I know what happens in 2012.

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Now let us deal with this bad assumption of yours:


Lets criticaly examin this photo. The peice of wreckage you see must of landed in the spot and the plane exploded right?

Despite its twisted form there is no scorching, no sign of any soot, nothing at all to suggest it had been at the epicenter of a giant fireball(aside from its twisted form).

Allow me to first point out that you are NOT asking a question here. You are making a statement. So your previous argument (your fallback position) that you are "just asking questions" and not stating what you think should be true, has fallen apart. Here you are certainly implying that you think there should be soot or some evidence of being in a fireball. You appear to not even consider that these parts could have been thrown BEYOND the expanding fireball... hence since they were never IN the fireball they would never have a chance to be "sooted". I will now show why your assumption is bad.

First I am going to show you another angle of the Phantom F-4 video where it hit the block wall.


I would like you to pay close attention to the parts of the airplane flying away from the impact point. You can clearly see plenty of parts flying forward, but you can even see evidence of parts flying backwards from the point of impact. Here I have taken a piece of one frame and highlighted both forward-flying and backward-flying parts:

When you watch the video in realtime, you will also notice that these parts are ejected so quickly that they are OUTSIDE the smoke/dust plume created by the impact. So these parts are flying away from the point of impact with great velocity. Greater velocity than with which the smoke/dust plume is forming.

But I will even go one better, just to prove (once and for all) that your assumption that these airplane parts should be sooted is flawed. We can even look at the actual Pentagon video and see the exact same effect of flying parts that you observe in the F-4 video above. First, I want you to watch the video and pay close attention to the 2 frames right after the "light" of the impact fireball begins.


Much as I did with the F-4 video above, I have also taken one of the frames right after impact, while the fireball is still expanding, and marked what are clearly parts that are flying away from the point of impact outside the flamefront of the fireball


Please note and admit that there are several parts that are flying away from the point of impact that are OUTSIDE the flame front! Again, this is another question of your honor. I have now disproven your flawed assumption, and we now have direct physical evidence for why it is not good to assume that parts of the airplane have to show signs of soot or scorching.

You may not accept this, but once again I assure you there are readers following this thread who see exactly the point I am making about your flawed assumptions (and in this case we should also note it was NOT a question.... titorite was clearly trying to "change people's minds" based on a FALSE assumption about what should be). We now see there is absolutely NOTHING inconsistent about airplane parts out of the Pentagon lawn not showing soot or scorch marks.

Your credibility as an accident investigator is waning fast, titorite. As I mentioned to you earlier on, I have easily identitied (and can provide evidence) for why your assumptions ("questions") are invalid. I have now shown you several of them. But there are more. And if you wish to continue I assure you the outlook for your credibility will become even bleaker.

But you go ahead and believe what you wish. It is merely a case of titorite ignoring the facts, and we all know that this does not change the truth.

"First I am going to show you another angle of the Phantom F-4 video where it hit the block wall.


I would like you to pay close attention to the parts of the airplane flying away from the impact point. You can clearly see plenty of parts flying forward, but you can even see evidence of parts flying backwards from the point of impact. Here I have taken a piece of one frame and highlighted both forward-flying and backward-flying parts: (photo)

Ahh - so there was (a) photo(s) beyond the films ending. Cool find RMT.


Just got back from looking at the gov footage of the F-4 and then comparing it with the youtube vid. The photo you capped and posted - is exactly what I was hoping we'd see. Even if it was done on a smaller scale with a plane that is built to higher tolerance than a commercial jet airliner, the proximate results are consistent with everything you explained on this particular aspect. I'm willing to bet if they'd of sifted that dirt pile they'd of found some wreckage in small chunks.

Re: Right here

Lets clear some more things up, a strawman attack is when a person focuses on the weakest part of an opponets argument and overemphasises its importance.

Wrong again! And this time I will use one of your own "favorite sources" to impeach you:


The VERY FIRST LINE of this entry in Wikipedia makes it clear:

A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.

In the statement you concocted you were misrepresenting my position. Here is what you wrote:

This lamp past was knocked down at 500+ miles an hour into a car in motion and you believe it is perfectly normal and consistent that only the windshield was damaged? Am I understanding you correctly?

