I am from the year 2522


I don't believe in god but people were taking the laws too seriously so god sent down jesus.

Uhh, no. According to Christianity and the new testement, the people did not understand the laws or God's love for them, so he sent his only son, Jesus. Whoever believes in Jesus shall not perish but have eternal life. This was not promised before Jesus.

I for one don't think he was the son of god. I think he was an alien but that is just my belief

Please explain your belief and what makes you believe this? Are their future writings?
If your in the army they sometimes do surprise tests in their. You go to sleep and they beam you into one and when you awake your faced with a scenario.

If YOU'RE in the army, they sometimes do surprise tests in THERE. You go to sleep and they beam you into one and when you wake YOU'RE faced with a scenario.

I have a difficult time believing you're a scholar.
I know what I am talking about but being extremely busy means that I am very tired.

So why, do you think, do you not write like someone who is tired, but rather like someone who doesn't know what they're talking about? In my job, I've spent up to 7 days doing 18 hour days with no more than 4 or 5 hours sleep before the beginning of work the next day. And I still managed not to make mistakes. Why? Because I know what I'm doing.

if a government starts a putsch and succeeds then gets overthrown days later then in my opinion the putsch was a failure.

So, rather than use the word "putsch" with it's correct definition, even though it's a technical term with a precise, specific meaning, you decided to arbitrarily re-define it and use it with your own, incorrect definition? And this is supposed to support the case for you being a professional historian, is it?

Hyperinflation was caused by the overprinting of money but it was stopped when stresseman introduced the rentenmark

And the reasons for this were? Thew question is what caused the hyperinflation? Yes, the government were printing huge amounts of excess money. Why? The historical sources I've cited agree with my assessment that it was because of the strikes which were because of the occupation of the Rhur region. You say that all the historicalk records of this time are wrong and that you know better. So, tell me, why did the government ruin it's own economy by printing excess money when there was no imperative to do so? What happened?

satellites from space chose 50,000 people at random and examined their memory and knowledge functions and found that they only used 10.79% of their brain.

How? Are we talking electromagnetically here?

Yes I am a historian but I learned from a history teacher like every historian does.

What historians don't do, however, is to simply buy any story that they were told in school, become an expert on the time period in question and yet simply repeat the story without getting it's point accross or ever having checked it. History is about evidence, and you're saying that you've simply taken someone else's anecdote that doesn't even amount to hearsay and repeated it in part without understanding the significance or having a clue as to whether it's true or not? And, again, the point is to prove that you're a real historian? Who do you think you're likely to fool?

You don't know anything about our ships so how do you know that you can't steer a spaceship using kinetic energy?

I think we can add the laws of motion to the list of things that you don't really know much about. Why can't you use the kinetic energy of moving a seat to steer a subluminal spacecraft? You might as well ask why you can't make a bullet go through a maze by blowing at it through a straw.

dover and calaise aren't landlocked but maybe it didn't recede 15 miles in some parts, it did in most parts though.

So, how far did it receed there? It's interesting that it would receed a smaller distance there, as that's the shallowist bit of sea around England. So, logocally, it would be the place where it receeded the furthest. so, can you explain this?

the definition of lightspeed has not changed but we just say it differently for ships so it is more understandable.

If "lightspeed" is now 10,000 times faster than it used to be then the definition has changed. It doesn't mean the same thing, so therefore it's not the same.

So, which is it? Has it changed or not? And, if it hasn't, then why hasn't it? I can't believe that it hasn't been researched.

You will have to rephrase the sea level question.

Okay, are you saying that the sea is no longer flat? Because for what you say to be true, the sea would have to no longer be flat.

not everything you know about gravity is wrong.

Again, it's just the easily proven basics, such as what gravity actually is and what it does, eh?

I don't know what happened to the extra water, they never said there was extra water.

Well, there must be. Why don't you ask the doctor or the time guard? Surely not all three of you can be ignorant as to the details of major historic events in your time, even if they're not things which seem to interest supposed historians.

I aren't relying on fuzzy 8-year recollections of events.

You claim your English isn't bad, yet you say "I aren't"? Hmmm....

