Greetings From the Future!

"I DO KNOW THE PUNNISHMENT IS DEATH--not only to me, but to the individual or individuals I share forbidden knlowdge with." "will not go in details... <font color="red"> I have spilled enough beans." /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif[/COLOR]

I guess we are toast. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Hi Real it's Doggie again I just wanted to say I have four more questions to ask you so here they are and thanks for your time and patience and listening and thanks for answering all of my questions before I appreciate that well here goes:

1. How far forwards and backwards can you go with your time machine?

2. Do other time travelers know that you exist in other timelines like ours and other timelines as well?

3. Who made your time machine like a company, organization, group, or just one person?

4. In your timeline is their diseases or viruses or is it a peaceful society?

thanks for everything like info, advice, tips, and so much more I am not here to make fun and judge you I am a honest person just want to know the truth about other stuff including the paranormal and other subjects too I am no skeptic but a believer well I will talk with you again later on see ya later!

Didn't you read his previous reply. If you ask him questions and he answers the "wrong" one - his government will have to kill both of you...and I presume everyone else on the planet who reads, has the opportunity to read or who might someday read the post.

But they don't "significantly" interact with the worlds they visit...they just snuff a few folks as necessary. What's a few murders between friends.

And he volunteered to work for Joe Stalin's future govmit.
1. You are a time traveler from the year 2038, sent back to the past. Since it is impossible to land at the exact moment you want to, instead you traveled back in time to before you wanted to land to play it safe and you are willing to stay here and wait until your appointed time.

2. Your job here (at your appointed moment in time) is to change the course of human events in a big way. To that end, you have no problem talking about the future since you're here to change it... logically, talking about it changes it.

3. You have recuited your "current self" for this project. Since you are from 2038 and we're in 2006, your "current self" is 32 years younger than you and currently in the Air Force flying F-18 Hornets for the Australian Air Force. This would make the current you approx. 22 years old and the you you right about 54 years old. Also- Australia is currently working on the F-35 Lightning II aircraft, which will be in rotation in a dozen years- right in time for the war because the Lightning II is superior to Chinese planes.

4. Your recuiting your current self for this job means the job you're here to do is more important than the continuity of your human life- that by recruiting your younger self, you are altering your own history, possibly to a degree where yes- time will become severely distorted as a result. In short, this is the old Biff giving the younger Biff the Sports Almanac, right?

5. Hillary Clinton will be our next President. It doesn't take a giant leap to conclude that you were sent here to somehow stop Hillary- kinda like "The Dead Zone". Case in point- you talk about inhumane terrorist acts on Catholic schools, riots in France and Australia and angst in Iran and Syria- all events that severely distort time, which is why you're here.

6. Your time machine is a human made flying saucer. This flying saucer is presumably in your backyard, supposedly under some sort of cloaking device. The saucer itself looks like a saucer- if you want to see what it looks like, we should just Google it. Time traveling is expensive and difficult and you barely made it to 2006- your shuttle (or space ship) nearly broke apart upon re-entry.

6A. Additionally, you are not the flying saucer's inventor, just the pilot. Your outstanding record and your contacts in Sydney, Australia (where your IP comes from) are the reasons you were chosen for this mission.

7. Two days after you appeared, you decided to keep why you're here a secret for the time being because if you proved you're a time traveler the media would be all over you and your mission's objectives would be ruined.

7B. To that end, on the same day you also decided you're only going to post here from time to time- making sure there is no direct proof of any of your claims. But don't worry- Clinton will be the next President and there will be bombings and killings and wars and when that happens, that will be my proof.

7C. Additionally, if none of those things ever happen, this means you somehow secretly changed the timeline which explains why none of it has come true. But everything will be revealed at the proper time, it's just that this is not the proper time.

8. Three weeks later you reappeared on this forum as Falzone2 from Lidcombe, Australia. You forgot your password, so you created this new screen name. Realizing the amount of information time traveler fans would demand of you, you decided to post here once every two weeks.

8B. Additionally, you tell us Bush will serve out his term as President. Apart from that, your job is to stop a series of events from ever happening, presumably happening sometime in 2008. If you are successful, none of the predictions you have made (apart from Bush serving out his term) will come to pass.

9. This is your one and only chance to change things and you must follow things to a precise detail. However, if things don't work out, you will go back to the future and come back with a new plan.

10. You decided to push the plan up instead of wait. The plan is "1. Stop Hillary from becoming president or 2. Stop the government from making a fatal decision."

