I am from the future and I CAN PROVE IT

well, i'm glad that the numbers finally got verified. life in the mess hall just got a little easier for me.


your mathematician isn't particularly good at math. the factors are correct. furthermore, it is incorrect that an 800 digit number can be factored in weeks. i may have made several errors in this mission, but factoring too short a number was not one of them-- before i posted my first message, i was sure to confirm that 600 digits is well beyond the ability of anyone alive in 2006.

the simplest proof of this is something called the rsa factoring challenge, which apparently is some sort of giant competition where people try to factor large numbers in order to win cash prizes. in november 2005, for example, a group succesfully factored a number 193 digits long-- it took them five months using a group of eighty computers.

i expect therefore that the feat of factoring a 600 digit number in less than a day should be seen as a little extraordinary. granted, this does not prove i am communicating to you through time. you could reasonably conclude that i could merely have access to some sort of incredibly advanced computing technology which is just thirty years ahead of its time. nonetheless, this should set me apart from routine posters who have nothing but their own word to demonstrate something extraordinary is occuring.

the mathematician proposes an alternative method of proof-- that i could transmit to you a completed result from mathematics, such as a proof for some major mathematical open problem. this approach however has many problems with it and if you think about at it, you will agree it is untenable. the first problems are practical: such proofs are several hundreds of pages long, and they would be difficult to transmit and impossible for you to verify without the aid of armies of the world's best mathematicians working for many months. it would create far more publicity than we want and draw way too much attention to our project. by the time the proof was verified the bridge might have broken down.

the second problem is more subtle and i can illustrate it with a concrete example. i live in a universe where a mathematician named andrew wiles proved fermat's last theorem. now suppose i communicate with 1950 ad in some universe and transmit to it the copy of the proof. in this universe, andrew wiles does not prove anything, instead the proof was not discovered but transmitted into it. but according to my history, andrew wiles did prove it. therefore, i cannot be communicating with _my_ past. rather, my very act of transmitting the proof ensures that i am communicating with a parallel instance universe which is not a predecessor to my universe. and therefore, all the data i have gotten from that communication is essentially worthless. road will be in different places, people will be in in different places, all the details will be scrambled and different.

the whole point of communicating with the past is to communicate with your past, not with some parallel one. or if you are communicating with a parallel one, communicating with one as 'nearby' as possible, that is, one as similar to your own past.

so the idea of transmitting a complex mathematical result is a bad one. the factoring was perfect precisely because it was difficult yet trivial. similarly, the idea of factoring a 9000000 is a bad one-- even assuming we could do it, how would you verify such a large factoring was correct.


yes, the more people who knew winning lottery number, the bigger the paradox. i hesitate to use the word paradox because there isn't actually a paradox-- the multiple universe discovery explains that. the 'paradox' is just a fancy simplified word to describe the discrepancy between your universe and mine. the physicists describe descrepancy in some equation that just involves the actual physical difference between the worldlines of every single quantum of matter-energy over their history-- it's a simply physics thing involving mass and temperature and etc, it's not a subjective human measurement.

that said, think about it-- the most efficient way to alter the most amount of matter and energy is by affecting the lives of intelligent creatures. if i transmitted the winning lottery numbers (assuming i even had them which i don't), and if those numbers came up, i'd instantly be talking to a world very different than my own past.

>Did I miss a world war or something? I thought WWII ended in 1945, when did WWIII happen.

world war three never happened. or if you prefer, it was won nonviolently by the nato nations.

>how old are you? If you dont mind me asking, what year were u born in.

i'd meant to get around to this. i am one of the younger members of the project which i suppose is why i'm bold enough to even attempt this mission that no one else believed in. i am 29 years old. i was born in 2006 ym, which is 2012 ad.

i know i've mentioned the era shift in some emails but i think this is the first time its come up in public so let me mention it. as you all know, when the new american republic was formed, there were huge informational purges that swept away everything about the old federal government and its social order. instead, the new republic was (and is) very rural oriented, very local/regional community-based, very frugal, very pro-military, very family-obsessed, and very very very christian.

