I am from the future and I CAN PROVE IT

Would you believe me if I would say that i'm from year 1977? well probably yes, but would you keep conversation going for so long as the one who said "i'm from 2045". Probable not.
first i apologize for seeming rude i wasnt trying to be rude. i do not blame you for your skepticism.

but you have to understand, i am in a very danger and important position in being allowed to communicate with you. i know what sort of proof you crave. for example, the winning numbers to a lottery a week from now. or other such precise details. but i cannnot give them to you for many reasons.

for one i don't know very much about 2006 and we have never communicated with 2007. if we could just go and read every newspaper headline from 2006, we wouldn't need to communicate with 2006. I have no idea what is going to happen next week or what tomorrows headline will be.

for two, and this has happened before. if I did know something and told you to something, forces might well conspire to prevent paradoxes. lets say i knew the lottery number or some other major even that could never have been guessed ahead of time and lets say i told you. I would be proved correct i would be suddenly known and the news media would run a story about a time traveller or a prophet. but this did not happen in my history. therefore, anything that might change history would create an alternate parallel worldline in which these things did happen. i would no longer be communicating with my past, i would be communicating with an alternate parallel wordline that had nothing in common with my history after the date i communicated the lottery numbers. if i have a big impact everything will change and i will singlehandedly ruin the whole project. paradoxes are impossible but actions that would create paradoxes fork timelines ruining any similarity between your worldline and my own.

for three, supposedly "worldlines dont want to be forked" or "worldlines are mutually attractive". if i told you the lottery numbers, an infinite number of subatomic events would happen totally differently such that different air currents affected what balls came up so that the lottery number would be different. this would result in a worldline that was different from mine in many small ways like air currents and lottery numbers but was macroscopically as similar as possible to my worldline. this reshuffling effect is almost imperceptibly minor, but i wanted to mention it. events can only change within the realms of possibility and large events almost never reshuffle because they are large events. so even if i had perfect historical knowledge and was willing to contaminate the worldlines, i still couldnt predict some things with total accuracy because of the reshuffling effect. i can only know for a fact what happened in my worldline, and i can never know for sure whether i'm communicating with the same line as mine or not. in practice, i am almost certainly not but the line is 'close enough' so long as i an no one else contaminate it.

if you ask for small details, i dont know them, am not allowed to tell you, and they might change if i did tell you. if you ask for big trends, i will seem like a vague psychic. for example, i can tell you what you already basically know. the fourth world war began in 2001 ad. the us attacked afghanastan, iraq, iran, and various others. things got worse, more got involved. some big attacks, then a civil war between the true americans and titor's fascists over whats left. you know which side wins. but this isnt proof at all. anyone can see it all coming. i could do a search and find a dozen articles making similar predictions right now without any help from me. when iran is hit i wont seem like a prophet ill just be a lucky guessor.

this is why i am so proud of the mathematical form of proof. it can proof something special is going on without having to rely on event prediction. it is immune to reshuffling because math is math no matter what the quantum effects do. it is unlikely to cause massive changes to your worldline precisely because it is not the sort of proof that just anyone act on.

eventually however someone will confirm i have successfully solved an unsolvable (in 2006 ad) problem and i think that will be proof enough for at least one person to get the help i need.

after the conclusion of the project i mabe be allowed to make a slightly more dramatic form of proof that will cause more contamination but by then it wont matter.
Can you describe in brief, how you are utilizing the web to communicate?

If you are communicating from the year you state you are from, then how are you posting here and now?

Are you able to read the posts from future dates within this forum ?

If so, then I am going to post a very simple question. It will not be about the lottery or anything technical. A very, very simple question that will not alter any timelines.

If you can post the answer to my question before I post it , then I will be a believer. The math question...good idea to put one in as proof, since I am not a mathematician, it could mean anything.

And just to let you know, I had a very informative conversation with a most helpful librarian at Carnegie Mellon University. And there was some concern about misuse of University Computers...I hope you arent going to get a student from our time in trouble.
for two, and this has happened before.
It has? When, give me a link?
I would be proved correct i would be suddenly known and the news media would run a story about a time traveller or a prophet
By what name?
after the conclusion of the project i mabe be allowed to make a slightly more dramatic form of proof that will cause more contamination but by then it wont matter.
I'm looking forward to it. Start by posting the 500 numbers in a previous post. If you are who I think you are, you can.
I work with a staff of around fifty "communicators". only on one other occasional prior have we revealed ourselves, and it was not on this or any other board. But we are almost positive that there are those who can send back whole massive things including persons. i do not know how many. and ironically the best way to find out is looking at message boards like this. there could not be many people sent, certainly less than a hundred. most likely just one or two.

