the internet. But what about the "classified" stuff?

The stuff George Bush put Dick Cheney in charge of keeping safe. So far he has blanketed most of it with a 25 year seal. That means even the people who will audit and archive Bushes presidental papers (assuming he allows it - at this point he's refused to consider it - as has Cheney) can't get access to this stuff or anything else.

Bush to Meet Top Saudi on Sept. 11 Report - July 28, 2003 (Source: Reuters.)

A Saudi Foriegn Minister came to Washington DC for meetings with President Bush, on Tuesday and he made a request that he be provided with the declassified section discussing Saudi involvement in a section of the congressional report on the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, on whether there was any Saudi support for the hijackers was classified except for one page.

"Saudi Arabia has nothing to hide. We can deal with questions in public, but we cannot respond to blank pages," Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar bin Sultan said last week."

Bush rejects Saudi request to release 9/11 details dealing with Saudi Arabia. July 29, 2003 (source: Reuters)

"President Bush on Tuesday flatly rejected a Saudi request to declassify part of a report on the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks dealing with Saudi Arabia, on the grounds it would compromise intelligence.
In response, the Saudi foreign minister angrily denounced the report as an "outrage" that "wrongly and morbidly" accused Saudi Arabia of complicity in the attacks, but said he understood Bush's reasons for rejecting the request.

"It makes no sense to declassify when we've got an ongoing investigation. That could jeopardize that investigation," Bush said, even before he met Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal to personally deliver the news."

Or how about this one... August 1, 2003 - Report on 9/11 Suggests a Role by Saudi Spies

"The classified part of a Congressional report on the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, says that two Saudi citizens who had at least indirect links with two hijackers were probably Saudi intelligence agents and may have reported to Saudi government officials, according to people who have seen the report.

These findings, according to several people who have read the report, help to explain why the classified part of the report has become so politically charged, causing strains between the United States and Saudi Arabia. Senior Saudi officials have denied any links between their government and the attacks and have asked that the section be declassified, but President Bush has refused." (Source: New York Times (08/01/03))

Ohh and how about the Anthrax... that hot item really grew cold once the source of it was discovered to have been from a bio weapons research lab here in the states. Who was keeping guard on that stuff?? Better yet - who got access to it??
Re: Right here

You are ignoring more facts... aren't you the guy who claims we shouldn't do that?

and like I said in another post...take your kitchen knife. put it to a lighter. It will blacken in 5 seconds or less. It will blacken because of the carbon the fire left behind. TRY IT! You will see I am right. Then you can ponder some of the comments made by Myself and RMT reguarding shiney polished wreckage and green green grass.

First of all, what makes you think that any pieces of airplane parts that DID happen to be inside the fireball were there for even as much as 5 seconds? Do you actually think that fireball lasted for 5 seconds?

But I notice you are ignoring, and have not dealt with the reality of, the PROOF that I have given you that pieces of the airplane flew away from the building OUTSIDE the fireball. How about you take the honorable route and admit that I have now shown you a reason why those pieces DO NOT have to be charred or sooted? You acted honorably when I proved to you an engine would not scorch the grass (and you are still calling it a turboprop...get your terms straight. How many times do I have to correct you?), so why don't you act honorably now and ADMIT it is NOT an inconsistency that we see airplane parts that are not scorched or sooted?

Here you are harping on me that you were right and I was wrong about the hood of the taxi not being dented... and I do admit, now that you have provided a better photo as evidence, I ADMIT I was wrong. So if you really think you are a better man than I am, you should now take your medicine and admit there is NO REASON to think it is "inconsistent" to see airplane parts on the Pentagon lawn without soot or scorching.

And oh, by the way... I again asked you a question and specifically asked for an answer. You ignored it. I would like an answer:

"Honestly, do you REALLY want me to address the "unscorched" lawn, titorite? (Please answer this question) "

This is your last chance to back out and tell me you don't want me to address this. That way you can still maintain your belief that the grass HAD to be scorched by the fireball, and I will not have to prove you wrong in front of all these other readers. Please answer the above question, and if you still want me to address it, get ready.
911 was an inside job

titorite, cmon man, be reasonable.