11. Four days later, you say that now Australia will not be facing a civil war. There will be riots, and these riots will be related to Hillary, but it's not an outright Civil War.

12. Finally you tell us the US is about to invade Iran- by 10/30/06. This is the series of events you were sent back to stop- this upcoming war, Hillary's Presidency, worldwide riots and nuclear bombs.

Does this bring me up to speed?
Okay Real Deal. You said you have agents among the natives in the 1700's to keep you safe. Therefore, I've got some questions for you about the 1700's where you will be going if you can answer them for me?

1. What american indian nation and what colony are you going to visit?

2. Is your safety agent from your time period, or is your agent of that time period, the 1700's?

3. Who was the British Indian agent in the colonies during this time period? Can you name his successor when he died? and what did he die of?

4. Do you have the exact date you will be visiting? If you do I have more questions I can ask to test you on.

5. What war or battle will you be in the midst of when you go back?

6. What famous Native American(s) will you be encountering when you go?

7. Where will you be going to pick up your seeds? Or do you need a suggestion as to where you can get the BEST PICK AND VARIETY--because I happen to know where you should go to get your samples.

If you can answer these, I have plenty more! I do want to ask you them. And I assure you I will ask them!

Oh, one more. There is a famous general for the American side who fought the Native Americans and British in the Revolutionary War. He was not George Washington, but his battle was made famous in our military ranks much later on. Who was that General?
1. How far forwards and backwards can you go with your time machine?

2. Do other time travelers know that you exist in other timelines like ours and other timelines as well?

3. Who made your time machine like a company, organization, group, or just one person?

4. In your timeline is their diseases or viruses or is it a peaceful society?

Ans 1---WE can go to the begining of the formation of the Earth and beyond. We can go as far foreward as we wish.

2. Answer me Who makes American Nuclear weapons? Do you know the company that makes them?
I know the company that makes the Time machines, but I wil not reveal it.

3. It is a peaceful society, no diseases. WE have cures for any type of bacteria or virus diseases. :oops:
1. What american indian nation and what colony are you going to visit?

2. Is your safety agent from your time period, or is your agent of that time period, the 1700's?

3. Who was the British Indian agent in the colonies during this time period? Can you name his successor when he died? and what did he die of?

4. Do you have the exact date you will be visiting? If you do I have more questions I can ask to test you on.

5. What war or battle will you be in the midst of when you go back?

6. What famous Native American(s) will you be encountering when you go?

7. Where will you be going to pick up your seeds? Or do you need a suggestion as to where you can get the BEST PICK AND VARIETY--because I happen to know where you should go to get your samples.

If you can answer these, I have plenty more! I do want to ask you them. And I assure you I will ask them!


Ans.1-- I will be staying with the MANDANS.--I can reveal that as you have no way to go back to the past heeeee!!! heee!!!


Question 7 is rather arrogant, all you know is from books--they do not paint the true picture. GO BACK TO THE PAST AND SEE FOR YOUR SELF hee!!! heee!!!-- Of course you can't, I can.
If you really were a time traveler, you could answer these question without any problems whatsoever because you would have to travel in the places where these questions could be answered. You HAVE TO DEAL WITH the Indian agent there. There is no question about that he was the ONLY ONE who could save your butt there if he was not one of your agents. And you would need interpreters unless you could speak the native language yourself. Can you tell me what they were, by the way? There is no arrogance involved in knowing where the best seeds for your future endeavors would be in the past. An historian would most likely be the person to travel back there because he or she would have to know where they would be located to get them. It's a matter for the history books, yes, which I have already consulted because I live in the area where you SHOULD BE SENT to pick up the seeds for your future survival. AND where they were located, you would have to deal with the Indian agent I already mentioned to you TO GET THEM. As far as I am concerned the Real Deal is NO DEAL. You are a fake. SEE GUYS? YOU CAN BUST THESE jerks by knowing your history!!! And I am NOT the gullible person you have so far thought me to be!!
Hi Real it's me once again I just wanted to ask you three more questions and thanks for answering all of my questions and thanks for your time and patience and listening and thanks for everything like info, advice, tips, and advice I hope you have a good day well here they are and thanks in advance:

1. Do you have virtual reality in your timeline also what kind of races are there as well?

2. What kind of food and soda or drink do you eat and drink?

3. Is time travel and teleportation common in your timeline or not at all?

thanks for being cool to me and I hope you have a good one how are you doing in general? I am doing okay for now I will talk with you later on and thanks again!