Does AQCE mean anything to you?

of course for this number i mean those having departed prior to 2038 ym. there are a lot of mysteries. why havent we seen any signs ofr someone from 2075 or 2500 or 4000 coming back to earlier? some say there's a scientific explaination, that somehow they cant get too far back. others say it will at some point become illegal or the technology will be lost in a dark age. im sad to say i am one of those who believes the most likely reason i have never communicated with somoene from the future is that there is another war coming, one that will no one will survive.

Through time viewing studies there is a TST cursor staged at 2090. Your belief seems to be the possible answer.

>Can you describe in brief, how you are utilizing the web to communicate?

we use a device called a relay, which is a disc about 3 micrometers in diameter. the device was inserted into a defunct 45 year old internet backbone communication fiber in 2037 ym. the fiber had been chosen for excavation becuase its position had remained unchanged (relative to the surrounding soil) since it was initially buried some 45 years earlier. the relay is subatomically inserted into the fiber core creating an interlocking matrix. after the insertion, we do something i personally dont understand very well but ill try to explain it. the relay is split into two copies of itself, each seperated by less than a nanosecond. Then our microsingularity is used to transport one of the two of the relays back 37 years in time. but the two copies of the relay, which are actually the same object, remain 'connected', almost as if they had a rubber band between them. what happens to one will happen to the other.

this allows us to excite our copy of the relay causing the 2006 ad version to emit photons. the opposite effect happens as well-- excitation of the 2006 ad relay causes present copy to emit photons.

now i should say i have nothing to do with any of that. i've never seen the relay, or the trunk, or even been in the insertion lab. i'm not an expert in physics or hardware but thats the basic principle. its a simple enough to send and receive internet signals through the relay.

our connection is the routed through an anonymous relay network so that the physical location of the relay can never be ascertained. obviously there are people who would arrest us all if they knew who and where we were. but the anonymous relay network is run by people in 2006 who have no knowledge of time travel-- we have nothing to do with it. its simply a lucky thing for us.

>Are you able to read the posts from future dates within this forum ?

no, no, emphatically no. i have no idea what you were going to say. i dont have some giant archive of everything that is said on this forum. i have no idea what you will say next.

>If so, then I am going to post a very simple question. If you can post the answer to my question before I post it , then I will be a believer.

but stop and think what you are asking me to do. first lets look at it from my perspective. i have to wait until you ask your question. then we have to collapse the relays into one, extract them from the fiber, reinsert it at a different point, resplit them. then, the most energy expensive part of all, we have to reusing the ms and send it back to precisely the time, and then i have to post the answer to your question before you ask it.

but think of what this would look like from the point of vier of a reader of this forum. you seem to think that on tuesday they will read the forum and find your question with no reply. but then wednesday they will check the form and find a whole new message that is my reply but which is dated on monday. this is not possible at all. this is not what would happen.

here is what would happen. on monday you check the forum and find a message from me answering a question no one has asked. on tuesday, you decide to post a message asking me the question i've already answered. this is hardly proof or convincing at all to anyone.

but there is a slightly different way to do it. ask me in a few months and we may be able to do something very dramatic and convincing that is like this.

>Does AQCE mean anything to you?
no. should it?
whats the film called? frequencey?
maybe if u tell us where u are we could hide somethin that would be there in your time and u could tell us what we hid

maybe if u tell us where u are we could hide somethin that would be there in your time and u could tell us what we hid

Good idea.

Why dont you provide us with the GPS co-ordinates of where you are accessing the web ? You say you are inserting your device into a segment of cable...exactly where are you doing this...?
Perhaps, since you are now communicating with us here in 2006, perhaps we can make it easier for you by constructing a better portal to access.

You obviuosly need to go through quite a bit of trouble to send your information to this era. But, for what purpose are you in TTI ?

If you want to "prove" you are indeed from the future, you are going through alot of trouble to make posts that are worthless...in light of what you say you need to do to communicate.