REASONABLE?!? I am not the one insulting people. I am not the one who spouts everything the other man has to say is assumption with a dismissive tone. I am not the one that has reduced his communication the assinine libel nonsense.

I have no clue what magical math RMT used to pull the wool over your eyes but thiers a legion of things to consider that don't add up starting with the propaganda on september eleventh two thousand and one and leading onto the comeing war in Iran. WHY DO WE NEED TO INVADE IRAN!?! WE DON'T! But we will...probably based off another false flag terrorist attack prepatrated by the same war criminals in office now.

ON the day of 911 durng the begining moments you and all of america and the world were exposed to two events. One was the attacks. Two was afganistan and the fighting of the northern coalition. Now during the zero hour we had no clue and no way to know who did what BUT THE MEDIA reported about afganistan and and the attacks all day long. 22 days later we went into afganistan proper to bomb that mudstain into the 21st century by giveing them the gift of fire and scrap metal. And what was one of the first things out of Bushs mouth? "We can not tolerate outragous conspiracy theories that shift the blame away from the terrorists" Why even bother to mention something so trite?

WTC7: How did that building fall? Controled demolition. How long does it take do pull off a coridinated controled demolition? WEEKS OF WELL ORGANIZED PLANING. Can it be done on the fly in a building on fire? Not just no but HELL NO! The fires would pose a SERIOUS risk when working with high explosives not to mention the walls you gotta knock out to plant your charges around support columns or the electronic timing system to ensure everything goes off at the precise right time or the dry runs you preform to double check every aspect of a controled demolition. Moving onto the two towers the pancake collapse is about as flimsy as it gets and you will see lots of Illastrations (DRAWINGS) of where the planes went and what columns they cut but you can't trust that because you can't know UNLESS those columns in question were survayed and documented before the towers fell which they wern't which leave the honest to rely on the film to critical examine the event and the less than honest to draw pictures and make deductions based on assumptions of unknowns. The towers were built in three parts and they were destroy in three parts. And as with any controled demolition the destruction started from the bottom up only they bottom of part 3 in both buildings starts around the 80th floors. What a conincidence thats where the planes hit. And when the top part fell precisly timed charges went off from the bottom of part two only by this time who the hell is up close filming the towers? Not a damned soul because a freaking building is falling down. So all we are left with is cloudly long shots and the laws of physics. Pancake collapses are well documented and you can do your own research or ask for assitence but if you compare a pancake collaspe to the destruction of the towers you will find that they are two DISTINCTLY DIFFERNT styles of destruction.

And at the pentagon a plane rams into the wall? WTF!? I don't care if your howard huges use logic and asess risk? Is it less risky to dive bomb into the pentagon or less risky to circle the pentagon fly through light poles and into the side of the pentagon aiming for the first floor?

From this events it was deemed socialy unacceptable to be unpatriotic and everyone starts waveing thier plastic flags made in china and slapping us flag bumper stickers on thier cars that fade white after 3 months because RATIONAL logic was surrender to fear mongering and emotional pride.. BUT just in case you wern't scared enough they started mailing anthrax to people...BUT SUPRISE the anthrax is highly traceable and is confirmed to of come from an american bio-weapons lab and at the point the story was drop in favor of Brittney Spears' latest mental break down and MikeyOs trial. More time passes and the media says Saddam Hussane help plan 911 so we gotta go kill him too even though we are not done fighting in iraq..because we all now Sadam has nukes and is Usmas best friend. So we invade and conquer iraq set up for a perfect flank of Iran. But things like this take time and the "Leader" Needs to remain in office so osama makes a nice electoral video encourageing people to vote for the other skull and bones candidate John Kerry...natural 90% of the voteing sheep vote Bush. 6 years later we still can't find Osama despite pakistani and egyption news medias reporting is obituaries from kidney failure.

