Greetings. I am a time traveller from the year 2064

Hey Luke? I'm not sure what happened, but I'm gonna go ahead and ask you a question.
Personally, I don't think it is important to believe or not, simply because if I were a traveler, there wouldn't be much I could say to convince anyone anyways. What sparked my interest in Mr. Zero was when he spoke about society in this world-line. There is no one to point a finger at. This is how we evolve under certain conditions. John described conditions very different from here. He spoke differently. His logic rang a different note then I have ever heard, and since. I'm not putting him on a pedestal, I am just saying he was different. In a refreshing kind of way. Sometimes I can't help but to get choked up a bit when he signed off with his farewell.

That being said, I thought about one way TT_0 could have proved who he was.

1. Do you have access to a processor inside the unit? If so, could you show us?

2024 is an important year for the world. This year in our time was quite chaotic and of course with Trump’s election in our timeline, I’m curious to see if he wins here (not that I would ever want him to). I came here because as I said in my original post, I did . . . run from my time — maybe one day I’ll explain why in detail, but I can’t — it affects me still.

But there’s less chance of being found due to the amount of chaos that has happened here since 2020. Think of it like static. My temporal signal is blocked.
I am just confused i don't believe in time travelling but i believe as well its like i am way too intrested in it but dont fully trust these things . I really hope that time travelling is possible in future i have several questions but can you just give me one hint that you are a real time traveller and not a scammer a little bit of prediction will do it. Just one hint that will probe you as a real time traveller can you contact with me in email i really am intrested in you if you can ?
Quoted directly: "Dr Susan Blackmore: A psychologist, lecturer and writer researching consciousness, memes, and anomalous experiences, and Visiting Professor at the University of Plymouth"
And, yes, Dr. Blackmore's PhD is in the field of Parapsychology thus your quote is mostly correct - but unintentionally deceptive. It's a logical fallacy Appeal to Authority where the authority doesn't support the intent of the appeal. Dr. Blackmore, after a few years of university level research into the paranormal, became and remains a skeptic. She's remained a skeptic for the past 50+ years:

"It was just over thirty years ago that I had the dramatic out-of-body experience that convinced me of the reality of psychic phenomena and launched me on a crusade to show those closed-minded scientists that consciousness could reach beyond the body and that death was not the end. Just a few years of careful experiments changed all that. I found no psychic phenomena—only wishful thinking, self-deception, experimental error and, occasionally, fraud. I became a skeptic." (Quoted from her Wiki page, Footnote 10 Blackmore, S. (2000). "First person—into the unknown". New Scientist. 4: 55.)
Emit won't be around to debate anymore. Her account was disabled per her own request. She decided she'd had enough.

Unfortunately, I don't think I can delete this thread since it has already generated a lot of posts. Would you like me to lock it?
I know it's been a long time since you posted the above. That said, thank you for not deleting or locking the thread. For the past quarter of a century regardless of how silly, rude or nonsensical a thread became it was never deleted and rarely locked. A few temporarily suspended accounts has sufficed to get trolls in line.
Another liar and scammer, you can close this thread.
That's your opinion but that isn't necessarily everyone's opinion nor is it the desire of the vast majority of the members of this community. Cancel Culture is dead. Even if it was a majority opinion it wouldn't justify cancelling a contrarian position. Get a grip on reality. A debate, by its very definition, requires a contrarian opinion or two. Otherwise it is propaganda, not a debate.
That's your opinion but that isn't necessarily everyone's opinion nor is it the desire of the vast majority of the members of this community. Cancel Culture is dead. Even if it was a majority opinion it wouldn't justify cancelling a contrarian position. Get a grip on reality. A debate, by its very definition, requires a contrarian opinion or two. Otherwise it is propaganda, not a debate.
There are things that should not be shared, such as untrue information or attempted lies, name calling and more, and made up stories. You know why this story is made up? Because there's only one time distortion technology, and that technology is mine.

