"I have another question. Is this information reliable:
If it is then america looks as if they have killed millions of people with their actions. In my time we would call this terrorism. I don't knowe if it is the same in this time. "
yes it is reliable, the cia helped kill millions of people just for their own interest.
The cia even killed JFK according to many conspiracy sites.
But to get one thing straight, we are not the ones who are paranoid but the goverment is, the media which belongs to the goverment are covering things up, they bring lies onto the world they mind control us on a very negative way they make us believe what the goverment wands us to believe and know, and no more. If the media finnely begins to release all the information from what the goverment has done or know or what technology they currently have the world would be in total shock.
but it looks as tho they still have the same actions in your time, but this time not on the planet but in space, fighting other alien beings. Like I said if you wand to know the True news not just those mind controlling lieing news, look on conspiracy sites they really brings the news about whats going on in here some good news sites are:
http://www.rumormillnews.com/ , rense.com and many more.
I have an qeustion though, what can you tell us about Cosmos-1 that will be launched between 1 March and 7 apri, will they travel light years? are they known in your time?
And I wand a better statement, will bush be assissinated?
http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=57825 they are already planning for an assassination on W. Bush.