And here we are. On the precipice of destruction, chomping at the bit to invade Iran because we AGAIN KNOW they are makeing nukes just like WE KNEW Iraq had nukes. AND WHY? Because big money bought out government long long ago and has been in charge ever since and big money gives a flip about you me or the children no big money cares about MONEY! And thier is alot of money to capitolize on for the oilmen currently in office by controling the worlds richest supply of accessible oil in the middle east. ESPECIALY if they can sell to china. 1 billion people that want cars and all they need is premission from the government to buy them. But that isn't gonna happen till this conflict is settled.

AND ALL THIS BS IS BASED OF THE BS OF 911 WHICH HAS MORE HOLES IN THE OFFICAL STORY THAN A BLOCK OF SWISS CHEESE! And these "debunkers" They "Debunk" For fun. This is a past time to them. ME? I'm Pissed. I want justice. I can't even get osama bin laden fake justice let alone the real thing. So I am gonna talk about the things that don't add up. I am gonna argue the facts I know to be true against the facts I know to be false. I am gonna tell the un-informed and the shill alike that YES 911 was an inside job. I will not turn off my rational mind to wtc7. I will not imagine that nothing fishy happened at the pentagon. I will not forget that when the cellphone system of 911 got cloged with everyone calling everybody yet somehow MAGICALY every 911 victim could use thier phones in the planes to be replayed on the news to make you sympatize and turn off your rational mind.

I will not stop till the truth is known and the war is won.
Your Tooting your own horn Rainman taking time to gloat and insult rather then just debate the subject. Your no longer acting gentelman but as an adolesent.

You are ignoring who it was (YOU!) who decided to stop acting nicely, and instead started making snide remarks and accusations against not only myself, but a member of my family who is not here to defend himself. I was acting like a perfect gentleman until you elected to ratchet-up the rhetoric again. You see, I don't sit back and take that kind of stuff. I fire back.

If your going to limit yourself to oly addressing airplane accident related question WTC7 still counts because two planes crashed in that area.

It counts only in your mind. And I have exhibited just how poor your investigative skills are due to all the bad assumptions you make as a means to scream "inconsistency". In reality, NONE of the things you have asked me to address have ANY inconsistencies. Not one. Instead, you remain steadfastedly attached to YOUR BELIEFS about how certain events happened which are shown in photos. Forget the fact you cannot provide evidence for why a reasonable person should believe what you insist is an inconsistency. Evidence doesn't seem to matter to you... only what YOU BELIEVE the truth to be is all that matters to you.

Also I release from any promises. You don't have to doing anything your tired of or uncomfortable doing for my sake.

The only thing I am tired of is your attitude, and I am not uncomfortable about anything. I asked you a question about your belief that the grass HAD to be scorched. This is your last chance out of it, so I suggest you give me an answer. You can back out and I won't say anything. But if you really want me to show you why it is a bad assumption, I would be more than happy to put this last nail in the coffin of all your alleged "inconsistencies" about the Pentagon airplane attack.

Re: Right here

ONE more thing! I am in the majority! Disinformationalists that like to grasp at straws to explain away the truth for support of the government authorized version of the 911 events are in the minority.

Over 80,000 votes. Cast yours NOW!


Do you believe any of the conspiracy theories suggesting the U.S. government was somehow involved in 9/11? * 80541 responses

Yes. The government has left many questions unanswered about that day.

No. These theories are absurd and disrespectful -- especially to those who lost their lives on 9/11.

I'm not sure.
Re: 911 was an inside job

and leading onto the comeing war in Iran. WHY DO WE NEED TO INVADE IRAN!?! WE DON'T! But we will...probably based off another false flag terrorist attack prepatrated by the same war criminals in office now.