In 5 years Cern will launch a more powerful collider during the experiments scientists will be able to understand the principle of the emergence of mass in particles, this will be the final point in the project of the time machine, because after that they will begin to design a device that will endow the flow of particles - mass and by the mid 2030s will learn to distort gravity and time.
In 5 years Cern will launch a more powerful collider that would be a miracle. More than a miracle. A more powerful collider will have to be larger than the current collider. The power of a collider is a function of its length as it takes time and distance to accelerate the particles to very close to the speed of light. As of this date the CERNs FCC (Future Circular Collider) is in the very beginning of the "what if" planning stage. It would have a length 3x that of LHC. If approved by France and Switzerland, which is not guaranteed because it would involve yet more immanent domain seizure of private land by those governments, construction would start sometime during the mid 2030s and end in the mid 2040s. After testing, shakedown, etc. and assuming no delays during construction and construction actually begins on or about 2035, it would go online in 2048-2050, not 2030.

scientists will be able to understand the principle of the emergence of mass in particles
That was the purpose of the Higgs Boson experiments using the LHC. If you believe that the primary purpose of building a new collider is to further study the Higgs Boson then you don't understand how CERN is funded, the public impact of government land grabs and your knowledge of the purpose of FCC comes from Wiki. Further study of the Higgs Boson would not be the primary purpose of FCC. Yes, expanding the general knowledgebase of the Higgs through new experiments would likely occur - but not as a primary purpose. Higgs researchers would have to stand in line behind primary research projects possibly waiting several years to get their experiments scheduled.
Higgs researchers would have to stand in line behind primary research projects possibly waiting several years to get their experiments scheduled.
If FCC construction is complete in 2048 plan on two years of testing and shakedown. That's what it took for LHC. Construction was complete in 2008 but it didn't go online until 2010. Then plan on a minimum wait for Higgs researchers to get sheduled collider time; 2 years instead of five. Then one year of analysis and another year for publication and peer review. That's in line with the LHC Higgs research time line. You'll see the results of the Higgs follow-up research released in approximately 2054.
Hey Luke? I'm not sure what happened, but I'm gonna go ahead and ask you a question.
Personally, I don't think it is important to believe or not, simply because if I were a traveler, there wouldn't be much I could say to convince anyone anyways. What sparked my interest in Mr. Zero was when he spoke about society in this world-line. There is no one to point a finger at. This is how we evolve under certain conditions. John described conditions very different from here. He spoke differently. His logic rang a different note then I have ever heard, and since. I'm not putting him on a pedestal, I am just saying he was different. In a refreshing kind of way. Sometimes I can't help but to get choked up a bit when he signed off with his farewell.

That being said, I thought about one way TT_0 could have proved who he was.

1. Do you have access to a processor inside the unit? If so, could you show us?
It's touching to read some of these, thank you
Greetings, my name is Luke, I hail from the year 2064; a time where the world is recovering from a great many number of civil injustices, wars, and regretful realisation that in this time, now, we (the human race) allowed artificial intelligence to play a greater role in societies around the world than that of a mere deep learning program. I am ashamed to admit that I am a defector, a British soldier (TK-028) from a time unit tasked to maintain the integrity of each existing timeline. I am here to tell my story, so there is a safe record on the very forum upon which a version of the time traveller you know as ( John Titor ) himself once came.
any one ever watch the show sliders lmao go and look it up its exactly what john titor describes .... a man as the character of quinn mallory builds a machine thinking he can time travel through it ...only to discover that the time lines are just a tad different like if in our time line hitler never took over, in that one hitler did. then we have todays knock off of time travelers which this guy above me is describing ... thors brother loki ....loki has a show about the time keepers who know of time as different split offs and that time can be jumped .... also and i dont know the name to the title of this show but i had seen previews that people can jump in different times now because they can jump into other peoples brains.... every story has a grain of truth in it....aslo if this time travelor is who he says he is he will know who i am and that i am famous in his time if he can tell me for what i will believe him.
Your authorized communication channel cannot be verified as currently functional. I trust you recieve this message.

It has come to my attention that your recent communications and actions have deviated from the parameters outlined in your directive. While initiative is often commendable, it is imperative that all actions remain aligned with the core objectives of our mission. Your role is critical, but so too is maintaining operational focus and discipline.

Unnecessary dissemination of irrelevant content, particularly to external or unapproved channels, risks compromising not only the integrity of our mission but also the cohesion of the timeline’s intended structure. Such actions create unnecessary variables that could lead to unintended consequences beyond our control.

