Why does everyone here have to be so rude and so close-minded? Isn't that why we post on this board in the first place, to study the theories of time travel?
Since I am sometimes a party to the questioning of some of the claimants...I will respond to your questions as well.
want to believe that the claimants ARE time travelers. However, if someone does make such a claim...then the claimant should be prepared in being able to prove the claim of being capable of traveling in time.
I, and I would hope that others, are not going to accept any claim on face value.
Asking questions isn't close minded.
And if the claimant agrees to provide proof and posts pictures of multitesters, obviously altered pictures, flash movies of video games or pictures scalped off the internet, as proof...who is being rude ?
We study the theories of time travel, in the time travel discussion forum, which became so encumbered with garbage, that this particular forum was created specifically for the time traveling claimants.
You must admit, if you are interested in time travel, have someone make such a claim, look at their proof and realize the proof is fake...how would you feel ? How would you respond to any proof posted that YOU recognize is contrived and intended to
fool YOU ?
When someone makes a claim, I do hope they turn out to be telling the truth. It would be extremely fantastic to actually be able to interact with one.
As mentioned previously, there have been so many so-called time travelers showing up, that after awhile, the skeptical scale is quite high.
If the claimant bothered to read the threads before making any claims, they would realize that they will be subjected to questions, and demands for proof.
They may want to remain safe, their identity unknown, however, if they go so far as to make the claim in a public forum, then they would know in advance any risks associated with such an action.
We may have been visited by time travelers, but these people know how to blend in, by NOT revealing to anyone on a public forum that they are indeed from some other period in time.
They post as a regular member(s)...and no one will probably ever know they are interacting with the time traveler(s).
I embedded messages within the God? Thread months ago. Nobody found them...and they were not even complex. Another member here was posting in code, everybody thought that member had gone bonkers, unless you recognized the "code".
If it is possible to do that...I can imagine what "REAL" time travelers would be capable of doing, without anyone being the wiser.