As for the actual comment, if you're not prepared to document your findings, your main source of information gathering is watching TV and you don't feel that it should be recorded, then you will be relying on fuzzy 8-year recollections. Why don't you detail how you are conducting your research?

I said that we only use 10.79% of our brains because I forgot how to talk to people from this time, in my time they would know what I meant.

So in your time the Englaish language has changed so much that saying that we only use 10.79% of our brains actually means that we only use 10.79% of our brains for memory? So, has the language changed or not? Above you claim that it hasn't, and you use that to defend one of your positions. And now you're relying on saying that it has changed and using that to defend your earlier statements. So, which is it? Either way, you'll still have sunk one of your own arguments.

The ship has 4 engines. 2 at the back incase something goes wrong with one and 1 at either side.

So, it can't actually turn, it just moves laterally, then?

You will have to repeat the question about the ship turning if you crossed the ship because I do not know what you are referring to.

You don't know what I'm referring to? Could that be beacuse you didn't answer the question when I actually asked it? Could it be because I've had to harrass you into answering it? Can you now see why you should answer the questions when you're asked them? It saves us all a lot of hassle, you included.

The point is that you cliam that the ship is turned by the kinetic motion of the seat moving. Walking from one side of the ship to the other would produce even more kinetic energy, so the ship would turn in the same way.

Cryogenics is when you can freeze someone withhout killing them or aging them for a long period of time.

No, that's Cryonics. Cryogenics is the production of low temperatures, or the study of low temperatures and the associated phenomena.

If your definition is the one that you mean, then what has that got to do with the physical atomic properties of elements? Surely you're not claiming that Lunarium is human now, are you? After all, you said you couldn't explain to someone who doesn't know what Cryogenics is. Seems I actually know more about it than you do. So why don't you explain how you lengthen the half-life of Lunarium, then?

about 5% of the reefs and other near-shore ecosystems have disapeared.

So, this is supposed to help keep the Earth cool, even though reefs are one of the best systems on the planet for processing greenhouse gases and helping to prevent global warming? How did they figure?

I can't explain how electricity works, It is one of those things that you know how it works but don't know how to explain it.

I can explain it.

I do care how comprehensible I make my self

So why don't you try writing more clearly? How come you have to interpret what you say for it to make sense? and I'm not talking about your typing.

Donkel will not be born for 150 years.

In which case you didn't asnwer the question I asked, did you? I'll re-ask it, then. Which modern school of Communism did your current philosophy grow out of?

The ice caps stay frozen because we have no greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to melt them.

The gases don't melt the ice, the temperature does. If you just created bigger ice caps, then they'd just melt again, they wouldn't spontaneously lower the temperature of the globe. You're getting cause and effect mixed up again.

you will have to be more specific on the question referring to the First Law Of Thermodynamics.

Well, to keep the ice caps frozen, you'd have to expend energy, and draw the heat away from the ice. This heat would have to be transferred elsewhere. As no energy can be lost, and there would be small imperfections in the machinery, this process would actually create have the effect of warming the planet up overall. You claim that this isn't true. So, how has this been achieved?

We needed to deal with the ice age because parts of europe was suffering.

So, how came the world was in the throes of severe global warming, yet a significant proportion of relatively warm countrys were experiencing an Ice Age?

never heard of a warm ice age.

That's the point.

"Once more, I'm going to ask for the name of this philosophy under which your society operates"

A couple of questions up you just asked about the man. I thought you don't repeat yourself?

I don't repeat myself. The question above was what current school of Communistic thought did your current philosophy evolve from. This question is what is your philosophy called. Two completely different questions, although they are related, I give you that.

I really hope that you're acting this dense on purpose. I'd hate to think that you can't even comprehend a simple question in real life.

You put it in the machine like I said to extend a half life.

Which still doesn't answer the question I asked you. On the atomic level, how is the half-life extended? Talk about electrons and atomic decay. I want to see the word "isotope" in your answer.

You will have to be more specific on splitting the atom.

