Why do you use the internet? When did you learn how to use the internet. The internet can not possibly have any relavant significance to what it does or does not have in your time. I doubt you had even seen a keyboard in your time. How do you understand our concept of email, hypertext transfer, and why do you have a type of written communication that is so similar to us if you are hundreds of years advanced from us. I could understand John Titor as he is only 30 years from our time. But you claiming to be hundreds of years ahead of us can not possibly communicate in such a similar way to the way I do.
When you come back in time through your matter transportation system, how do you coordinate ending up where you do. The earth cannot possibly be in the same place of space it is where you exist. What are your 3-coordinates (X,Y,Z) before you leave? What difference do you have to measure to make sure you end up where you do. For instance. Tempe, Arizona could be (if existant in 2395) at (20,10,20) in your time and maybe (30,500,60) in ours. How do you compensate? Or does your transfer gadget have no calculations necesary and you end up in the same coordinates on Earth, not space.
For instance, everyone on Earth is in Space but not everyone in Space is on Earth.
And why have you only made yourself exist on the internet? Have you left postings in physical places, or just on a popular message board?
When you come back in time through your matter transportation system, how do you coordinate ending up where you do. The earth cannot possibly be in the same place of space it is where you exist. What are your 3-coordinates (X,Y,Z) before you leave? What difference do you have to measure to make sure you end up where you do. For instance. Tempe, Arizona could be (if existant in 2395) at (20,10,20) in your time and maybe (30,500,60) in ours. How do you compensate? Or does your transfer gadget have no calculations necesary and you end up in the same coordinates on Earth, not space.
For instance, everyone on Earth is in Space but not everyone in Space is on Earth.
And why have you only made yourself exist on the internet? Have you left postings in physical places, or just on a popular message board?