Greetings from 2039


2004 MN4 is not a comet. It is an asteriod.

How did that "tomorrow experiment" work out on the Time Travel Portal board work out for you?
Listen, my time with you is almost at an end. A part of me really do not wish to go. But I fear I may have done some damage in this timeline. Ofcourse, you will never know the changes that I might have made. But I certainly will. It will be very interesting to see what 2039 will bring once I return.
Between you, John Titor and the rest of the time travellers that have been posting here, thanks for messing things up. Maybe, y'all should just let things alone and let the timelines take there natural course.
Requesting asylum

Being both in complete possesion of my rational faculties and physically healthy, I am hereby request temporal asylum for reasons of needing to remove myself of where and when I do not belong.

Suicide being the final option, I expect rescue from my current situation to be well granted as soon as possible.

To all and any time travellers or any one with a working (or even defunct) temporal displacement translator or causality violator, please accept my plead and rescue me.

Under the guidelines of providing aid and due consideration for requests of temporal asylum, I hereby formally declare acknowledgment that there are those who are capable of violating causality and formally request their assistance. (My formal request absovles any causality violator from any assumption of their interferring with the assumed natural flow of time or history.)

Assuming that you are fully capable of temporal displacement or violating causality, I expect to reply before I am ready to submit my location for collection/departure.

Please, reply sooner than later.

Thank you.
Re: Requesting asylum

Dear Xavier, no you didn't.

I refer to this posting board, as pissed-in phone booth, as nobody really cares what you post here.

I'm a physics undergrad student. I have just joined the forum. I wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your comebacks to these "time travelers" on this forum. Keep up the good work. I will, from time to time, chime in.

Re: Requesting asylum


As an undergrad in physics and astrophysics I would be delighted to hear replies to some of the earlier questions.

1. Given postion vectors, what do the first and second derivatives mean?
For instance if you had the position vector [t^2, e^t, te^t], what is the first derivative and what does it mean? What is the second derivative and what does it mean?
2.What is the dot product of [1,2,3] and [4,5,6] ? Is this a vector or a scaler?
3.What is the angle between the above items?

Re: Requesting asylum

I am still here. But can no longer comment about my mission. I can answer yes or no questions but that is about it.

My field? - (Microbiology)
Re: Requesting asylum

I am still here.
Ugh. Thanks for the warning.
But can no longer comment about my mission.
As if you provided any significant comments about it to begin with? You didn't.
I can answer yes or no questions but that is about it.
Will you now cease your silly (and weak) hoax? (NOTE: Yes or No will be fine)
My field? - (Microbiology)
You just violated what you said above. (NOTE: This is not a Yes or No answer.) (NOTE to the NOTE: Yes/No answers are conveniently unable to establish any substantiating evidence for why we should take you at all seriously.)

This ranks lower than Chronohistorian's hoax, and that is saying a LOT about how unconvincing you are!
Re: Requesting asylum

XC, in the creation of the nutrition deficient of the future, it was never figured that if a human was killed by radiation alone, that he would reanimate.

And in the reanimation, since her had died of gross radiation poisoning, that a key enzyme, that would cover the digestion of either plants or animals.

Since these people died of radiation poisoning alone and reanimated, they needed to have their protein live, from other humans.

Yes this is true or not this is not true?
Where to start????
I suppose at the beginning.
First of all...Welcome to the year 2006 Xaviercage.
2ndly...It's strange how i came to be here to begin with. This all started off for me entering a philosophical debate about i believe what is known as "The Grandfather Paradox". If it is refered to as something different, i ask that i be corrected by anyone who knows.
Shortly after that debate, (for kicks and giggles only) i googled Time Travel in forums and ended up here. At first, i saw the Name John Titor and figured i would pursue my research from there. Then i came accross your titled post and began to read every single post. First bracing myself for what i may read and then proceeding on from there.
I tried to understand all that was being asked and responses given. Granted, i like science, but dont fully comprehend anything above about a 9th or 10th grade level without research. i get the general idea though. also i would like to state that i have trouble articulating myself at times beg those who are more capable of intellectual thought for their forgiveness up front, but i could not Not put a post in after all that i read.
now that we've all that out of the way...
You stated you had a mission objective.
What is it? if you want, answer this philosophically so as not to infect your timeline/worldline or whatever it is called.
2ndly...understand xavier that whatever answers you reveal about our future will not affect yours. just by returning in time and interacting, you have already altered the time you are from. no harm can come from answering any question at this point, because the world you are from, you will no return to. in a sense, you will return to alternate dimension that you created yourself by your own alterations. i do not know if you will remember what things used to be like. that is for the Phycisists (sp?) to decide. So please...not for the sake of the human race or anything else...just answer. If you have already made alterations by interaction, the world you return to won't know it anyway.

Please respond

Re: Requesting asylum

XC, in the creation of the nutrition deficient of the future, it was never figured that if a human was killed by radiation alone, that he would reanimate.

And in the reanimation, since her had died of gross radiation poisoning, that a key enzyme, that would cover the digestion of either plants or animals.

Since these people died of radiation poisoning alone and reanimated, they needed to have their protein live, from other humans.

Yes this is true or not this is not true?


just answer. If you have already made alterations by interaction, the world you return to won't know it anyway.


I will only answer "YES" or "NO" questions.
Report of time travel logs content.

In the relaying of the said John Titor monologs, there is the statement said by mythical Titor, (Don't go more, than a mile, near a hungry man).

The information from the multipurpose FVZA association, which may be filtered news, the lock-on for a viral zomboid ex-person, locking on via a given body odor scent, is approximalty one mile in distance.

Viral zombism, as by what is told, is remarkably similar in reporting, to chronic methamphetamine users, as the after effects, mimic each other brain sections, almost exactly.

The difference with viral zombieism, is that a key enzymatic, is knocked out by the complete viral process.

So the zombie, must sustain flesh, that is live.

It is thought, after a full nuclear exchange, that surface people, caught in the golden zone; or placed where they receive massive amounts of indirect radiation, however their bodies are not harmed in any way, may by chance reanimate.
aka "The T-Virus"
A warning in the thread:

Im only going to say this once, with a very stern warning.

Please, on all information within these threads, either do an exhaustive web search, or take a number of books out from the library.

Say if the John Titor sayings do come to pass.And there is, like I am postulating, a golden zone, in which once living bodies reanimate, to a lower level of subsistence.

Say you and your family should survive what is projected to come and are merely walking along into a deserted town, only to have your daughter attacked right before your eyes and have a piece of her arm eaten off?

My postings, then, are not so much of a joke.

Remember, it was the churches who covered up both werewolf and plague vampire reports, from the 16 and 1700s.

I read up on this and found that vampires, as a plague, were entirely real.

These were town reports, that somehow had gotten rescued from censure.

Through this work, I found out in a book, simply titled, Vampires, Case Studies In Vampires, because of partial recidivism in a young autistic girl, biting through the webbing on her handlers neck, that the vampire plagues were real.

There are many reports, on these past happenings.

Don't be fooled into thinking that your future government, will be caring anything about you.This possably, as beast from the future are attacking you and your governmentis going to help you out?

The job of those who harass on these web sites, is to block the flow of information off, so as to calm you.

This is fine and good; however if you should survive to the future and this comenstance does occur, they wont be there to beat a new sort of zombie off of you, as its eating your loved ones, right in front of your eyes.