as you might expect, there was a lot of change for change sake-- changing things for political propaganda purposes. anyway, one of the stupider decisions was that it was decided that the ad dating system wasn't 'christian enough'. At some point (i'm not sure if it's in your past or your future) they find evidence that the census that made jesus be born in bethlehem happened later than 1 ad and jesus therefore couldn't have really been born in 1 ad and therefore it was 'demeaning of gods plan' to date things for the wrong year. so, they changed to ym (year of the messiah) and it took quickly, because no one wants to give any hint that they are traitors or aren't christian enough.

this complicates both history and cross-time communications a little. it's simpler for our project because we can just use the ad system when talking about any year prior to 2011 ad-- what the government thinks of our dating system is the least of our problems. historians operating in the public have to convert though-- it considered a little dangerous and unamerican to even quote a year in the old system.

>So u are assuring us we will attack Iran. Then we have our civil war?
well, there's more time there than your sentence might imply, but essentially. of course, theres always a chance none of this happens in your universe-- good for you, bad for the project. but i wouldn't put a lot of hope in it not happening-- our whole entire project is built upon the assumption that we are talking with our past or a universe very very close to it.

but yes, iran will be attacked. but then you read the same headlines we download every day, how can you doubt that the ultimate outcome won't be an attack on iran. the writing is already on the wall for that issue.

>Tell us more about this project.

i can't give you precise details-- not because i don't want you to know, but because there's a good chance our enemies monitor these discussions. but the basic outline is obvious.

we communicate with the past for the same reason they travel to it. the downside about global information purges and mass deletions and book burnings and such is that one day you make wake up and wish you had some of that information you so patriotically destroyed.

i don't have to tell you that your time is an informational golden age. every kind of data you could possibly want, you have. elevation data with meter resolution for every point on the earth's surface. the precise location of every road, every house, every business. the wiring information for telecommunication nets. the protocols for every satellite communication. algorithms for practically anything you can imagine. satellite imagery of every point on the earth's surface. the results of scientific experiments. whole libraries of scientific papers and discussions. mathematics.

(and that's not to mention all the art you have. more films than a person could watch in their entire lifetime. more song recordings than any one person could listen to. any kind of food you want. on and on and on. my envy is great.)

in any case, it's hard to jumpstart a good science program if you kill all the scientists. the whole reason the nar is weak is that my entire generation has grown up with anti-intellectual indoctrination. in your time, everyone is literate, everyone is computer-literate, and every twelve year old boy can and does write their own computer programs it seems. try having a science program when you have a nation of fundamentalist farmers. it doesn't work. so they cheat. they go back to that sinful age of heathens because it turns out they shouldn't have destroyed all those computers after all. of course, the general public has no idea. if you went to someone in my time and tried to tell them time travel is possible, they first would believe you, and second would doubt why anyone would want anything from 2006.

now it may be i've overestimated my strength here. after all, the military is sending whole cars back in time while we rebels are sending only photons. but just because they have more resources doesn't mean they're smarter.

>You keep saying you need help, can you state publicly what help you are looking for?

I've told several people privately, so no, it won't hurt to say it publically. 'the project' (which has a proper name i'm not giving out for security purposes) has around 900 separate objectives that were all layed out and prioritized before we ever started. they all could fall under the heading of 'getting information from your time'-- nothing like trying to change the past or anything insane like that. the ones i'm working on here are in the botton 800. i'm a very unimportant person in the grand scheme of things, and the really big priorities are too important to risk on help from message boards people.

the project is limited by the bandwidth of the bridge (which was itself limited by the power source used to send it backwards in time). my own personal mission on this message board is to augment that bandwidth through a technique called caching.

we have scouted locations through the country that are known to be undisturbed for the interval between 2006 ad and the present. my mission on here is to convince people to purchase expensive datasets from various institutions, store them on optical or magnetic media, and place them in one of the pre-designated locations. if all goes well, in a year or two we send teams out to collect, and maybe we'll get lucky and someone will have done it.

keep in mind, right now, even though i know where the cache locations are, we have not disturbed the location. because if we had dug up one of the caches before the project began, it would have been empty, because we hadn't recruited anyone to place anything in it. but then, once the project began, my attempts to recruit people to place things in the caches would, you guessed it, result in forks, because in your universe the cache would be full, but in ours it would be empty. so the sequence is important: first we scout the location, then we recruit, then we check.