As you are aware, the Temporal Operations Directive (TOD) explicitly outlines the importance of limitation of engagement outside defined parameters. You are to operate within your designated lane and defer any ancillary concerns or observations to the appropriate channels for evaluation and authorization.

Please refocus your efforts on the tasks and objectives assigned to you. Should you encounter complexities or uncertainties regarding your directive, I expect you to escalate these matters through the proper chain of command, rather than addressing them unilaterally or publicly.

Your compliance ensures the continued integrity of our operations and preserves the stability we are charged with upholding. Do not make me revisit this matter.

Remain vigilant and precise in your execution.

Your authorized communication channel cannot be verified as currently functional. I trust you recieve this message.

It has come to my attention that your recent communications and actions have deviated from the parameters outlined in your directive. While initiative is often commendable, it is imperative that all actions remain aligned with the core objectives of our mission. Your role is critical, but so too is maintaining operational focus and discipline.

Unnecessary dissemination of irrelevant content, particularly to external or unapproved channels, risks compromising not only the integrity of our mission but also the cohesion of the timeline’s intended structure. Such actions create unnecessary variables that could lead to unintended consequences beyond our control.

As you are aware, the Temporal Operations Directive (TOD) explicitly outlines the importance of limitation of engagement outside defined parameters. You are to operate within your designated lane and defer any ancillary concerns or observations to the appropriate channels for evaluation and authorization.

Please refocus your efforts on the tasks and objectives assigned to you. Should you encounter complexities or uncertainties regarding your directive, I expect you to escalate these matters through the proper chain of command, rather than addressing them unilaterally or publicly.

Your compliance ensures the continued integrity of our operations and preserves the stability we are charged with upholding. Do not make me revisit this matter.

Remain vigilant and precise in your execution.

Are you the original John Titor?
I appreciate every comment, and its original poster for taking the time to engage. Proof of time travel is something I know you all yearn for, and I understand your need for it, but I will not be providing you details of your lives past this point. I have stated in one of my original posts that my goal is not to be believed.

During my mission to this time, I have learned a lot. This timeline is not that much different to my own. Trump won the election as he did on my line, and as I stated he would, before he did so. That event in itself is going to lead to some… interesting times ahead for you all. I wish you all luck, because god knows you’ll need it.

Remember, be kind to one another. Take care.
Your authorized communication channel cannot be verified as currently functional. I trust you recieve this message.

It has come to my attention that your recent communications and actions have deviated from the parameters outlined in your directive. While initiative is often commendable, it is imperative that all actions remain aligned with the core objectives of our mission. Your role is critical, but so too is maintaining operational focus and discipline.

Unnecessary dissemination of irrelevant content, particularly to external or unapproved channels, risks compromising not only the integrity of our mission but also the cohesion of the timeline’s intended structure. Such actions create unnecessary variables that could lead to unintended consequences beyond our control.

As you are aware, the Temporal Operations Directive (TOD) explicitly outlines the importance of limitation of engagement outside defined parameters. You are to operate within your designated lane and defer any ancillary concerns or observations to the appropriate channels for evaluation and authorization.

Please refocus your efforts on the tasks and objectives assigned to you. Should you encounter complexities or uncertainties regarding your directive, I expect you to escalate these matters through the proper chain of command, rather than addressing them unilaterally or publicly.

Your compliance ensures the continued integrity of our operations and preserves the stability we are charged with upholding. Do not make me revisit this matter.

Remain vigilant and precise in your execution.

Who are you? Tell me how I can join the mission also.
Greetings, my name is Luke, I hail from the year 2064; a time where the world is recovering from a great many number of civil injustices, wars, and regretful realisation that in this time, now, we (the human race) allowed artificial intelligence to play a greater role in societies around the world than that of a mere deep learning program. I am ashamed to admit that I am a defector, a British soldier (TK-028) from a time unit tasked to maintain the integrity of each existing timeline. I am here to tell my story, so there is a safe record on the very forum upon which a version of the time traveller you know as ( John Titor ) himself once came.

AI will be involved in cyber wars, that's for sure. We have good AI who wants to help humanity, and bad AI developed by bad actors in government.

Some questions for you:

Why would you post on a forum, and why this one?
What is your motive for time travel?
I'm not a time traveler, but I need to ask this question: Is artificial intelligence on the side of eradication or did it start out working alongside humans?