Hello again

What are the chances of a poll shift?

Its a balmy July weekend. The cicadas are buzzing in the trees as you flip hamburgers on the grill for a Saturday afternoon cookout. The kids are splashing and laughing in the pool, trying to keep cool in the 92-degree heat. Suddenly the air is still. The cicadas fall silent. A moment later the ground beneath you starts to rumble and shake. The kids stop their playing as they notice the water in the pool getting choppy. The intensity of the quake increases and you are knocked off your feet. The kids scramble out of the pool, screaming as water sloshes in waves onto the surrounding deck. A fierce wind races over you as you lie on your back on the shaking ground. You try to hold on to something... anything, feeling as if you are going to fly off the face of the earth itself. The sky and clouds are boiling above the violently swaying trees. Birds are being tossed around chaotically as they struggle to fly. Shadows darken and lengthen, and you watch the sun speeding across the sky to the horizon. The shaking stops in an instant and there is an eerie silence, broken only by the sobs of the frightened children. The day has turned to twilight. In a matter of seconds the sun has shifted from its high noon position to just a few degrees above the horizon in the southwest. A bitter, cold wind blows in... and it begins to snow.

Whether or not we could survive a physical shifting of the Earths poles is open to debate. It could be much more cataclysmic than described above. (Maybe only millions or less would survive instead of billions.)

So what about it? Is a pole shift really possible? According to A Pole Shift is the Least of Our Worries, an axial shift is possible, but only if another planetary body such as a rogue planet or similar cosmic anomaly passed in close proximity to the Earth, providing enough torque for such an event to occur.

More likely is a magnetic shift of the poles, although there is no scientific expectation that it will happen anytime soon. But it has happened more than 180 times before, as detected in the paleomagnetic record of rocks on the ocean floor and in some lava flows. These magnetic reversals take place every 100,000 to 25 million years, according to Scientific American, and may take as long as 5,000 years to do so.

So dont let all of this millennium madness ruin your plans for your New Years celebration... or your Fourth of July holiday.

Source: http://paranormal.about.com/library/weekly/aa061499.htm
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

There is another event associated to a Pole shift that is called:

<font color="red"> Crust Tsunami [/COLOR]

Well the reference of this on English wiki is just Dissapearing....

But you can find it on Spanish Wiki:

and the Simmulation Video @

Spanish Article on Wiki


Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

There is another event associated to a Pole shift that is called:

Crust Tsunami

Well the reference of this on English wiki is just Dissapearing....

But you can find it on Spanish Wiki:

and the Simmulation Video @

Spanish Article on Wiki

Hi Recall,

As you can see below, this is a theory based on a meteor striking the Earth's crust. This won't happen during the coming Pole Shift.

Here is the Spanish wiki in English:

Crust tsunami refers to the consequences that would have the impact of a giant asteroid or meteorite, on the order of hundreds of miles to the surface of the Earth.

For resemblance to conventional tsunami in the ocean water is forming a huge wave in a tsunami crust would rise the earth's crust, off the mantle.

This phenomenon is the episode in the saga of the origins of the documentary series Planet Earth.
Re: Hello again - 2nd Post - Government Cover Up

Not long to go now in the Presidential Election! Things are going to start to get very interesting.....

I want everybody to note this and keep your eyes on it. Even in the face of trailing in most polls and many by double digits and with the whole Republican Party in turmoil due to events of the past week to the point where they are almost seemingly about to implode.... there will be no change in campaign tactics. And John McCain will not portray what somebody should be in the position that he's in.

This is because he has been "promised" victory and he would have no reason to think that it won't still happen. But watch closely for the change in him when it becomes obvious the vote fraud tactics failed......

I just suggest you all just sit back, watch and enjoy the show...... And of course vote on Nov 4. for the candidate of your choice. McCain and the Republicans should put on a great show these next few days leading up to the election and for quite a few weeks afterward too.
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?


Will the people living in the underground bases survive?
When can we see the 'anomaly' in general? Someone said we can see it somewhere in Australia now.

In your timeline, did the government officially announce the existence of other beings in the Universe? The British government has just released more files regarding UFO and it seems the government is doing a test right now.
What is the implication of such move?
Re: What are the chances of a poll shift?

Will the people living in the underground bases survive?