You HAVE TO DEAL WITH the Indian agent there.

Oh...that sort of agent. Silly me. I thought that RealDeal was talking about talent agents who represent clients for movie, book or other profit making business ventures ala The John Titor Foundation.

Thanks for clearing that up for RD.

And I was wondering why they put agents in place at 50 year intervals. What's the point of that considering the topic under discussion?
NOBILEFAMILY--Keep your insults in your family.

You do not know whom you insult. I can go back in time and kick your little butt when you are only 5 years old--REMEMBER THAT. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/loveit.gif

NOBILEFAMILY--Keep your insults in your family.

You do not know whom you insult. I can go back in time and kick your little butt when you are only 5 years old--REMEMBER THAT.

Considering that you don't know who noblefamily is, how do you know that he isn't a part of your family and, thus, kept it in his family?

And more to the point, considering your threat of violence, your threats of murder what is it that makes you such an angry child?

If you can be made to lose your cool so easily how is it that you are "the best of the best" and chosen for this mission among all other candidates?

If you lose your cool so easily, you can be manipulated just as easily into spilling the "Your Future Employment with the Firm Will Be Terminated With Extreme Prejudice" beans.

Hmmm...the Future of this planet is in the hands of loose canon blood sport murderers and they're telling us that we have problems. Yikes!
Then be real about your job. If you are coming back to these times to gather seeds to repopulate the Earth, then you will need some very good seeds. In this time period we have hybrid seeds that cannot reproduce future crops once they have already produced crops. Your regular seeds, not hybrids, will have to be sought out. And in the 1700's you had better have great agents or you would be cut open and gutted like a fish and your innards tied around the trees in the forest to warn others to stay out of the forbidden country. And that is an historical fact. That information you seldom get in regular history books. And that's tame compared to what the Hurons could do to you. Did you get to see the movie, THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS? That was the Hollywood version of what Native Americans were known to do, and that was accurate enough. If you are planning to travel to America in the 1700's then be very prepared. Not all natives here were Waponoags and kind to the Pilgrims and anyone else who settled here. Some were man eaters--that's how they got their name. Mohawk means man eater.

P.S. I found a prediction on the Net. December 15th this year a dirty bomb will hit the UN Building in New York City. Let's see if that one comes to pass. And I'm not a time traveler.
Well it is time for me to move on.

I will not be comming back to this time line.

It was quite an experience for me to walk among Zombies, the people of this timeline.

It is a strange experience to be amoung ghosts that have been dead and buried a long long time ago.

This is my first time travelling tru time.

Fare-well all. I don't care if I hurt any feelings, as you people do not exist in my timeline. YOU ALL ARE ZOMBIES TO ME.

BYE !! BYE!!!
I'm really sorry you feel that way. Particularly because I was only trying to get you to prove what you were telling us was the truth. There is no reason for this kind of backlash. I really wasn't as harsh as some others were, but I am firmly of the persuasion that if you are going to specific time periods for specific things, you really do need to know a little bit about those time periods and who was in charge at the time. I am not kidding you. I really can tell you. I was going to strike a deal with you for you to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are for real and that I could vouch for you! If you were willing, but since you are not coming back, I won't be able to do that. I will, however, tell you what I had planned here and if you do come back, it will be on the site for you to say yes or no to.

Where you need to go to pick up your seeds, there was an old British fort and storage depot built for the British Army regulars and their officers. I have the floor plans of that old fort. BUT no one has any actual pictures of this fort and depot. None were ever painted or drawn. And there was no description of the place left in the history books other than the floor plans. IF you go back there and can get actual digital photographs of that fort and depot and the surrounding area to prove you were actually there--it is situated about a mile away from a major lake but how the landscape is set, you can see where the lake is in the landscaping--and post them here for everyone to see, I can match them to the area and the floor plans. That would prove to me you are what you say you are. And I am sure to everyone else. If you are willing, I will send you to the place you need to go. But be warned first. You must first make friends with an Iroquois Seneca chief or the Indian Agent before you can go there or you must be sure you are well hidden so you are never seen by any of them, because what I said could and WILL happen if you are caught. Only the British officers and regulars were aloud to be there in that area at the time. No one else, unless they here hostages of the Native Americans. If you look anything like us, they will mistake you for a settler and trespasser, and that ain't good. What do you say?