everyone is super paranoid about forks (or 'paradoxes' as you call them). i personally don't know if all this attention is as essentials as they make it out to be. maybe the cache are all filled, have been filled for thirty odd years, and all we have to do is go harvest them, even though the recruiting isn't done. i mean, how would we know? but i'm inclined to let caution prevail.

of course, the other trick in the cache harvesting will be logistical-- the security risk for the harvest teams-- as i've said, the military may be monitoring these communications. Any time travellers they've sent to 2006 might pose as a willing cacher, only to arrange an ambush and arrest whoever shows up to dig it up. travel also is much trickier in my time-- no more travelling from new york to la just for the fun of it.
we have scouted locations through the country that are known to be undisturbed for the interval between 2006 ad and the present. my mission on here is to convince people to purchase expensive datasets from various institutions, store them on optical or magnetic media, and place them in one of the pre-designated locations. if all goes well, in a year or two we send teams out to collect, and maybe we'll get lucky and someone will have done it.

keep in mind, right now, even though i know where the cache locations are, we have not disturbed the location. because if we had dug up one of the caches before the project began, it would have been empty, because we hadn't recruited anyone to place anything in it. but then, once the project began, my attempts to recruit people to place things in the caches would, you guessed it, result in forks, because in your universe the cache would be full, but in ours it would be empty. so the sequence is important: first we scout the location, then we recruit, then we check.

plainly this is bs!
first u say ur in a different universe, so this wouldnt work.
second, who says your at the front of the timeline? if you checked the cache before the project began, something could still have been there if we use your model of time travel, cus there would be a future version of yourself already communicating with us, telling us to put something somewhere. so just by creating the cache they should become instantly full. and why does it have to be something expensive? why not just something inconspicuous to prove that your for real, if i went and placed something there now, you could go and check it and would know what it is. instantly. this would mean i could send you stuff to the future all day long and u could tell me what i was sending.
but your not from the future. so you cant!
>first u say ur in a different universe, so this wouldnt work.

but if you think about it, i don't have to be in the same universe for it to work, so long as i am in a nearby universe. supposedly there are an infinity of universes, but let's imagine for a second that there are only three. let's call your universe 1, and my universe 2, and then there's a third universe 3. so messages from me in universe 2:2043ad travel to you in universe 1:2006ad. but if universe 1 and universe 2 are adjacent/nearby, then that means that in my universe, universe 2, someone in 2006ad also received messages from someone from 2043ad. so we'll call the origin of those messages universe 3. universe 3 is similar to universes 1 and 2, so that means in universe 3:2006ad, someone received messages also. and the origin of those messages is your universe, universe 1.

i hope i'm not just confusing you, so let's graph it.

universe 2 (mine) sends messages to universe 1 (yours).
universe 3 sends messages to universe 2.
universe 1 (yours) sends messages to universe 3.


see how this works. _if_ (and it's a big if) but if these universes are nearby and therefore similar, then my actions can affect my own universe's past, even though i may not directly affect it.

> if you checked the cache before the project began,
> something could still have been cus there would be
> a future version of yourself already communicating with us,
> telling us to put something somewhere. so just by creating
> the cache they should become instantly full.

this would be called an 'exotic solution'. it is possible, but supposedly this would be tempting fate to check the caches before starting the project. the reason is, suppose something happened to us-- we were apprehended and the project never happened. that means that our universe and all nearby universes will not have projects to recruit people in 2006ad to fill the caches. so therefore, our caches can only be filled if we happen to exist the border between dissimilar universes (universes with successful projects) and similar universes (universes in which the project fails). probabalistically, these universe are much rarer. more common are universes surrounded by similar universes which are well distant from dissimilar universes.

supposedly, we therefore maximize our chances of finding filled caches if we complete the project before we check the caches.

