You must be happy at this stage seeing Obama made it. Questions:
1. John mentioned that billions of people were killed in the war, not the disaster. Did you guys come to our timeline and make more people die in the disaster instead of the war?
2. If the government made a mistake 60 years ago, why did you come to this specific time to fix the problem instead of going back earlier?
3. Can you disclose which other countries know about the anomaly?
4. Technical question: When someone in your future said bring me a name card of President McCain when you travel backward. Then you changed the event and Obama won. When you return, 1) will that guy still remember asking you to bring a name card of McCain or Obama? 2) in your mind, you remember that guy asked you to bring name card of McCain or Obama?
You must be happy at this stage seeing Obama made it. Questions:
1. John mentioned that billions of people were killed in the war, not the disaster. Did you guys come to our timeline and make more people die in the disaster instead of the war?
2. If the government made a mistake 60 years ago, why did you come to this specific time to fix the problem instead of going back earlier?
3. Can you disclose which other countries know about the anomaly?
4. Technical question: When someone in your future said bring me a name card of President McCain when you travel backward. Then you changed the event and Obama won. When you return, 1) will that guy still remember asking you to bring a name card of McCain or Obama? 2) in your mind, you remember that guy asked you to bring name card of McCain or Obama?