You claim that E=mc^2 is wrong. The fact is that were it wrong, the entire principal of splitting the atom would be wrong. It would be impossible to split the atom, let alone for the results predicted to be accurate, if E=mc^2 was wrong. As we have had nuclear bombs and nuclear fusion, which operate exactly as E=mc^2 says they should...then how can it be wrong?

They call lightspeed the same but it is measured differently.

See, this is one of your less comprehensible statements. So are you now saying that the speed of light is called "lightspeed" and 10,000 times the speed of light is also called "lightspeed"? And this is supposed to be not stupid?

I don't think there has been nuclear reactions many times as fierce and hot as the sun in the moon.

In which case, there is no way an element such as you describe could have been formed. It would have to be hotter then a supernova. Whic would, incidentally, destroy the Earth.

The universe is mysterious and not everything what you think should happen actually happens so it is possible that lunarium could be found on the moon.

The universe is mysterious? It's not that mysterious. And one thing it certainly isn't is illogical.

Besides, the universe may be mysterious, but the moon sure as hell isn't.

We have better equipment in my time that proves einstein wrong. I can't remember who did it though.

Better equipment will make no difference. No matter how accurately you can measure will not disprove the theriy of relativity.

I will not tell you the new equasion.

Well, you seem to be learning not to just blurt stupid things out so much. I suppose that means that you're improving at this, even if you're not more convincing.

our speed of light and your speed of light is just the same, they are just phrased differently.

See, not this is really confusing and/or stupid. I mean you're saying that 10,000 times the speed of light is exactly the same as the speed of light? And that's why they've both got the same name?

Well, you've made something of an effort to answer some of my questions, at least. Don't think I've forgotten about the ones you've ignored, or simply answered a different question instead. I've got to go out in a bit, though, so I can't be bothered to faff around doing the usual summary. Don't count this as being let off, though, as I will return to them.

The New World Order A Fake?
Just was cruising through this thread for entertainment value and now must respond. If it is a fake, unreal, or imagined..why does the United States dollar bill have it printed on the back?
"Nuvus Ordo Seclorum"

I also feel that if a time traveler was in this time period, he/she would maintain a very low profile, and this is not something you have done, if this website is ever discovered in the distant future, I think your supervisors would be a little upset with you, since you are all over it and as far as them possibly not knowing its you...eh...hopefully the other chronohistorians are a little more proficient at their jobs.

I am concerned that whatever information you do gleen from your "assignment" is accurate since you seem to be missing some very important details of our timeframe. When you do get back, your people will still be missing parts of history! Oh wait..something is coming in from the Year 2522..It is kinda hard to read...eh..focus..twist this knob a little to the ..oh...it says " YOU'RE FIRED!"

A message for you no doubt!
OvrLrdLegion-I don't think that means anything on the dollar bill and if it does they must have been having some kind of joke.

I am maintaining a very low profile because whats more of a low profile than a forum?
my superiors also said I could come here.

my time will not be missing reports because there are others in different times.

please use the other thread.
The New World Order A Fake?
Just was cruising through this thread for entertainment value and now must respond. If it is a fake, unreal, or imagined..why does the United States dollar bill have it printed on the back?

Possibly a more pertinent question would be "if it is a secret society that rules the world..why does the United States dollar bill have it printed on the back?"
And, of course, there's another equally pertinent question. "If it's the New World Order, and not the New American Order, then why is it only on the back of American money?"

I often find, in claims about the NWO, that there's this kind of mini-pseudoxenophobic attitude. America is not "the world". For something to be a "New World Order", it'd have to involve the world, not just the US. That includes Saudi, Iraq, N. Korea...the whole 196 countrys (or however many it is). If the whole world acts as one, why did France threaten to veto a second resolution before the war? If the whole world acts as one, why has Vatican City condemned the actions in Iraq? In fact, in terms of actual policy, actions, negotiations, power structure, distribution of wealth, exports...everything, why is there no evidence of anything other than country acting how they would if they were independently ruled, but dependent on each other for trade?

I mean, hell, even the UK and the US have clashed at least 3 times in the last year - the UK threataning to boycott US steel because the US was trading unfairly, the UK refusing to sanction any trial of Saddam Hussain that could lead to the death penalty, and almost exactly the same thing with regards to Abu Hamza. Does that sound like they're really part of the same machine?
trollface, the "New World Order" was a concept that emerged in the wake of WWII.

