Greetings From the Future!

Shouldn't come as a surprise if you knew me personally. My grandparents came from England around the turn of the 20th century. Somewhere over there I still have some relatives, but I don't know who they are. My cousin has been doing our genealogy for a few years to see who and what she can find out about our ancestors. I also studied British Institutions when I was in college and have watched a few of the programs that cover England on History Channel. I would not be at all surprised that the Queen would follow precedent that made her the Queen! No self-respecting monarch would put a scandal (or a commoner) on the throne to rule. And even though no one has fussed over Camilla, she will never be queen as Diana would have been. Bonnie Prince Charlie has been a red herring for quite awhile. The only reason she hasn't made any gestures yet to hand over that throne to her son is that she indeed waited to get an heir by him to put on that throne over him. William, for all intents and puposes, will probably be the next and last true king of England. (Diana's family is in the long line of the Camelot legend--and Holy Blood Holy Grail fame. They own the island that is Avalon!) And I do feel he could be usurped. Then the end will come. I do believe we are waiting for the tribulation and second coming. And we don't have much longer to wait. After all, we are seeing the second to the last Pope. The last one is just around the corner. And his name shall be Peter.

I doubt very much we are ever going to get a time traveler telling us that the king's second coming arrived. In fact, one has already told us he never showed up. But that is a falsehood. Right now from the experts I follow with this mideast BS going on over there right now, they have stated as of today! EVERYTHING is in place, including Russia which is poised to align itself in a war with Iran, et. al. AND that the city of Babylon is not yet finished, but Sadaam Hussein had for the last 20 years tried to rebuild it for his capital city. NOW, there is a blue print plan out there as soon as the Iraq War is over to make it the next DISNEY WORLD. And if you don't think that fits right into the scenario the Bible has for Babylon, I don't know what does.

So, maybe I'm not as gullible as I sounded in my earlier posts?? I come from Hillary Clinton country and you had better believe they are heating up the possiblity of her running with a lot of ads and people on TV saying she could run. If you saw Bill Clinton's interview a few weeks ago, he all but said she was going to--they were just weighing all the possibilities for right now to see if it was the right thing for her to do. Notice he didn't get his UN job! South Korea did. So, he could be waiting in the wings for that, too, when she is prez.

As for me, I'm waiting for the right time traveler to come along to tell me exactly what is going to happen and when it did. I already know what. I just want to know when it will. And if you all were smart, you would read up on a few chapters yourself! And you don't even need to decipher a Bible Code to know. It's right there in plain sight for all to see and to read!

Have a GREAT day! Falzon--come quickly. I am still waiting for a few more of your wits and wisdoms to hand down to us. And I do hope you are for real!
Hello Every one. I don't know anything about Falcon.

But I am The Real deal. I am a Time traveler from the year 3050 AD. How I got Here Simple, by wearing a belt that engulf me in a cocoon of electromagnetic waves, by adjusting the wave to the time frequency of a particular era, you are instantly tansported there. I am from South America, I brought a quantity of Gold and Diamonds so I can support my self.

My main pupose here in your time line is to gather seeds that are non-gmo. You see in the future we nealy starved, because of genetic manipulation of plants that produced hybrids that did not reproduce. Something like Monsanto and the Terminator seeds they are trying to sell.

Any how ask me any question about your time, and I will answer truthfully. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
so you are a time post the picture of time machine and see if you are telling the truth about yourself without your face in it...if you don't have a picture of it then you are a fake and get lost..write back.
Any how ask me any question about your time, and I will answer truthfully.
All righty then. You did say to ask any question, so here goes:

Question: Why do you, an alleged time traveler, feel the need to claim you are a time traveler? How does your choice to do this align with your ultimate INTENTIONS for your alleged time travel journey?

Sorry, that's two... but you didn't limit the questions you said you would answer. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
if you don't have a picture of it then you are a fake and get lost..write back.
Wow. Now if *I* were to use these words, all of the "morality police" on this site would come down on me as being.....rude, or evil, or dark, or negative, or abusive, or insulting... or any other number of negative judgments against my character.

But I know that Warrior isn't any of these, so I wouldn't bother to judge him as such. He's just looking for proof, as anyone with common sense would. You go Warrior. Our techniques may not always agree, but I think we are both looking for validation of claims.

Hello RealDeal,

I trust your trip here was pleasant? If you do happen to have any lingering residual effects, see RainmanTime. He has this really super fabulous cure-all for a host of time traveling maladies.

I do have a question for you. There seems to be a lot a TT hoaxers here (I'm not 100% positive you understand, but I keep getting this nagging suspicion). I'm not going to rail you with proof demanding responses. Instead, I would like to know this:

You are the REALDEAL, right? If you are an AverageJoe, such as myself, perusing a time travel website, how would you determine if someone claiming to be a time traveler was The-Real-Deal?