To answer a simple question doesnt seem to be out of reach of your capabilites, since you already have had to go through the effort to respond to other comments in this thread.

Anything we post in the future, should be accessible to you. You are really telling me that you can not read the posts of tomorrow?

You are making a claim, yet are unwilling to offer proof that satisfies our methods of inquiry.

As far as the math question..or proof..I am sure that Darby or someone of his caliber will put an end to that.
First of all I do believe you are communicating from 2043.
AQCE is a very strong cipher used for communications in the 40’s. Since your previous posts were math related, I thought you might be familiar with it, or like me, at least aware of it. Maybe one of your colleagues knows.
I’m curious in the ability of your 1998 computer to send TCP streams. Your IPv4 addresses posted here are from exit nodes of the early 21st century Tor Network. I sense that you would need Tor compatible client software in order to send packets to your relays and out bouncing through the onion routing network. How do you configure your 1998 computer’s originating IPv4 address and know it’s not used elsewhere in the legacy network at this very moment in 2006? Is there compatible client software that will communicate with legacy Tor in your time? Bouncing around an onion routing network is the best choice for this time, however it still has weaknesses that could compromise your 2006 relay. Seems odd that you wouldn’t use a more modern 40’s computer which could provide more secure control at your end-point while providing legacy services for transparent IPv4 communications.
whats the film called? frequencey?

Bah! What a horrible movie. A time machine out of Dad's Broken Ham Radio? What genius screenwriter came up with that one. Give me a Delorean. The way I see it, if you're gonna build a time machine, why not do it with some style?

firstly i do not blame you for your skepticism. great claims require great evidence, and until you have verified my computational claims, you have no such evidence. frankly, i had hoped the multiplication would have been easy to verify. given the amount of physics discussions that john titor had with members of the board, i naively assumed that many someones would have easy access to arbitrary-precision software of the type used by mathematicians that requires no programming knowledge. i had not anticipated that such software would be available only to academics or would otherwise be difficult to obtain. until such time as you can verify my factorization of a 500 digit number, i have in effect given you no proof at all, and my promises of proof are just words written with pitchfork on the water. I have confidence that someone will step forward to verify it in time, and when that happens, i imagine the skepticism will tend to evaporate.

fortunately, i do not need to convince everyone and i do not need to be believed by everyone. a few will do, and several individuals have already contacted me to offer their assistance. so ironically, despite the main tool of my attempt to complete my portion of this project having so far failed to achieve results(my access to 500-digit factorization), nonetheless, i seem to be making progress and expect to have success within several weeks. that my expensive qcomputer bits did not contribute to this is of course a source of embarassment for me among my colleagues.

i find it hard to understand your confidence that i have access to your future posts. if you were having a telephone conversation with someone from the year 1970 would you know what they were about to say before they said it? how could you? hindsight is not the same as omniscience. and while i grant you there is, physically, a way we could obtain that information if it were overwhelmingly important, it would require an enormous expenditure of time and energy. would the united states recreate and entire apollo mission merely to convince skeptics that they had landed on the moon. (i exaggerate of course, the delayed choice event wouldnt as hard as putting a man on the moon something that hasn't been done in sixty some years.)

>Why dont you provide us with the GPS co-ordinates of where you are accessing the web ?
>You say you are inserting your device into a segment of cable...exactly where are you doing this...?

i would never ever give out the location of the relay. the project has taken elaborate steps to ensure that its location is hidden and impossible to trace. i would not even give out what region of the country the relay is in. to do so might well mean all our deaths. there is a very high probability that titor or someone like him might be monitoring our communications, and the government obviously would not approve of our activities.

also, it would not be possible for you to construct a better relay. the bottleneck lies in the entanglement, not in the embedding fiber.


i am impressed with your tracking abilities. we were fortunate to be able to make use of the tor network. i will tell you that is it not the only level of security used to obscure the transmit location, but it provided an added layer of security. in answer to your question, there is no single IPv4 address that the relay holds. it can and does use any ip address that is guaranteed to have to transmit through the embedding fiber. since our usable bandwidth is so miniscule compared to that of the overall fiber, it is inconceivable that we could be noticed that way. incidentally, the ip masquerading abilities of an embedded fiber relay is the primary reason that method won out over the alternative-- creating a relay that accesses the numerous 802.11 broadcasts available. A wireless relay would have been significantly simpler to insert, but a good deal less secure.