In the NWO, there would be three main world powers, each with dominion over a certain region of the world

The United States would be responsible for trade, peacekeeping, security, etc, in North, Central, and South America. Great Britain would have Europe and Africa, and the Soviet Union would have control over Eastern Eastern Europe and Asia.
If it's the New World Order, and not the New American Order, then why is it only on the back of American money?"

"The Great Seal is the signature of this exalted body [a secret body existing in Europe] - unseen and for the most part unknown - and the unfinished pyramid upon its reverse side is a trestle board setting forth the task to the accomplishment of which the United States Government was dedicated from the day of its inception." (19)

The centerpiece of this mandala is the all-seeing eye – an important symbol within freemasonry and rosicrucian traditions for hundreds of years. So it is not surprising to find pride among occultists who understand the significance of this emblem: "Our beautiful seal is an expression of Freemasonry, an expression of occult ideas." (Wyckoff, H. S. The Great American Seal. The Mystic Light, the Rosicrucian Magazine, p.56)

The New World Order is an expression that has been used by illuminized Freemasonry since the days of Weishaupt to signify the coming world government. "It is necessary to establish a universal regime over the whole world", Weishaupt had said. (Writings of the Illuminati, 1780)

During the first part of the 20th century and up to the time the reverse of the seal was first used, a series of victories over the sovereignty of the United States had already been won. Illuminist agents committed to the one-world interests of the Rothschild-Warburg-Rockefeller cartel had accomplished some important stepping stones to this New World Order: Federal Reserve System (1913); League of Nations (1920); Royal Institute of International Affairs, and Council on Foreign Relations (1920-21); the Stock Market Crash of 1929. The consolidation of power was complete and the reverse side of the seal, which remained largely unknown to the American people for more than 150 years, could now be placed.

In 1934, Secretary of Agriculture, soon-to-be Vice-President (1940-44) and 32nd degree freemason Henry Wallace submitted a proposal to the president to mint a coin depicting the seal's obverse and reverse. President Franklin D Roosevelt, also a 32nd degree freemason, liked the idea but opted to instead place it on the dollar bill. According to Henry Wallace, in a letter dated February 6, 1951, "the Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum impressed me as meaning the "New Deal" of the Ages."

"Roosevelt as he looked at the colored reproduction of the Seal was first struck with the representation of the 'All-Seeing Eye,' a Masonic representation of Great Architect the Universe. Next he was impressed with the idea that the foundation for the new order of the ages had been laid in 1776 (May 1st, 1776, founding of the Illuminati) but would be completed only under the eye of the Great Architect. Roosevelt like myself was a 32nd degree Mason. He suggested that the Seal be put on the dollar bill rather that a coin."

"The significance of the mystical number 13, which frequently appears upon the Great Seal of the United States, is not limited to the number of the original colonies. The sacred emblem of the ancient initiates, here composed of 13 stars, also appears above the head of the 'eagle.' The motto, E Pluribus Unum, contains 13 letters, as does also the inscription, Annuit Coeptis. The 'eagle' clutches in its right talon a branch bearing 13 leaves and 13 berries and in its left a sheaf of 13 arrows. The face of the pyramid, exclusive of the panel containing the date, consists of 72 stones arranged in 13 rows.

The influences of masonic ideals can be seen in many politically powerful entities. The United States is only one of many "tools" of the New World Order. Even if their influence isn't established absolutely around the globe, working against the Order is usually not healthy for those who choose to do so.

As an artist I have placed secret symbological pieces within my art. Whimsical in nature, declaring my love for my wife or making a statement regarding friends and family members, only myself and those I tell know what to look for in the pictures.

"On 11 June, (the Continental) Congress appointed a committee to draft a declaration of independence. Of the five men on this committee, two - Franklin and...Robert Livingston - were Freemasons, and one, Robert Sherman, is believed, though not confirmed, to have been. The other two, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams - were not, despite subsequent claims to the contrary. The text of the declaration was composed by Jefferson. It was submitted to Congress and accepted on 4 July 1776. The nine signatories who can now be established as proven Freemasons, and the ten who were possibly so, included such influential figures as Washington, Franklin and, of course, the president of the Congress, John Hancock. The army, moreover, remained almost entirely in Freemasonic hands...As we shall see, it is in the Constitution that the influence of Freemasonry is most discernible...