>why does it have to be something expensive?

not all of the needed datasets are proprietary. there are free ones on the list too. but, in general, the free ones are available online and have the potential to transmitted through the bridge. but i didn't mean to imply that the contents of hte caches are always expensive. some are not. but the real hard part of this mission is convincing complete strangers to spend substantials sums of money ordering commercial databases and then traveling hundreds of miles in order to bury them in the ground. it's amazing anyone ever does it, but they do.

answering questions from an email:

>how did you make a singularity?

singularities are made during collisions in giant particle accelerators run by the military. it turns out that making them isn't actually as hard as harvesting them-- supposedly trillions are made every second by cosmic rays that hit the atmosphere. the hard part is keeping them contained-- otherwise they naturally tend to evaporate through something called hawking radition.

making and containing a singularity is beyond our project's capabilities. the singularity in our project, which was used to insert the bridge, was stolen in a raid that hijacked one that was being transported from an accelerator to an industrial application site. people died to bring us that singularity, and without their sacrifice, the project would be impossible.

>how is the project going?

very good. we've been working for a long time and the end is in sight. my particular task in coming here (which is just one of several tasks i've worked on) is going pretty well too. I have three different individuals that look like they're going to help with the cacheing.

>are you really named gregory tarasoff?

no-- it's a pseudonym i chose for personal reasons. to use my real name would be dangerous.
heh. like you style i gotta give you credit. im not here to argue the finer points, i dont believe a word your saying but ill debate it with u all day. no time now though, please keep coming back because you at least have a good story to tell! not like some of the losers on here!
If you want an idea who this person is then do a word search on the words "very very very" here at TTI. Actualy Zeshua used "very very" alot in her posts/emails.
Tarasoff (v. Regents of the University of California?),

>Why did you come to this board?

We first came here to try to figure out who titor was. we still dont know. then later this board seemed like it would be the most receptive to helping us as a backup if the main method fails.

I don't get it...maybe I'm just dense (which is entirely possible)...if you wanted to figure out who Titor was, why didn't your people choose, say, November 2, 2000 for you to start posting instead of April of 2006?

Don't you think that it would be just a tad easier to figure out who he was by entering the hunt at a time when he was actually here? He left almost six years ago.

BTW: Why are you looking for "John Titor" on this board?

before i posted my first message, i was sure to confirm that 600 digits is well beyond the ability of anyone alive in 2006.


August 24, 1999

fac.exe and fact.exe

1. Introduction

"fac" is a program that does arithmetic and trial factoring on
large integers. The current version will work with numbers up to about 2400 digits.

"fac" runs on MS-DOS, or in a DOS window on Windows 95/98/NT or OS/2. Note that the factoring part does not run well on NT, because NT "thinks" that the program is only checking the keyboard and not doing anything useful.

"fact" is similar to "fac", except that is a 32-bit application, and it can work with much larger numbers than "fac", up to a few million digits (at least in theory), though working with numbers that large is very slow! There is a Windows 95/98/NT version and an OS/2 version of "fact".

This write-up applies to both "fac" and "fact". Statements and
examples that refer to "fac" apply equally well to "fact", except
where differences are noted.


You should have checked a bit closer before posting. These programs date back to 1999.

nice to finally meet you. i've heard people mention you by name before.

titor is a very, very minor part of the project. but we would like to know about him. but not so much that we would let that priority dictate the insertion date. (we also don't want to go out of our way to help him know about us, though it wouldn't be that big of a deal if the military found out we were posting here).

i'm not looking for titor directly, just looking for information about it. for example, we seriously doubt that the story about getting an ibm computer is the whole truth behind his mission. why would he bother coming to 2000ad to get a circa 1975ad computer. the story that he'd make a jump just to visit mom and dad and a message board-- that doesn't add up. he had some other reason for being in 200ad.

the author of that program is completely incorrect. his program could never factor numbers that big-- it would take literally forever.

consider the document at this internet address: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA-704

this is a 212 digit number. there is a 30,000 dollar prize for anyone who can factor it. so, if there was anyone on earth who could factor it, they would have. we factored a 600 digit number in a matter of hours. this is simply completely impossible using 2006ad technology. it wasn't easy for us to do it-- there is no way anyone in 2006ad could do it.
if u solve it for me ill split it wit u, stick half in a savings account and u can be rich in ur time /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

the author of that program is completely incorrect. his program could never factor numbers that big-- it would take literally forever.

consider the document at this internet address: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA-704

this is a 212 digit number. there is a 30,000 dollar prize for anyone who can factor it. so, if there was anyone on earth who could factor it, they would have. we factored a 600 digit number in a matter of hours. this is simply completely impossible using 2006ad technology. it wasn't easy for us to do it-- there is no way anyone in 2006ad could do it.