(I can't help but thinking that a TT questionnaire/form for this site would be feasible? Has it been attempted and proven contrary?)
Great! What kind of questions are you really able to answer for us? History? Literature? Personal? If you can answer questions for our near future: I've got two in my head right now. Which city in the US will get nuked first? and Who's the woman prez JT spoke of and when is she elected? My third question is more local history for me. Will New York Governor Pataki be indicted for campaign fraud and if so, what is exactl the reason? Thanks in advance.
I was wondering...
Great! What kind of questions are you really able to answer for us?
...why you immediately assume (and thus give the alleged TT an "out") that he cannot answer certain questions? I mean, he did say he would answer ALL questions, right? It would almost seem as if your reply was to help "set the stage" for his story. (But I am sure that never happens here!)

In any event, I would be amused to see if he answers any of your questions, and even more amused to see how Time and history bear out any of his "predictions".


Finally a time traveler comes along that has peaked my curiousity. I would like you to elaborate on the electromagnetic wave signature. I am very curious as to how this electromagnetic wave would appear on an oscilloscope.
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif I just want to know if KFC taste the same in 3050.

[/quote]I used to be indecisive, now i just don't know.
"Question: Why do you, an alleged time traveler, feel the need to claim you are a time traveler? How does your choice to do this align with your ultimate INTENTIONS for your alleged time travel journey?"

First I will not discuss the scientific details of TIME TRAVEL, AND THAT GOES FOR PICTURES. Here are the reasons The Science of Time Travel is TOP SECRET for your time line. I am not allowed to give information, it is like asking a scientist at DOD, to give out information about a NUCLEAR BOMB, then call him a liar when he refuses to comply.

Now to answer your question above. First question because I am human, and I feel the need to talk in limited fashion, and to use this forum to communicate my true identity, it is fun of sorts. Remember I cannot talk to the man in the street that I am a time traveler, I cannot publicly give away that seceret about me. So posting here is sort of secret and relives me of the burden of this terrible secret, whilst I move amoungst you all.

Second question It does not Align to my Intentions. I do it on my free time as a sort of tress reliver, and also to observe your reactions, and share limited information. It is the only way I can talk openly about my secret. Why? Because I am Human, and feel the need to do so.

Now on to other questions asked privately. There are no age limit where I come from, we have conquered the ageing process, no one dies from old age anymore. Yes we DIE but not from Old Age.
I am 150 years young.

More questions? please ask. :oops:
My American Lit. instructor, when administering an essay test, would give the simple instruction, "Say something significant." So here's the PB test:

Say something significant that we do not yet know.

Second by second the clock ticks away and disorder in the universe increases. But changes often occur in ways we cannot predict from the present. In the future the language will be different, the expressions will be different, the way of thinking will be--must be--detectably different.
Although I am as certain as certain can be that you story is bovine post-digestive hay fiber, I would be delighted to be wrong.

The problem with predicting the next president is that you will have been long gone before it happens and no one will bother to remember if you were right or wrong.

Why is there this urge to pretend to be from the future? Why do we feel the need to prove such claims wrong?
"Question: Why do you, an alleged time traveler, feel the need to claim you are a time traveler? How does your choice to do this align with your ultimate INTENTIONS for your alleged time travel journey?"

First I will not discuss the scientific details of TIME TRAVEL, AND THAT GOES FOR PICTURES. Here are the reasons The Science of Time Travel is TOP SECRET for your time line. I am not allowed to give information, it is like asking a scientist at DOD, to give out information about a NUCLEAR BOMB, then call him a liar when he refuses to comply.

Now to answer your question above. First question because I am human, and I feel the need to talk in limited fashion, and to use this forum to communicate my true identity, it is fun of sorts. Remember I cannot talk to the man in the street that I am a time traveler, I cannot publicly give away that seceret about me. So posting here is sort of secret and relives me of the burden of this terrible secret, whilst I move amoungst you all.

Second question It does not Align to my Intentions. I do it on my free time as a sort of tress reliver, and also to observe your reactions, and share limited information. It is the only way I can talk openly about my secret. Why? Because I am Human, and feel the need to do so.

Now on to other questions asked privately. There are no age limit where I come from, we have conquered the ageing process, no one dies from old age anymore. Yes we DIE but not from Old Age.
I am 150 years young.

More questions? please ask.

yeah I have more question for you?? you did lie again you don't a time travel machine you just a dreamer who wish to have a time travel machine....just like us....also you did not respond my queston if you don't post picture of time travel machine with your mask on then you a fake why should we believe in you?? fake a fake person..get LOST!!! loser.. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

First I will not discuss the scientific details of TIME TRAVEL, AND THAT GOES FOR PICTURES. Here are the reasons The Science of Time Travel is TOP SECRET for your time line. I am not allowed to give information, it is like asking a scientist at DOD, to give out information about a NUCLEAR BOMB, then call him a liar when he refuses to comply.