That really depends on the location on the planet but it most cases underground installations either imploded or were cut off from the surface and became tombs. Being underground is one of the most dangerous places you can be during the Pole Shift.

When can we see the 'anomaly' in general? Someone said we can see it somewhere in Australia now.

Until a few years ago the Anomaly was able to be viewed from anywhere in the southern hemisphere with small telescopes or even binoculars if you knew where to look. Now, it is in the direction of the sun when viewed from Earth so it cannot be viewed from anywhere.

NASA is trying to use existing equipment in space and even launched new probes (with other stated public agendas of course) to try and observe and even triangulate it's position. But most of those probes launched met with technical difficulties. SOHO has not detected it. And the Hubble has been taken out of mothballs even though not in the best condition to try to find it..... So they have so far failed on all accounts.

It will become slowly visible again a month or so before the pole shift. And in the weeks leading up to the shift will become one of the brightest objects in the night sky.
In your timeline, did the government officially announce the existence of other beings in the Universe? The British government has just released more files regarding UFO and it seems the government is doing a test right now.
What is the implication of such move?

With so many sightings of space craft especially in the past few years, the general population is getting more comfortable with the thought of beings from elsewhere in the universe. So much so, that the typical Government tactic of denying their existence was on the verge of bordering on ridiculous in the public eye. Weather balloons, experimental aircraft, tricks of the light etc. was enough when UFO sightings were few and far between and then only witnessed by a small group or even one person. But now that they are being seen by anything up to whole cities of people at the same time and increasingly more often, the strategy that served them well for decades wasn't enough anymore. Therefore, a change in tactic has occured.

Outside the US, Governments in countries such as England &amp; Russia are releasing documents on their observations of UFO and interviews with witnesses. But they are falling short of coming out and saying officially that Aliens exist instead when being asked to comment they give a very fague response. Remember what UFO stands for... they can say UFO all they want but they will never say Alien space craft. Instead putting out these documents portrays a picture of disclosure which has made the problem go away....... for now anyway.

The US is different. Some of the old strategies are still being used depending on the circumstances but generally the topic as a whole is ignored. The reason why complete official disclosure will not happen is because they don't want to explain the fact they have been lying to the public for 60 years. Explain about MJ12 and everything else take took place.

In any case, as the Pole Shift draws nearer the number of sightings will increase significantly particularly in areas more comfortable with the thought of ET's. And after the Pole Shift, they will begin to make contact with humans face to face and will assist us in rebuilding. We will be introduced to hundreds of different species and will slowly become members of the greater galatic community.

I hope this answers your question.
Heck, why not just jump on the first UFO out of here and miss the pole shift all together? Then come back when everything has settled down.
No, Don`t Work this way....
First Humanity need a shift in a Way of Thinking...and pass trought this event to -Ascend-
<font color="red">
Middle English, from Latin ascendere, from ad- + scandere to climb — [/COLOR]


And Change the CIVILIZATION...for a better one
Heck, why not just jump on the first UFO out of here and miss the pole shift all together? Then come back when everything has settled down.

When The Visitors made face to face contact after the pole shift and they told us they have been in contact with humans around subconsciously for over 60 years, we asked them why they didn't rescue us. In reply, they said that the disasters were something that mankind had to go through to grow spiritually as a species. With the destruction of the today's way of life, everybody was put on the same level. We realised that through the horrors of the shift, we learned to work together as never before because everybody had the same goal - survival. We gained far more than we lost.
With the destruction of the today's way of life, everybody was put on the same level. We realised that through the horrors of the shift, we learned to work together as never before because everybody had the same goal - survival.

Don't forget the WAR, the pole shift was obviously not horrific enough eh?
Hey My_Time:

Obviously, you should be careful about interrupting recall in the midst of his ardent belief mode. For all my observations of recall, I have yet to see him get too concerned about inconsistencies in any TT storyteller who tells the story that recall really wants to believe. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Let's see, recall.... today is the 28th. So according to your new signature line nothing happened back on the 23rd. Another "ho hum, not this time recall" moment? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Hey timeline_39!

I didn't read all posts what you have send here, but I presume that you are from different time, right? If so you must have some kind of time machine/device (I think you have machine, but nm)? Fix if I have understand something wrong. (Bad english)
