Hello again

I like to have clear answers (if possible) for these following guestions touch your time device:

Name: ?
Manufacturer: ?
Corporation: ?
Year of manufacture: ?
Model: ?
Class: ?
Country of manufacture: ?
Output: ?
Weight: ?
Lenght: ?
Widht: ?
Height: ?
Volume: ?
Energy source: ?
Control system: ?
Number of persons: ?
Predecessor: ?
Successor: ?
Similar models: ?

Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?


In reply to:

I need to know what YOUR definition of spirituality is



In reply to:

This is just so I can understand where you are at.



In reply to:

In your time, what role does spirituality play?


Why don't you just answer the question?

In reply to:

Are there what people today term "lightworkers"?


I think a simple yes or no will suffice, what's the problem with answering that?

Hello My_Time,

It is important for us to understand what the person asking the question understands as spirituality or being spiritual. Generally spirituality has a different meaning and concept in this time period for a multitude of reasons. The clearer our understanding of the question being asked and an insight into what the asker understands as spirituality, the more effective our answer will be.
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

well true but I am tired of fake time traveler who post it on the board saying that there a coming something in the future and it a fake story from Timeline_39.
need proof not word

Hello Warrior381,

As stated in some of my previous posts, we are here to give information to those who will listen. By listen, we mean, the reader reading our words and based on their instincts/subconscious feeling accept, remain undecided but open minded or reject them. We are not here to have you blindly follow what we say purely on the fact that we presented some small proof that satisfied your conscious mind which demands such proof. Using this type of strategy would make us no better than the forces at work in your society. Free Will is paramount.

This stage of the mission for my team is to progressively present important information in preparation for the different outcome to the US election than recorded in my history. Firstly, to give background as we have already done with only a few more posts to go. Secondly after a certain point in the near future, start to warn on natural disasters only in select regions of the planet. And finally, give the full timeline account of the last months leading into the Pole Shift. Timing of the timeline account will depend upon the Obama disclosure strategy but will be posted long before the internet becomes useless.

In conclusion, all we ask is that you keep an open mind and consider the words we have to say. Nothing more.
You think? I doubt it.

No government would release information likely to cause panic until the last minute. And only then because it could not be kept secret. And what of all the other nations? Believe it or not there is a whole world outside the U.S and people do talk you know. All governments in all countries would not release information of this magnitude, don't think for a minute that the McCain/Obama question will make a blind bit of difference to that fact.

We believe that information given to the public, no matter how dire, will be accepted with minimal panic if there is a plan/solution to the crisis. If the Government announces that the world will end next week but they have this plan to ensure the survival of as many people as possible and this is what each person must do, it will be much better than they announcing, the world will end in 3 days and sorry there's nothing we can do.

Either scenario will produce panic. That is unavoidable. But a properly warned public can be assisted to make their way to safe locations long before the Pole Shift happens and survival rates will lift as a result.

And finally, the US is not the only country in the world to know of the Anomaly. There are quite a few countries that are aware but not to the full extent which was provided by the US Government.
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

Hello Warrior381,

As stated in some of my previous posts, we are here to give information to those who will listen. By listen, we mean, the reader reading our words and based on their instincts/subconscious feeling accept, remain undecided but open minded or reject them. We are not here to have you blindly follow what we say purely on the fact that we presented some small proof that satisfied your conscious mind which demands such proof. Using this type of strategy would make us no better than the forces at work in your society. Free Will is paramount.

This stage of the mission for my team is to progressively present important information in preparation for the different outcome to the US election than recorded in my history. Firstly, to give background as we have already done with only a few more posts to go. Secondly after a certain point in the near future, start to warn on natural disasters only in select regions of the planet. And finally, give the full timeline account of the last months leading into the Pole Shift. Timing of the timeline account will depend upon the Obama disclosure strategy but will be posted long before the internet becomes useless.

