The job of those who harass on these web sites, is to block the flow of information off, so as to calm you.
Am I here to harass? No
To block information? No, In fact, I am a type of information aficionado.
Do I believe that Zombies will run aimlessly around the face of the earth, eating other people? No
Do I believe in Boomer? No
Am I here to discuss politics? No
In agreement with RMT, you cannot base your facts around gossip. Maybe we will have zombies eating other people in 15 years, I am not one to debate the future. Maybe the govt. will help if this is the case. Maybe we should look at this upcoming threat of Avian Flu that is ever present in the world today and see how our govt. reacts?
Due to the wealth of information provided by the internet, any typical browser can access information that is both very true and very false. Ex: Any information regarding Titor would be looked at as false by many people, especially on this forum. Therefore, the information he provided does not have any germane circumstances pertaining to the future. Thus concluding, your zombie idea is very "far fetched" and I pointed out that this idea reminded me of the movie/game, Resident Evil.
The background on Resident Evil was that this corporation (umbrella), fixated with making the perfect human, created a virus called The T-Virus. They injected this virus into sample people and also had it in a laboratory underground. The container holding the T-Virus fell to the ground and broke thus making the security system quaratine the area. To make a long story short, the cp system killed everyone and then they came back to life as zombies (because of the T-Virus in their system). A special force group had to go in and see what happened, yada yada yada, they got trapped and then escaped.
It just seems that you get a lot of your basic ideas from movies and I thought you would enjoy that I found relevance to your idea and Resident Evil. If you took that the wrong way, then I am sorry.
Have a good day!