And here we see titorite tipping his hand. It wasn't very long ago we had a "time traveler" here on this site who was telling us about how "the invasion of Iran is starting". Let's see...in fact, I believe there were a COUPLE fly-by-night posters who had to continually beat this drum. One was "Falzon", who I remember quite well. He sure did vanish (a disinfo tactic) as soon as his predictions of an Iran invasion (and "false flag" operation) did NOT come to pass last October (IIRC).

So what we have here is a CONSISTENCY... between Falzon (and other past-posters) and our new friend titorite. I'm calling Darby in on this one again. What do your forensic talents tell you Darby? Is titorite just a reincarnation of past (now vanished) posters singing the exact same song as above?

Re: Right here

ONE more thing! I am in the majority! Disinformationalists that like to grasp at straws to explain away the truth for support of the government authorized version of the 911 events are in the minority.

Over 80,000 votes. Cast yours NOW!


And right after you cast your vote there is a neat little disclaimer on this "survey"...

"Not a scientific survey. "

What that means is that there is no way they can assure "one person, one vote". So what we end up having here is all the conspiracy theorist crackpots, who have all sorts of time to spread their vile theories online, are all voting their little hearts out on this survey...over and over and over again.

911 was an inside job

RMT you have resorted to name calling and libel. I really have lost interest in what you have to say because while I have made a consistint effort to maintain civility with you, you have made no such efforts of reciporcation.

This is your last chance to back out and tell me you don't want me to address this. That way you can still maintain your belief that the grass HAD to be scorched by the fireball, and I will not have to prove you wrong in front of all these other readers. Please answer the above question, and if you still want me to address it, get ready.

What the heck is that a threat? Your threatening me AGAIN!? My last chance? The only reason a person resorts to name calling and libel/slander in an argument is because they have run out of rational ideas and must rely on the base idioms to express themselves in the hopes of wearing down an oppenent... Many pages ago I asked if you would rather make a friend or defeat an enemy. I even droped this subject for a bit and extended a hand of friendship to you, which you have figurativly slaped.

Show me your argument or don't I care little now as you have degenerated in respectiblity.
Reguardless I will refute what I see as inconsistent. And for the record 5 seconds was generous. To blacken a knife it only takes 2 to 1 seconds depending on what part of the flame you apply to the knife or wood or anything! The black left behind, thats carbon sticking to the object the fire was applied too.
Re: 911 was an inside job

What ever RMT. YOUR now addressing something that was not addressed to you... You can't even comprehend the context of those words....But if need be You bet Darby WILL vouch for my identity along with a few other poster of this site. If need be I'll ask Oliver Williams and Karl Simonook to verify me. I'm not some time travel wanna be. I'm the real deal in the cyber flesh watching you threaten to argue but not doing it and when you do its not about the subject but some distractionary point to draw everyones attention AWAY FROM THE SUBJECT!

YOu have also become quite hostile and uncivil.

Let the John Titor be your guide to online manners.
Re: Right here

You know you said you can vote more than once just a little to hasty. You made a bad assumption. Go ahead. Try to vote twice. See what doesn't happen.
Re: 911 was an inside job

And for the record 5 seconds was generous. To blacken a knife it only takes 2 to 1 seconds depending on what part of the flame you apply to the knife or wood or anything! The black left behind, thats carbon sticking to the object the fire was applied too.

And yet you STILL cannot bear to address, or even ACKNOWLEDGE the FACT that there is evidence of parts flying OUTSIDE the fireball. Why don't you just give up on this one? I have shown you the evidence of this...you just wish to ignore it. And you know what you always say, don't you?

"Even if you ignore the facts it doesn't change the truth. "

But still, now that you have basically admitted that the flameball could not have lasted more than 2 to 1 seconds, I think it is now patently ridiculous that you would make the following suggestion as an "experiment" to show why the grass should be scorched:

Instead of useing a lighter direct appllied to the grass a better experiment would be to take a can of hairspray and a lighter and burn a patch of grass.. The grass should turn brown it may not catch but apply the hairspary flame "close" for 6 seconds and see if the grass turns brown with in a few hours.