"At last, on 25 May 1787, the Constitutional Convention opened in Philadelphia and commenced its efforts to devise the machinery of government for the new nation. The first voice to make itself heard in any significantly influential way was a characteristically Freemasonic one, that of Edmund Randolph.. Randolph...a member of a Williamsburg lodge, had become Washington's aide-de-camp. Subsequently he was to become Attorney-General, then governor of Virginia and Grand Master of Virginia's Grand Lodge. During Washington's presidency, he was to serve as the first Attorney-General of the United States, then the first Secretary of State.

"...There were ultimately five dominant and guiding spirits behind the Constitution - Washington, Franklin, Randolph, Jefferson and John Adams. Of these, the first three were active Freemasons, but men who took their Freemasonry extremely seriously - men who subscribed fervently to its ideals, whose entire orientation had been shaped and conditioned by it. And Adam's position, though he himself is not known to have been a Freemason was virtually identical to theirs. When he became president, moreover, he appointed a prominent Freemason, John Marshall, as first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court." (1)

I think most people would do exactly the same thing under the circumstances. If one is in a position to promote their ideals as they form any kind of structured "power" then it would seem logical to infuse those ideals into the structure, and no better way to feed the ego then to see one's symbological ideals pass through the hands of the innocent, as well as increase one's resolve.

On a smaller scale the same dynamics occur in the corporate world. When I first graduated High School I was employed by a Home Improvement Store. The Store Manager had created his own little world order. All of his staff was hand picked to carry out the managers ideals, and if you went against his philosophy, then your employment was terminated for whatever reason that could be used for removing you from the environment.

When the Store Manager was transferred to another location, in a period of a few months, his entire team would trickle over to the new location. (Micro reflecting the Macro?)

If you were to remove all the veils that cover the motivation behind the Store Manager, Iluminatie, Masons, Mormons, Catholics, Jewish, Arab...etc..etc..etc..the real verbage that would be accurate would be...

Them's thats got the Cash, makes the rules!
i am a young male from 2517 who has inedvertaintly accidentally tranferred himself here. this is a horrible world to what i can now call paradise - however i need to stress how true this 'allegation' is, i need to recover my focal point. i cant find me in the timeline - im void in the TL. i need emergency assitance. i have been stuck here for 6 years and alreasy chronometric particles are beginnig to accelerate my age and maturity, i need to be re-established.

this is a help request from a 19 y o looking 50. the matter transporter is a primitive description though i must admit. if your a chronohistorian i need you to find records in the archives on me, to estalbish the voidance of my focallity. please reply and help please.

last TRref sig: region of 45.TIL chronoRetro 57k, chronoincremation error only.

unknown focal point i dont even know how much chrometric sorrounding.
needhelpquick-like I said in the other threads I am not detecting any chrono radiation except from where I am and I just detected four spikes in sudan. it is probably a criminal and 3 time guards.

if you really were from the future then the time guards would have detected you by now.
how eactly could i be detected? i believe it to be a space/time singularity clause that would inevitable create the xylian conflict within the Lizarian outer territory, although i have made a point of never meeting one.

jus to refer to the main argument of the chronohistorian's valididty within the space/time quantum (present), would you not find it believable that a person from the future who has arrived in the past (your present) and claims to do so be acceptable. think about it - i was studying the effects of quantum singularities and the grandfather paradox, as an acceptance to the fabric of space time - Fact. are you so stupid to think that he can change his future simply by telling you all and even announcing it on national tv (for example). THE PAST MAKES THE FUTURE, there is no escaping fate. our being here MAKES us people in the future that will do the exact same thing in 2517/22, coming here. - primitive term : time loop!
then the only logical conclusion could be some form of non-sync form of temporal plain - possible out of phase with S/T? in that case im stuck here - although not appreciated