The bold parts clearly show you are setting up a strawman...i.e. you are trying to attribute this statment as being my understanding, when it is not. BTW, I asked you for clear answers to two questions in that post. You have not answered them. Please do so. Meanwhile, here are a few more quotes from the Wikipedia entry on strawman. You really should read-up on this before you try to prove me wrong.

To "set up a straw man" or "set up a straw man argument" is to create a position that is easy to refute, then attribute that position to the opponent.

One can set up a straw man in the following ways:

1. Present a misrepresentation of the opponent's position, refute it, and pretend that the opponent's actual position has been refuted.

The good thing is, I called you on your attempted strawman before you could ever get to the point of refuting it. Please stop these games, titorite, and just admit that I am completely refuting your idea that these photos have "inconsistencies". It is not looking good for you.

Just got back from looking at the gov footage of the F-4 and then comparing it with the youtube vid. The photo you capped and posted - is exactly what I was hoping we'd see. Even if it was done on a smaller scale with a plane that is built to higher tolerance than a commercial jet airliner, the proximate results are consistent with everything you explained on this particular aspect. I'm willing to bet if they'd of sifted that dirt pile they'd of found some wreckage in small chunks.

Thank you, JL. It is my hope that from items like this folks around here can understand that I *am* a professional in these matters, and that they should at least consider that I might know a bit more about these things than "amateur investigators". The points I am highlighting with respect to titorite's approach to investigation are important ones. Flawed assumptions quite often lead to flawed conclusions. And worse than that, when you approach an investigation with a theory that you belive to be the right one (rather than simply allowing the evidence to SHOW it is the right one), you will only search for evidence that backs your belief, and you will tend to ignore that evidence which does not match your belief. Again, we call this confirmational bias, and it leads to bad conclusions... and I certainly would hope critical thinkers would not allow their minds to be changed by such poor assumptions and poor investigative technique.

Re: Right here

You are trying to use strawman tactics on me as you say I am doing it to you.

create a position that is easy to refute, then attribute that position to the opponent

YOU are createing a postion that I use the tactic of "strawmaning", refuteing it and saying I do it.


Before I shared the large photo with you, you circled a portion from the small photo and asked me how I could be so certian that it was not dented and then insisted I could not be certian. After I shared the large photo with proveing that thier were no dents your argument changes and you start saying "Oh well maybe a peice of the light pole broke the window" So what happened to me being incapable of know that thier were no dents?

You like wiki too obviously heres something else from them. ITS WHERE THEY GOT THE PHOTO FROM.

Lloyd England's taxicab hit by a lightpole as American Airlines Flight 77 passed low over Washington Boulevard and crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11/2001. Source: http://www.defenselink.mil/multimedia/ DefenseLink

Oh gee we got the dept of defens saying THE POLE not a peice THE POLE hit the car... not the fixture by the right hand corner of the car not the peice in the backround or forgraound but THE POLE.

And you still aint touched the penta-lawn or wtc7.

I'll go look for those question you say I didn't answer while you think of some more ways to defend the erroneous.
Re: Right here

Do you not agree that it is possible that it could have NOT been the post itself that you see in the photo that hit the windshield, but rather some other large piece of the light pole?

Yes I not agree.

Did I not just explain to you above that YOU cannot assume the car was in motion because you have NO evidence to show it was?

Not with any conviction. What, do you want me to believe the car was stuck in rush hour in a in a in a sideways position? Come on dude get real.

I think we are going to have to agree to disagree about this.


How about that Penta-lawn and WTC7?
Something else I've noticed...Indy is takeing sometime off from this thread..Classic disinfo vanishing act. I imagine he'll return when/if we start talking about WTC7.
Something else I've noticed...Indy is takeing sometime off from this thread..Classic disinfo vanishing act. I imagine he'll return when/if we start talking about WTC7.

Listen jerkoff (remember, it was you who decided to ratchet-up the rhetoric again, once I continued to show your assumptions are bad):

It happens to be a holiday weekend. I happen to know he and his wife are out of town for this weekend. How about you stop with your incessant (bad) assumptions ("disinfo vanishing act") and start respecting the people you debate?

You see you are losing ground, and so you must inject your emotional arguments about why a person who is not here to defend himself is not replying to you. Questioning his motives, yes?