The problem with your answer here is that a scientist (or other person) at DOD who has a legal and moral obligation not to disclose secret information is also constrained from makinf any comments in public about that which is secret.

You, not the forum, chose to make certain "telling" comments about time travel. That's a tip off.

So I'll ask you this:

Quote, verbatim, the statute that prevents your disclosing of specific details about the science behind "time travel".
<font color="blue"> [/COLOR] "1. Where from? How old?

2. What does your time machine look like and what does it do in general?

3. What kind of races do you have in your timeline also what kind of transportation and entertainment do you have as well?"

My time machine looks like a broad belt, with a large belt buckle. It is actually a computer, more powerful than your present day Super-computers. It is actually a Quantum Computer, it intefaces with wearer's energy field. I CANNOT GO INTO SPECIFICS.

Believe it or not, we have race horses too. But we also have other races like running. And tecnical races useing advanced machines that look like your cars.
Our basic tranportation is a GC, short for Graviton Car. This is a car without wheels, as it does not need them, since it has Antigravity devices. We can travel about 10 inches above the roads--cheap modles. Our roads have a special mixture in the aspalt that makes it jet black, and helps in the anti-gravity of the car.
The more expensive modles, you can go up about 1,500 feet up in the air, and travel off the roads. Go any where you want. WE can travel up 500 miles an hour in our cars, no need to fear collusion as there are computers preventing your car from crashing.
These cars run on Fusion Energy. And of course there are other types of energy systems that the more advanced types run on.
The regular run of the mill cars, use water as the fusion scource, and one tank of water can last you about six months of continuos use. WE USE THE WATER IN OUR CARS TO DRING FROM TOO, so we are never thirsty on the road. Our cars comes in all sizes shapes and colors. AND LOADED with stuff I cannot even begin to describe. We have refigerators, etc in our cars, plus navigating computers stc.

Well for Entertainment it will sound like Alice in Wonderland to you, we have HOLOGRAFIC Television--that is 3 dimensions. Music is 3 dimensions too it surrounds you.

And of course we have plays where humans and robots perform.
My favorite entertainment is a head band, that you put on, that allows you to experience both physically and mentally what someone else is doing. For example if a man is having sex, you can experience everything he does, his feelings, his pleasure etc just as if it is your own body is doing the act.
or if he is jumpimg off a cliff, or dancing, etc.

MY DEAR DARBY, our laws forbade interfaring in your time line in such away as to affect it in a significant manner. Our laws forbade me to share certain tecnological break thrus. I am not a lawyer so I cannot quote specific statutes. I DO KNOW THE PUNNISHMENT IS DEATH--not only to me, but to the individual or individuals I share forbidden knlowdge with.

By the end of this month I will be gone. I am going backto the 1700's to collect specfic seeds etc.
So ask your questions now.
Puzzled ? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Let share me a little more. Since time is like a road to my culture that we travel on. We have set up way stations across time. Let me explain, we send agents to all time spans at 50 years interval. These agents develop friendships, buy properties etc and even run small enterprises. NO ONE SUSPECTS THEY ARE FROM THE FUTURE.

So when we travel across time, we get all the support and help needed in any time period, plus information.

Have you ever wonder of absent owners who pay the bills on time?

ENOUGH SAID. Ask me questions, I have only this month in your time line.

WE DO NOT INDULGE IN POLITICS ETC. Because if we interfare we change our future. :oops:

Well let me tell you, we have agents amoung some of the indian tribes. So going back is not a problem.

I will not go in details. I have spilled enough beans.

Another thing it is to my advantge you do not believe me, because it won't affect the time line, and even if you believe the effect on the time line is insignificant. :D
Real Deal,


Oh, yes. That was the very first question that popped into my mind. I've been pining away impartiently for you to answer the question, "Why didn't RealDeal get killed by the Indians or settlers in the 1700's?"

And so, when you said "agents" it became very clear. I thought "Ah-ha! Agents...of course."

Do the Agents share in the signing bonus?

You say, "I feel the need to talk in limited fashion, and to use this forum to communicate my true identity, it is fun of sorts."

Do people become masochists in the future? Or do you view yourself as the sacrificial lamb? How can this be "fun" for you?

My sense of amusement in this forum comes from watching the others here creatively dismantle TT hoaxers. (you guys do it so well!)

Now, I do know that there are a lot of people out there that gain a great deal of pleasure from manipulating others. When I say manipulation, I'm saying withholding information deliberately for the purpose of manuevering oneself into a greater postion of power or to avoid a perceived personal negative experience.

Whatever happened to the right to make an informed decision?