I am from the year 2522

i dont believe god is some guy over earth "running the show". god to me is everyone and everything, above and beyond. untouchable to our mind set right now

but anyways mr chrono please respond id really really like to know?
for interest sake
We are in Iraq with our Allies the Americans & the British ( you should know that )

Hey Cherry_Ripe,

I know that I should know that, but I don't really follow what the Austrailians are doing. I think that I kind of live in a cave in a sense and not literally speaking.
temporel-it will be different because the whole world has a government so it isn't just a bunch of countries so no country is going to be in debt.

Rho-tell me where I have a floor and I will tell you where you misread.
For the god thing you can see it happening now, less and less people believe in god. In my time science can explain most things and if it can't it is just a matter of time before it can.
If god was real how do you know he is good? he has created diseases so surely he would be evil?

I am not at work and I never said I studied history until 2000, I said that my strength was from 1900-2000.

I could ask but I am not and I do have a sense of humour bbut you people aren't funny.

creedo299-I have never been tortured
Chrono - when did you say you were going back (forward) again? Ok, then tell us about the humour you have in your times....tell us a few future jokes.

"Do you know that one about the time traveller who went back to the year 2004, and spent all his time watching the Simpsons on TV, " for example...

And do you visit and post on other forums apart from this one? What other topics interest you?
What makes you want to carry on writing here?
It is amusing that a historian that comes from the future, tells us that he has a sense of humour and enjoy 21st century comedy such as The Simpsons. Is that your objective, to humour us?

What if the one-world government has problems? I don't think there is an absolute ruler, is there? Or is it a group of presidential people that work together?

One thing you don't excel in is religion, and particulary the judeo-christian god. He is good, he allows evil as we reap what we sow. The sin implanted into our very physical being makes us like that. Our sin is the cause of disease, pain, suffering, sadness and eventually death. This is just a religious view of a Christian like me, but others wouldn't agree. I'm currently studying on the world's holocaust and the end, so your story is hard to believe.

So what happens to the Darwinian theory exactly? Scientists really believe in evolution and natural selection? Darwin is what he makes man out to be, mere animals. Animals in flesh, and of course a conscience that deters our so-called 'evolution'. I wouldn't emphasize on this as it is out of topic.

So if you are immunise against 'everything', why would you still fall sick? In fact how do you even contract cancer for that matter? Cancer cells live in each and everyone of us, it is just mere growth or mutation that gives us that disease that is cancer. How do you immunise that?

So what becomes of spam, really. Do they still pop up in your 'internet' age, informing you how to date beautiful singles and stuff, or do those animated britneys ask u for cybersex. Its such an annoying problem, happening to me right now even with countless protection, that your age can tackle this problem.

It's such a cold, cold world out there in 2522. Some where I will never ever want to be.
I have a number of questions for you if you are still here and posting.

1. How long does the draught in the Midwest last and how many cities declare Marital Law to stop the killing over water?

2 When the President decides to use his Excutive Power and declare a National Emergency, is that the start of the New Civil War?

3 A world wide event will occur sometime in 2005 can you tell me the month that it will happen?
I have to say that you should be a little bit more carefull what you post.. Some people are smart to cross reference the bio with the signature in your e-mail....


I think you made an error in your conclusions. The signature is 'apparently' a quote from his past. He's not claiming to be Chansey Smith.

Although that doesn't deter from the fact that he's talking absolute bullsh!t.

Just look at his dodges - he history expertise is now limited to 1900 to 2000, so it's entirely plausible(sarcasm intended) that his knowledge of 2001 is a little fuzzy. It's kinda strange though that they would send someone to observe our time when their area of expertise lies 4 years in the past! Think about it, if he was time traveller he should have the most up to date knowledge of the time he was visiting...

Guy D.,

you can help mess up his time. When you write your first story, use the name Brick Burkstrom as the name of a gay pornstar character. Chrono will then have been teased to death during english literature holo-class and never have the courage to sign up for the Happy Happy Time Travel Corp. These 306 posts will never have existed, and the TTI will be a better place.
I am going forward when this time gets to 2012.

We have jokes but you people won't think their funny.

I only visit this forum. My interests in my time are sci fi, comedy and horror shows.
We still have tv in the future but it is different.
I am staying here because there is less of a chance of people taking me seriously and stopping the things that I said from happening.

nicknack-what problems are you talking about?
There is an absolute ruler that you vote in for 4 years and there is parliament with the leader of each province there.

Most people in the future believe in evolution and it is the strong that survive.

We still have diseases that don't have a cure. I never said we contract cancer I said we are immunised against it incase we get it.

You will get more spam in the future. In a mere twenty years you will look up into the sky and see ads for products in space however it costs a lot of money. In my time we get ads but people try and block them but ads companies seem to be finding ways of getting around it.

1. The drought will last another 15 years and I don't think anyone will declare martial law.]

2. Like I said before there will be no covil war.
I wish you people would read what I write. I am getting tired of repeating myself

3. I think an eclipse happens in 2005 not 100% positive though and I am wondering why I know this and not other dates and inventors.

JamesAnthony-where did I say it was limited to 1900-2000? I said that my strength is that. I wish you people would read.
In my time we don't have bullies so I would never be teased and even if I was, who cares? it is just a couple of names they call me, it isn't like it will hurt me.
well then

mr chrono id like to get the chance to meet you! id show you anything you'd need to know or want to find here in our time.
i'll completely believe you and help you in any way possible if you meet me face to face.
if not quit with the bullshit

I live in St.John's Newfoundland Canada 61 grenfell ave. come visit me
i'll provide you with everything you need to live here comfortably.

now give me some crazy reason why you cant do this...im dying to hear it
I can't come because I live in england which is a long way from you.

I don't think I would be allowed anyway because it would significantly alter the time line
how would it alter any time line at all?
im just one human being...and i have no want or need to proclaim you and i ever meeting to anyone else but us. im just interested in what you have to say. we'd meet in private then go our seperate ways.

what if i told you im wicked rich and i could get you here for free?

give me another reason...
we'll eventually get to
"ahhh i cant cause...ahhh i said so"
if you were really interested in seeing what our history is all about you wouldnt be rotting away in england for years and years.
we live in a pretty large world.

canada is the safest spot in the world! haha
the government wouldnt give a rats ass if you were here nor would my next door neighbor

Not to discredit your values, but who cares about 20 000 dolphins? if it was that bad then they'd be extinct already? I just don't think that we should think twice about eating things on the planet, were higher in the food chain, everything is another meal to us.
Rho-Think of it this way. someone wants to ask you out but they think you are involved with someone if you meet me so then you miss out on getting someone pregnant and then there is no baby.

Not to discredit your values, but who cares about 20 000 dolphins? if it was that bad then they'd be extinct already? I just don't think that we should think twice about eating things on the planet, were higher in the food chain, everything is another meal to us.

Ehm, just for my curiosity... Is it legal to eat dolphin? More particularily in Florida?

Does it matter, temporal puts a large value on 20 00 dolphins per year then 4000 children per day? need i say more? Temporal if you can justify this please do?
Hello there my friends

I am not so much of a computer whiz, although somehow I always think I should have been, well nevermind. But has anyone checked CPGUY's IP signature and that of CHRONOHISTORIAN. I believe they could be one and the same.

Until later becomes now