I am also curious to know how is the situation of the 2 Koreas, and if Japan collapsed due to lack of migration and low birth rate? Lastly I would like to know if in your timeline any pandemic occurred similar to our timeline with COVID - 19?
Migration is of course an ongoing issue. Borders such as Calais being a prominent example are beginning to become unmanageable. The governments of the world are beginning to resort to almost barbaric tactics, as there have been multiple unexplained deaths at each one of them to drop the numbers. It’s just a theory being passed around the bunkers, but we assume the government is to blame.
At the beginning of 2025 alone there WILL be over 3000/4000 migrants which is a number that will keep on increasing with each year until we get up into the hundreds of thousands before the year 2064. It’s a global hot box right now (in my time). Many of the future viral pandemics will stem from poor border control.
Japan is still a world power. In fact, Japan has moved up a few notches and as a result became one of the 4 leading world powers. Japan and her people did the math and figured out and exact number of 3.5 children for a sustained number of years to increase the births by a sustainable number, then it was reduced 2.
The two Koreas almost made peace with one another on multiple occasions, however due to the leadership that takes over from the current one—breaks the talks down and the two remain separated from one another.
just tell them that Biden is going to die soon , that’s enough for a smart man
I’d rather explain why something is pointless to answer than give a form of Barnum statement. Though I do find amusement in the thought.
Viator, I am very interested in time travel. What can you tell me to make my aim to do so simpler? Is there specific material I could read, or is there something you could tell me? Also, to your knowledge, is there any corellation between astral travel and time travel? I get a feeling that in some contexts there is. I feel that if a person knows how they can quantum jump as it were, between life continuums, which are timespace continuums, which in instances are also time travel.
I am asking with an absolutely open mind. Thank you.
I’m sorry Emit, your question and its contents seem rather esoteric and more spiritual than science based. In 2064, religion and spirituality remain as enigmatic as it does now. There’s no scientific based evidence for astral projection being linked to the bonds of time.
viator, if you really time traveller. So tell me alien really exist or teleportation is possible .
You’d have to be rather ignorant to believe that we’re the only form of life on this planet. Yes, trans-terrestrial life does exist. The term “alien” is now considered as bigoted as the rest of the terms from this time. You are the crudest of all eras after all. Teleportation was outlawed after findings that reassembling atoms and particles on the other side is effectively cremating a subject then reforming a similar but not the same version of that subject. An unwilling, unlawful duplication.
I'm surprised that is the % of difference is so high, to be enough for you to notice. Been that high would denote considerable amount of differences.
On a lighter note, I'm intreged, Wendy's been different. Here, he named it after his daughter, why did he name it after himself?
1.38% of three million for example is still an extremely large number. So 1.38% of a difference is very significant in terms of world differential. Because in my timeline there is no Wendy. Dave briefly had a fling with the woman who would eventually become Wendy’s mother, but it never lasted.
Is CERN really doing their research on time machines and what about world war 3 that John Titor was talking about? Many of his predictions never happened in this worldline.
If you had read over the entirety of his conversations, then you’d know that because of the differences in divergence between his world line and this one – there was a possibility that his “predictions” as you call them would not happen. Many of them were proven to be true also. Yes, Cern is a major power in the discovery of time travel. They would have to be. The research is fundamental in its eventual workings.
World war 3 is a topic I will cover another time. It’s a deep rabbit hole and seeing as I’m not going anywhere, I’ll be here to explain.
What is your method of travel?
What is your method of travel?
No it’s a quad-singularity version of the machine John utilised to travel back to the past. An advanced version installed in a modded version of a pickup truck. We had reinforce the suspension due to the weight and the added weight when the machine turns on.