Lovely. Folks: See how he squirms and changes his mind...but can't quite come to admit that there does not HAVE to be scorching on that grass? So right here he is trying to say it is a "valid comparision" to squirt a flamed aerosol at the grass for SIX WHOLE SECONDS, even though above he admits the flameball could not last but "2 to 1" seconds! Allow me to also point out another fallacy for why his "experiment" is disingenuous to the actual fireball: If you are setting fire to an aerosol stream (for SIX seconds, no less!) that is a continuous source of constant pressure that is feeding that fire. Now a flame front in a "BLEVE" explosion (look up the acronym on Wikipedia) does NOT behave like an essentially constant pressure source aerosol flame front. Can anyone guess why? That's right. The BLEVE flame front only has an initial pressure wave that moves outward and that central pressure source DISSIPATES over time... whereas the controlled release of the aerosol can maintains a CONSTANT pressure of the flow. Two completely different forms of pressure phenomenon. So let's recount:

1) SIX seconds for an experiment does NOT match the "2 to 1 second" fireball that actually occurred at the Pentagon.
2) A pressurized can of aerosol constantly feeding a flame (for SIX seconds!) does NOT match the fireball pressure conditions at the Pentagon.

But now look how after all this screaming and shouting and making fun of the fact that "This fireball did not burn the grass. AMAZING! I wanna use thier fertilizer."... now we see the great titorite squirming yet again, and hedging on what he claims, and NOW he seems to be almost admitting that the grass did NOT have to be scorched... only "browned"...and he also seems to be admitting that it did NOT have to happen immediately, but perhaps over a "couple hours". Look again, right here are his own words!!

grass should turn brown it may not catch but apply the hairspary flame "close" for 6 seconds and see if the grass turns brown with in a few hours.

Pay close attention to these words that titorite himself admits! Because as should be obvious, I have now begun my assault on titorite's "last big hope" for showing some sort of "inconsistency" in the Pentagon photos. This ride is just about over, folks. I know some of you have enjoyed (especially some lurkers who have PM'ed me) watching me tear apart his weak arguments and bad assumptions. But we are finally reaching the endgame with titorite's poor approach to investigation.

And you watch.... as I finish my debunking of this last fallacy, you will see him ignore the salient points I make (Just like he is ignoring the FACT that airplane parts were thrown completely clear of the fireball, hence logically they do not need to be sooted). I wonder how he will ignore the facts he has now admitted: The fireball only lasted "2 to 1 seconds", and I wonder how he is going to deny that the grass did NOT have to be scorched black, but that it could actually "turns brown within a few hours."

I think I know how he will deal with it. He will resort to his good old, disinfo tactic "#11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions." He can't make anything else stick, so this is his only fall-back position... "but what about WTC7". He will have no more ammunition to "prove a conspiracy" at the Pentagon...so he will have to retreat to his "safe harbor" of WTC7.

So now let me complete this reply, before I continue on with my debunking of titorite's last great hope for "inconsistencies" in Pentagon photos with a point:

Because titorite has now admitted, via his "experiment", that the grass at the Pentagon did NOT have to be charred black, only turn brown after a couple hours... all I now have to do is show some photos of the Pentagon lawn after the attack where the grass was browned!

Of course, he will try to backpedal, and act in a dishonorable manner, and claim that no, it is still inconsistent if there are no black, charred grass. But I will even go further than showing you browned grass. I will provide you CLEAR evidence from not just an experiment, but a real situation, that will show why the grass does NOT have to be charred.

I hope you are all ready to see how this final push plays out. It should be enjoyable to some. Let's just call this my last, "colorful" proof that titorite's "inconsistencies" are just a whole bunch of bull dookie!

Re: Right here

I'm sure some families will not appreciate non-scientific polls being used as proof that most people think the government was involved. I'm also sure they will not appreciate the implication that it's disrespectful to listen only to the experts who did the actual investigation.
Re: 911 was an inside job

its not about the subject but some distractionary point to draw everyones attention AWAY FROM THE SUBJECT!