If this is so, and if you are from the future, why are you debating the subject? Its only subject to debate if the outcome is somehow in doubt, i.e. we're dealing with opinion rather than fact.

Why are you concerned that we should believe you? It was you, not the community, who made the matter of proof and belief an issue - "I am from the future and I CAN PROVE IT."

You offered a form of proof but immediately entered into debate as to its validity. To make an offer of proof both the offerer and the offeree have to agree on the item offered without reservation. You haven't met that standard.

So why don't you try one of the experiments already asked for by the community. Its you who are concerned that you are believed - not the community. So, if you want to be believed, you apparently have to step back and let the community guide you through the process.

Just a suggestion - I'm not really all that curious about the validity of your claim.

And its OK if you're handlers decide that you have to wait until your mission is finished here for you to go back in time to some date prior to your registering here and make a specific post suggested by Rainman or some other community member...

In fact, take all the time that you need...take several years or several decades if that's what's required. It won't matter to the community. You will have to wait the required time but the community won't...

From the community's perspective it will have already happened in their past. No matter when you decide to do the deed they should be able to see the post, well...right now, as a matter of fact.

BTW can you explain in a bit more detail what you mean by:

i appear to be in 2006 because my organization does not have the power requirements to create an ms or even if we could to generate a temp field anywhere on the order of 75kg.

You're using some sort of shorthand notation and we need to agree on the meaning of the shorthand.

What is "ms"?

What is a "temp field"?

What is the significance of "on the order of 75kg"?

And again, why are you looking for "John Titor" here? Did Titor post on this board?
That is the best proof I have seen. Could you do a 250 digit number, or 300 if you can get 1k. There is no way to have done that unless you knew the number or ? heres a 250 digit number.

Not that anyone believed him anyway, but it's actually obvious how he did the factoring. He had someone ask him to factor a number that he already knew the answer to. This person (possibly himself) registered less than a week before he did. Therefore when he asked for a number, this person stepped up to the plate to give him a seemingly random number. Then, of coarse, he dances around all questions like the other "time travelers".
"That is the best proof I have seen. Could you do a 250 digit number, or 300 if you can get 1k. There is no way to have done that unless you knew the number or ? heres a 250 digit number.


no, forget these pathetic attempts at factoring, what this guy is really saying is he has access to some kind of super computer. big deal, I know of open source beouwulf projects that for a few thousand bucks could put together one h**l of a super computer. Enough to factor 1 small 600 digit number. you see, factoring just any random 600 digit number is no big deal, anybody who knows ANYTHING AT ALL about cryptography will tell ya this.

RSA encryption standards are based on prime numbers. meaning, the ending of the number alone could discount it from behing factorable. The number Erdo whoever posted ends in a 4, therefore its an even number, therefore very easy to factor. I'm no genius but, as the guy right above me said, factor the number ahead of time, register some other account, post the question and the answer. you already had the solution.

if you want a true test let me know I'm sure there's something that could provide proof more than factoring a 600 digit number.

ps : rules of prime numbers, they can never end in even numbers (even numbers can be divided by 2 until their prime or close to it (within a factoring table) is achieved rather quickly.
they can never add up to 3,6,9
they exist in pairs, 11 13, 17,19, etc.
they can only be factored by other prime numbers
Hello All....Long time reader here, first time poster.

Anyhow, I don't really want to get embroiled in the discussion too much but here's a suggestion.
Why doesn't someone who is known here just give him another number to factor.

if u factor this ill believe u.

"you see, factoring just any random 600 digit number is no big deal, anybody who knows ANYTHING AT ALL about cryptography will tell ya this."

Bull. The current record for factoring is 200 decimal digits. No mystery supercomputer exists that could do what he claims to have done.

Do you even know anything about cryptography or prime numbers?

From your post I'd say very little.