In conclusion, all we ask is that you keep an open mind and consider the words we have to say. Nothing more.

all right have it your way but remember something it just word when you speak but people have to see the proof instead of word.....how are you going to show proof to the Obama that you are from the future? and by the way are you planning to stay 3 more years in this timeline?

and then post it the last month of coming pole shift?? that sound scary to me..but how are you going to save lives?? if this going to happen...then you should save the whole world lives instead of few millions lives..?? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
I like to have clear answers (if possible) for these following guestions touch your time device:

Hi JanEx,

Name: Class 2 Temporal Displacement Pod
Manufacturer: U.E.F. Temporal Science Institute with input from The Visitors as agreed in the Technology Exchange Program
Corporation: Implies a business, firm or conglomerate which does not exist in my time period
Year of manufacture: 2038 (for the particular one I came in)
Model: C300b
Class: Class 2 - Small Personnel
Country of manufacture: Primarily the US & Australia
Output: Measurement will be unknown to you as you do not understand how the power is generated.
Weight: I'm going to have to get back to you on that one..... It is not listed in my specs.
Lenght: 8.5m
Widht: 3.7m
Height: 4.2m
Volume: Nothing in my specs regarding this but from my own measurements just over 100,000 liters
Energy source: Put simply, a Reaction Chamber that harnesses the power released from the step by step "deconstruction" of what you currently refer to as "Element 115" to simple hydrogen (Technology provided by The Visitors)
Control system: Neural Interface
Number of persons: 3 to a max of 6 in emergencies only
Predecessor: C204
Successor: None
Similar models: There are several types of C300 models.

Not sure how this helps but I hope its enough to satisfy your curiousity.
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

all right have it your way but remember something it just word when you speak but people have to see the proof instead of word.....how are you going to show proof to the Obama that you are from the future? and by the way are you planning to stay 3 more years in this timeline?

Who said anything about 3 years?

and then post it the last month of coming pole shift?? that sound scary to me..but how are you going to save lives?? if this going to happen...then you should save the whole world lives instead of few millions lives..??

If you read carefully, I did say "months".... not month. It will be too late only one month before the Shift.
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

In reply to:

all right have it your way but remember something it just word when you speak but people have to see the proof instead of word.....how are you going to show proof to the Obama that you are from the future? and by the way are you planning to stay 3 more years in this timeline?


Who said anything about 3 years?

In reply to:

and then post it the last month of coming pole shift?? that sound scary to me..but how are you going to save lives?? if this going to happen...then you should save the whole world lives instead of few millions lives..??

If you read carefully, I did say "months".... not month. It will be too late only one month before the Shift.

ohh ok I understand now..
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

In conclusion, all we ask is that you keep an open mind and consider the words we have to say. Nothing more.




What happens when someone, who has considered your words with an "open mind", makes a decision? At that point their mind is no longer open. Now if they argue in your favor are you going to tell them to reconsider, recant and once again get an open mind on the subject? If they argue against your position are you going to do the same? Telling people to keep an open mind is telling them to never make any decision on your propositions. It's an argument from a position of weakness and lack of confidence. Kinda silly, isn't it?

The plea for the members to continue to keep an open mind after half a decade of your posts is, frankly, mindless.

As for me, I've read your posts over the years and at best my strongest reaction has been...Zzzzzzz. There's no mind to open or close because the posts are for the most part silliness. And if you have a concern about that, if you really desire to respond, then the response should probably address your lack of an ability to solicit even a negative response from me. That is your failing, not mine.
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

I've read your posts over the years and at best my strongest reaction has been...Zzzzzzz.

hmmmmmmmmm Darby
You need


for your Deppression!!!

and Stop the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Problem/ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif/ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

Hello Darby,


What happens when someone, who has considered your words with an "open mind", makes a decision? At that point their mind is no longer open. Now if they argue in your favor are you going to tell them to reconsider, recant and once again get an open mind on the subject? If they argue against your position are you going to do the same?

Having an open mind also means more than you are suggesting here. It also means to trust your instincts and listen to the voice inside - the subconscious. But as you put it here.... Yes, I have said to some people who private message me that the most important thing is that they listen to their instincts.... not what you say, I say or what anyone else says.