Like I have said, I am almost done with you. And since you have decided to resurrect your snide remarks, why would I wish to "help you" with the g-level calculations of the airplane that prove it did not pull 5 g's? I've given you enough evidence to show it is BS... but somehow I am sure you will try to paint me as "vanishing" from that argument, and you will ASSUME (another bad assumption) that I cannot prove those g-levels with calculations.... if that is what you will do, then just try me...

I think Indazona was right in some of his own emotional arguments. You do need to grow up.
Re: Right here


yes, i believe its very logical. and i will tell you why. in my younger days, i had quite a few times where i got mad while in my vehicle, and i would hit the windshield and break it. i would always shatter it, but i never punched a hole through it, or even made a dent to it. in other words, that glass is purdy durned strong.

now, the lamp post really is not that heavy. maybe 700lbs at the most. it was also bolted to the ground when the plane hit it. you ever think that maybe the plane hit it, bent it, and after a second, the pole came crashing down and there were people stopped in the road by that time? im not saying that is what happened, but that was the first thing i thought when i looked at it.

"And you still aint touched the penta-lawn or wtc7."

umm, what pictures are you looking at? you dont see the big truck on fire?
how do you get the idea that none of the grass was burnt, when theres fallen building on the area that wouldve been burnt? and how do you get this big theory of what happened from this one piece of evidence? because this is really the only evidence ive seen, and i really dont see anything fishy with the picture. i mean, theres a big flaming truck n all...

listen titorite, i know when someones full of it, and rmt is not. if he saw anything suspicious, he would say he did. your not full of it either, your just being hard headed. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Jerk off? Listin to you. Your a role model of civility. You still haven't touched the Penta-lawn or wtc7. Why is that? I know I know, some facts about 911 just can't explained away with maybes and possiblies? Some things don't add up. .......Which is possibly maybe could be why you won't address them.

Ganging like you do, thats a dis-info tactic. Name calling. Yeah dis-informationlist. Your misguided attempts to apply the tactics of disinformation against me is just another one of your tactics to avoid engageing in debate and an attempt to distract myself and others off the topic. If your not capable of good clean discourse then DON'T REPLY. Just drop it if you can't stand it.


If you can calmly ,logicly, maturely, debate your side then feel free to jump back into the thick of it. You already shown me why turboprops couldn,t burn the grass ("not even if they were two inchs off the ground" I believe were your words) so why not tell me and the other readers why a big ball of fire could not burn the grass?
go out in your yard and pick up some grass. now try to light it up with your lighter. notice it aint burning even if you leave the lighter on it for a while? interesting....
Re: Right here

Ruthless that fireball extended well beyond that truck...you can reference that from other photos of the security buildings around the pentagon. A white hot fireball is around 2000 F extending out along the ground about 25 to 30 yards from the pentagon wall.

Why is the grass not shriveled crispy black?

and like I said in another post...take your kitchen knife. put it to a lighter. It will blacken in 5 seconds or less. It will blacken because of the carbon the fire left behind. TRY IT! You will see I am right. Then you can ponder some of the comments made by Myself and RMT reguarding shiney polished wreckage and green green grass.
Re: Right here

Woah, calm down people. If you want your arguments critically assessed I can certainly do it for you, given that Critical Thinking was a subject area I excelled in. If you're going to use logical fallacies, I would suggest expanding your arsenal. A little clarification...

A Straw Man attack - Fairly easy to figure. Instead of the actual argument (or 'man'), a weaker argument is presented (a 'straw man' - something that can't fight back).

For example, if we had an argument about who is stronger, and the person went "I can beat a man in a one to one fight", and I said "You said you can beat a straw man in a fight..." that would be a straw man attack. Other examples include "You didn't state this", "You didn't present this" "If you had said that" etc etc, suggesting the argument lacks such features, when this may not be true.

As for expansion of Arsenal, try the various 'Appeals to...' and 'Ad Hominem' (Against the Man). Be mindful though, as Ad Hominem and the neccessary credibility of the arguer in regards to bias can overlap.

Appeal to Common Practices -
Arguer tries to persaude the listener to accept his or her argument on the basis of how many people have done/not done (etc) something. This is flawed because how many people do something does not make it right. For example, if 80% of the population in the UK lept off a cliff just now doesn't make it the right thing to do. If 80% of the people in America own a gun, it still doesn't make it the right thing to do.