OK, let me stay on subject then....the subject being the "Penta-grass" that we are now fully engaged in addressing titorite's bad assumption. Looky here! Look what I have found! Check out these photos of the Penta-lawn:


You see, the photo that titorite loves to use with the "golfers welcome" has a problem... it has firefighters spraying a "curtain" of foam in the area...so you cannot really see if the grass is browned in the area behind where the firefighters are spraying. As you can see in the photo above, there actually IS EVIDENCE OF BROWNED GRASS! Imagine that! But wait! There's more!


And now look at the browned grass on the left side of this photo...interestingly enough, look how it is RIGHT IN FRONT of the zone where the aircraft hit the Pentagon!! AMAZING!


But now, if you look a page or two back in this thread, you will see how titorite ignored my explanation for how a flameball dynamics progress. He continues to ignore it. I had explained that, just like a hot air balloon where the hot air is lighter than the air around it, a flameball moves UPWARD as well as outward, we can also see evidence that proves this is true. Not only the video evidence which shows that the flame ball grows UPWARD even after it has moved to its outermost extent. But now we have evidence that the intensity of the heat and flame is ALSO more concentrated the higher you get above the ground. Look at how singed and burned this tree is:


And now let's good a closeup look at this tree, for it will give even more evidence that what I am telling you about fireball dynamics are TRUE!


So this supports my argument that the intensity of the flame front along the ground is NOT as intense as it is above the ground, and it is CERTAINLY not as intense as a flamed aerosol stream operating for SIX SECONDS "close to the ground".

The game is just about up, titorite...I wonder how you will ignore these facts I have provided.

Re: Right here

You know you said you can vote more than once just a little to hasty. You made a bad assumption. Go ahead. Try to vote twice. See what doesn't happen.

A few ways:

1. Delete the cookie they send you when you vote
2. Block cookies from that site
3. Turn off cookies all together
4. Use another browser (firefox, opera) on the same computer
5. Use another computer in your house
6. Visit your neighbor and use his computer
7. Use a web anonymizer that changes your IP each request
8. Use a zombie network of 1000 machines to all vote the same way (this one is hard, you have to be a hacker to have one of these)

And then there is the fact that you are only asking on the internet and as such, are getting the opinion only of people who are on the internet.

Since we don't know who refered people to the vote, we don't know if it was posted to 10,000 conspiracy sites and only 1000 non-conspiracy sites.

No survey or vote over a network can be valid without first distributing unique keys per ballot on a different medium than the one holding the vote or survey. Bogz'z principle, copyright 2007.
Re: 911 was an inside job

Oh I am just getting "warmed up"... pardon the pun! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Check out this brief video... seems a bit like what titorite was saying. And of course, now that he has backed-down and said the grass ONLY needs to be "brown" and after "a couple hours", he will claim this video is somehow not valid. But is is at least interesting to see the PROOF that the grass would not be scorched black!


Oh yes... there is more!!!

Re: Right here

You made a bad assumption.

Wrong again... I checked it out before I said what I said, and saw what you are referring to. But as bogz pointed out, there are any number of ways to "stack the deck" in that non-scientific survey. Bogz covered them all, but I was just going to give a real simple answer:

Go to a public library. Logon to each machine that is there (different IP addresses) and vote from each machine. Repeat at other libraries. So you see, you can't even make the "bad assumption" charge stick on me. (BTW, did you happen to read the scientifically-conducted poll covering these topics that the article you referred to provided a link to? If you look at this scientific poll I think you will find yourself in the minority, esp. when it comes to your belief that a 757 did not hit the Pentagon!) :eek: Foiled again, titorite! Confirmational bias at its worst! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

Hmmm.... no response from titorite to my posts on the Penta-lawn... must be that classic disinfo tactic of "vanishing" he is pulling again.

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