Hello again


You must be happy at this stage seeing Obama made it. Questions:
1. John mentioned that billions of people were killed in the war, not the disaster. Did you guys come to our timeline and make more people die in the disaster instead of the war?
2. If the government made a mistake 60 years ago, why did you come to this specific time to fix the problem instead of going back earlier?
3. Can you disclose which other countries know about the anomaly?
4. Technical question: When someone in your future said bring me a name card of President McCain when you travel backward. Then you changed the event and Obama won. When you return, 1) will that guy still remember asking you to bring a name card of McCain or Obama? 2) in your mind, you remember that guy asked you to bring name card of McCain or Obama?
Re: What are the chances of a pole shift? 99.7%

Dear Charlie:

Congratulations to you and your teams for the election of Barack Obama, instead of John McCain.
It seems that your efforts to defuse the potential ballots fraud for the benefit of the republican candidate succeed.
Let's see your promised more information about the issue.
Best regards.

Re: What are the chances of a pole shift? 99.7%

Congratulations to you and your teams for the election of Barack Obama, instead of John McCain.

Sorry, no, this is wrong!

I think the American people deserve the credit for Obama's victory, the result was a landslide not some 'close call' that could have been affected by fraudulent activity.
Re: What are the chances of a pole shift? 99.7%

My Time:

You´re right, of course!
Sorry for that.
My complete message should be to praise first and foremost the american people for this historic election; then, the Charlie's case as he told it.
My apologies.

Re: What are the chances of a pole shift? 99.7%

My complete message should be to praise first and foremost the american people for this historic election; then, the Charlie's case as he told it.

Charlie had nothing to do with it. Charlie is engaged in a confidence maneuver to get you to think he had a hand in "fixing" the election. The point was that now you should "believe" him when he comes to peddle more BS.

I notice how the "cornspiracy freaks" only seem to be active with a Republican president... as if the Dems are "clean" and there is no conspiracies in their ranks... yet clearly you cannot exonerate Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank for the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac fiasco. They are clearly on the record as not only receiving big money from these pseudo federal agencies, but also on record as having opposed further regulation upon them. You just can't rewrite history in an open society.

Re: What are the chances of a pole shift? 99.7%

Some how I don't think Charlie had anything to do with it, or his friends (if,that is, he has any!)
Still, time will tell.
Re: What are the chances of a pole shift? 99.7%


RMT Status:

Conspiracy ON

I notice how the "cornspiracy freaks" only seem to be active with a Republican president... as if the Dems are "clean" and there is no conspiracies in their ranks... yet clearly you cannot exonerate Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank for the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac fiasco. They are clearly on the record as not only receiving big money from these pseudo federal agencies, but also on record as having opposed further regulation upon them. You just can't rewrite history in an open society.

Quoting Lord Raydemort:
<font color="red"> Poor Lyndzee...

The handwriting is pretty much on the wall and almost dried that she is a failure as a time traveler, and even worse: a failure as a time travel hoaxer.

I'll take any bets from anyone that we don't see her come back now!!! I'd even be happy to have her come back and call me childish again! [/COLOR]

end quoted from another thread...

LoLoL!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: What are the chances of a pole shift? 99.7%

end quoted from another thread...


And your point is...??? Sorry if I am too dense to infer your connection. I am an engineer. We do better with block diagrams.

The coming posts contain information that will hopefully clarify what we are trying to achieve here. These posts will contain information about the past (from this point in time) and the future. But I must warn you....... A lot of what has been written so far in our initial communication and the words that follow will be debunked and ridiculed by many people. These people can be classed under two categories:
1) Established and Deliberate Debunkers
2) Reactions from people due to denial

I like how this guy has to insult anybody who'd want to criticize his story before he even makes any predictions. If you really were a time traveler wouldn't you be secure enough with yourself you wouldn't care what skeptics thought?
1) Established and Deliberate Debunkers

And as most hoaxers and scammers tend to do, this one has branded a "debunker" as a negative thing. When the reality of the situation is that a debunker is actually a good thing... because it exposes lies and untruths for what they are.


<font color="red"> "to expose or excoriate (a claim, assertion, sentiment, etc.) as being pretentious, false, or exaggerated" [/COLOR]

And so what is wrong with exposing something to be pretentious, false, or exaggerated? Answer: Nothing. The world needs more debunkers, not less!

but um.. where is charlie now?

Formally Debriefed The New President Barack Obama, regarding the Pole shift event - Great Catastrophe -

Quoting Charlie:
by being formally briefed (the few) or through rumour (the majority) and this includes both Presidential Candidates and their Running Mates. We are confident that with Obama/Biden in the White House, they will do their part to ensure humanity takes a different path into and beyond the Pole Shift......


Yes. The Great Catastrophe will occur before 2011.

Yes. There was a war between what was left of the military of what are the super-powers at this point in time. That happened not long after the pole shift.

I joined our agency in 2027 just before my 16th birthday in a junior position. One of The Visitors assigned to our area championed my application. I can see how this could be difficult for you to understand but it certainly wasn't uncommon.

Many of those who survived the pole shift and the few years proceeding it were young, early &amp; middle aged. There were many orphaned children also..... In many cases, teens and young adults were among the leaders in survival communities depending on the challenges faced by a particular community.

Regardless of age, everyone had to significantly contribute to their survival group to ensure its success and well.... survival really.

Do the Math,

Arthur C. Clarke, gives a Hint in his book:
“The next 100 years according to Sir Arthur C. Clarke" Hard Copy edition...

The last line is:
<font color="red"> ----&gt;2100 -History Reset- &lt;------------- [/COLOR]

Do you "See" which Year is he reffering?

Typo Corrected...see not SSE, LOL
I debunk thee, I debunk thee, I debunk thee!

(turns around three times in clockwise direction, spits on the ground, draws the inverted pentagram on chest, sacrifices white mouse)

There. That ought to just about take care of that! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif


<font color="red"> Typo Corrected [/COLOR]

debunk thee, I debunk thee, I debunk thee!

(turns around three times in clockwise direction, spits on the ground, draws the inverted pentagram on chest, sacrifices white mouse)

There. That ought to just about take care of that!

That is for Summon a Black MAgiK Woman....

Do you need that?

Yeah but you got to admit , it was still an interesting link..

HDR would probably enjoy it.

who would have thunked it?

Only thirty dollar registration ..:)