Telling people to keep an open mind is telling them to never make any decision on your propositions. It's an argument from a position of weakness and lack of confidence. Kinda silly, isn't it?

Having an open mind let's people examine the information while limiting pre-conceived ideas and in an objective fashion. Even if they feel they have made a decision one way or the other, it is very important that retaining an open mind continues so that each and every post doesn't matter who is from is read in the same vein.....

I can see how you think this way is weak and lacks confidence but from my perspective it is the exact opposite. And as we move forward through the many months to come and our strategy continues to play out, I hope you will see just how strong and confident our methods are. Time will telll.....

The plea for the members to continue to keep an open mind after half a decade of your posts is, frankly, mindless.

As for me, I've read your posts over the years and at best my strongest reaction has been...Zzzzzzz. There's no mind to open or close because the posts are for the most part silliness. And if you have a concern about that, if you really desire to respond, then the response should probably address your lack of an ability to solicit even a negative response from me. That is your failing, not mine.

That is your choice and I respect that. And I am happy that we have woken you up from your slumber.......
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

Having an open mind let's people examine the information while limiting pre-conceived ideas and in an objective fashion.

And then, eventually, they make a decision.

From what you post, the theory seems to be never make a decision - just keep an "open mind"...instincts, feelings, touchie-feelie 60's "philosophy", whatever. It sounds somewhat vaccuous to me, if not just self-serving. Puts me to sleep, actually. Zzzzzzz...
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

And then, eventually, they make a decision.

Making a decision shouldn't close your mind off to the information that presents itself after the said decision is made.

From what you post, the theory seems to be never make a decision - just keep an "open mind"...instincts, feelings, touchie-feelie 60's "philosophy", whatever. It sounds somewhat vaccuous to me, if not just self-serving. Puts me to sleep, actually. Zzzzzzz...

Suit yourself. And like I said, I understand your position. Society in this time period does not teach it's people to use their instincts, subconscious etc.

Anyway, my work here will continue even if only one person is getting the message, we know that it will be read & considered by many.
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

I was waiting for you to make just such a statement as this:

it is very important that retaining an open mind continues so that each and every post doesn't matter who is from is read in the same vein.....

I can see how you think this way is weak and lacks confidence but from my perspective it is the exact opposite.

It is much worse that just being weak and lacking confidence. No, in fact, what you say above that I have embolded is downright dangerous and irresponsible. For in those few words you are suggesting we simply ignore the fact that there are liars, cheats, thieves, and conmen out in the world today. You are asking people not so much to "keep their minds open" but literally to allow themselves to be gullible to anyone, "doesn't matter who", that comes along with a wild story to share.

And you are the perfect example of that, Charlie. For you have given us absolutely NO reason to trust you or even to "keep an open mind" about what you are saying. You have offered absolutely NO evidence to substantiate any of your wild claims. None. And yet you ask people to believe....'scuse me..."keep an open mind." That is your code word for "believe me". Furthermore, no matter how many times you sign your posts with "peace", you have given us absolutely no reason to believe that any of the propaganda you share is meant to be peaceful. However, you have given plenty of reason for us to question you, and your intentions. Indeed, you have set up a story here which could have very nefarious intentions. People who believe you are being asked to come to the conclusion that if Obama does not win and McCain does, that it was a result of foul play. In one reading of what you are doing, one could come to the conclusion that you are attempting to foment dissent if "your candidate" does not win. Such an intention is dark indeed, and very characteristic of a manipulator.

And here are some pertinent quotes with regard to the dangers of having a mind that is too open:

<font color="red"> "The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it" [/COLOR] -Terry Pratchett

<font color="red"> “I try to keep an open mind, but not so open that my brains fall out.” [/COLOR] - Harold T. Stone

<font color="red"> “You can have such an open mind that it is too porous to hold a conviction.” [/COLOR] - George Crane

<font color="red"> “An open mind is all very well in its way, but it ought not to be so open that there is no keeping anything in or out of it. It should be capable of shutting its doors sometimes, or it may be found a little draughty.” [/COLOR] - Samuel Butler

<font color="red"> “An open mind, like an open window, should be screened to keep the bugs out” [/COLOR] - Virginia Hutchinson

<font color="red"> “If we keep an open mind, too much is likely to fall into it.” [/COLOR] - Natalie Clifford Barney

And by asking us to "keep an open mind", you have shown every indication that you want our minds to be open to BS so that you can load your propaganda into them. Try providing some evidence for your claims, and then you may have some people open their minds. Until then, your statement quoted above is dangerous. Until you prove to me otherwise, I consider you a liar, cheat, and conman.

Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

And by asking us to "keep an open mind", you have shown every indication that you want our minds to be open to BS so that you can load your propaganda into them. Try providing some evidence for your claims, and then you may have some people open their minds. Until then, your statement quoted above is dangerous. Until you prove to me otherwise, I consider you a liar, cheat, and conman.


way to go RainmanTime I hope Timeline_39 understand that part... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

Timeline_39 remember what I just said before need proof not word to all the time traveler who post it on the board. remember that part if not then you will lack people believe that stuff.
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

It is much worse that just being weak and lacking confidence. No, in fact, what you say above that I have embolded is downright dangerous and irresponsible. For in those few words you are suggesting we simply ignore the fact that there are liars, cheats, thieves, and conmen out in the world today. You are asking people not so much to "keep their minds open" but literally to allow themselves to be gullible to anyone, "doesn't matter who", that comes along with a wild story to share.

And you are the perfect example of that, Charlie. For you have given us absolutely NO reason to trust you or even to "keep an open mind" about what you are saying. You have offered absolutely NO evidence to substantiate any of your wild claims. None. And yet you ask people to believe....'scuse me..."keep an open mind." That is your code word for "believe me". Furthermore, no matter how many times you sign your posts with "peace", you have given us absolutely no reason to believe that any of the propaganda you share is meant to be peaceful. However, you have given plenty of reason for us to question you, and your intentions. Indeed, you have set up a story here which could have very nefarious intentions. People who believe you are being asked to come to the conclusion that if Obama does not win and McCain does, that it was a result of foul play. In one reading of what you are doing, one could come to the conclusion that you are attempting to foment dissent if "your candidate" does not win. Such an intention is dark indeed, and very characteristic of a manipulator.

And here are some pertinent quotes with regard to the dangers of having a mind that is too open:

"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it" -Terry Pratchett

“I try to keep an open mind, but not so open that my brains fall out.” - Harold T. Stone

“You can have such an open mind that it is too porous to hold a conviction.” - George Crane

“An open mind is all very well in its way, but it ought not to be so open that there is no keeping anything in or out of it. It should be capable of shutting its doors sometimes, or it may be found a little draughty.” - Samuel Butler

“An open mind, like an open window, should be screened to keep the bugs out” - Virginia Hutchinson

“If we keep an open mind, too much is likely to fall into it.” - Natalie Clifford Barney

And by asking us to "keep an open mind", you have shown every indication that you want our minds to be open to BS so that you can load your propaganda into them. Try providing some evidence for your claims, and then you may have some people open their minds. Until then, your statement quoted above is dangerous. Until you prove to me otherwise, I consider you a liar, cheat, and conman.

Again... this is similar to what Darby was saying. And like Darby, you are very much entitled to express your own opinion. Some of your comments though (on the assumption that I am a fraud) still very much suggest that I am personally gaining for all this in a big way...... Please explain.

Regarding the US election, after comments in one of your previous posts a few weeks ago, I updated my statement to say that Obama WILL win. We are extremely confident that we have been successful in our efforts. Furthermore, your comments about how I have been fomenting dissent, please show me where I have said anything even close to that...... (This should be good)

Oh, and thank you for the amusing &amp; entertaining quotes. I especially enjoyed the ones by the people born in the late 19th century.......

Finally, your personal attack comments. Be they sincere or just a baiting tactic the effect on me is the same....... as in nothing. We will continue posting on this forum as per our planned strategy of firstly general information, then more specific and finally to very specific. We will also reply to as many questions as we can. This will not change.