as to how a 1998 machine manages all this, i did not mean to give the impression in my earlier post that the only computers involved are pre-war. the thought of having to run the whole project without a contemporary machine is an interesting idea-- i think it could actually be possible except for the insertion mechanics. fortunately however, we do have a modern machine that runs that actual networking, encryptions, error corrections, transmission analysis, and download queueing. My 1998 machine is one of a fleet that is used for end-to-end-- it views the incoming data and initiates the outgoing requests. it, in fact, has no idea that there is a relay at all, and just thinks its on a very narrow lan connection.

this system is used for several reasons-- one is that we have guaranteed compatability, so that's one thing we don't have to worry about. two, i've touched on this before but even though they are old, they are fully-programmable computers. I can't just walk in to a store and buy a programmable computer, anymore than you could walk into a store and buy a cruise missile or a CJD prion sample. The two modern military grade computers used in the project were illegally acquired. And then of course, there's the computer that factored the 500 digit number-- no one on our team even knows where that one physically is. it was harder to get than the microsingularity. i'm something of a celebrity for being awarded the 'use' of it around here, and the object of more than a few laughs for its failure to help contribute to my mission.
haha yea it is a horrible movie
with a horrible script
like this thread!

hey mr time traveller dude, u didnt answer my question. an easy way of proof is for us to leave something here in this time that you can find in your time.
easy way to prove ur talkin out ur ass in my opinion
lets say i knew the lottery number or some other major even that could never have been guessed ahead of time and lets say i told you. I would be proved correct i would be suddenly known and the news media would run a story about a time traveller or a prophet.

This sounds very similar to someone else who has posted here. Let me ask you just how big of an impact would there be if someone did like u say give the winning lotto numbers. You say this creates a paradox, could the more people who knew the numbers created a larger paradox?

the fourth world war began in 2001 ad. the us attacked afghanastan, iraq, iran, and various others. things got worse, more got involved. some big attacks, then a civil war between the true americans and titor's fascists over whats left. you know which side wins.

Did I miss a world war or something? I thought WWII ended in 1945, when did WWIII happen.

So u are assuring us we will attack Iran. Then we have our civil war? Care to tell us when these events happen, like can you tell us what year Iran is attacked. If you can put a month on it that would be even better but surely u must know at least what year that happened!!!

Btw how old are you? If you dont mind me asking, what year were u born in. Maybe you were a youngin when all that happened I dunno.

when iran is hit i wont seem like a prophet ill just be a lucky guessor.

If Iran is hit and u give us the month or year, then I think you would be considered more than just a lucky guessor. We had a TTer here predict the popes death a month in advance, seems like it would be childs play for anyone from the future, so give us a date, even cryptic, give us some indication when these events might unfold if you would so kindly...

eventually however someone will confirm i have successfully solved an unsolvable (in 2006 ad) problem and i think that will be proof enough for at least one person to get the help i need.

Hey u already got me hooked, what help are you lookin for. I figure eventually someone will do your math and if they prove you right I dont wanna be on the wrong side, so what help do you need. You keep saying you need help, can you state publicly what help you are looking for?

Why do time travelers always need help, [censored] u should be helpin us apparently with all the [censored] coming down we will need it!

after the conclusion of the project i mabe be allowed to make a slightly more dramatic form of proof that will cause more contamination but by then it wont matter.

Tell us more about this project. How long does it last, how do u know when its over, will you tell us?
if nothin else at least what your writin is interesting!
that chronohistorian guy has just lost the plot. your story is far better thought out,
i am impressed with your tracking abilities. we were fortunate to be able to make use of the tor network

First of all thank you for answering my questions. They were insightful. The reason for my trace was for mere curiosity. You are fortunate. In my time all discovered legacy backbone fiber as we know is monitored, and is illegal to access. Therefore we've positioned ourselves to utilize travel for research purposes and painstakingly lay groundwork for future travel, backend communication and, hopefully, sucessful return. I'm not questioning your tactics, legal or illegal because you already know the risks. We all have our own agenda and means to accomplish it. Once again thank you, and good luck.
ehehe do u guys meet up at weekends and talk about this [censored]? u remind me of a guy i work with who at the weekends is leader of over 50 men in a rpg known as "LARP" they go into mad in depth (bull shoite) conversations about ther characters.
good show thou at least uve got some continuity when thers 2 of u
He is correct. You can actually check the answer from here at http://std.com/~reinhold/BigNumCalc.html I only post this because you would have eventually figured out he got the number correct anyway. I really wish you earlier guys would have thought more about the problems you could cause before you went off spewing messages about the "future". We have enough problems cleaning up after our own renegades without having to clean up your messes as well. Please complete the task you were assigned and stop inadvertantly causing temporance anomalies.
One of our esteemed members here at TTI responded to my inquiry regarding the math question...his response is as follows...