Appeal to Emotion
Arguer tries to persaude the listener to accept his or her argument based on emotion. An example of this would be charities - "The children need computers... do the right thing, sponser a child today." - The problem with this is, they don't supply a real argument as to why you should give the money - you have to make the assumption the money will go to the children, which will enable them to get a computer. The other assumption is what they are saying is true (they need a computer - rather than want it).

Ad Hominem (against the man) is a favourite, since it tends to be the most overused in discussions. This is where the arguer attacks the counter-arguer rather than the counter-argument.
For example "What you say is just not true because you're an idiot". So if an idiot said the sky was blue, what he is saying is not true because he's an idiot? Of course, there's the underlying flaw of what's been said cannot be proven (can you prove all idiots get everything wrong always).

There is plenty more for the Critical Thinking catagory, but I don't want to bore anyone to death. Hope it helps!
Re: Right here

Heres a new twist: What if 9/11 happened played out exactly the way the gov't says it did - but its the various governmental depts involved (CIA/FAA/FBI/NORAD/NIST/DOD/NSA/?) whose created this atmosphere of distrust. The most glareing example of which, is the Bush Administrations refusal to cooperate with the congressional 9/11 investigative commitee. Cheney and Co can't hide behind the "it will jeopardize the ongoing investigation to release classified information" malarkey, or involking the rarely used, "states secrets doctrine" to nullify the finding of non-compliance or congressional contempt. If Congress ever needed grounds to impeach these mofos it would be in the abuses of executive powers, thinly disguised as Executive Orders: most notably the Patriot Act.

We all know Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld gave their statements before the committee, behind closed doors on conditions the senators wouldn't take notes, have no stenograper, that they wouldn't be filmed, and that they wouldn't be sworn in. Thats become a common theme whenever the fire has been lit under the asses of the people in The White Outhouse. This administration is more corrupted than my desktop harddrive which died this morning with a bang. (I'm on my laptop)
Hi ruthless,

go out in your yard and pick up some grass. now try to light it up with your lighter. notice it aint burning even if you leave the lighter on it for a while? interesting....

Yes, indeed. What is even more interesting is how old titorite ignored this point you made. He still hasn't touched it, has he? He also still hasn't touched my earlier point that clearly shows airplane parts being thrown away from the building OUTSIDE the fireball... To paraphrase titorite as of late:

"Why is that? I know I know, some conspiracy theories about 911 just can't explained away with the brand of 'inconsistencies' when you have raw evidence that disputes there are any 'inconsistencies'!!"

Look at how titorite conveniently ignores these proofs I have given him. King titorite is naked, folks, and he doesn't want to address the hard points, does he?

Hey ruthless... have you seen titorite provide any scientific evidence (such as a flamefront thermodynamic analysis) that would PROVE that the grass had to be scorched? I sure haven't seen any. You see, he hammers this point home, continually asking "Why is the grass not shriveled crispy black?" because he is making the bad assumption that it SHOULD BE shriveled crispy black.

It is certainly a bad assumption, especially when faced with experimental evidence such as you have put before him, ruthless. I wonder why he is not refuting it????? Good work, by the way, ruthless.

Re: Right here

AD hominem thats one I was forgeting. This constant "assumption" thing is ridiculas. And this "your loseing ground" stuff is also less than mature. RMT and Indy seem to channel thier inner junoir high school student when discussing this thing. One would think college educated older gentlemen could examine the doubts of mine (and many) without getting overly emotional.
Re: Right here

If you want your arguments critically assessed I can certainly do it for you, given that Critical Thinking was a subject area I excelled in.

Considering you appear to have ignored the effects of gravity in one piece of your "critical thinking" I find that a bit hard to believe.

Would you like me to enlighten you where you forgot about gravity, and how it would obviously change the result of your analysis? I'd be more than happy to.

A Straw Man attack - Fairly easy to figure. Instead of the actual argument (or 'man'), a weaker argument is presented (a 'straw man' - something that can't fight back).

So are you making up your own definitions now? Because you clearly forgot the part that Wikipedia explains which is where the person constructing the strawman tries to infer that the person he is debating with accepts the strawman. Here is another reference that shows this is part of the strawman tactic (which is precisely what titorite tried to accomplish):


A made-up version of an opponent’s argument that can easily be defeated. To accuse people of attacking a straw man is to suggest that they are avoiding worthier opponents and more valid criticisms of their own position: “His speech had emotional appeal, but it wasn’t really convincing because he attacked a straw man rather than addressing the real issues.”

