Re: 911 was an inside job
Apparently, slow intelligence reports - so lemme get this right, the intelligence reports are slow, but the warnings are good, despite being based upon the intelligence reports... Burh.
It's pretty easy to look at the details of the event in hind sight. You now know, after the fact, both what happened and at least some of the details of the intelligence that was available. That's the easy part. The hard part is receiving intelligence reports from stations worldwide in the months and days before the incident, prioritizing them, evaluating the source of each item for reliability, evaluating each intelligence item, providing a threat analysis for each item, forwarding what you determine to be actionable threats to the proper agency and hoping that you got it right. The CIA might have 100 or more "terrorist" items come across the wire each day. The FBI and DHS get an equal number of terrorist threat reports each day. That's a lot of information to digest and they don't always get it right. And at the time leading up to 9-11 it was a federal crime for a federal intelligence agency to share intelligence with state or municipal government agencies. It had been that way since ~1978 thanks to the US Congress.
I think that a big part ofthe problem that conspiracy theorists have is two fold. The first problem is the one that I alluded to earlier today in another post. They lack any experience in the area about which they are opining. They've never actually worked in an intelligence agency thus they don't really have a good idea about what intelligence agencies do or what their actual capabilities are. The second problem relates to the first issue. The only "experience" that they have is from watching Hollywood versions of Spy vs. Spy, from spy novels and far too many Internet versions of the same. They've bought into the theory that all USMC colonels are rogue criminals and all spooks are psychopathic killers who were somehow recruited from mental institutions. My friend, that is a load of, in a word, crap. Admittedly, in movies and novels it makes for good entertainmment but it doesn't reflect the real world.
As I look at the multitude of conspiracy theories about 9-11 put forward by people who are sifting the minutia I'm struck with the fact that by sifting with a magnifying glass they miss out on the big picture...probably because they don't want to see the big picture.
Here'sthe big picture. The President and Vice President are not special operators. If you buy into the idea that they were somehow behind a grand conspiracy to murder over 3,000 people you can't conclude they personally set bombs, hired Kamakazi pilots, bought off entire corps of police officers and fire fighters, taxi cab drivers, city mayors, etc. Someone had to do that for them. And that's a lot of people to recruit, convince to commit mass murder, participate in a grand cover-up...and to remain absolutely silent on the subject. The President, Vice President and their lead special operator would have to have bet their lives on the silence of all of those people.
The problem is that in today's Washington, DC a "secret" is only a secret until two people know the secret. By sun-up the next day the secret is on the front page of the Washington Post.
I personally don't bite on Internet conspiracy theories, not because conspiracies don't exist, but because virtually every conspiracy theory that I've ever seem on the Internet is put forth by people who appear to be hysterical fanatics. They scream in ALL CAPS to get their points across, they accuse anyone who doubts their assessment of being "disinformation agents", they validate their theory by referencing the thoughts of other conspiracy theorists (who may or may not be sockpuppets), they run with illogical conclusions based on data that by their own written words it is obvious that they don't understand and they obsess over the minutia.
And there's a conspiracy theory for just about everything that happens in Washington. I can almost guarantee you that when the next public official dies there will be a conspiracy theory within hours of the first report...and hundreds of people will accept thetheory as valid...s/he was murdered by the MIB's because (fill in the theory here).
If there is a conspiracy there has to be conspirators. And for someone to buy into being a participant in the mass murder of several thousand people there has to be a reason. Dozens if not hundreds of people have to be recruited to pull off this particular conspiracy. They all have to be committed to silence. They all have to remain silent. I've yet to see a single conspiracy theorist who has addressed these real world problems.
So, who are all of these actors, who recruited them, how were they all...everyone of them...successfully convinced to participate in the slaughter and remain silent and how did they convince several pilots to commit suicide-murder for The Cause? How did they convince hundreds of civilian employees and military personnel working at the Pentagon to go along with the idea that the building was struck by a non-existent aircraft - and remain silent?