There are a few points.

1. Back in 1997, it was easy enough to factor a 100-digit number in days (12 days to be exact).
Now, given some desktop computers Mac included, esp. the G5s can factor a 800-digit number in a matter of weeks, if not days.
Computer power is too fast to be ignored. Moore's Law is always in effect. (Ok, may be not Moore's Law but something or some one similar.) ;-)

2. A real challenge of factoring a random large number needs to be on the order of 2^3000000 -- a 9000000-digits number. Then you would be talking about a few months, perhaps a year or two.

3. The so-called factors he gave are not valid.
You need not go through the exghaustion of calculating for verification. A simple visual inspection and rudimentary calculation that can be done in head or on a 1970s pocket calculator to check that the factors he gave are incorrect.
(I learned the trick years ago when I took a prep class for the SAT -- the old SAT back in the 1990s before they allowed the use of calculators.) The trick is nothing more than simple property of numbers; the sort of information one learns as an aside in an undergrad course on Number Theory.

I leave you to figure it out. Hint: just look at the final digits. If you want the answer, then I'd tell you.

4. Look, if one wanted to prove that they were from the future and had advance knowledge, then they need only to return with the proof or an outline of the proof of an un-solved famous math problem.
Without knowing any math beyond senior high school algebra, any average Joe knows Fermat's Last Theorem and knows that it was proved. The details are not necessary, except for those wishing for a jump on fame in the future.
If wanting to prove that some one was from the future to people in the 1980s, then they only need to return with Ribet's Springer-Verlag published textbook exploring the proof or Simon Singh's (sp?) book Fermat's Last Theorem as proof. Borrowing nothing, they can still prove to be from the future to anyone in the 1980s by presenting an outline of the proof that was presented in the PBS' NOVA/BBC documentary on Andrew Wiles' proof. Without knowing any math, there is a one-minute summary of the proof of Wiles' to which any one can memorize and proclaim to know and share.
As long as there are mathematicians such famous un-solved and solved problems will remain in their minds; thus you can always ask the question: what is the solution to the Reimann's Hypothesis? or who solved The Continuum Hypothesis?

So there you have it. Your proof is NOT proof that you are from the year you claim to be communicating from...want to try again with something else...perhaps as suggested in the mathematicians response, or as Rainmantime suggested.

If you cant do those, then the gig is up and you are done, my friend.
Not sure how you did your math but his factors are correct.

(2 * 11) * 109 * 563 * 787 * 811 * 26249 * 26740187 * 297977633 * 2576609840821073 *
(3 * 13) * 17 * 47383219405128844982535569 *
745213698191737003631319694753125429293968166002970537936165661845575001172678049743806549549977234670072449443569701103 *
10513733234846849736873637829838635104309714688896631127438692162131857778044158273164093838937083421380041997 * 10966824629 *
420145406901811857791227072284165226561693483222287527567496017033892563342686752247587935117119306171161848593337649107 =

(22 * 109) * 563 * 787 * 811 * 26249 * 26740187 * 297977633 * 2576609840821073 *
(39 * 17) * 47383219405128844982535569 *
745213698191737003631319694753125429293968166002970537936165661845575001172678049743806549549977234670072449443569701103 *
10513733234846849736873637829838635104309714688896631127438692162131857778044158273164093838937083421380041997 * 10966824629 *
420145406901811857791227072284165226561693483222287527567496017033892563342686752247587935117119306171161848593337649107 =

(2398 * 563) * 787 * 811 * 26249 * 26740187 * 297977633 * 2576609840821073 *
(663 * 47383219405128844982535569) *
745213698191737003631319694753125429293968166002970537936165661845575001172678049743806549549977234670072449443569701103 *
10513733234846849736873637829838635104309714688896631127438692162131857778044158273164093838937083421380041997 * 10966824629 *
420145406901811857791227072284165226561693483222287527567496017033892563342686752247587935117119306171161848593337649107 =