If you go back and look at the statement titorite was trying to pin on me, you will see that he was making it up, and then inferring it was what I believed (i.e. he was inferring I believed the taxi was in motion). And we also see titorite is not addressing the real issues I am making about his investigative protocol. Notice how he cannot refute that his approach is not the accepted approach to establishing facts in an accident?

Yes, indeed. What is even more interesting is how old titorite ignored this point you made. He still hasn't touched it, has he? He also still hasn't touched my earlier point that clearly shows airplane parts being thrown away from the building OUTSIDE the fireball... To paraphrase titorite as of late:

"Why is that? I know I know, some conspiracy theories about 911 just can't explained away with the brand of 'inconsistencies' when you have raw evidence that disputes there are any 'inconsistencies'!!"

Look at how titorite conveniently ignores these proofs I have given him. King titorite is naked, folks, and he doesn't want to address the hard points, does he?

Hey ruthless... have you seen titorite provide any scientific evidence (such as a flamefront thermodynamic analysis) that would PROVE that the grass had to be scorched? I sure haven't seen any. You see, he hammers this point home, continually asking "Why is the grass not shriveled crispy black?" because he is making the bad assumption that it SHOULD BE shriveled crispy black.

It is certainly a bad assumption, especially when faced with experimental evidence such as you have put before him, ruthless. I wonder why he is not refuting it????? Good work, by the way, ruthless.


WOW!...I mean WOW!!!..Your sinking to new lows RMT. Your leaveing the land of debate and entering the realm of bashing and berating reserved for smaller minds and school yard bullies.

As for the comments of ruthless...we actully had good syncronicity and posted at about the same time. The idea of crispy black is an exageration but the fireball in the photo is a far cry hoter than a lighter aswell as a much wider conering a much wider range of area... I would realisticly expect singening and a browning of the grass within a few hours.

Instead of useing a lighter direct appllied to the grass a better experiment would be to take a can of hairspray and a lighter and burn a patch of grass.. The grass should turn brown it may not catch but apply the hairspary flame "close" for 6 seconds and see if the grass turns brown with in a few hours.

Stop telling me to grow up RMT, I think the remark is makeing you act younger in a negative manner.
You still haven't touched the Penta-lawn or wtc7.

I promised you I would address your few points about the Pentagon. I would like you to go back and show where in that promise I said anything about WTC7. I didn't. I am not a structural engineer. I am an aircraft engineer and aircraft accident investigator.

What we see here is titorite changing the rules (and the subject). Now that I have shot down the majority of his "inconsistencies" and shown there are no inconsistencies, he continues to give me problems to solve (because he cannot solve them). Indeed, I have just about abolished ALL of titorite's claimed "inconsistencies" about the Pentagon attack. That means he has no more legs to stand on with the Pentagon issue, so he has to use disinfo tactic <font color="red"> "#17. Change the subject." [/COLOR] See, he has to change the subject AWAY from the Pentagon because he sees his arguments are falling apart. Poor titorite! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/cry.gif

And he accuses me of acting like I am in junior high... it is to laugh. So titorite, how about those pieces of airplane flying away OUTSIDE the fireball? Guess that throws water on your assertion that the pics of the airplane parts "should of" had soot on them doesn't it? It must be, because I still don't see you providing any relevant analysis to support why they should have soot on them.

And then there is the issue of the possibility that a piece of the lightpole crashed through the taxi window... and my marked-up photo showing the angle of the passenger seat, and how it could not just be reclined, because it is at an off-angle to the driver's seat. Can't touch that one either, can you?

Honestly, do you REALLY want me to address the "unscorched" lawn, titorite? (Please answer this question) Do you really think you can withstand what I am going to present on that one? Perhaps you should do the experiment that rutheless suggested where you try to burn grass before you answer this. I will even allow you to do that and then come back and answer the question I just put in bold. Because that will give you a chance to avoid being shamed for your (yet again) bad assumption.

Don't you think you already look foolish enough for those assumptions you have made that I have already proven are invalid? You want to look even more foolish? I can do that, if you like.

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