(1350074 * 787) * 811 * 26249 * 26740187 * 297977633 * 2576609840821073 *
(31415074465600424223421082247 *
745213698191737003631319694753125429293968166002970537936165661845575001172678049743806549549977234670072449443569701103) *
10513733234846849736873637829838635104309714688896631127438692162131857778044158273164093838937083421380041997 * 10966824629 *
420145406901811857791227072284165226561693483222287527567496017033892563342686752247587935117119306171161848593337649107 =

(1062508238 * 811) * 26249 * 26740187 * 297977633 * 2576609840821073 *
(23410943821478898172793410070845944913263968079670173301164764023273962126484012751694163122014646370984661623226978140153120165690603247410569618441 *
10513733234846849736873637829838635104309714688896631127438692162131857778044158273164093838937083421380041997) * 10966824629 *
420145406901811857791227072284165226561693483222287527567496017033892563342686752247587935117119306171161848593337649107 =

(861694181018 * 26249) * 26740187 * 297977633 * 2576609840821073 *
(246136418115015206364182872279915314712458386385604039593559636332320522736404252853344098125559342987207457474963950912003644672875180137612607923789144836150268442981713283188132177760669322734713532992501005168493233146062435036412978445954923360845666677 *
10966824629) *
420145406901811857791227072284165226561693483222287527567496017033892563342686752247587935117119306171161848593337649107 =

(22618610557541482 * 26740187) * 297977633 * 2576609840821073 *
(2699334932277590519864238267179336655422874684951240672456540969509575937467752635092397580335176937073165176568904807748908582136252173775981557839531348591940933505453335430684059607573114396091806006881764095789087884086076666929046363836344598937529711581248187833 *
420145406901811857791227072284165226561693483222287527567496017033892563342686752247587935117119306171161848593337649107) =

(604825875988833488937134 * 297977633) * 2576609840821073 *
35201546659608842026088328007565866231962578784643756647773109869245232364730066609837018108561065242031153677 *
1134113173486043023748121473429536334362479654408969269853397946608511127418543880464702149830318139096731893955964278738609053764127444035401057044691901460560733920842461047923490178390032897826256474851849440997577359482256337101299786838179586458084860378170866973572505338807813250257677360685218911230642995084723465541287953428571167891062949870253234842694897728946777536180715131 =

(180224582904304137464618875123822 * 2576609840821073) *
35201546659608842026088328007565866231962578784643756647773109869245232364730066609837018108561065242031153677 *
1134113173486043023748121473429536334362479654408969269853397946608511127418543880464702149830318139096731893955964278738609053764127444035401057044691901460560733920842461047923490178390032897826256474851849440997577359482256337101299786838179586458084860378170866973572505338807813250257677360685218911230642995084723465541287953428571167891062949870253234842694897728946777536180715131 =

(464368433869103357903035356554257997263021901006 *
35201546659608842026088328007565866231962578784643756647773109869245232364730066609837018108561065242031153677) *
1134113173486043023748121473429536334362479654408969269853397946608511127418543880464702149830318139096731893955964278738609053764127444035401057044691901460560733920842461047923490178390032897826256474851849440997577359482256337101299786838179586458084860378170866973572505338807813250257677360685218911230642995084723465541287953428571167891062949870253234842694897728946777536180715131 =

(16346487092092724769845604147240641128208742841063561616719861374573304708439847430369773974270152663843110836977204517908545488779089323808630501799866899062 *
1134113173486043023748121473429536334362479654408969269853397946608511127418543880464702149830318139096731893955964278738609053764127444035401057044691901460560733920842461047923490178390032897826256474851849440997577359482256337101299786838179586458084860378170866973572505338807813250257677360685218911230642995084723465541287953428571167891062949870253234842694897728946777536180715131) =


Which is the original number. I already gave you the link to an online calculator that can handle numbers of that size to verify the answer.

There was only a matter of a few hours difference between the time that number was posted which isn't possible with known algorithms and processing power so...

1) He already knew the answer ahead of time by a) being the same person as the poster of the number or b) knowing that person and knowing what he was going to post.

2) He has an algorithm that he created that factors numbers way faster than any known method.

3) He is telling the truth.